XAP Caching in Silverlight OOB, when using Prism - silverlight

I have a Silverlight Out Of Browser Application built using Prism Framework. I am using WebClient to download the application module XAPs depending on the user logged in to the application.
Now my Question is will these other XAPs which I am downloading explicitly be cached when running OOB.
If yes where will it be cached, and how can I check for updates like CheckAndDownloadUpdateAsync which I can use only for the main installed XAP.


Service to update WPF application placed on server

I am developing a WPF application, which will be accessed from shared folder on server (Windows Server). My goal is to implement some mechanism of updating the app. The updater should be run on server probably as some kind of service. Which mechanism/technique would you recommended to use?
Based on your comment, I would look into using ClickOnce.
ClickOnce enables Web-style application deployment for non-Web
applications. Applications are published to and deployed from Web or
file servers.
You can also use Squirrel.
Squirrel: It's like ClickOnce but Works™

Silverlight projects on one IIS web site

I have silverlight project and this project are deploying in IIS. But in solution I created two another SL projects with .Web projects. The problem that I cannot deploy these projects in web site (IIS). How I can do this? How I can do this xaps and dlls are visible for project?
In these two projects i have wcf services too.
if you have multiple web pages and each has their own silverlight xap, you can just set in IIS the default web page to be viewed then put a navigation of some sort in the webpage (links or redirects) so you view the other web pages.

Silverlight: How to deploy a Silverlight app?

I've just written a Silverlight app and want to deploy it. This app is NOT to be hosted at a website. It is supposed to be a standalone app, just like a standalone WPF app for Windows, but (if I understand Silverlight correctly) it can run on both Windows and Mac.
I've created a .xap file. What do I do with this file to get the app installed? Thanks.
You do need to install it from a website as it still requires the Silverlight environment provided by the browser plugin.
It is the browser plugin that provides the OOB (Out Of Browser) mode.
I gather Adobe Air has the same requirements for apps.
In addition to what #HiTech Magic stated, you can also create a standalone installer for silverlight OOB apps using SLLauncher.exe.

how do you shut down a silverlight out of browser app?

I'm running a Silverlight 4 app with elevated trust out of browser and cannot rely on the DOM or host web page to shut down Silverlight. There is no App.Current.Shutdown() method. How do I shut down a Silverlight app programmatically?
try App.Current.MainWindow.Close();

Silverlight and Windows Workflow Foundation

Can I make a Silverlight application communicate with a Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) application? If yes, how can I do that?
I tried to add a reference from my Silverlight application to a WF application and it doesn't work.
If your application was a service application, then yes.
Silverlight won't host a workflow, but it could call a workflow service if the workflow you need to run is hosted within a service rather than an application.
It should be a matter of adding the service reference within the Silverlight application.
