Layout System in WPF - wpf

I want to trigger the Measure/Arrange layout pass of an ItemsControl manually in code behind without user interaction. Is it possible? If yes, How? I tried InvalidateMeasure(), UpdateLayout(), but no use.

Use the InvalidateVisual method to invoke a re-render:
Invalidates the rendering of the element, and forces a complete new
layout pass. OnRender is called after the layout cycle is completed.
However, as Microsoft recommends that this should scarcely be used manually in applications, there is likely another solution to your problem (such as proper use of dependency properties, for instance), if we knew it.


Constrained Window render error

Basically we have two problems and they may depend so Here is the link to the second question:
We tried the constrained border layout example from the API with the difference of setting autoShow: true which ends in a broken window rendered to the top left of the document.
How can this be fixed and where is the error?
I guess you are facing the problem that the constraining container didn't finished the layout yet so that the window failed to layout itself by using the constrain target. I recommend you to call setVisible(true) on the window by using the afterFirstLayout method. The method is documented as private but based on the usage within the framework itself it should better be promoted as protected template, so you should be save using it.
I guess the afterRender wouldn't be enough cause the layout hadn't be processed yet. And the afterLayout template method would run more then once.
You may give it a try.

Recommended way to add/remove items from a Ext.Container in Sencha Touch 2?

I am optimizing my application. Originally, it's a Ext.TabPanel but I decided to use only a Ext.TabBar docked at the bottom and change the views above, so it requires a lot of add/remove actions from my main Ext.Container.
So my question is: in what way I should do to add/remove items from my Ext.Container effectively? I mean: fast, not cause memory-leaks, and also, not cause error like this: the view with a button in it, firstly added, all handlers (which are define through refs and control in a controller) work well but the second time (i.e it's removed and added again later), all handlers die.
Thanks in advance!
You have to ensure that you destroy the panel is destroyed otherwise it would be sitting in the dom.
Generally to remove a component from a container you use the Container remove() function which takes in the first parameter as the item to be removed and the second one is a boolean which instructs for it to be destroyed or not. You should ensure you set it to true to make sure you keep your DOM as lean as possible. Unless you're going to be reusing that component in the near future and do not want to render it again, then you do not need to destroy it.!/api/Ext.Container-method-remove

Passing params through nested user controls in Silverlight 4

I have a three level of nested user controls in my Silverlght 4 application.
the most low level control fires an event with some parameter, then second user control takes the parameter and also fires an event sending parameter to up. Third user controls makes same thing passing parameter to the MainPage. Anyway a have got my parameter but the way I did it very boring and confusing. Is there any acceptable and easy understanding way to do same thing shorter.
Thanks a lot!
That is the correct way, mainly because any level is replaceable and so should function the same way.
Boring and simple looking are actually good things for code... makes it easier for others to follow.
If you want excitement... I would suggest a career change :)
It all depends on what the event is and what the parameter you are bubbling up contains. If this is purely user-interaction and the visual parent needs to react to your event, then, as HiTech Magic mentions, this is the best way to do it.
Now, if what you are trying to do is actually related with the business logic of the application, then maybe your user control is not best place to handle this event and you may benefit from binding a view model to your user controls and using some kind of event aggregator to broadcast your events.
It may be good for you to add more context to the event your are firing and the parameter which you are bubbling up to the container for you to get additional information which applies to your context.

UIElement.InvalidateVisual on Windows Phone 7

I've made a custom UIElement that need to update its appearance when certain DependencyProperties are changed. But I can't find the InvalidateVisual-method on UIElement-class. Why has it been removed in the WP7-API? Is there a work around?
The problem I'm having seem to be related to that custom shape-derivatives is'nt supported at all in Silverlight/WP7! I have to re-think this.
If you check the documentation of UIElement.InvalidateVisual you will find it states:
This method is not generally called from your application code. The
WPF framework-level layout system does its own handling of changes in
the visual tree of an element, and would be calling the equivalent of
this method when necessary already.
When your dependency property changes, simply update the state of your UI. For example, if you have a rectangle where its width is dependant on the dependency property value, simply change the width within your dependency property event change handler. The rendering framework will perform the required invalidation for you.

Change Button Style at Runtime in Silverlight

I have a Button in Silverlight. I need to change its style at runtime. The style of this Button needs to change multiple times during the life of the application. Is this possible in Silverlight? If not, what is a good workaround?
Thank you!
Consider using the VisualStateManager to change the state of the button as appropriate.
You could create your own states for each of the different styles you wish to show.
Yes, it's possible, but I'd think hard about what exactly you're trying to do by changing the style itself because there's probably an easier way. You've probably already run into the fact that you can't simply assign a new style to the button with something like MyButton.Style = (Style)FindName("NewButtonStyle"). So you do need some kind of alternative.
The VisualStateManager is the first and easiest way of handling most kinds of changes that you would normally want to do to a control. You can pretty easily set changes to occur on the normal sorts of visible states (hover, focus, mousedown, mouseup) and it'll animate those state changes correctly from whatever state you're in to whatever other state you need.
If the kind of change you're looking for is more extensive, changing the type of control to, say, a ContentControl and then catching the mousedown/mouseup events from there might be a better workaround. This is obviously a bigger deal (and you lose the simplicity of having a button), but you'd be able to get whatever changes you wanted to pretty easily by just swapping out the Content property.
Somewhere between the two (and something I'll mention because it's possible, not because I recommend it) would be to actually manipulate the Style definition itself. The Button will pick up the changes and adjust itself. I'm going to repeat myself here though: I don't recommend this and I can't envision a scenario where I'd prefer doing this over using the VSM or using something other than a Button entirely. But it is possible to get into Application.Current.Resources["Style"] as Style and muck about with whatever you please. The bigger question then is why and whether what you're doing can be done some other way that would make more sense for whoever's going to maintain your code later. Personally, I expect Styles to be pretty static and I think that's the general consensus too.
Sure you can....
if you have a style stored locally you can access it like that :
rec1.Style = (Style)this.Resources["style1"];
