How to improve ESRI/ArcGIS database performance while maintaining normalization? - database

I work with databases containing spatial data. Most of these databases are in a proprietary format created by ESRI for use with their ArcGIS software. We store our data in a normalized data model within these geodatabases.
We have found that the performance of this database is quite slow when dealing with relationships (i.e. relating several thousand records to several thousand records can take several minutes).
Is there any way to improve performance without completely flattening/denormalizing the database or is this strictly limited by the database platform we are using?

There is only one way: measure. Try to obtain a query plan, and try to read it. Try to isolate a query from the logfile, edit it to an executable (non-parameterised) form, and submit it manually (in psql). Try to tune it, and see where it hurts.
Geometry joins can be costly in term of CPU, if many (big) polygons have to be joined, and if their bounding boxes have a big chance to overlap. In the extreme case, you'll have to do a preselection on other criteria (eg zipcode, if available) or maintain cache tables of matching records.
BTW: do you have statistics and autovacuum? IIRC, ESRI is still tied to postgres-8.3-something, where these were not run by default.
UPDATE 2014-12-11
ESRI does not interfere with non-gis stuff. It is perfectly Ok to add PK/FK relations or additional indexes to your schema. The DBMS will pick them up if appropiate. And ESRI will ignore them. (ESRI only uses its own meta-catalogs, ignoring the system catalogs)

When I had to deal with spatial data, I tended to precalulate the values and store them. Yes that makes for a big table but it is much faster to query when you only do the complex calculation once on data entry. Data entry does take longer though. I was in a situation where all my spacial data came from a monthly load, so precalculating wasn't too bad.


Is a strongly normalized relational database not efficient?

I was reading this question and I got the following question: using a very normalized db is not efficient?
How should be found the right compromise?
I'm not sure if this question better fits here or on programmer. Here there are some similar but if I should move, just ask me.
Whether it will speed it up or slow it down depends strongly on the nature of the data, the size of the tables, the type of querying, the indexing. I have seen it go both ways although, more often than not in my experience, normalization to the third normal form speeds things up. Relational databases are built to be normalized and designed so that those things are expected.
One thing the denormalization advocates often forget is that speed is critical to transactions (possibly more critical due to blocking potential) and that denormalization often slows down updates. You can't measure performance just on select statements. Denormalized database tables are often wider and wider tables can often cause slowdowns too.
Denormalized databases are a major problem to keep the data integrity in and a change of a company name in a normalized database might result in one record needing to be updated and in a denormalized one might result in 100,000,000 records needing to be updated. That is why denormalization is generally only preferred for databases (like data warehouses) where the data is loaded through an ETL process but the database itself is frequently queried for complex reporting scenarios. Transactional databases that have a lot of user updates and deletions and inserts are often much faster if they are normalized to the third normal forma at least. Now you can go crazy with normalization too, don't get me wrong. I shouldn't have to join to 10 tables to get a simple address especially if I get them often. Data that is often used together often belongs together especially if the items are unlikely to change a million records if a change is made. For instance in the address, it would require a large update if Chicago changed it's name to New Chicago, but those types of massive address changes are pretty rare in my part of the world. On the other hand, company name changes are frequent and could cause massive disruption if they needed to be made to millions of denormalized records.
If you are not designing a data warehouse, then normalize your data. Never denormalize unless you are a database specialist with at least 5 years experience in large systems. You can harm things tremendously if you don't know what you are doing. If things are slow denormalization is one of the last performance improvements to try. Generally, the problem is fixed by writing better queries that are sargable and which do not use poorly performing techniques like correlated subqueries or by getting the correct indexing applied.
Normalization optimizes storage requirements and data consistency. As a tradeoff, it can make queries more complex and slow.
How should be found the right compromise?
Unfortunately, that cannot be answered with generality.
It all depends on your application and its requirements.
If your queries run too slow, and indexing or caching or query rewriting or database parameter tuning don't cut it, denormalization may be appropriate for you.
(OTOH, if your queries run just fine, or can be made to run just fine, there is probably no need to go there).
It depends. Every time I've worked to normalize a database, it has radically sped up. But, the performance problems with the non-normalized DBs were that they needed many indices, most of which were not used for any particular query, having too many columns, forced DISTINCT constraints on queries that wouldn't have been needed with a normalized DB, and inefficient table searching.
If common queries need to perform many joins on large tables for the simplest of lookups, or hit many tables for writes to update what the user/application sees as an atomic update of a single entity, then as traffic grows, so will that burden, at a rate higher than with lower/no normalization. Typically what happens is that everything runs OK until either the database and application are put on different production servers, while they were on the same dev server, or when the data gets big enough to start hitting the disks all the time.
DBMS products couple logical layout and physical storage, so while it may be as likely to increase speed as decrease it, normalization of base tables will in some way affect performance of the system.
Usually, the right compromise is views, with an SQL DBMS. If you are using any variation of design by contract, views are likely the correct design decision even without any concerns for normalization or performance, so that the application gets a model fitting its needs. Scalability concerns, like for major websites, create problems that don't have quick and easy solutions, at this point in time.
Additionally to Thilo's post:
normalizing on SAP HANA is wrong due to the fact the db normalize the data itself. If you do it anyway you will slow down the database.

What should I have in mind when building OLAP solution from scratch?

I'm working for a company running a software product based on a MS SQL database server, and through the years I have developed 20-30 quite advanced reports in PHP, taking data directly from the database. This has been very successful, and people are happy with it.
But it has some drawbacks:
For new changes, it can be quite development intensive
The user can't experiment much with the data - it is locked to a hard-coded view
It can be slow for big reports
I am considering gradually going to a OLAP-based approach, which can be queried from Excel or some web-based service. But I would like to do this in a way that introduces the least amount of new complexity in the IT environment - the least amount of different services, synchronization jobs etc!
I have some questions in this regard:
1) Workflow-related:
What is a good development route from "black box SQL server" to "OLAP ready to use"?
Which servers and services should be set up, and which scripts should be written?
Which are the hardest/most critical/most time-intensive parts?
2) ETL:
I suppose it is best to have separate servers for their Data Warehouse and Production SQL?
How are these kept in sync (push/pull)? Using which technologies/languages?
For me SSIS looks overly complicated, and the graphical workflow doesn't appeal much to me -- I would rather like a text based script that does the job. Is this feasible?
Or is it advantagous to use the graphical client with only one source and one destination?
3) Development:
How much of this (data integration, analysis services) can be efficiently maintained from a CLI-tool?
Can the setup be transferred back and forth between production and development easily?
I'm happy with any answer that covers just some of this - and even though it is a MS environment, I'm also interested to hear about advantages in other technologies.
I only have experience with Microsoft OLAP, so here are my two cents regarding what I know:
If you are implementing cubes, then separate the production SQL Server from the source for the cubes. Cubes require a lot of SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM source.table. You don't want cube processing to block your mission critical production system.
Although you can implement OLAP cubes with standard relation tables, you will quickly find that unless your data is a ledger-style system you will probably need to fully reprocess your fact and dimension tables and this will require requerying the source database over and over again. That's a large argument for building a separate data warehouse that uses ledger-style transactions for the fact tables. For instance, if a customer orders something and then cancels it, your source system may track this as a status change. In your fact table, you probably need to show this as a row for ordering that has a positive quantity and revenue stream and a row for cancelling that has a negative quantity and revenue stream.
OLAP may be overkill for your environment. The main issue you appeared to raise was that your reports are static and users want access to the data directly. You could build a data model and give users Report Builder access in SSRS, or report writing access in some other BI suite like Cognos, Business Objects, etc. I don't generally recommend this approach since it is way beyond what most users should have to know to get data, but in a small shop this may be sufficient and it is easy to implement. Let's face it -- users generally just want to get the data into Excel to manipulate it further. So if you don't want to give them a web front-end and you just want them to get to the data from Excel, you could give them direct database access to a copy of the production data. The downside of this approach is users don't generally understand SQL or database relationships. OLAP helps you avoid forcing users to learn SQL or relationships, but is isn't easy to implement on your end. If you only have a couple of power users who need this kind of access, it could be easy enough to teach the few power users how to do basic queries in Excel against the database and they will be happy to get this tomorrow. OLAP won't be ready by tomorrow.
If you only have a few kinds of source data systems, you could get away with building a super-dynamic static report. For instance, I have a report that was written in C# that basically allows users to select as many columns as they want from a list of 30 columns and filter the data on a few date range fields and field filter lists. This simple report covers about 40% of all ad hoc report requests from end-users since it covers all the basic, core customer metrics and fields. We recently moved this report to SSRS and that allowed us to up the number of fields to about 100 and improved the overall user experience. Regardless of the reporting platform, it is possible to give users some dynamic flexibility even in the confines of a static reporting system.
If you only have a couple of databases, you can probably backup and restore the databases as your ETL. However, if you want to do anything beyond that, then you might as well bite the bullet and use SSIS (or some other ETL tool). Once you get into ETL for data warehousing, you are going to use a graphic-oriented design tool. Coding works well for applications, but ETL is more about workflows and that's why the tools tend to converge on a graphical UI. You can work around this and try to code a data warehouse from a text editor, but in the end you are going to lose out on a lot. See this post for more details on the differences between loading data from code and loading data from SSIS.
It is possible to implement a cube over a relational data store, but there are some major problems with using this approach. The main reason it is technically feasible has to do with how you configure your DSV. The DSV is essentially a logical layer between the physical database and the cube/dimension definitions. Instead of importing the relational tables into the DSV, you could define Named Queries or create views in the database that flatten the data.
The advantage of this approach are as follows:
It is relatively easy to implement since you don't have to build an entire ETL subsystem to get started with OLAP.
This approach works well for prototyping how you want to build a more long-term solution. You can prototype it in 1-2 days and show some of the benefits of OLAP today.
Some very, very large tables don't have to be completely duplicated just to support an OLAP cube. I have several multi-billion row tables that are almost completely standardized fact tables. The only columns they don't have are date keys and they also contain some NULL values on fields that shouldn't have nulls at all. Instead of duplicating these very massive tables, you can create the surrogate date keys and set values for the nulls in the view or named query. If you aren't going to see a huge performance boon for duplicating the table, then this may be a candidate for leaving in a more raw format in the database itself.
The disadvantages of this approach are as follows:
If you haven't built a true Kimball method data warehouse, then you probably aren't tracking transactions in a ledger-style. Kimball method fact tables (at least as I understand them) always change values by adding and subtracting rows. If someone cancels part of an order, you can't update the value in the cube for the single transaction. Instead, you have to balance out the transaction with a negative value. If you have to update the transaction, then you will have to fully reprocess the partition of the cube to replace the value which can be a very expensive operation. Unless your source system is a ledger-style transaction system, you will probably have to build a ledger-style copy in your ETL subsystem.
If you don't build a Kimball method data warehouse, then you are probably using unobscured and possibly non-integer primary keys in your database. This directly impacts query performance inside the cube. It also sets you up for having a theoretically inflexible data warehouse. For instance, if you have an product ordering system that uses an integer key and you start using a second product ordering system either as a replacement for the legacy system or in tandem with the legacy system, you may struggle to combine the data together merely through the DSV since each system has different data points, metrics, workflows, data types, etc. Worse, if they have the same data types for the order id and the order id values overlap between systems, then you must declare a surrogate key that you can use across both systems. This can be difficult, but not impossible, to implement without using a flattened data warehouse.
You may have to build the system twice if you start with the relational data store and then move to flattened database. Frankly, I think the amount of duplicated work is trivial. Most of what you learned building the cube off a relational data store will translate to setting up the new OLAP cube. The main problem, though, is that you will probably create a new cube altogether and then any users of the old cube will have to migrate to the new cube. Any reports built in SSRS or Excel will probably break at that point and need to be rewritten from the ground up. So the main cost of rebuilding the cube is really on rebuilding dependent objects -- not on rebuilding the cube itself.
Let me know if you want me to expand on any of the above points. good luck.
You're basically asking the million dollar question of "How do I build a DWH". This is not really a question that can decisively be answered.
Nevertheless, here is a kickstart:
If you are looking for a minimum viable product, be aware that you are in a data environment, and not a pure software one. In data-heavy environments, it is much harder to incrementally build a product, because the amount of effort to introduce changes in the system is much greater. Think about it as if every change you make in a piece of software has to be somehow backwards-compatible with anything you've ever done. Now you understand the hell Microsoft are in :-).
Also, data systems involve many third-party tools such as DBs, ETL tools and reporting platforms. The choices you make should be viable for the expected development of your system, else you might have to completely replace these tools down the road.
While you can start with a DB cloning that will be based on simple copy SQLs and then aggregating it or pushing it into an OLAP, I would recommend getting your hands dirty with a real ETL tool from the start. This is especially true if you foresee the need to grow. 9 out of 10 times, the need will grow.
MS-SQL is a good choice for a DB if you don't mind the cost. The natural ETL tool would be SSIS, and it's a solid tool as well.
Even if your first transformations are merely "take this table and dump it in there", you still gain a lot in terms of process management (has the job run? What happens if it fails? etc) and debugging. Also, it is easier to organically grow as requirements and/or special cases have to be dealt with.

Best data store for billions of rows

I need to be able to store small bits of data (approximately 50-75 bytes) for billions of records (~3 billion/month for a year).
The only requirement is fast inserts and fast lookups for all records with the same GUID and the ability to access the data store from .net.
I'm a SQL server guy and I think SQL Server can do this, but with all the talk about BigTable, CouchDB, and other nosql solutions, it's sounding more and more like an alternative to a traditional RDBS may be best due to optimizations for distributed queries and scaling. I tried cassandra and the .net libraries don't currently compile or are all subject to change (along with cassandra itself).
I've looked into many nosql data stores available, but can't find one that meets my needs as a robust production-ready platform.
If you had to store 36 billion small, flat records so that they're accessible from .net, what would choose and why?
Storing ~3.5TB of data and inserting about 1K/sec 24x7, and also querying at a rate not specified, it is possible with SQL Server, but there are more questions:
what availability requirement you have for this? 99.999% uptime, or is 95% enough?
what reliability requirement you have? Does missing an insert cost you $1M?
what recoverability requirement you have? If you loose one day of data, does it matter?
what consistency requirement you have? Does a write need to be guaranteed to be visible on the next read?
If you need all these requirements I highlighted, the load you propose is going to cost millions in hardware and licensing on an relational system, any system, no matter what gimmicks you try (sharding, partitioning etc). A nosql system would, by their very definition, not meet all these requirements.
So obviously you have already relaxed some of these requirements. There is a nice visual guide comparing the nosql offerings based on the 'pick 2 out of 3' paradigm at Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems:
After OP comment update
With SQL Server this would e straight forward implementation:
one single table clustered (GUID, time) key. Yes, is going to get fragmented, but is fragmentation affect read-aheads and read-aheads are needed only for significant range scans. Since you only query for specific GUID and date range, fragmentation won't matter much. Yes, is a wide key, so non-leaf pages will have poor key density. Yes, it will lead to poor fill factor. And yes, page splits may occur. Despite these problems, given the requirements, is still the best clustered key choice.
partition the table by time so you can implement efficient deletion of the expired records, via an automatic sliding window. Augment this with an online index partition rebuild of the last month to eliminate the poor fill factor and fragmentation introduced by the GUID clustering.
enable page compression. Since the clustered key groups by GUID first, all records of a GUID will be next to each other, giving page compression a good chance to deploy dictionary compression.
you'll need a fast IO path for log file. You're interested in high throughput, not on low latency for a log to keep up with 1K inserts/sec, so stripping is a must.
Partitioning and page compression each require an Enterprise Edition SQL Server, they will not work on Standard Edition and both are quite important to meet the requirements.
As a side note, if the records come from a front-end Web servers farm, I would put Express on each web server and instead of INSERT on the back end, I would SEND the info to the back end, using a local connection/transaction on the Express co-located with the web server. This gives a much much better availability story to the solution.
So this is how I would do it in SQL Server. The good news is that the problems you'll face are well understood and solutions are known. that doesn't necessarily mean this is a better than what you could achieve with Cassandra, BigTable or Dynamo. I'll let someone more knowleageable in things no-sql-ish to argument their case.
Note that I never mentioned the programming model, .Net support and such. I honestly think they're irrelevant in large deployments. They make huge difference in the development process, but once deployed it doesn't matter how fast the development was, if the ORM overhead kills performance :)
Contrary to popular belief, NoSQL is not about performance, or even scalability. It's mainly about minimizing the so-called Object-Relational impedance mismatch, but is also about horizontal scalability vs. the more typical vertical scalability of an RDBMS.
For the simple requirement of fasts inserts and fast lookups, almost any database product will do. If you want to add relational data, or joins, or have any complex transactional logic or constraints you need to enforce, then you want a relational database. No NoSQL product can compare.
If you need schemaless data, you'd want to go with a document-oriented database such as MongoDB or CouchDB. The loose schema is the main draw of these; I personally like MongoDB and use it in a few custom reporting systems. I find it very useful when the data requirements are constantly changing.
The other main NoSQL option is distributed Key-Value Stores such as BigTable or Cassandra. These are especially useful if you want to scale your database across many machines running commodity hardware. They work fine on servers too, obviously, but don't take advantage of high-end hardware as well as SQL Server or Oracle or other database designed for vertical scaling, and obviously, they aren't relational and are no good for enforcing normalization or constraints. Also, as you've noticed, .NET support tends to be spotty at best.
All relational database products support partitioning of a limited sort. They are not as flexible as BigTable or other DKVS systems, they don't partition easily across hundreds of servers, but it really doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for. They are quite good at handling record counts in the billions, as long as you index and normalize the data properly, run the database on powerful hardware (especially SSDs if you can afford them), and partition across 2 or 3 or 5 physical disks if necessary.
If you meet the above criteria, if you're working in a corporate environment and have money to spend on decent hardware and database optimization, I'd stick with SQL Server for now. If you're pinching pennies and need to run this on low-end Amazon EC2 cloud computing hardware, you'd probably want to opt for Cassandra or Voldemort instead (assuming you can get either to work with .NET).
Very few people work at the multi-billion row set size, and most times that I see a request like this on stack overflow, the data is no where near the size it is being reported as.
36 billion, 3 billion per month, thats roughly 100 million per day, 4.16 million an hour, ~70k rows per minute, 1.1k rows a second coming into the system, in a sustained manner for 12 months, assuming no down time.
Those figures are not impossible by a long margin, i've done larger systems, but you want to double check that is really the quantities you mean - very few apps really have this quantity.
In terms of storing / retrieving and quite a critical aspect you have not mentioned is aging the older data - deletion is not free.
The normal technology is look at is partitioning, however, the lookup / retrieval being GUID based would result in a poor performance, assuming you have to get every matching value across the whole 12 month period. You could place a clustered indexes on the GUID column will get your associated data clusterd for read / write, but at those quantities and insertion speed, the fragmentation will be far too high to support, and it will fall on the floor.
I would also suggest that you are going to need a very decent hardware budget if this is a serious application with OLTP type response speeds, that is by some approximate guesses, assuming very few overheads indexing wise, about 2.7TB of data.
In the SQL Server camp, the only thing that you might want to look at is the new parrallel data warehouse edition (madison) which is designed more for sharding out data and running parallel queries against it to provide high speed against large datamarts.
"I need to be able to store small bits of data (approximately 50-75 bytes) for billions of records (~3 billion/month for a year).
The only requirement is fast inserts and fast lookups for all records with the same GUID and the ability to access the data store from .net."
I can tell you from experience that this is possible in SQL Server, because I have done it in early 2009 ... and it's still operation to this day and quite fast.
The table was partitioned in 256 partitions, keep in mind this was 2005 SQL version ... and we did exactly what you're saying, and that is to store bits of info by GUID and retrieve by GUID quickly.
When i left we had around 2-3 billion records, and data retrieval was still quite good (1-2 seconds if get through UI, or less if on RDBMS) even though the data retention policy was just about to be instantiated.
So, long story short, I took the 8th char (i.e. somewhere in the middle-ish) from the GUID string and SHA1 hashed it and cast as tiny int (0-255) and stored in appropriate partition and used same function call when getting the data back.
ping me if you need more info...
The following article discusses the import and use of a 16 billion row table in Microsoft SQL.
From the article:
Here are some distilled tips from my experience:
The more data you have in a table with a defined clustered index, the slower it becomes to import unsorted records into it. At some
point, it becomes too slow to be practical.
If you want to export your table to the smallest possible file, make it native format. This works best with tables containing
mostly numeric columns because they’re more compactly represented
in binary fields than character data. If all your data is
alphanumeric, you won’t gain much by exporting it in native format.
Not allowing nulls in the numeric fields can further compact the
data. If you allow a field to be nullable, the field’s binary
representation will contain a 1-byte prefix indicating how many
bytes of data will follow.
You can’t use BCP for more than 2,147,483,647 records because the BCP counter variable is a 4-byte integer. I wasn’t able to find any
reference to this on MSDN or the Internet. If your table consists of
more than 2,147,483,647 records, you’ll have to export it in chunks
or write your own export routine.
Defining a clustered index on a prepopulated table takes a lot of disk space. In my test, my log exploded to 10 times the original
table size before completion.
When importing a large number of records using the BULK INSERT statement, include the BATCHSIZE parameter and specify how many
records to commit at a time. If you don’t include this parameter,
your entire file is imported as a single transaction, which
requires a lot of log space.
The fastest way of getting data into a table with a clustered index is to presort the data first. You can then import it using the BULK
INSERT statement with the ORDER parameter.
There is an unusual fact that seems to overlooked.
"Basically after inserting 30Mil rows in a day, I need to fetch all the rows with the same GUID (maybe 20 rows) and be reasonably sure I'd get them all back"
Needing only 20 columns, a non-clustered index on the GUID will work just fine. You could cluster on another column for data dispersion across partitions.
I have a question regarding the data insertion: How is it being inserted?
Is this a bulk insert on a certain schedule (per min, per hour, etc)?
What source is this data being pulled from (flat files, OLTP, etc)?
I think these need to be answered to help understand one side of the equation.
Amazon Redshift is a great service. It was not available when the question was originally posted in 2010, but it is now a major player in 2017. It is a column based database, forked from Postgres, so standard SQL and Postgres connector libraries will work with it.
It is best used for reporting purposes, especially aggregation. The data from a single table is stored on different servers in Amazon's cloud, distributed by on the defined table distkeys, so you rely on distributed CPU power.
So SELECTs and especially aggregated SELECTs are lightning fast. Loading large data should be preferably done with the COPY command from Amazon S3 csv files. The drawbacks are that DELETEs and UPDATEs are slower than usual, but that is why Redshift in not primarily a transnational database, but more of a data warehouse platform.
You can try using Cassandra or HBase, though you would need to read up on how to design the column families as per your use case.
Cassandra provides its own query language but you need to use Java APIs of HBase to access the data directly.
If you need to use Hbase then I recommend querying the data with Apache Drill from Map-R which is an Open Source project. Drill's query language is SQL-Compliant(keywords in drill have the same meaning they would have in SQL).
With that many records per year you're eventually going to run out of space.
Why not filesystem storage like xfs which supports 2^64 files and using smaller boxes.
Regardless of how fancy people want to get or the amount of money one would end up spend getting a system with whatever database SQL NoSQL ..whichever these many records are usually made by electric companies and weather stations/providers like ministry of environment who control smaller stations throughout the country.
If you're doing something like storing pressure.. temperature..wind speed.. humidity etc...and guid is the can still divide the data by year/month/day/hour.
Assuming you store 4 years of data per hard-drive.
You can then have it run on a smaller Nas with mirror where it would
also provide better read speeds and have multiple mount points..based on the year when it was created.
You can simply make a web-interface for searches
So dumping location1/2001/06/01//temperature and location1/2002/06/01//temperature would only dump the contents of hourly temperature for the 1st day of summer in those 2 years (24h*2) 48 small files vs searching a database with billions of records and possibly millions spent.
Simple way of looking at things.. 1.5 billion websites in the world with God knows how many pages each
If a company like Google had to spend millions per 3 billion searches to pay for super-computers for this they'd be broke.
Instead they have the power-bill...couple million crap computers.
And caffeine indexing...future-proof..keep adding more.
And yeah where indexing running off SQL makes sense then great
Building super-computers for crappy tasks with fixed things like weather...statistics and so on so techs can brag their systems crunches xtb in x seconds...waste of money that can be spent somewhere else..maybe that power-bill that won't run into the millions anytime soon by running something like 10 Nas servers.
Store records in plain binary files, one file per GUID, wouldn't get any faster than that.
You can use MongoDB and use the guid as the sharding key, this means that you can distribute your data over multiple machines but the data you want to select is only on one machine because you select by the sharding key.
Sharding in MongoDb is not yet production ready.

Optimize database for web usage (lots more reading than writing)

I am trying to layout the tables for use in new public-facing website. Seeing how there will lots more reading than writing data (guessing >85% reading) I would like to optimize the database for reading.
Whenever we list members we are planning on showing summary information about the members. Something akin to the reputation points and badges that stackoverflow uses. Instead of doing a subquery to find the information each time we do a search, I wanted to have a "calculated" field in the member table.
Whenever an action is initiated that would affect this field, say the member gets more points, we simply update this field by running a query to calculate the new values.
Obviously, there would be the need to keep this field up to date, but even if the field gets out of sync, we can always rerun the query to update this field.
My question: Is this an appropriate approach to optimizing the database? Or are the subqueries fast enough where the performance would not suffer.
There are two parts:
Tuned Query
Indexed Views (AKA Materialized views)
Tuned table
The best solution requires querying the database as little as possible, which would require caching. But you still need a query to fill that cache, and the cache needs to be refreshed when it is stale...
Indexed views are the next consideration. Because they are indexed, querying against is faster than an ordinary view (which is equivalent to a subquery). Nonclustered indexes can be applied to indexed views as well. The problem is that indexed views (materialized views in general) are very constrained to what they support - they can't have non-deterministic functions (IE: GETDATE()), extremely limited aggregate support, etc.
If what you need can't be handled by an indexed view, a table where the data is dumped & refreshed via a SQL Server Job is the next alternative. Like the indexed view, indexes would be applied to make fetching data faster. But data change means cleaning up the indexes to ensure the query is running as best it can, and this maintenance can take time.
The least expensive database query is the one that you don't have to run against the database at all.
In the scenario you describe, using a high-performance cache technology (example: memcached) to store query results in your application can be a lot better strategy than trying to trick out the database to be highly scalable.
The First Rule of Program Optimization: Don't do it.
The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!): Don't do it yet.
Michael A. Jackson
If you are just designing the tables, I'd say, it's definitely premature to optimize.
You might want to redesign your database a few days later, you might find out that things work pretty fast without any clever hacks, you might find out they work slow, but in a different way than you expected. In either case you would waste your time, if you start optimizing now.
The approach you describe is generally fine; you could get some pre-computed values, either using triggers/SPs to preserve data consistency, or running a job to update these values time-to-time.
All databases are more than 85% read only! Usually high nineties too.
Tune it when you need to and not before.

Oracle recommendations for high volume writes and low volume read

Is there some general guidelines online on how to tweak oracle for doing a high number of inserts and low number of reads?
All the answers below are pretty good recommendations. I have to clarify the following things. I am using 10g and this is an absolute requirement that we use Oracle. I am also more interested in oracle instance parameters for tuning (perhaps some different locking policies).
Let me assume you want to do an excessive high number of inserts, so that you simply want to just ignore all other kinds of operations just to get those inserts to complete, without problems.
First, have you completely ruled out other types of databases? There are systems like industry databases that cope very well with massive amounts of inserts, typically used to receive and store data from equipment that is measuring something in a factory environment. Oracle is a relational database, it might not be the right type of software for your needs.
Having said that, let's assume you can, or will, or should, use Oracle. The very first thing you need to do is to consider all the various types of data you need to make this assumption about. If they're all about the same kind of data, you need 1 table, and it need to be lean and mean regarding inserts.
The optimal way do that is to do the following:
do not add any indexes on this table at all, if you need a primary key, that's the only index you want
if you need to do reads against this table, consider having a shadow table with indexes that you do reads, lookups, and aggregates against. If this doesn't have to be up-to-the-millisecond updated, consider a periodic batch job to update it with data from the master table. This will disturb the master table with read-locks as little as possible
Make sure your server has fast disks. Transactional write operations will typically involve the disk at some point, so make sure that's a small bottleneck as you can get.
If your application is gathering data from many incoming sources, consider adding a layer in front of the database that will keep the number of concurrent connections and thus transactions to that table to a minimum. If you get a high number of write-locks on the same page for an oracle database, ultimately your performance will suffer.
If you can split up the data, consider splitting it in such a way that it is stored on different physical disks. That way, disk I/O problems won't be cross-data-type, and only affect one type of data.
In the other end of the spectrum you have a denormalized table with lots of indexes optimized for a balance between lookups and updates, and you need to find some middle-way that will get you the performance you want.
In terms of database design put as few constraints, indexes and triggers on the table(s) you're inserting into as possible as these will all slow down the insert.
The lack of indexes will obviously hurt your SELECT performance, but it doesn't sound like this is your primary concern.
What sort of application are we talking about? What version of Oracle?
If you are designing a data warehouse load process, for example, you would generally want to do direct-path inserts into staging table(s), then build any necessary indexes, then do a partition exhange to load the data into the partitioned destination table. This doesn't work as well, of course, if you are doing single-row inserts.
Depending on the Oracle version and the type of application, you may also want to enable compression on the table. Inserts are generally cheap from a CPU standpoint, so there is probably plenty of CPU available to do the compression which can substantially decrease the amount of I/O required, which is generally going to be your bottleneck.
I'm going to suggest that you take your question to Tom Kyte's site, You can generally find an answer there. Otherwise, try Oracle's forums.
Also try looking up any of Tom Kyte's books. Suggest checking the library or your local bookstore to find the right one, to ensure that the book contains the right topics for you. Also, his blog has links to his books and some articles/discussions on each book.
I did a quick google, tuning write, and found this
OracleAS TopLink Writing Optimization Features. I realize that you might not be using TopLink but it may have some good tips. Keywords you'll want to try using: tuning, performance, insert(s), improve. Also through in the technology you are using like java/c++/etc.
Other tips you can try:
using stored procedures or using them in more efficient ways.
tweaking your server's hardware. Faster hard drives or a specific RAID array, possibly more cpu's.
Ask Tom thread - some nice comments here, also links to Fowler's site
You will probably have to start running some performance analytics on your queries/implementations to find the sweet spot for each one. I wish I had an easy answer for you. Good Luck!
A couple of suggestions for you to look into further:-
direct path load
block compression
