AppEngine SDK 1.8.5 and Eclipse Juno not working - google-app-engine

I've installed the Eclipse plug-in for both GWT and Appengine on 3 different machines, all with Juno (4.2). In each case, I get the following error:
"The selected App Engine SDK is not valid: Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at (path)."
Reinstalling the SDK does not make any difference. Here is more info. about the different configurations I've tried:
Ubuntu 12.0.4, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2-32 bit
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2-64 bit
Mac OSX 10.6.8, Java 6, Eclipse 4.2-64 bit
Any suggestions for what may be going wrong and configs I could try? Thanks!

I was getting the error "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at '..path'" in Eclipse 4.3(Kepler) with Google App Engine SDK 1.8.5 and Java SDK 1.7.0_01
When I updated the Java SDK to 1.7.0_41 (latest one) this error disappeared.
Great relief!!

I can confirm that using win7/sun jdk1.6.0_45/eclipse 4.2/gae sdk 1.8.4 the error occurred when updating to 1.8.5+ and that updating the jre that eclipse runs in to sun 1.7.0_45 solved the issue.
I can now add gae SDKs above 1.8.4.
I'm not sure why we could'nt have an error modal in eclipse to that effect.

I found my issue was that I was trying to use the app engine plugin for eclipse 4.3. I just downloaded the new eclipse and it works now. Sorry, thats the best I have..

I had the same problem and Nicky Jaidev's post helped me.
I had to update the Java Sdk to 1.7.
But also you have to update the eclipse.ini:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javaw.exe
If you don't change this, it will keep failing.

My guess is that the AppEngine SDK version is intended for other version of Eclipse.
For Eclipse 4.2 (Juno), use this link:
Follow the installation guide here if you unsure about how to install plugins through Eclipse directly:

I had the same issue with app engine plugin for Eclipse 4.2 (well, it was the Android Developer Tools version), on Mac
OS 10.8.4.
After I saw this warning about Java 6 not being supported,, I upgraded to the latest version of Java 7 and it worked.


Main Class not found

I recently installed GPE for eclipse Luna 4.4. However, I have to use jre 1.6 instead of jre 1.7. After modifying the Build Path and changing the JRE 1.7 to JRE 1.6. I am getting an JVM error "Main Class not found". Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is compiled for Java 1.7. The byte code will not run in a Java 1.6 VM. If you really have to use Java 1.6, you cannot use the GPE.
As of two years ago, App Engine removed Java 6 support. It now only supports Java 7 (and Java 8 if it's set to compile for Java 7). So with or without the plugin, you need to upgrade to Java 7 if you're going to deploy and run your app on App Engine.

Installation of IDE

While installing IDE software into eclipse I'm getting following error. Can anyone please help me to resolve this error?
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.salesforce.ide,
MD5 hash is not as expected. Expected: 2077dcd58a86278b97c02fda56a61fb7 and found c0f025ffecb6211e4b9242fbac71cc2f.
Artifact not found: IDE plugin officialy supports Eclipse version 3.6/3.5/3.4 and works under java 1.6
More higher eclipse version or java 1.7 may be the cause of your problem.
There are many workarounds in the Internet, please try to find them with google.
Or you can try to use MavensMate
The current version of the IDE can be installed to the latest version of Eclipse - 4.3 Kepler - without any problems. Find detailed information here.
It worked for me with Kepler using following update site:

Google App Engine not installing on IDE Netbean 7.1?

When I try to install google app engine plugin on Netbean IDE 7.1 it gives me error like as follows
Some plugins require plugin Java Hints to be installed. The plugin Java Hints is requested in implementation version 4. The following plugin is affected:       
Google App Engine Editor Hints
I have similar problems. I tried to use NetBeans67 instead.
It works fine so far in Netbeans 7.0.1.

Google App Engine on NetBeans 7

Is there any pluggin or alternative way to use Google App Engine on Netbeans 7?
code completion
I managed to get it to work with netbeans 7.0 by using the kenai plugin for Netbeans 6.9:
Here you have the installation instructions. Of course: replace the links proposed with the link I provided (which is not listed on the page itself... Actually I found it by removing /Latest_NetBeans68/updates.xml from the other path).
I think it stopped working with 7.0.1 though.
A new plugin version for NetBeans 7.2 is available.
The settings file is located at
Installation instructions (for older versions) are here.

App Engine Connected Android Project

I'm missing the App Engine Connected Android Project option when I go to File->New->Other->Android. I'm running Eclipse Helios on Win Xp.
Thank you
Have you already installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE)? What version? App Engine Connected Android Project is new in 2.4, which is still in beta. Instructions for installing the beta version (basically you just have to use a slightly different software site) are at
