Prunning PostgreSQL Windows Install Package - database

I'm planning on distributing postgresql with my windows application but the size of postgresql is too big, what are some of the file that can be removed from the package to reduce the size of the postgresql server?

I think you can safely remove the following directories:
pgAdmin III
symbols (not 100% sure about this, but I think they are only needed for debugging)
(Based on the layout after a typical install)
You can also delete


How to save PgAdmin 4 setup

On every upgrade of PgAdmin 4 (currently at version 1.5), we lost all our server definitions as well as other config details. Quite annoying when one has to deal with a dozen servers :)
I have not been able to find where the server definitions are stored so to try making a copy before installing the new version.
Any idea?
Server definitions and other configurations of pgAdmin4 are stored at,
Make a copy of this file somewhere and paste it again at the same location after installation is complete and you are good to go.

Installing SQL Server 2014 using chef community cookbook (sql_server)

I've had a look at the chef community cookbook for installing sql server and it appears that it's tailored for installing SQL express, but I can't seem to work out how to install a standard or developer edition.
The README on the GitHub page ( says you can just point it to any installation package, however I can't see how you would do this for an ISO (or even the extracted contents of an ISO) given that there's no single EXE package on the ISO media.
Am I missing something obvious, or will I need to roll my own recipe for installing SQL from an ISO (or contents of ISO)? Ideally I would like to host the installation media on a central package repository behind my firewall.
Option 1:
Customized cookbook is the best option for you use case. Like you said, host .ISO on central repo and create a cookbook that mounts the .ISO drive to run the installation. You should leverage that cookbook template and re-write that windows_package block in the server.rb to install using keyword 'source' with path to the mounted installation files. However, this will be a major work (from past experience...) so if you have only one or two nodes that need to run the cookbook, go with Option 2.
Option 2:
If you have only one or two nodes that need to run the cookbook, I would suggest you to run the basic 'sql_server::server' then upgrade to the version you want using the GUI with the PID product key.
Note that this process can be automated as well using Powershell script. If you are familiar with Powershell, you can automate it using powershell_script block.
ISOs are intended for DVD images but if you have an ISO shredder (search online for free tools) you'll see a setup.exe in there. Run that and it'll bring you to the installation center where you can choose to install a new instance and do a bunch of other things. It's a wizard type interface so just read the instructions on each page and you should be able to provide the relevant info where needed to successfully complete the installation

Oracle Database Mobile Server first steps

I download jdeveloper studio edition and install it in C:\Oracle\Middleware
then I install weblogic instance using C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\bin\config.exe
to C:\myproject\domains\myweblogic
Then download and install it to C:\Oracle\Middleware\Mobile.
thereafter cant start
unless i change the variable to this batch file
set DOMAIN_DIR=C:\myproject\domains\myweblogic
what do I do next to see that it works?
is there a simple example that creates a sigle table and synchronized between server and mobile clients?
very difficult to find information on this technology. interfere very popular tags (Oracle, Database).
If you install Database Mobile Server directly in the WebLogic directory, you will not need to edit the batch file. For instance, I believe the default install directory is:
So if you used the default install directory, you would install Database Mobile Server there, with no added 'Mobile' or other directory. If you chose to install WebLogic elsewhere, then replace the above with that directory.
There is another small issue to be aware of.
The installer will give you warning about installing in a non-empty
directory. You should click through the warning. This is a known issue
documented in the Release Notes.
Regarding your other question about a demo, there is a Java demo found in
You will need to download a client and perform a sync, which is documented here:
I hope that helps, good luck with your project. Let me know if you have further questions.
Eric Jensen, Oracle PM

SSIS, dtsx and deployment packages

I'm just trying to understand SSIS packages a bit better and how they are deployed. Correct me I'm wrong but for any deployment, I believe there needs to be at least two files a .SSISDeploymentManifest and a .dtsx. The .SSISDeploymentManifest acts as the equivalent windows installer package which points to the .dtsx. The dtsx is the actual package of "stuff" that is referenced as an external file some how when you run the installer. When you install it, the package gets added to a list of ssis packages for that instance.
My further questions:
If i wanted to keep previous version of the same package, can I just copy the bin directories with the two above files and keep separately should I need to roll back to a previous package?
Where are these packages installed to? How does SSIS know where the packagess are?
Correct me I'm wrong but for any deployment, I believe there needs to
be at least two files a .SSISDeploymentManifest and a .dtsx. The
.SSISDeploymentManifest acts as the equivalent windows installer
package which points to the .dtsx. The dtsx is the actual package of
"stuff" that is referenced as an external file some how when you run
the installer. When you install it, the package gets added to a list
of ssis packages for that instance.
Your assumptions are mostly correct. You don't need the deployment manifest, but it can be handy. Also, you don't need to deploy to the SQL Server instance. You have the option to deploy to the file system as well. I'll explain both below.
Regarding your 1st question:
Version Control:
Make sure you're developing and checking in your dtsx packages via visual studio. Label your releases in sourcesafe or whatever version control you're using. If you are checking in and labeling, then you should be able to easily roll back to a previous version. As you mention, you also can just save a copy of your old bin directory but naturally put them in dated subfolders or something. However, this does not take the place of proper version control.
Regarding your 2nd question:
As the other poster states, you first have a decision to make:
a) Deploy packages to the file system
b) Deploy packages to MSDB
There are benefits to each, and everyone has their preference. I have used both, but I prefer the filesystem because it's more transparent, however there is more to maintain.
See this post for much more on this:
The code is in the dtsx package. Generally,in order to make your packages portable you also abstract your connection strings and other configurable information into a config file (.dtsconfig) or environment variable (no file needed). See BOL to learn more about configuration.
The manifest file contains metadata about which dtsx and config files to install. If you open one, you'll see it's a simple readable xml file.
The manifest file makes it easy to hand over to a DBA to deploy (ask them to double-click the manifest file and follow directions, but they'll need instructions.
To me, the manifest file is more useful for deploying to SQL Server than to the file system. Really, all it does is make a copy of the dtsx and config files and puts them where you tell it. You could just as easily instruct the DBA to copy your dtsx files to a common folder on the server, and the config files to another folder on the same server.
Then when you schedule your jobs using SQL Agent, you specify that you're going to run an SSIS package that is stored on the file system and browse to where it's located. If you're using configurations, then there's a tab to specify where the config file is located.
There is so much to know about configuring/deployment/versioning of SSIS packages. But hopefully this will get you started on the right path.
When you export your DTS packages using the Import/Export Wizard in SQL Server you have the option of saving them to SQL Server or locally on the file system.
Regarding the versions of your SSIS packages, you need to query SSISDB to extract the version numbers. It's annoying this kind of info isn't shown directly in the Management Studio but, until it is, someone may find this useful:
SELECT prj.[name] as Project
,pkg.[name] as Package
FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[packages] as pkg
JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[projects] as prj
ON pkg.[project_id] = prj.[project_id]
ORDER BY prj.[name]

How do I do a manual uninstall of Oracle?

Sometimes my Oracle database on Windows gets hosed. How do I do a manual uninstall of Oracle?
The six-step process to remove all things Oracle from a Windows machine:
A. Delete the Oracle services:
In the registry, go to
and delete everything that starts with "Oracle"
B. Remove other Oracle stuff from the registry:
C. Reboot
D. Delete all the Oracle software from the directories where you installed it
E. Delete the Oracle software inventory:
Delete the directory C:\Program Files\Oracle. You must do this no matter where you installed your Oracle software - the Oracle installer automatically writes information here.
F. Delete all shortcuts from your Start menu.
G. Remove the Oracle directories from PATH Environment Variable.
To simplify cleanup in the future, I'd strongly recommend you install your Oracle products in one or more virtual machines.
Have a look at:
Basically, it comes down to:
Remove all you can with the installer.
Remove Oracle keys from the registry.
Remove the Oracle directories from your computer.
With (of course) the requisite reboots thrown in as required ;-)
It's worth noting that there is an official Oracle standalone deinstaller:, which I just used to uninstall Oracle 11 client. This is not necessarily better or easier to use than the top suggestion on this page, but it is "official".
One thing to note - if you use the official deinstaller, it does not like the temp folder to have spaces in it. So if you have it set to "Documents and Settings...\temp" it will fail. Use the control panel environment settings button to SET the TEMP folder first.
Uninstall Oracle 10g from window 7, Xp
step 1 : Open up the start menu and in program files look for oracle – oraDb10g_home folder, and select oracle installation products – > Universal Installer.
step 2 : Select Deinstall Product, which will pop up new window , select check box oracleDb10g_home1 as shown below. Click on remove button. This will remove oracle.
step 3 : Remove the registration file from Regedit, in order to remove oracle 10g completely. Run Regedit.
Delete the following keys if it exits after the un-installation.
step 4 : Now delete the folder where you have installed the software. By default, it is installed in c drive as C:\oracle and from C:\programs files\oracle.
Hence by doing this steps successfully, Oracle 10g is removed completely. If you are having any problem in removing or uninstalling the program,(oracle ) then do comment below, we will look on that.
The tips for using a VM enviroment is the best: no worries about deinstalling. Just install a complete Oracle enviroment and after one succesfull run: winrar the VM ... after corrupting the Oracle home once again: just delete the current VM and unrar the backup
This seems way too simple, but in Windows I was able to uninstall Oracle by going into Settings > Apps and Features finding the Oracle database clicking it and then uninstall. I didn't even need a password.
Assuming a unix type OS and that you properly installed it using an account named oracle...
find / -user oracle -exec rm -fr {} \;
That having been said, this must be done as root and you had better not mind loss of any and all files that belong to oracle. There will be no... NO recovery from this method.
