UIElement.InvalidateVisual on Windows Phone 7 - silverlight

I've made a custom UIElement that need to update its appearance when certain DependencyProperties are changed. But I can't find the InvalidateVisual-method on UIElement-class. Why has it been removed in the WP7-API? Is there a work around?
The problem I'm having seem to be related to that custom shape-derivatives is'nt supported at all in Silverlight/WP7! I have to re-think this.

If you check the documentation of UIElement.InvalidateVisual you will find it states:
This method is not generally called from your application code. The
WPF framework-level layout system does its own handling of changes in
the visual tree of an element, and would be calling the equivalent of
this method when necessary already.
When your dependency property changes, simply update the state of your UI. For example, if you have a rectangle where its width is dependant on the dependency property value, simply change the width within your dependency property event change handler. The rendering framework will perform the required invalidation for you.


When are data bindings applied?

At what time of object lifecycle are bindings resolved for the first time?
It is a simple question but I cannot find any information neither in books nor through Google.
It's not that simple actually, you won't get a straight answer for this question. It depends on the context.
Here are two simple examples :
If the bounded property is owned by a WPF control that is not inside a ControlTemplate, the binding will most likely be resolved for the first time when the UpdateLayout method is called for the first time, if the DataContext is already set.
If the DataContext was not set, it will try to be resolved after the control is Loaded: see the DataBindEngine.RequestRun() below
private void RequestRun()
base.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.DataBind, new DispatcherOperationCallback(this.Run), false);
base.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Loaded, new DispatcherOperationCallback(this.Run), true);
If the bounded property is owned by a WPF control that is inside a ControlTemplate however, it will be resolved for the first time during the first layouting pass that will trigger an ApplyTemplate and lead to resolving the binding.
Those are only specific examples, if you want to fully understand the binding mechanisms, you should use reflector to take a look at MS.Internal.Data.DataBindEngine and System.Windows.Data.BindindExpression classes. Those are the classes responsible for pushing the correct data when using bindings on dependency properties.

Layout System in WPF

I want to trigger the Measure/Arrange layout pass of an ItemsControl manually in code behind without user interaction. Is it possible? If yes, How? I tried InvalidateMeasure(), UpdateLayout(), but no use.
Use the InvalidateVisual method to invoke a re-render:
Invalidates the rendering of the element, and forces a complete new
layout pass. OnRender is called after the layout cycle is completed.
However, as Microsoft recommends that this should scarcely be used manually in applications, there is likely another solution to your problem (such as proper use of dependency properties, for instance), if we knew it.

Silverlight DependencyProperty.SetCurrentValue Equivalent

I'm looking for a SL4 equivalent to .NET 4's SetCurrentValue API, which would appear to be exactly what I need for my scenario.
In short, I'm writing an attached behavior that updates the value of a given property at appropriate times. However, I don't want it to overwrite any bindings that are set on that dependency property. I merely want to push that value to the property (and therefore have any bindings refresh based on that value).
From what I can tell, there's no easy way to do this yet in SL4.
Silverlight does not provide direct access to this level of dependency value. However its this level of value that Animations in storyboards set when they manipulate a property.
Hence a Storyboard with a 0 length duration containing a single DiscreteObjectKeyFrame might achieve your desired result.
I've managed to simulate what I'm after by detecting bindings and injecting a surrogate object between the source and target. I can then manipulate the surrogate and have both sides of the original binding refresh.
It's ugly and more work than I'd like, but it seems to work.

Possible to use Bindings only for the SourceChanged event?

Basically I want to use the WPF Binding framework to "observe" a property in the data context, and when that value changes to call an event handler. I do not actually want to bind it to any target.
Sounds simple but from what I can see Binding is too coupled (to the visual tree and various other bits) to be able to use it flexibly.
Any thoughts?
You are correct that bindings are associated with the visual tree: they're about hooking UI elements up to data elements. So if you wanted to use a binding for this, you would indeed have to set it on a dummy framework element.
However, if WPF can observe the property then you can too. WPF is just using the data context object's INotifyPropertyChanged interface. So rather than setting up a binding, you can just cast the object you want to observe to INotifyPropertyChanged, and subscribe to its PropertyChanged event. Internally, that's all WPF is doing anyway.
(If you're concerned about lifecycle issues, WPF provides the PropertyChangedEventManager which uses weak references. Call PropertyChangedEventManager(dataObject, listenerObject, "WhateverPropertyYouWant") where listenerObject is the object you want to receive the change notifications.)

WPF Dependency Property question ... need advice on what to do in this particular scenario:

I am attempting to create a sukodu (like crossword) player in WPF, and I realize that I have a whole bunch of controls that will need to know the sudoku grid to function.
Because of this, I think the Sudoku Grid object would be a good candidate to create a dependency property. I am about to start the work, but I have some lingering questions:
Who should own the SudokuGrid dependency property? I am thinking the main window UI element should.
Should I set it as a shared dependency property, where all user controls that represent a part of a sudoku grid simply add themselves to the property via .AddOwner() method?
Set it up as an attached property, defined at the main window, and allow child user controls to set up accordingly?
I don't really want child controls to be allowed to set their own grid property value though, so at this time I am leaning towards shared dependency property, but I am not sure it does what I think it does.
Ultimately what I want is one property where if it's set on a parent UI element, all children UI elements that knows about the property will share the same value, overriding any prior value / setting. Does shared dependency do that?
I know it's a bit long winded, but any help would be much appreciated!
I think what you want is an attached property with the Inherits FrameworkPropertyOption. That we every control that wants to know about the grid can just find the grid by getting the value of the attached property (assuming it is set higher up in the tree). This article goes over attached properties and how to set them up.
Alternativly you might like to try out the Model View View-Model (MVVM) pattern and implement the Sudoku grid as a view-model class which each cell being a ceperate view-model class. That way the whole sudoku puzzel is completly seperate from the UI and the UI can just bind to it using appropriate data templates.
For more info on the MVVM pattern se the following:
