Failing to pass models correctly from collection view? - backbone.js

I've been staring at this for a while and trying various tweaks, to no avail.
Why am I getting a "this.model is undefined" error at
window.Sentence = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
window.Text = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : Sentence,
initialize: function(models, options){
this.url = options.url;
window.SentenceView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.template = _.template($('#sentence_template').html());
render : function(){
var rendered = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
return this;
window.TextView = Backbone.View.extend({
el : $('#notebook') ,
initialize : function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render : function(){
if (sentence === undefined){
console.log('sentence was undefined');
var view = new SentenceView({model: sentence});
return this;
function Notebook(params){
this.text = new Text(
// models
// params
url: params.url
this.start = function(){
this.textView = new TextView({
collection: this.text
window.notebook = new Notebook(
{ 'url': 'js/mandarin.js' }
There's an online version wher eyou can see the error in a console at:
The whole repo is at:
The offending line appears to be at:
I find this perplexing because as far as I can tell the iteration in TextView.render has the right _.each syntax, I just can't figure out why the Sentence models aren't showing up as they should.

var view = new SentenceView({model: sentence});
I'm pretty sure when you pass data to a backbone view constructor, the data is added to the Backbone.View.options property.
Change this line
var rendered = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
to this
var rendered = this.template(this.options.model.toJSON());
and see if it works
From the doco:
When creating a new View, the options you pass are attached to the view as this.options, for future reference. There are several special options that, if passed, will be attached directly to the view: model, collection, el, id, className, and tagName
So, disregard the above advice - the model should by default be attached directly to the object
Things to check next when debugging:
confirm from within the render() method that this is actually the SentenceView object
confirm that you are not passing in an undefined sentence here:
var view = new SentenceView({model: sentence});
It looks like the collection is borked then:
this.textView = new TextView({
collection: this.text
To debug it further you'll need to examine it and work out what's going on. When I looked in firebug, the collection property didn't look right to me.
You could have a timing issue too. I thought the fetch was asynchronous, so you probably don't want to assign the collection to the TextView until you are sure it has completed.

Backbone surfaces underscore.js collection methods for you so you can do this. See if this works for you:
this.collection.each(function(sentence) {

I think the problem is on line 48 of notebook.js shown below:
render : function(){
var view = new SentenceView({model: sentence});
The problem is you are wrapping the collection and you don't have to. Change it to
this.collection.each(function(sentence){ ...
hope that fixes it
OK i'm going to take another crack at it now that you mentioned timing in one of your comments
take a look at where you are fetching and change it to this:
this.start = function(){
success: _.bind( function() {
this.textView = new TextView({
collection: this.text
}, this)
I typed this manually so there may be mismatching parentheses. The key is that fetch is async.
Hope this fixes it

try using _.each
_.each(this.collection, function(sentence){
if (sentence === undefined){
console.log('sentence was undefined');
var view = new SentenceView({model: sentence});


Backbone.js .on('add') to Collection is not causing a render

I am following CodeSchool's 'Anatomy of Backbone.js' and cannot get this to work on my machine. There are similar questions, but they have a lot of extra stuff going on and, for someone brand-new like me, it's making it hard to learn.
Here's the code as simple/universal as possible:
var WorldEvent = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var WorldEventView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click' : 'focusEvent'
focusEvent: function(){
className : 'pin bounce',
render : function () {
console.log('did something');
return this;
var WorldEventCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: WorldEvent,
url: '/events'
var worldEventCollection = new WorldEventCollection();
var worldEventCollectionView = new WorldEventView({
collection: worldEventCollection,
initialize: function(){
this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this);
this.collection.on('reset', this.addAll, this);
addOne: function(myEvent){
var worldEventView = new WorldEventView({ model: myEvent });
addAll: function(){
this.collection.forEach(this.addOne, this);
render: function(){
The good news is that if I call
worldEventCollection.add(new WorldEvent( {<my data>} ));
... the new model is added to worldEventCollection - I've logged worldEventCollection and worldEventCollection.length to verify.
The bad news is that "did something" doesn't appear in the console and I see no evidence of a render.
Please help, I've wasted a ton of time on what is probably super simple. Thank you.
Okay, I found one of my issues. I needed to define a separate WorldEventCollectionView class altogether, so this was NOT correct:
var worldEventCollectionView = new WorldEventView({
collection: worldEventCollection,
Instead, I believe one correct approach is:
var WorldEventCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this.collection);
And then:
var worldEventCollectionView = new WorldEventCollectionView({ collection: worldEventCollection });
WorldEventView.render must end with return this; as per backbone view convention, otherwise chaining such as worldEventView.render().el will not work. Specifically, that will throw an exception since render() returns undefined and you try to access the .el property of undefined.
There's several other things that are not quite right about your snippet as well, but fix that first and see if you can take it from there. Generally in a view's render method, you want to populate HTML inside the view's this.$el and return this; at the end of render and really that's all you should be doing. Render has a very specific purpose and code that isn't following that basic idea and semantic belongs elsewhere.
Oh so this:
var worldEventCollectionView = new WorldEventView({
should be:
var WorldEventCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({

Backbone/Underscore _.each(...) doesn't seem to work according to docs

In this code...
_.each(, function(element,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
element is the entire collection. Why is not just one photo element of the 10 in the collection?
EDIT: Here is my method that populates the photos collection....
loadPhotos: function(memberId) {
var self = this; = new PhotosCollection([]);'error', this.eventSyncError, this);{
url: + memberId,
success: function(collection,response,options) {
console.log('Fetch photos success!');
The collection loads with models just fine. In the Chrome console, I can see the collection of models. I'm not sure what's wrong. I cannot iterate the collection with any of the methods recommended by posters below.
You are using the _.each method incorrectly. The underscore methods needs to called directly on the collection:,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
Or you if want to use the _.each from you need to pass in the models property and not the collection object itself as the list:
_.each(, function(element,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
One should use, index, list){...}) instead of _.each(,...) because is not an underscorejs _.chain object.
Thank you for your suggestions! I would never have figured this out without all your advice above. So here was the problem...
In the parent view, this loads up photo records for a particular member...
loadPhotos: function(memberId) {
var self = this; = new PhotosCollection([]);'error',this.eventSyncError,this);{
url: + memberId,
success: function(collection,response,options) {
Still in the parent view, Backbone.Subviews uses this to call each child view when it renders. Note how I'm passing to the subvw-photos...
subviewCreators: {
"subvw-profile": function() {
var options = {member: this.member};
// do any logic required to create initialization options, etc.,
// then instantiate and return new subview object
return new ProfileView( options );
"subvw-photos": function() {
var options = {photos:};
return new PhotosView( options );
"subvw-comments": function() {
var options = {};
return new CommentsView( options );
This is in the subvw-photos child view. Note how the intialize is accepting the collection as a parameter. See this problem?...
initialize: function(photos) {
Backbone.Courier.add(this); = photos;
render: function() {
console.log('rendering photosview now...');
var self = this;,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
return this;
I was passing an object wrapping the photos collection in to initalize but then treating it like it was just a ref to the photos collection. I had to change the subvw-photos initialize to the following...
initialize: function(args) {
Backbone.Courier.add(this); =;
Then of course all the other code magically began working :-/
Thank you again for your tips! You definitely kept me on track :-)

backbone.js - When i change the name attribute nothing is updated and changed function not triggers [duplicate]

In my backbone function, while the name get change the change function not at all triggering.. any one suggest me the right way to get it.. (actually i need to get changed stuff and need to update);
code :
var list = {};
list.model = Backbone.Model.extend({
name:'need the name'
this.bind('change:name', function(model) {
console.log('Model->change()', model);
list.collect = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url : 'data/names.json',
var that = this;
var updateData = function(){
myTimeout = setTimeout(updateData,10000);
var myTimeout = setTimeout(updateData,10000);
list.view = Backbone.View.extend({
this.collection = new list.collect();
this.collection.on("update", this.render, this);
this.collection.bind("change:name", function(model, attributes){
console.log(model,attributes,'property changed'); // this is not triggering at all..
_.each(this.collection.models, function(data){
//console.log(data.get('name')); it works fine
console.log('updated called');
var newView = new list.view();
Collection.fetch doesn't trigger the change event. You only get the reset event. If you need more granular events, consider calling fetch with the options {update:true}.
That will trigger change event for every model that was already in the collection, and add if the model was previously not in the collection.
Try removing keepUpdate from the collection and put a setTimeout in the initialize function of the view at the end. I suggest that fetch is called from the view as well as this.collection.fetch() instead of the collection's initialize function. Makes your code more reusable.
I'm not sure I understand your question. What are you trying to achieve ?
I don't think that fetch accepts {add:true} as a parameter (I just checked the source code and it does not appear anywhere).
When fetch completes, it only triggers a reset event (not an add). You should listen to that if you want to do something when the content of the collection changes. You can also simplify listen to change.

Backbone.js - change not triggering while the name change

In my backbone function, while the name get change the change function not at all triggering.. any one suggest me the right way to get it.. (actually i need to get changed stuff and need to update);
code :
var list = {};
list.model = Backbone.Model.extend({
name:'need the name'
this.bind('change:name', function(model) {
console.log('Model->change()', model);
list.collect = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url : 'data/names.json',
var that = this;
var updateData = function(){
myTimeout = setTimeout(updateData,10000);
var myTimeout = setTimeout(updateData,10000);
list.view = Backbone.View.extend({
this.collection = new list.collect();
this.collection.on("update", this.render, this);
this.collection.bind("change:name", function(model, attributes){
console.log(model,attributes,'property changed'); // this is not triggering at all..
_.each(this.collection.models, function(data){
//console.log(data.get('name')); it works fine
console.log('updated called');
var newView = new list.view();
Collection.fetch doesn't trigger the change event. You only get the reset event. If you need more granular events, consider calling fetch with the options {update:true}.
That will trigger change event for every model that was already in the collection, and add if the model was previously not in the collection.
Try removing keepUpdate from the collection and put a setTimeout in the initialize function of the view at the end. I suggest that fetch is called from the view as well as this.collection.fetch() instead of the collection's initialize function. Makes your code more reusable.
I'm not sure I understand your question. What are you trying to achieve ?
I don't think that fetch accepts {add:true} as a parameter (I just checked the source code and it does not appear anywhere).
When fetch completes, it only triggers a reset event (not an add). You should listen to that if you want to do something when the content of the collection changes. You can also simplify listen to change.

How can I bind the model to the view?

When the view is initialized, how can I bind the model to the specific View that is created? The view is current initialized at the start of the application. Also, how can I bind the model to the collection?
(function ($) { //loads at the dom everything
//Creation, Edit, Deletion, Date
var Note = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
text: "write here...",
done: false
initialize: function (){
this.set({"text": this.default.text});
edit: function (){{done: !this.get("done")});
clear: function (){
var NoteList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
var NoteView = Backbone.View.extend ({
el: "body",
initialize: function(){
var list = new NoteList;
return list;
events: {
"click #lol" : "createNote"
createNote : function(){
var note = new Note;
var ninja = new NoteView;
I just took a look at #James Woodruff's answer, and that prompted me to take another look at your code. I didn't look closely enough the first time, but I'm still not sure what you're asking. If you're asking how to have a model or view listen for and handle events triggered on the other, then check out James's example of calling bind() to have the view listen for change (or change:attr) events on the model (although I'd recommend using on() instead of bind(), depending what version of Backbone you're using).
But based on looking at your code again, I've revised my answer, because I see some things you're trying to do in ways that don't make sense, so maybe that's what you're asking about.
New Answer
Here's the code from your question, with comments added by me:
var NoteView = Backbone.View.extend ({
// JMM: This doesn't make sense. You wouldn't normally pass `el`
// to extend(). I think what you really mean here is
// passing el : $( "body" )[0] to your constructor when you
// instantiate the view, as there can only be one BODY element.
el: "body",
initialize: function(){
// JMM: the next 2 lines of code won't accomplish anything.
// Your NoteList object will just disappear into thin air.
// Probably what you want is one of the following:
// this.collection = new NoteList;
// this.list = new NoteList;
// this.options.list = new NoteList;
var list = new NoteList;
// Returning something from initialize() won't normally
// have any effect.
return list;
events: {
"click #lol" : "createNote"
createNote : function(){
var note = new Note;
// JMM: the way you have your code setup, `this` will be
// your view object when createNote() is called. Depending
// what variable you store the NoteList object in (see above),
// you want something here like:
// this.collection.push( note ).
Here is a revised version of your code incorporating changes to the things I commented on:
var NoteView = Backbone.View.extend( {
initialize : function () {
this.collection = new NoteList;
// initialize
events : {
"click #lol" : "createNote"
// events
createNote : function () {
this.collection.push( new Note );
// Or, because you've set the `model` property of your
// collection class, you can just pass in attrs.
this.collection.push( {} );
// createNote
} );
var note = new NoteView( { el : $( "body" )[0] } );
You have to bind views to models so when a model updates [triggers an event], all of the corresponding views that are bound to the model update as well. A collection is a container for like models... for example: Comments Collection holds models of type Comment.
In order to bind a view to a model they both have to be instantiated. Example:
var Note = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
text: "write here..."
initialize: function(){
// More code here...
var NoteView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
// Listen for a change in the model's text attribute
// and render the change in the DOM.
this.model.bind("change:text", this.render, this);
render: function(){
// Render the note in the DOM
// This is called anytime a 'Change' event
// from the model is fired.
return this;
// More code here...
Now comes the Collection.
var NoteList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Note,
// More code here...
Now it is time to instantiate everything.
var Collection_NoteList = new NoteList();
var Model_Note = new Note();
var View_Note = new NoteView({el: $("Some Element"), model: Model_Note});
// Now add the model to the collection
I hope this answers your question(s) and or leads you in the right direction.
