Can I use Spring MVC 3 with GAE, even if it is not mentioned (or actualised) in "Will it play in Java"? - google-app-engine

My question is in the title.
I am afraid to use Spring MVC 3 (and learn it..) and having bad surprise after.
Do you have any recent feedback or recommendation about using SPRING MVC + GAE ?
Thanks you,

You can use Spring MVC 3. Search the web and you'll find numerous tutorials and mini-examples on how to use it on App Engine.
That said, you should prefer a more lightweight solution, because big frameworks can suffer from slow start-up times. There are workarounds specific for Spring MVC, like this blog post suggests.


porting an app built using Tornado framework to Django framework

I have an app that was developed using Tornado framework and Angularjs.
the app is basically a game with two type of users a moderator and players. the moderator and players exchange data in "real time" and a graph is updated based on their input.
I am a decent coder but new to web development and this is just an in case question. Since the app has some issues, and since I will have to learn a framework anyway, I would rather learn Django. I was wondering if there is a resource out there that makes the conversion easier?
What I am looking for is advice on how to tackle this in a way where I don't have to go through the documentation of both frameworks before I can do anything useful.
Ideally, I'd like to incrementally learn more about both frameworks as I make meaningful edits to the app.
From what I see you need to get familiar with two things. Django Rest Framework` which is a great tool, with a really good documentation. Basically it helps you to communicate with you application by REST API. And of course Django.
They also have a tutorial made for starting your way with Django. Which basically have everything needed to start. If you have an experience with Tornado, you will have no problem to work with Django. Here is a link to tutorial.

Angular2 Multi-page Application Consuming Spring Rest Microservices API

Good day Pals, I have no experience of Angular 2, but a bit of Angularjs 1x. Having done my little research.
I found out that for a new project I am better off going for ng2.
Also, that there is better support for TypeScript against JavaScript.
This is more learning curve for me, since I am from a JS background.
In my project we have built multiple spring bootstrap rest microservices and we need to knock out UI as speedily as possible using Angularjs2, HTML5, CSS3/Bootstrap.
I am looking for a good sample application for Angular2 showing features like: multiple page routing/navigation, templates, directives and components to implement calling our existing rest endpoints/API. Typical CRUD application references will be appreciated etc
It will be good to to see a rich client application partitioned/architectured with best practice in mind.
I have googled and there isn't much out there, I need some expert guidance please. References to code/bloggs/github etc
Thanks in advance.

Convert Silverlight APP to HTML5 SPA – tools and technologies

My team is working on a strategy to convert our cloud based Silverlight app to HTML5 app. Although we have been working on formulating a strategy to find best possible set of tools, technologies, and methodologies to convert our App to HTML, I am asking this question here to get some feedback from the large community at SO and to learn from experiences of the people who may have done similar things in recent past.
My question has a few parts.
Our app is written in Silverlight and uses WCF RIA services. Most importantly, we rely a lot on MVVM and we wish not to rewrite that logic again hence to reuse as much code as possible. What would be, in your opinion, the best possible combination of tools and technologies for us to use?
In order to make SPA, we would like to use some of the “cool” new frameworks out there but we really want to minimize our work (due to hard deadlines) and be able to thoroughly test our app easily and quickly (hence the code reuse). Is SPA even a good option or should we go for traditional MVC app? Keeping in mind that there are more than 200+ views in our app.
If we chose to go the SPA route, which framework is best suited in terms of life span. We have to move away from Silverlight because it is going to die soon. We don't want to be in the same situation again in near future.
Moving an existing Silverlight app to and HTML5 web app is the perfect project for AngularJS. Angular has it's own similar MV* design pattern, but you will not be "reusing" code from your existing silverlight apps. The main ideas and abstractions may be similar, but just the nature of how html and js work together, and especially how they work in angular, you have to do it the angular way.
Also, Angular is somewhat of an engineering approach to web development. It is not a learn-it-in-a-weekend piece of cake framework to master. There's a lot that goes into it. There's noob ways to do things in Angular, somewhat noob-ish ways to do the same things, and then the so-called "right" way of doing it so you may find yourself learning some ways of doing things only to have them replaced with "better ways".
If you want to "minimize your work" then Angular might not be the best choice, but if you want your HTML5 app to be really awesome then any framework you with will require some studying in addition to getting used to the inherent quirks of Javascript.
Angular 2 is hot and just launched a Beta release, but I'm still happily using AngularJS 1.4 for all production apps.

CakePHP and SOA

I am a PHP developer and wanted to develop a large scale web application in PHP. I have an essay about EMR systems (electronic medical records) using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). I was thinking about using the CakePHP framework.
Is CakePHP good for large scale web applications and is it good for SOA?
I am looking forward to your guidance.
thanks for your reply burzum, i am thinking to implement it using REST and CakePHP 2. I found some tutorials on the net and of course at cakephp docs, but i have difficulties to catch the point..using REST with CakePHP.Maybe i need more reading about RESTful WS..any suggestions or links to extra resources will be welcomed
Yes, we have a huge app in the same field with over 250 tables and it's working fine and fast. we use a lot of caching techniques and use PostgreSql.
I suggest you to follow the conventions of the framework and get some experience with the Framework before you start building such a huge app that requires high security standards and a good performance.
When it comes to this performance bullshit talk I would say it does not matter which framework you use but how good your team of programmers can use the power of the framework. You can be successfully or build a huge pile of fail with any framework. I've seen both cases in CakePP.
We have played recently a little bullshit bingo with benchmarks for fun and in fact CakePHP 2.1 was beating Yii in their own silly benchmark (just echoing something) if we used more than one simultaneous request. Using a single request Yii was faster.

GWT now has spring roo support, what will this mean to GWT developers?

I have been using GWT with App Engine for a while now. Recently there was an announcement that GWT will support Spring Roo and SpringSource Tool Suite. I am having trouble seeing the big picture from the Google announcement page. For those without much knowledge of Spring what does this mean for GWT developers used to building swing-like gui's?
My understanding is that Spring-Roo simplifies creating the server side component as well as making a rudimentary GWT front end for you. Then as a GWT developer, you can take the generated GWT front end and further embellish it. So, if is as good as they say it is, it makes your life as a GWT developer much easier and makes you more productive.
My first impression on Spring Roo is just a code generator. But after I learn a few things about the files AspectJ created in the project, my view was totally changed. I took one ERD diagram from and created the entities with Roo, generate the web controller. Straight away I got an application within minutes. All I needed was an ERD diagram and what I got is the well written application in Java based on the fact that AspectJ codes are Java codes. If I want to write the complex code for reporting. I can write them either in one of the Entities or custom service classes. Not only GWT, any support or add-on Roo will ease my development. Struts 2 addon for Spring Roo in the future ? Yes, please.
I think that this alliance enables developers to design complex and high performing applications even more easier. Concering GWT applications Spring would offer the server-side part with the many aspects provided by the framework (e.g. dependency injection, architecture, securits, data access ...) you might need in an enterprise application.
As far as I understand Spring Roo is a framework for rapid developement. Using GWT in combination with this, GAE and other mentioned spring technologies you'll be able to quickly start developing app engine applications (for example).
