Google App Engine on NetBeans 7 - google-app-engine

Is there any pluggin or alternative way to use Google App Engine on Netbeans 7?
code completion

I managed to get it to work with netbeans 7.0 by using the kenai plugin for Netbeans 6.9:
Here you have the installation instructions. Of course: replace the links proposed with the link I provided (which is not listed on the page itself... Actually I found it by removing /Latest_NetBeans68/updates.xml from the other path).
I think it stopped working with 7.0.1 though.

A new plugin version for NetBeans 7.2 is available.
The settings file is located at
Installation instructions (for older versions) are here.


Failed to initialize App Engine SDK 1.8.9

I am using Indigo on a Mac Pro (10.9.1). I updated to Java1.7 in order to run some updated Google Play Service samples. Under Installed JREs, JAVA7 is shown as the only and default choice, which points to the new Java path. But when I start Eclipse, it started complaining that "JRE version is 1.6.0; version 1.7.0 or later is needed to run Google plugin for Eclipse".
I tried to add the vm option in eclipse.ini, i.e. I added
above "-vmargs" as described here:
It doesn't make any difference though. Since then, I have uninstalled GPE from Eclipse and installed them again via "install new software" from Still the same problem. Under Google->App Engine, there is an error message "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK (path)". This points to appengine-java-sdk-1.8.9.
I have checked my Java version using all means I am aware of, i.e. from run Java -version, using Java's control panel, output from code... They all show I am using Java
Any help is appreciated!
Edit: Google has provided a solution that works great. Add this argument in eclipse.ini
Make sure that eclipse Is compiling your project to 1.7 specifications. Even though you have 1.7 selected as your virtual machine, it might be compiling to 1.6. It's in the eclipse project settings

AppEngine SDK 1.8.5 and Eclipse Juno not working

I've installed the Eclipse plug-in for both GWT and Appengine on 3 different machines, all with Juno (4.2). In each case, I get the following error:
"The selected App Engine SDK is not valid: Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at (path)."
Reinstalling the SDK does not make any difference. Here is more info. about the different configurations I've tried:
Ubuntu 12.0.4, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2-32 bit
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2-64 bit
Mac OSX 10.6.8, Java 6, Eclipse 4.2-64 bit
Any suggestions for what may be going wrong and configs I could try? Thanks!
I was getting the error "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at '..path'" in Eclipse 4.3(Kepler) with Google App Engine SDK 1.8.5 and Java SDK 1.7.0_01
When I updated the Java SDK to 1.7.0_41 (latest one) this error disappeared.
Great relief!!
I can confirm that using win7/sun jdk1.6.0_45/eclipse 4.2/gae sdk 1.8.4 the error occurred when updating to 1.8.5+ and that updating the jre that eclipse runs in to sun 1.7.0_45 solved the issue.
I can now add gae SDKs above 1.8.4.
I'm not sure why we could'nt have an error modal in eclipse to that effect.
I found my issue was that I was trying to use the app engine plugin for eclipse 4.3. I just downloaded the new eclipse and it works now. Sorry, thats the best I have..
I had the same problem and Nicky Jaidev's post helped me.
I had to update the Java Sdk to 1.7.
But also you have to update the eclipse.ini:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javaw.exe
If you don't change this, it will keep failing.
My guess is that the AppEngine SDK version is intended for other version of Eclipse.
For Eclipse 4.2 (Juno), use this link:
Follow the installation guide here if you unsure about how to install plugins through Eclipse directly:
I had the same issue with app engine plugin for Eclipse 4.2 (well, it was the Android Developer Tools version), on Mac
OS 10.8.4.
After I saw this warning about Java 6 not being supported,, I upgraded to the latest version of Java 7 and it worked.

Google App Engine - recompile GWT module

I've created Google App Engine project in Java using Eclipse following the book Beginning Java Google App Engine
Before I bought this book I had created projects with unchecked option 'Use Google Web Toolkit' but for this project I checked it (following the book)
Eclipse generated several files for me and I run my applications, copy link to Web Browser (http://localhost:8888) and it gives me an error:
GWT module name_of_my_project may need to be (re)complied
I work on Ubuntu 10.04 (I was testing my application using Firefox and Chromium) and I was trying run my application on Windows XP (using the same Web Browsers) with the same effect (just one difference - Google Chrome made me install Web I did it but it still gives the same error)
Thanks in advance :)
I get the same error message at unexpected times using development on IntelliJ with Chrome. The message still appears when I stop and start development mode. The problem is fixed after I delete the compiled files (class files, js files) in the out folder. On eclipse, you can try deleting files and folders generated in the war folder (delete the folder that has the project name, if it exists, and the classes folder under /war/WEB-INF/classes). Hope this helps.
Check in your "Java Build Path" if you have the correct Default output folder (something like /target/project-name/WEB-INF/classes).
In Eclipse, do a "Clean Build".
Click on the google blue button in the Eclipse menu and select "GWT Compile Project..."
Make sure the GWT plugin is compiling your project by checking the compiler output. The GWT compiler outputs lots of things, for example you will always see something like "Compiling 6 permutations.... Compiling permutation 0..."
If you still have problems, try this page on setting up Eclipse with GWT:
Thanks for your comments and suggestions. I re-installed Eclipse on Ubuntu and I installed plugin one more time and it works :)
So, be careful which version of Eclipse you use - Eclipse 3.4 has problem with GWT.

Google App Engine .jsp Problem

I just created a .jsp file in my google app engine project. How to resolve the below error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Your project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs
/Proj1/war Unknown Google App Engine Problem
Kindly let me know.
it is the error. In order to compile jsp you need a jdk installed in your system. If you are running on a JRE you will get this error. Also make sure that your project has been configured with a jdk in it's path.
For sake of improving answers
stack over flow reference
.jsp file not working for Google App Engine guestbook tutorial
the accepted answer was a year ago
updated answer from reference
In the end I seem to have wasted my bounty as I found the solution (with a little help) myself.
The problem arose because I was unfamiliar with Eclipse. When I found the more verbose error message Your project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs guestbook.jsp.
It was located in a tab called 'Markers' in pane found at the bottom of the Eclipse window.
It seems that Eclipse wasn't aware that I had installed the JDK.
In Eclipse I went to menu Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs . Eclipse had only one entry there named jre6 I clicked the Add... button Chose Standard VM and browsed to the base directory of the jdk (in my case C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20)
I rebuilt my project but the same error was there. I had forgotten to check the box that tells Eclipse to use the jdk instead of the jre.
As soon as I did that Eclipse rebuilt my project and the error was gone.
To solve this problem, first please confirm that JDK is already install on your computer. If it not available, go to Oracle JDK hompage to download and install it.
Then follow some steps to config JDK.
When JDK is configured, return eclipse and build project if you still get current error, I decide you are using JRE instead JDK. Choose Prefrences - Java - Install JRE - Un-check JRE and check JDK
Rebuild project
Hope this help!
Set JDK as your Installed JREs in Eclipse.
In Eclipse Window->Preference->Java->Installed JREs
Click on Add Button | Select VM ->Add JRE
Select Folder of jdk as "JRE Home" Directory.
Click OK.
Build your GAE Project
For those who use Ubuntu and OpenJDK, and may come here looking for help on the same issue: EVEN when it is called Open*JDK* (i.e. java-6-openjdk) actually you may have installed only the JRE part since they are on different packages, so you need to install also the JDK. For version 6 this is done via:
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
Note that you may have yet an openjdk-6-jre in your system.
If your problem persist, you must sure that in your project use JDK library. Go to your project->click right->Build Path->Configure Build Path->Add library->JRE System Library->Select "Workspace default JRE (jdk1...)"->Finish, and in "Order and Export" UP your JDK Library above JRE Library. When you save your proyect it´s ok.

Eclipse new Web Application Project, can't find my GAE SDK

I've installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 and it seems to work fine.
But when I start a new Web Application Project, it wants me to configure the Google App Engine SDK. I click on Add App Engine SDK, but it doesn't recognize my (valid) GAE SDK. It comes back with "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at %path", no matter what path I give it.
Are you trying to use the Java or Python SDKs, and are you sure you downloaded the right one?
If Python, remember that the Google Eclipse plugin is currently Java-only.
Does your SDK run if you start dev_appserver from the command line? I had a similar problem once and it was because the script wanted to ask me about automatically checking for updates - once I'd answered the question and exited the appserver I was then able to add it to Eclipse.
Have you checked your "path" environment variable to include
;C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\
I had this issue. I downloaded the java zip package and extracted it manually but it turned out that the zip file was either corrupted or messed up during the extraction. Regardless, downloading the package again and re-extracting it fixed the problem for me.
Also, if you are on Python use the PyDev plugin for eclipse and start a Google AE project that way. Use the Google Eclipse plugin for GWT, Java->Js stuff.
