Data base model - CRUD on the same ENTITY by 2 service interfaces - database

My application Model is having a particular Entity and i'm going to apply CRUD on that same Entity using 2 different service interfaces,
At the same time those 2 interfaces will work on the DB model ,I'm having this BIG design issue that this will get me in to trouble later,
What are the problems i'm going to face by doing so,
Are there any maintenance issues arise?
Is it architecturally correct to use 2 interfaces to doing the same CRUD on same business Entity?

This is not a big problem. It is actually the "Shared database" integration pattern.
The things you should watch out for are:
It will increase your maintenence costs since you will need to update and deploy the services that use these interfaces at the same time.
You need to be carefull that you do not introduce any locking problems, since you are accessing the data tables from 2 different directions.

Make sure at least to separate the data access (repositories) from the services, one other way is to create one data service (CRUD service), then create whatever services on top of it.


Project architecture: service for working only with database

i am just wondering how good is this approach to project architecture:
1) You have N services that do X stuff. But there is one constraint - they dont have their own database and they can not access any database directly.
2) For that i have a DB service which can access DB and do any action against that.
So the worklow is like this: If any service needs something from a database it asks database service for the records.
How well is this kind of architecture? Am i running into serious bottlenecks ?
Rather than put your entire database behind a single service and single interface, think about providing separate services for different parts of your dataset according to interfaces driven by your high-level business rules and data model (e.g. user account data service, orders data service, audit log data service). That way you can mock/scale/deploy these independent parts differently according to need and more easily change the backend storage if required later (e.g. archived order retrieval from different db). Also because the data managed by a service is of a particular type, certain decisions can be made independently for each service (e.g. caching policy - config-type data could be cached, active orders data probably not).
Initially you can implement all of these interfaces in a single service and then separate later, but the key to this approach is getting the interfaces abstracted and segregated cleanly.
This is a pretty typical architecture - It's a good idea to write your service's data access code against an abstraction so that you can unit test with a mocked version of your data.
At the least, it's a good idea to consolidate your data access code in one place so that you can make changes to it easily.

Universal data model and microservices integration

Since the native-cloud applications or microservices architecture requires decentralized data model (each microservices has its own database), and universal data model is centralized data model
So, how we have microservices architecture with universal data model patterns?
Is there any reference or implementation of universal data model and microservices?
In general the two concepts are not compatible. Using a universal data model for all of your services would clash with a couple of key ideas behind using Microservices, e.g. Polyglot Persistence, separate development & deployment of each service. Also, let's not forget that the "Data Model Resource Book" was last updated in 2009.
However, if you must combine the two approaches, e.g. because management insists on it, you can encapsulate all access to the universal data model by a dedicated service and make your other services dependent on it.
Some good thoughts on the subject can be found here:
Yes to #Fritz's point -- universal data modeling and microservices are really two different concepts and are very difficult if not impossible to be used together. I would like to add that the reasoning for polyglot persistence is also because of how the data should be modeled. Microservices allow the use of different data stores that can best model the data according to their domain.
To elaborate more, I don't think it would do justice to mention microservices and data modeling but not domain driven design. From my experience, domain driven design really helps in thinking about services, their responsibilities, and their right to exist. For instance, I found it often to be the case that there are usually a collection of services that carries out a particular domain functionality. An example could be an e-commerce application that have payments, shopping carts, etc. These could be separated into different "bounded contexts" based on domain driven design terminology.
With the different bounded contexts, each microservice no longer sees the same concept in the system the same, so in effect, there is no real universal data model. The easiest example that I can think of to show this, is when you also want reporting on the metrics in the system. If the example was an ecommerce application, the notion of a transaction in the orders microservice are going to be different than transactions in a reporting service. The reporting service for instance may want to know about transactions at a sub-level such as the profit or revenue generated for a particular order instead of the particular line items in an order. However, in the perspective of the orders service, the order details such as the line items and the address of the individual that made the purchase are probably important and should be known. This should then require two different data models.
With respect to domain modeling, I may be a bit extreme but I would go as far as saying that if there are multiple services sharing the same data source, they should really be the same service; there should be only one service for a single data source. My arguments for that would be that the domain hasn't been properly modeled and that the coupling makes it different to evolve any one service if there are multiple services that relies on a single data source. The case could be that one service requires the schema of the data source to change while the other one does not but still is required to accommodate the schema change. Hope this helps!

Unity of work used with more database

I am learning some patterns, Unity of work / repository... There are some examples on web, but no one connects to more than one database.
In my applications almost always I have the need to get some object from a database (for example users) and some other object from another, how can I use the patterns ? (Since I am a novice on this subject an explicit example is a must)
Thank you!
As a general reference I advise you and anyone interested to visit
which has a collection of UML and explanation over the most common Design Pattern for enterprises software
In your specific case Unity of work is particularly suited to work along with Data Mapper and Identity Map. I guess to understand 100% unity of work one must master also the other 2 pattern.
To answer your question I think you can create a unity of work and save it in a registry, so it is available all over the application. The unity must be a singleton since you need to ensure a central gateway to communicate with the database. Inside your unity of work you will have an identity map which is a collection of valued Objects in memory representing your model which is responsible to maintain the object states during all the application's operations. The unity will be used by your service layer to perform CRUD operations over the model and commit these changes.
To work with more databases I guess you need to leverage some sort of namespaced access to the object stored in the Identity map. You have the choice where to namespace: unity of work or identity map. The decision is really up to your application and use cases. You might need to connect to different DBs for splitting responsibilities between read and write or trying to integrate heterogeneous data sources.
An alternative would be to inject the DB object into the unity of work methods, in this case the application has 100% control over which database is used.
The repository pattern as far as I understand helps you to abstract to the storage of you model and it is particularly useful when you are working with heterogeneous data sources of you must provide such a flexibility to your application. Therefore I guess it is quite different from unity of work and Data Mapper layer.

Using multiple databases in a Spring JPA application

I have a Spring application which supports a single customer.
I would like to extend this application to support multiple customers where each customers database is stored in a separate database. The schema for the database is the same for each customer, and the same DAOs and business logic should remain the same.
How would I accomplish this with Spring/JPA? Would I need to have multiple persistence contexts and wire in an appropriate entity manager factory based upon the currently logged in user? Are there any examples of implementing something similar to this?
I would advice against running separate database under a single application. If a redesign of the data model to incorporate multiple customers is not an option, why don't you run multiple instances of your application server/web container, one for each customer? As otherwise you'll have to deal with the drawbacks of having a shared platform and isolated databases.
With multiple customer databases and a single application your code will become more complex, you can't guarantee that customer data is fully isolated (e.g. due to a bug in the application a customer is shown the wrong data, so there's not much benefit in isolating each customer) and you'll have the nightmare of maintaining each customer database. Also, by having different databases you can virtually guarantee that someone pointy-haired is going to ask for some bespoke functionality for customer A while leaving customer B's functionality untouched, because "... it will be easy, as we've got different databases...", forgetting that the application is shared.
If you really, really want to have separate databases for particular customers, this would be the way to go — define separate persistence units with the same entity definitions, but different entity manager factory configurations.
To me it sounds more like a need to redesign the database structure. I'm guessing that the application has been written for only one client in mind and it turned out that more appeared on the horizon, so, hey, let's do something about it, and fast! Aren't you trying to copy-paste, but in a bigger scale? You'll going to have a lot of redundancy with JPA if you want to have a few databases with the same structure: for example, everything what's defined inside the mapping-file (queries, entity relationship mappings, etc.) is defined per persistence unit — you'll have to repeat these definitions and keep them all synchronized.
I'll stop here, as it is merely guesswork, for the lack of broader description.

Should I duplicate my Entity Model?

Let me set up my LOB scenario.
I am re-writing our core business app. The requirements are that I create an internally usable app (I'd like to use Silverlight) that our employees use on a daily basis. I also need to provide a SOAP service that can be used to input orders, get invoices, etc.
I also will be doing this in pieces, so when I update a record in the new SQL Server database, I need to make sure to update our legacy SQL Server as well.
So, it certainly makes sense to create a DAL that will pull data from the new SQL server, as well as write back to 2 data stores.
It would also make sense to create a BLL that can be used by both Silverlight/RIA and the WCF web services.
I have created a data entity of the new database in it's own project and it is used in all the other projects. The problem here is that RIA seems to require that I create it right inside the ASP.Net project in order to get the metadata for Silverlight. Without this, I need to manually re-create the metadata for Silverlight to access it correctly.
My question then, should I create duplicates of the Entity Model? One for RIA and one for everything else? Is there a better way to do this? Should I just forego using RIA and have Silverlight access WCF services? Or should I just continue to duplicate the metadata in RIA?
We use entities for direct reference to storage and Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) which are almost identical for passing back/forth between BLL and WCF/GUI/etc. We map between the 2 using AutoMapper which means there's very little additional work but we don't have to worry about if a given entity is attached to the context/tracking state changes/etc...
Edit: You definitely want to keep your code as DRY as possible. Personally, I'd look at using DTOs above the BLL and either having 2 sets of repositories which are co-ordinated in the DAL (one RW, one W only). or even having Meta-repositories which handle the datasets on the 2 stores themselves.
If you're not already using it, Unity and IoC would be of real benefit to you here. You might also want to use one of the modular code patterns to allow you to register [n] data stores in different modes, so that when you finally want to retire the old store, you don't need to do much work.
I'd also question whether your entities need to be defined in ASP.Net - you may simple be able to reference the appropriate DLLs from your entity/DTO project and add the appropriate markup/config
