A .c file collection with their main() in NetBeans - c

I'm using NetBeans 7.0.1 to learn C.
I have done all the pre-requisites to start compiling in NetBeans so I'm ok with that.
I have done a "HelloWorld.c" with a main() in it and it runs fine. But then I made "Another.c" with its respective main(). I got an error which describes that I have already declared a main().
How can I have a .c files collection in the same project with their respective mains? I'm doing this because I require the learning of the language since I switched some roles at work.
Is there a way so NetBeans can handle all the .c without a project? Or should i try this in Visual Studio 2010?

The problem is that you can only have one main() per executable, but you're compiling the two files into on executable. When it links them it's spotting that the main() function exists in both of the files it's linking together and consequently reports this.
The solution is to make netbeans build you two, separate executables from each file. The easiest way to do this is to simply make two independent projects.
There is also a slightly messy way of making this work within a single netbeans project, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a compelling reason. The other workaround would be to write your own makefile to build two binaries, instead of using the netbeans managed one.


How can I tell Netbeans I'm cross-compiling?

Please don't answer this as a "How do I cross-compile on Linux for Windows" question, I solved that part. I need some specific instruction on configuring Netbeans. Thank you.
I'm developing a set of C functions that I want to distribute as a .dll on Windows, and a .so on Linux. (This is going to be used from java as a JNI library, but that's irrelevant to the question).
Development environment is Netbeans 8.2.
I have gcc and mingw installed, and compiling my source code for both targets works.
However, I want to create NetBeans configurations "Linux-Release" and "Windows-Release", with Linux-Release using gcc to create the .so file, and Windows-Release using x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc. So I created a Mingw tools collection that refers to the mingw versions of the C compiler:
In my project properties, I created a Windows_Debug configuration, and told it to use the Mingw tool collection:
I can use this configuration to get a working Dll. However, the output file will be put into the dist/Windows_Debug/Mingw-Linux directory (not dist/Windows_Debug/Mingw-Windows as I'd like), and it's put there with a .so extension, not .dll. I can load this file on Windows when I rename it to .dll, but this will horribly confuse anyone I want to collaborate with.
Naively messing with the CND_DLIB_EXT macro in the generated Makefiles doesn't help at all, they just get overwritten.
I guess I have to either tell Netbeans that the Mingw Tool Collection compiles to Windows, or that the Windows_* configurations compile to Windows, so Netbeans sets the correct values for CND_* and the default output Macro
in the linker part of Project Properties works again. (Of course, as a workaround, I could just remove the variables from the macro, and replace them with appropriate constants, but I want to do this "right". I haven't found a way to tell Netbeans "this compiles to Windows" anywhere though, neither in the GUI nor in any of the config files. So, how do I do this?

C code compilation

i want to compile a 'c' code and create an executable from my application. as of now i do it by specifying the path of my compilation .exe (c++) present in the bin folder of my Dev-Cpp folder.
it works fine but i need to pack the compiler along with the application so i wanted to know what files and folders are needed so that i can compile it directly from the application.
what are the files needed exactly i.e. headers,the compilation application, libs and what else...
any help?
If you're asking how to create and distribute a project which is able to build upon an existing compiler for its functionality, there are packages you can find which are just the compiler portion without the IDE. Minimalist GNU for Windows is such a package:
(In fact, when the people who put together Dev-C++ wrote their integrated development environment, they get the actual compilation functionality from MinGW...which they bundled into their package for good measure. So if you were going to write an IDE of your own, you would start from the MinGW distribution...not by trying to hand-pick files out of Dev-C++.)
One issue to be sensitive to is licensing. While there are not generally any legal issues out of the box regarding distributing executables built with a system like MinGW, when you go as far as to include the compiler in your own "product", it might be tricky. Dev-C++ is under the same license as MinGW (GPL) but I'd imagine there'd be issues if it were not.
If you only need a subset of the full functionality (let's say you only compile C and not C++) there will be a lot of header files and such that you could cut out. But you have to trade off the difficulty of maintaining this sort of optimization vs. just having your program ask users to install MinGW and then tell your program where they installed it. It might take up more space and lead installation to be a two-step process...but frees you from a large number of concerns.
So that's what I would suggest: Have a setting in your program (much like Dev-C++ does) which lets people specify where the MinGW binaries are installed on their system. But let them install it independently.

How can I compile C files into an executable (.exe) file?

I am unsure about compiling C files into executables by using Cygwin under Windows 7.
Can anyone please tell me how to do this?
I've read some tutorials but still don't get it. I understand that I need a Makefile, but what shall I write into it to have an executable file after the compilation process?
For the beginning I would say it is enough to Install MinGW. If you have installed it you find in the bin folder a gcc.exe which is the Compiler. Either set the PATH Variable to the bin folder or go directly to this folder.
In terminal use:
gcc your_C_file.c
The output will be an exe.
There are several ways to compile c-files. Makefiles are just one possibility. But as you proposed it... Here are two tutorials for Makefiles:
http://mrbook.org/tutorials/make/ (Content from 2012 accessable via waybackmachine)
But note, that you will also need a compiler (installed under cygwin).
Another possibility is to use Dev-C++, a IDE (Integrated Developement Environment) for C++. Once installed you can create a project and add your source code, and just compile the project. It also contains a c++ compiler (also supports C), which is named mingw. The makefile needed is automatically generated. So that's simpler for beginners.
You can download Dev-Cpp here: http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html
Note: As you spoke about cygwin I assume you use Windows. Dev++ works only under windows, and you wont need cygwin.
Q: How can i compile c-files into an executable (.exe) file?
A: Get and use a C compiler.
GCC/Cygwin is one possibility. MS Visual Studio is another: you can download the free "MSVS Express" here: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/express.
How you interact with the compiler is another question.
You can certainly use a command line.
You can use a command line with or without "Make": you can let "Makefiles" do the "heavy lifting" for you, you can use .bat files, or you can type everything by hand.
Using a graphical IDE is another possibility. "Eclipse" and "MS Visual Studio" are two popular alternatives for Windows.
Even easier solution is A86 Assembler. Its old school but works perfectly, in the right hands ;)

Using PARI library for C

I've got all the source code for PARI, but i'm not sure how to use it/generate the pari library. Up to now, i've had to add a couple header files for things such as complex numbers using #include <complex.h>, so I figure it is the same idea for using PARI.
I add pari.h's path in my compiler and #include <pari.h> works, but creates a massive list of other errors including mostly "expected ')' before numeric constant" inside of paricfg.h.
I'm definitely doing it wrong. I know there's some semi-automated way to create a library file to import in using linux commands, but i'm using windows, and i'm not sure I can run the necessary files via cmd.
How can i utilize PARI?
Did you build the library before trying to use it? If you didn't, take a look at the INSTALL file or one of the README files.
To be able to build this type of library on Windows you'll need either MinGW or Cygwin. Although after a quick look at the README.WIN file, MinGW seems to be out of the question. You might also want to consider installing a Linux distro in a VM and using that to build and run your application.

compile c code in vs 2005

Is there an easy way to compile c code in visual studio 2005? Its been a while(2-3 years) since I've done any coding in either c or c++, but I remember that you used to be able ti, in vs 2003, compile c code in visual studio. I thought it was just a matter of using an empty project(rather than, say a c++ project or a C# project) and giving your file s a *.c extension. However, doing that, I can't seem to figure out how to compile. I'm sure I'm just doing something stupid or missing something obvious.
Ah, really makes me appreciate eclipse's auto compile that much more, which is my normal IDE since I use java for work on the day to day basis.
You can start with a C++ project, and just delete the default .cpp files and make your own .c files.
The project defaults to compiling according to the file's extension.
If your original C code does not involve any GUI elements, you probably should create a console project. BTW, posting your error messages should make the problem clearer.
I thought it was just a matter of using an empty project ...
When you use the IDE to say you want to create a new project, you'll be asked to choose what kind of project: assuming that your software includes the main function (not WinMain) then you ought to say that you want to create a project for a "Console application".
After you've created this new project, add your existing *.c files (and *.h files) to the project, and delete the default *.c file which was created automatically with the project.
