App Engine Connected Android Project - google-app-engine

I'm missing the App Engine Connected Android Project option when I go to File->New->Other->Android. I'm running Eclipse Helios on Win Xp.
Thank you

Have you already installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE)? What version? App Engine Connected Android Project is new in 2.4, which is still in beta. Instructions for installing the beta version (basically you just have to use a slightly different software site) are at


No Google icon after installing Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin

In order to install the Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin 1.3.0, I followed instructions provided by Google on .
The plugin is listed as installed in the Eclipse Marketplace, but the Google icon doesn't appear on the toolbar.
My environment is Windows 10 64 bits, Eclipse Oxigen (Java EE IDE for Web Developers, Release 4.7.0), JDK 1.8.0_131 64 bits, Python 3.5.1 64 bits.
My environment variables are:
click here to see the environment variables.
I read a similar question on Stack Overflow (no-google-icon-after-installing-the-google-plugin-eclipse) but I'm not sure that answers are appropriate to my case.
Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Could you tell me how to get that Google icon on my Eclipse toolbar so that I can create a Google App Engine Standard Java Project in order to deploy it online?
Thanks in advance.
I :
launched Eclipse as an administrator;
uninstalled Google Cloud Tools;
restarted now;
exited Eclipse;
re-launched Eclipse as an administrator;
installed Google Cloud Tools;
restarted now.
The icon appeared on the toolbar.

Debug Java 8 Standard App Engine with Android Studio / IntelliJ?

Is it possible to debug to Google App Engine with a Java 8 runtime using Android Studio Google cloud plugin? Currently getting an error when any of the old whitelisted classes are used. I know there is gcloud and a new Gradle plugin, however that does not integrate with the Intellij CE (or Android Studio) plugin, so debugging is not possible.

is there is any way to build hybrid app (Ionic, AngularJs, Cordova) in android studio

I am native android application developer working on java and android api's with android studio, recently i got a requirement to build a hybrid app with ionic, cordova and angularJs, i spent 5-6 hours and dig google to get some tutorail to setup a project structure of hybrid app in andorid studio, but haven't found anything.
I know how to use ionic, angular and cordova but don't know about the project structure and setup compiling and how to run.
so, i want you guys to post links of such tutorails (If you have any).
Have a look over cordova CLI mode. In this see specific for Android Platform for that you first need following pre-requirement to use:
Android Studio.
Android SDK.
Git Client
After installing Node.js Open it's terminal and follow command to create Cordova project with different platform. These steps are already mentioned in official documentation.
Once you have created executed cordova build androidcommand then browse to your project directory. In that you will find that there's a directory named platforms in that you will see Android, now open your Android Studio in that select Select Import Project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc). when you create a new project from there browse to Android directory. That's all you need to do for cordova
Official documentation and referrals links:
Hello try to reefer this articles on mcgivery blog.
I'm ionic dev and if you want to use good IDE use WebStorm :)
I'm using it on EAP version.
first of all you have to install 1)node.js 2)apache ANT 3) Java JDK &
JRE 4) Android SDk & Eclipse and then after all installation you have
to set this all software path into environmental- variable. and then
fire your npm install -g ionic. without this all software
installation and there path setup your ionic application will not
created. and still you have any confusion and any question related
software installation and there path setup then again tell me i will
help you.

AppEngine SDK 1.8.5 and Eclipse Juno not working

I've installed the Eclipse plug-in for both GWT and Appengine on 3 different machines, all with Juno (4.2). In each case, I get the following error:
"The selected App Engine SDK is not valid: Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at (path)."
Reinstalling the SDK does not make any difference. Here is more info. about the different configurations I've tried:
Ubuntu 12.0.4, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2-32 bit
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Java 7, Eclipse 4.2-64 bit
Mac OSX 10.6.8, Java 6, Eclipse 4.2-64 bit
Any suggestions for what may be going wrong and configs I could try? Thanks!
I was getting the error "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at '..path'" in Eclipse 4.3(Kepler) with Google App Engine SDK 1.8.5 and Java SDK 1.7.0_01
When I updated the Java SDK to 1.7.0_41 (latest one) this error disappeared.
Great relief!!
I can confirm that using win7/sun jdk1.6.0_45/eclipse 4.2/gae sdk 1.8.4 the error occurred when updating to 1.8.5+ and that updating the jre that eclipse runs in to sun 1.7.0_45 solved the issue.
I can now add gae SDKs above 1.8.4.
I'm not sure why we could'nt have an error modal in eclipse to that effect.
I found my issue was that I was trying to use the app engine plugin for eclipse 4.3. I just downloaded the new eclipse and it works now. Sorry, thats the best I have..
I had the same problem and Nicky Jaidev's post helped me.
I had to update the Java Sdk to 1.7.
But also you have to update the eclipse.ini:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javaw.exe
If you don't change this, it will keep failing.
My guess is that the AppEngine SDK version is intended for other version of Eclipse.
For Eclipse 4.2 (Juno), use this link:
Follow the installation guide here if you unsure about how to install plugins through Eclipse directly:
I had the same issue with app engine plugin for Eclipse 4.2 (well, it was the Android Developer Tools version), on Mac
OS 10.8.4.
After I saw this warning about Java 6 not being supported,, I upgraded to the latest version of Java 7 and it worked.

Jaikuengine running locally on Windows with Google App Engine SDK

Has anyone succeeded in getting an instance of jaikuengine running locally on Windows using the Google App Engine SDK and the latest jaikuengine SVN code?
just got it upp and running - easy as a breeze...
Python 2.54, Latest svn, GAE SDK and docutils.. that's all..
