Debug Java 8 Standard App Engine with Android Studio / IntelliJ? - google-app-engine

Is it possible to debug to Google App Engine with a Java 8 runtime using Android Studio Google cloud plugin? Currently getting an error when any of the old whitelisted classes are used. I know there is gcloud and a new Gradle plugin, however that does not integrate with the Intellij CE (or Android Studio) plugin, so debugging is not possible.


One or more modules in this project use a version of App Engine that does not support Java 8

I have a Google App Engine project in IntelliJ. I have been working on it for a while but suddenly I can't launch the local development server from IntelliJ anymore.
When I launch Intellij I get this message in Event log:
Java language level not supported: One or more modules in this project use a version of App Engine that does not support Java 8. Please click here to automatically change them to use the Java 7 language level.
If I try to launch the local server I get this error:
Error running 'Google App Engine Standard Local Server'
Error running Google App Engine Dev Server.
Exception occurred :
Exception message : java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml
I can see from my version control system that appengine-web.xml or build.gradle have not changed.
If I run 'gradlew appenginerun' it works ok.
How can I see what modules are not supported on Java 8?
I imported the project again from gradle.
Seems to work now.

No Google icon after installing Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin

In order to install the Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin 1.3.0, I followed instructions provided by Google on .
The plugin is listed as installed in the Eclipse Marketplace, but the Google icon doesn't appear on the toolbar.
My environment is Windows 10 64 bits, Eclipse Oxigen (Java EE IDE for Web Developers, Release 4.7.0), JDK 1.8.0_131 64 bits, Python 3.5.1 64 bits.
My environment variables are:
click here to see the environment variables.
I read a similar question on Stack Overflow (no-google-icon-after-installing-the-google-plugin-eclipse) but I'm not sure that answers are appropriate to my case.
Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Could you tell me how to get that Google icon on my Eclipse toolbar so that I can create a Google App Engine Standard Java Project in order to deploy it online?
Thanks in advance.
I :
launched Eclipse as an administrator;
uninstalled Google Cloud Tools;
restarted now;
exited Eclipse;
re-launched Eclipse as an administrator;
installed Google Cloud Tools;
restarted now.
The icon appeared on the toolbar.

Eclipse Luna Google plugin update

Iam using eclipse luna with google plugin to develop google app engine application. I installed the update for google plugin and my project which was working well is now full of errors. The import statements for JDO and appengine is showing errors like "import javax.jdo cannot be resolved". when i try to run it with the errors it shows:
Error: Could not find or load main class
My project was working perfectly before i update the google plugin.
The version of eclipse and google plugin:
Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
Build id: 20150219-0600
Google plugin for eclipse 4.4
The update must have replaced the gae sdk with a newer version.
Go to your project properties > Google > App Engine and make sure a valid sdk version is selected.

App Engine Connected Android Project

I'm missing the App Engine Connected Android Project option when I go to File->New->Other->Android. I'm running Eclipse Helios on Win Xp.
Thank you
Have you already installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE)? What version? App Engine Connected Android Project is new in 2.4, which is still in beta. Instructions for installing the beta version (basically you just have to use a slightly different software site) are at

Deploying to app engine without eclipse?

I've got a python app and I want to deploy it. I'm using Aptana Studio 3. It's based on Eclipse but will not install the plugin due to dependancy issues. Basically I'm wondering what are my options for deploying my app outside of Eclipse?
Just use the appcfg tool included with the GAE SDK. update path_to_app
