How to handle different layouts in cakePHP - cakephp

I have a cakePHP action that must return a CSV file in different formats according a parameter.
Which is the best way to write code for this?
-Should i return all data and creating different view based on that parameter? don't think so.
-Should i pass the parameter to model and returning different fields from the model? i don't like the idea to insert a switch() in the model.
Other ideas? thanks !

in one of the cases i had to different outputs from data in my database(similar to yours but not csv) . crated a __Process() and passed type as a parameter.based on type it formatted the output and returned it back now my view just looped through the data and displayed it. I dont know if this answers your question
But from what u say different view is pretty okay.

This article in the CakePHP bakery describes how to return CSV files: for CakePHP1.2. For version 2 there's a plugin:


paginate an union in Cakephp 3

I'm trying to paginate a union in cakephp 3. I have already found and read How do you modify a UNION query in CakePHP 3?, but am probably too new to cakephp to understand properly what is meant by "use a custom finder". I have read the relevant section in the cakephp book, but still fail to see how this helps to apply the epilog() to the query. Maybe someone could show a complete example?
I have two models Customers and Suppliers. I am trying to builds a search function that returns matching entries from both models, including pagination and sorting.
public function index($q=null) {
->where(['name like'=>'%'.$q.'%']);
->where(['name like'=>'%'.$q.'%']);
As detailed in How do you modify a UNION query in CakePHP 3?, this results in the order,limit and offset only being applied to the first select.
Removing the paginate() and applying order,limit and offset manually via epilog() works, but than I'd have to recreate the whole pagination mechanism in my code. While this is my current plan in case I can't find a better solution, I don't believe this would be the right way to do it.
Could someone (#PhantomWatson, #ndm) show an example, how the suggested custom finder can solve this?

Add content of form to 2 different tables cakephp

I am building a form with Cakephp 2.x and I want to submit some of the data that is received when submitting it to table A and the other data to table B. Does anyone know how to achieve this in cakephp?
I believe you need to look at Cakephp's model documentation. Looking at it now it seems that saveMany could help you with that.
Yes. You should do what you want follow below way:
1. Create method receiveData() in FooController.
2. Create view file receive_data.ctp in folder foo.
$this->Foo->input('....', array(....));
// other input.
3. In FooController\receiveData(), When submit, you have data array $myDataArray like this:
(Notice: It is Foo controller).
4. Before you save data from submitted data, you maybe need manipulation with submitted data array.
You must call Model Bar inside FooController by:
$uses = array('Bar');
You will save to other table by:
(Notice: It is Bar Model).
Do Table A and Table B represent two different Models?
if yes saveAssociated might help you.
If you want to save the same kind of model n times then saveMany is what you want to do.

CakePHP 2.x multiple select box

I create by $this->Form->input('field') automatic populate multiple select box.
But how to use code above to select options in edit action which saved values?
make sure your form is created with the correct model
eg `$this->Form->create('Article');
pass a variable as the singular of your model from the Controller via $this->set(). For example, if your model is "Article", then pass a variable with the data:
$this->set('article', $article);
it will populate automatically
Next time you ask a question on StackOverflow, provide information on what you've tried, what worked, what didn't, what you've search for but couldn't find...etc, so it doesn't feel as though we're just writing code for you.
Update (per additional info in comments):
For HABTM, create your field with the model:
Then pass a variable camelCase plural:
$this->set('partnerStates', $partnerStates);

Recreate a form in CakePHP 1.3 from $this->data?

I've got a Cake application with a reports query interface, where the admin user can filter the data by various inputs in a form and the results are then displayed on the screen. I am looking for the simplest way to add a button which allows the user to download the results of this same query as CSV.
I'm sure I can create one for myself if I have to, but is there already a way to regenerate any given form based on $this->data? That way, I can just add .csv to the form action and use RequestHandler to choose the right output format.
[here take a look at the following...
instead of finding the data from Db you can simply pass $this->data to it.
take a look at follo
Exporting data to CSV the CakePHP way
I guess you have to replicate the function on your controller, one for generating the results on screen and another same function intended for csv, but on the function for csv it must have parameters which are similar to the values of $this->data. Use javascript to redirect on the function for csv.

CAKEPHP Do I have to set $this->data in the controller for it to work with the form helper

I would like to set $this->data in a view rather than the controller. Will this work with the form helper to automagically input values?
many thanks!
Further explanation if you really want to know...
You may wonder why I wouldn't just put the values right into the value field but it makes sense in this situation to put it into $this->data; I have a ton of fields of various types and I do not want to have to add if isset() to every value field because form fields are generated based on a stored value and may or may not have already been filled in. I cannot set this->data in the controller because of the data being in JSON. Plus the data has to go through several layers before getting to where it is at this point.
unresolved but I got around it by entering everything manually. It would have been nice to add it automagically.
