Suggest: Non RDBMS database for a noob - database

For a new application based on Erlang, Python, we are thinking of trying out a non-RDBMS database(just for the sake of it). Some of the databases I've researched are Mongodb, CouchDB, Cassandra, Redis, Riak, Scalaris). Here is a list of simple requirements.
Ease of development - I need to make a quick proof-of-concept demo. So the database needs to have good adapters for Eralang and Python.
I'm working on a new application where we have lots of "connected" data. Somebody recommended Neo4j for graph-like data. Any ideas on that?
Scalable - We are looking at a distributed architecture, hence scalability is important.
For the moment performance(in any form) isn't exactly on top of my list, and I don't think we'll be hitting the limitations of any of the above mentioned databases anytime soon.
I'm just looking for a starting point for non-RDBMS database. Any recommendations?

We have used Mnesia in building an Enterprise Application. Mnesia when in a mode where the tables are Fragmented performs at its best because it would not have table size limits. Mnesia has performed well for the last 1 year and is still on. We have around 15 million records per table on the average and around 24 tables in a given database Schema.
I recommend mnesia Database especially the one that comes shipped within Erlang 14B03 at the website. We have used CouchDB and Membase Server ( some parts of the system but mnesia is the main data storage (primary storage). Backups have been automated very well and the system scales well against increasing size of data yet tables running under many checkpoints. Its distribution, auto-replication and Complex Data Model enabled us to build the application very quickly without worrying about replication, scalability and fail-over / take-over of systems.
Mnesia Scales well and it's schema can be configured and changes while the database is running. Tables can be moved, copied, altered e.t.c while the system is live. Generally, it has all features of powerful systems built on top of Erlang/OTP. When you google mnesia DBMS, you will get a number of books and papers that will tell you more.
Most importantly, our application is Web based, powered by Yaws web server ( and we are impressed with Mnesia's performance. Its record look up speeds are very good and the system feels so light yet renders alot of data. Do give mnesia a try and you will not regret it.
EDIT: To quickly use it in your application, look at the answer given here

Ease of development - I need to make a quick proof-of-concept demo. So the database needs to have good adapters for Eralang and Python.
Riak is written in Erlang => speaks Erlang natively
I'm working on a new application where we have lots of "connected" data. Somebody recommended Neo4j for graph-like data. Any ideas on that?
Neo4j is great for "connected" data. It has Python bindings, and some Erlang adapters How to Use Neo4j From Erlang. Thing to note, Neo4j is not as easy to Scale Out, at least for free. But.. it is fully transactional ( even JTA ), it persists things to disk, it is baked into Spring Data.
Scalable - We are looking at a distributed architecture, hence scalability is important.
For the moment performance(in any form) isn't exactly on top of my list, and I don't think we'll be hitting the limitations of any of the above mentioned databases anytime soon.
I believe given your input, Riak would be the best choice for you:
Written in Erlang
Naturally Distributed
Very easy to develop for/with
Lots of features ( secondary indicies, virtual nodes, fully modular, pluggable persistence [LevelDB, Bitcask, InnoDB, flat file, etc.. ], extremely reliable, built in full text search, etc.. )
Has an extremely passionate and helpful community with Basho backing it up


DB recommendation - Portable, Concurrent (multiple read only, one write)

I'm looking for a portable database solution I can use with a website that is designed to handle service outages. I need to nightly retrieve a list of users from SQL Server and upsert their details into a portable database. It's roughly about 250,000 users (and growing) and each one has probably 25 fields that are required. Of those fields, i'd say less than 5 need to be searched on. The rest just need retrieving.
The idea is, in times of a service outage, we can use a website that's designed to work from the portable database rather than SQL Server. Our long term goal, is to move to the cloud and handle things in an entirely different way, but for the short term this is our aim.
The website is going to be a .Net Core web api so will be being accessed by multiple users in multiple threads. The website will only ever need read access, it will not be updating these details what-so-ever.
To keep the portable database up-to-date i'm thinking of having another application that just runs nightly to update the data. Our business is 24 hours (albeit quieter overnight), so there is a potential this updater is in use while the website is in use. While service outage would assume the SQL Server is down, this may not be the case. There are other factors in play that could cause what we would describe as outages. This will be the only piece of software updating the database.
I've tried using LiteDB but I couldn't get it working in a way that worked with my concurrency requirements. It did seem to do some of the job, and was easy to get running. However, i'd often run into locked files due to the nature of web api. I did work out a solution for that, but then the updater app couldn't access the database file.
Does anyone have any recommendations I can look into?
Given the description of the problem (1 table, 250k rows with - I assume - relative fast growth rate) and requirements, I don't think a relational database is what you are looking for.
I think nosql databases, or, more specifically, document oriented databases are more fitted to meet your requirements. There are many choices: Mongo, Cassandra, CouchDB, ... the choice is yours.
Personally I have some experience with ElasticSearch (, that is quite easy to learn, is portable (runs on Linux, Windows, Containers, etc...), is scalable, and it is fast. I mean, really, really fast, you can get results in 10-20 milliseconds (even less, sometimes).
The NEST nuget package acts as a high level client for working with ElasticSearch (

To CouchDB or not to?

Note: (I have investigated CouchDB for sometime and need some actual experiences).
I have an Oracle database for a fleet tracking service and some status here are:
100 GB db
Huge insertion/sec (our received messages)
Reliable replication (via Oracle streams on 4 servers)
Heavy complex queries.
Now the question: Can CouchDB be used in this case?
Note: Why I thought of CouchDB?
I have read about it's ability to scale horizontally very well. That's very important in our case.
Since it's schema free we can handle changes more properly since we have a lot of changes in different tables and stored procedures.
Edit I:
I need transactions too. But I can tolerate other solutions too. And If there is a little delay in replication, that would be no problem IF it is guaranteed.
You are enjoying the following features with your database:
Using it in production
The data is naturally relational (related to itself)
Huge insertion rate (no MVCC concerns)
Complex queries
These are all reasons not to switch to CouchDB.
Of course, the story is not so simple. I think you have discovered what many people never learn: complex problems require complex solutions. We cannot simply replace our database and take the rest of the month off. Sure, CouchDB (and BigCouch) supports excellent horizontal scaling (and cross-datacenter replication too!) but the cost will be rewriting a production application. That is not right.
So, where can CouchDB benefit you?
I suggest that you begin augmenting your application with CouchDB applications. Deploy CouchDB, import your data into it, and build non mission-critical applications. See where it fits best.
For your project, these are the key CouchDB strengths:
It is a small, simple tool—easy for you to set up on a workstation or server
It is a web server. It integrates very well with your infrastructure and security policies.
For example, if you have a flexible policy, just set it up on your LAN
If you have a strict network and firewall policy, you can set it up behind a VPN, or with your SSL certificates
With that step done, it is very easy to access now. Just make http or http requests. Whether you are importing data from Oracle with a custom tool, or using your web browser, it's all the same.
Yes! CouchDB is an app server too! It has a built-in administrative app, to explore data, change the config, etc. (like a built-in phpmyadmin). But for you, the value will be building admin applications and reports as simple, traditional HTML/Javascript/CSS applications. You can get as fancy or as simple as you like.
As your project grows and becomes valuable, you are in a great position to grow, using replication
Either expand the core with larger CouchDB clusters
Or, replicate your data and applications into different data centers, or onto individual workstations, or mobile phones, etc. (The strategy will be more obvious when the time comes.)
CouchDB gives you a simple web server and web site. It gives you a built-in web services API to your data. It makes it easy to build web apps. Therefore, CouchDB seems ideal for extending your core application, not replacing it.
I don't agree with this answer..
I think CouchDB suits especially well fleet tracking use case, due to their distributed nature. Moreover, the unreliable nature of gprs connections used for transmitting position data, makes the offline-first paradygm of couchapps the perfect partner for your application.
For uploading data from truck, Insertion-rate can take a huge advantage from couchdb replication and bulk inserts, especially if performed on ssd-based couchdb hosting.
For downloading data to truck, couchdb provides filtered replication, allowing each truck to download only the data it really needs, instead of the whole database.
Regarding complex queries, NoSQL database are more flexible and can perform much faster than relation databases.. It's only a matter of structuring and querying your data reasonably.

Should I choose relational or non-relation database for social-network like app

I'm in the process of choosing database for my application. I have been using MySQL for the longest time but for my current application Performance and Scalability is important and I know MySQL has its limitation and I have been hearing a lot about key-value stores, column-based DBs and document-based DBs and others. I have looked into:
They all seem (or claim) to be faster than relational DBs such as MySQL.
I'm using Ruby on Rails and there are clients for all the above so it shouldn't be a problem.
My data model is simple for the most part which is centered on a user object(with rich profile and preferences) related to different items such as photos, videos, posts...etc and each one of these has one tag or more.
The fact that these databases are new there doesn't seem to be a lot of resources for them online. Plus they are in a way structurally different so it will not be trivial to switch from one to another later.
I wish you can give me your input on what DB you think would be most suit my application that will have good performance and scale.
Step 1) Create your design using whatever technology you are strongest with.
Step 2) Release your social network, begin on researching non-relational databases and master whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Step 3) Refactor your data tier so you could potentially replace MySQL quickly and easily with your newly learned DB technology.
Step 4) Wait for your website to become so big that the need to replace MySQL comes around and begin to plug the holes.
I know this seems kind of cheeky, but really my point is just release your software and start to worry about scale etc. when it actually becomes a concern.
The primary benefit of something like a document database, at least for your app, is that you can treat the entire User glob of info as a single document. You don't have to worry about adding table for properties, or new features, or whatever, rather you can keep the bulk of it in the user document and update it dynamically.
For read often, write rarely, this works a treat.
Now you don't need a "document database" to do something like this. MySQL et al will work just fine with a primary key and a CLOB (text) / BLOB field to hold the document.
Where something like CouchDB (the one that I'm most familiar with in this space) can help is that it has well supported replication, and it's straightforward to create views on specific attributes of the documents (for example, you want all "premiere" members, or whatever).
Plus, since CouchDB is HTTP, it works well with the modern caches and such that are available, which can help you in scaling, especially in, again, read heavy operations.
A lot of this is more about overall architecture than actual tools, so make sure you consider that first.
There is also Tokyo Cabinet which is used by some large sites.
I have not yet used on but my understanding is that when site like Twitter need to turn large numbers of messages round very quickly the overhead of the RDBMS is just to great and starts to slow the response times down significantly.
What you would need to do is look at the advantages you get from an RDBMS and weigh that against it's speed then do the same in reverse for a nosql type database.
RDBMS's give you a standard, they give you security, integrity and a general purpose language based on sets to make data manipulation easier. However if you do not need all or any of that structure you are loosing out on speed.
Prior to SQL was CODASYL and network databases. SQL took ove because of portability and transferability of skills etc. But i think the mobile wired world is changing this and it would be worth investigating.

What is the production ready NonSQL database?

With the rising of non-sql database usage in high traffic website, I'm interested to use it for my project. Now I've heard several names like Voldermort, MongoDB and CouchDB. But which are among these NonSQL database that is production ready? I've seen the download pages and it seems that none of them is production ready because is not version 1.0 yet. Is there any other names other than these 3 that is recommendable to be used in production?
What do you mean by production ready? As far as I know, all of them are being used on live systems.
You should make your choice based on how the features they provide fit your needs.
You can also add Tokyo Cabinet to the list as well as the mnesia database provided by the Erlang VM.
I think you need to start out from your project requirements to see what kind of database you really need. There are many non-relational DBMS:s out there and they differ a lot in what kind of problems they are good at solving. I think the article Should you go Beyond Relational Databases? by Martin Kleppmann is a good starting point for finding out what you need. There's also a lot of stackoverflow threads on similar topics, these are my favorites:
The Next-gen Databases
Non-Relational Database Design
When shouldn’t you use a relational
Good reasons NOT to use a relational
When you have narrowed down what you actually need you can take a deeper look into the alternatives to see which DBMS are production ready for your use case. Production readiness isn't a yes/no thing: people may successfully deploy some solution that for example lacks in tool support - in another project this could be a no-go.
As for version numbers different projects have a different take on this, so you can't just compare the version numbers. I'm involved in the graph database project Neo4j and even if it has been in production use for 5+ years by now we still haven't released a version 1.0 final yet.
I'm tempted to answer "use SIRA_PRISE".
It's definitely non-SQL.
And its current version is 1.2, meaning that someone like you must definitely assume it's "production-ready".
But perhaps I shouldn't be answering at all.
Nice article comparing rdbms with 'next gen' and listing some providers:
Is the Relational Database Doomed?
I will suggest you to use Arangodb.
ArangoDB is a multi-model mostly-memory database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs. It is designed as a “general purpose database”, offering all the features you typically need for modern web applications.
ArangoDB is supposed to grow with the application—the project may start as a simple single-server prototype, nothing you couldn’t do with a relational database equally well. After some time, some geo-location features are needed and a shopping cart requires transactions. ArangoDB’s graph data model is useful for the recommendation system. The smartphone app needs a lean API to the back-end—this is where Foxx, ArangoDB’s integrated Javascript application framework, comes into play.
Another unique feature is ArangoDB’s query language AQL — it makes querying powerful and convenient. AQL enables you to describe complex filter conditions and joins in a readable format, much in the same way as SQL.
You can model your data in several ways:
in key/value pairs
as collections of documents
as graphs with nodes, edges, and properties for both
You can access data in ArangoDB:
using the general HTTP REST API via curl/wget, or your browser
via the ArangoDB shell (“arangosh”)
using a programming language specific client library
Server requirements for ArangoDB:
ArangoDB runs on Linux, OS X and Microsoft Windows.
It runs on 32bit and 64bit systems, though using a 32bit system will limit you to using only approximately 2 to 3 GB of data with ArangoDB.

voldemort vs. couchdb

I am trying to decide whether to use voldemort or couchdb for an upcoming healthcare project. I want a storage system that has high availability , fault tolerance, and can scale for the massive amounts of data being thrown at it.
What is the pros/cons of each?
Project Voldemort looks nice, but I haven't looked deeply into it so far.
In it current state CouchDB might not be the right thing for "massive amounts of data". Distributing data between nodes and routing queries accordingly is on the roadmap but not implemented so far. The biggest known production setups of CouchDB use "tables" ("databases" in couch-speak) of about 200G.
HA is not natively supported by CouchDB but can build easily: All CouchDB nodes are replicating the database nodes between each other in a multi-master setup. We put two Varnish proxies in front of the CouchDB machines and the Varnish boxes are made redundant with CARP. CouchDBs "build from the Web" design makes such things very easy.
The most pressing issue in our setup is the fact that there are still issues with the replication of large (multi MB) attachments to CouchDB documents.
I suggest you also check the traditional RDBMS route. There are huge issues with available talent outside the RDBMS approach and there are very capable offerings available from Oracle & Co.
Not knowing enough from your question, I would nevertheless say Project Voldemort or distributed hash tables (DHTs) like CouchDB in general are a solution to your problem of HA.
Those DHTs are very nice for high availability but harder to write code for than traditional relational databases (RDBMS) concerning consistency.
They are quite good to store document type information, which may fit nicely with your healthcare project but make development harder for data.
The biggest limitation of most stores is that they are not transactionally safe (See Scalaris for an transactionally safe store) and you need to ensure data consistency by yourself - most use read time consistency by merging conflicting data). RDBMS are much easier to use for consistency of data (ACID)
Joining data is much harder too. In RDBMs you can easily query data over several tables, you need to write code in CouchDB to aggregate data. For other stores Hadoop may be a good choice for aggregating information.
Read about BASE and the CAP theorem on consistency vs. availability.
Is memcacheDB an option? I've heard that's how Digg handled HA issues.
