I have a Silverlight 4.0 application that is making RESTful calls to an MVC3 application using the Hammock API on the client to issue the RESTful service codes.
The problem is that whether the request.Method is set to WebMethod.Get or WebMethod.Post, the request that is sent is a POST. What am I doing wrong?
private IAsyncResult GetServerList()
var callback = new RestCallback((restRequest, restResponse, userState) =>
// There is some working callback code here. Excluded for clarity.
var request = new RestRequest();
request.Method = WebMethod.Get;
request.Path = "ServerList";
return _restClient.BeginRequest(request, callback);
Try setting the request type on RestClient.
var restClient = new RestClient
Method = WebMethod.Get
Or from your example:
private IAsyncResult GetServerList()
var callback = new RestCallback((restRequest, restResponse, userState) =>
// There is some working callback code here. Excluded for clarity.
var request = new RestRequest();
request.Path = "ServerList";
_restClient.Method = WebMethod.Get;
return _restClient.BeginRequest(request, callback);
So we are working on a client application in Windows WPF. We want to include Google as a login option and intend to go straight to the current most secure method. At the moment we have spawned a web browser with the following methods to obtain a Authorization Code
private async void HandleGoogleLogin() {
State.Token = null;
var scopes = new string[] { "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile", "openid" };
var request = GoogleOAuthRequest.BuildLoopbackRequest(scopes);
var listener = new HttpListener();
// note: add a reference to System.Windows.Presentation and a 'using System.Windows.Threading' for this to compile
await Dispatcher.Invoke(async () => {
googleLoginBrowser.Address = request.AuthorizationRequestUri;
// here, we'll wait for redirection from our hosted webbrowser
var context = await listener.GetContextAsync();
// browser has navigated to our small http servern answer anything here
string html = string.Format("<html><body></body></html>");
var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html);
context.Response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
var stream = context.Response.OutputStream;
var responseTask = stream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length).ContinueWith((task) =>
string error = context.Request.QueryString["error"];
if (error != null)
string state = context.Request.QueryString["state"];
if (state != request.State)
string code = context.Request.QueryString["code"];
await APIController.GoogleLogin(request, code, (success, resultObject) => {
if (!success) {
//Handle all request errors (username already exists, email already exists, etc)
} else {
((App)Application.Current).UserSettings.Email = resultObject["email"].ToString();
attemptingLogin = false;
public static GoogleOAuthRequest BuildLoopbackRequest(params string[] scopes) {
var request = new GoogleOAuthRequest {
CodeVerifier = RandomDataBase64Url(32),
Scopes = scopes
string codeChallenge = Base64UrlEncodeNoPadding(Sha256(request.CodeVerifier));
const string codeChallengeMethod = "S256";
string scope = BuildScopes(scopes);
request.RedirectUri = string.Format("http://{0}:{1}/", IPAddress.Loopback, GetRandomUnusedPort());
request.State = RandomDataBase64Url(32);
request.AuthorizationRequestUri = string.Format("{0}?response_type=code&scope=openid%20profile{6}&redirect_uri={1}&client_id={2}&state={3}&code_challenge={4}&code_challenge_method={5}",
return request;
To my understanding, from this point the client app has completed the required portion to have the user login to their google account and approve any additional privileges.
Our API/App server is in GoLang.
from above sends the CodeVerifier and AuthorizationCode to the GoLang application server to then finish off the OAuth2 Flow.
Is this the correct flow given our client-server setup?
If so, what is the best practice for the Go Server to retrieve a Access Token/Refresh Token and get user information? Should the client app be performing a looping check-in to the app server as the app server will not immediately have the required information to login?
Thanks for the help!
How can I use dotnetbrowser doing the following in a winform application?
Create a listener that listen for callbacks to a specific redirect url.
Open url in dotnetbrowser. The url makes the callback to the redirect url in another thread
The listener catches the response from the callback.
I can do this with an ordinary webbrowser, but I would like it to be silent. That's why I try to use dotnetbrowser instead.
Is dotNetBrowser a good choice for this, or is there a better option?
This is from my test code with a non silent webbrowser. First I create a listener that listen to a redirectUri:
var listener = new HttpListener();
Then I start the url in a webbrowser:
Process p = Process.Start(url);
The started url will send a callback to the redirectUri. The listener will get it.
var context = await listener.GetContextAsync(); ;
string formData = string.Empty;
using (var body = context.Request.InputStream)
using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(body, context.Request.ContentEncoding))
formData = reader.ReadToEnd();
I found a solution with help from dotnetbrowser support site.
This is the winform constructor in my new test project:
public Form1()
webView = new BrowserView() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
Task.Run(() =>
engine = EngineFactory.Create(new EngineOptions.Builder
RenderingMode = RenderingMode.HardwareAccelerated,
LicenseKey = "your license key here"
browser = engine.CreateBrowser();
.ContinueWith(t =>
var listener = new HttpListener();
var context = listener.GetContextAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
//Get data from redirectUri. You find this code from test example above, but not really relevant for the problem.
var formData = GetRequestPostData(context.Request);
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing;
this.Visible = false;
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
For a Winforms Desktop application I will use the authorization code flow with PKCE. As Identity provider I use IdentityServer and as client library OicdClient.
Next step I have to decide which Browser to use for the user login:
Extended WebBrowser
For SystemBrowser speaks the simple/clear implementation of the flow.
For Extended WebBrowser speaks that some user may have no SystemBrowser. But the WebBrowser is an older IE version? and is it allowed to use for a secure authentication?
Nevertheless I tried the "Extended WebBrowser" Sample and stumble integrating it in to my prototype Environment with own IS4 server. Therefore I need some clarity with the code flow and redirect.
I already had implemented this authorization code flow with pure .Net classes, but using OicdClient makes me little confusing(in the beginning like a black box).
My question is how does the redirect work with this libraries and who are responsible for redirect and who are responsible to receive the redirect with the code (to exchange for access token)?
The code flow has following steps (without details like clientID, PKCE ...):
Send a code request to IS4
IS4 Response with a login page (shown in a Browser)
After successful login IS4 sends to redirect URL with code
A HttpListener receives this redirect with code and
Send a request to IS4 with the code to receive a access token
With OidcClient and using the Automatic Mode:
var options = new OidcClientOptions
Authority = "https://demo.identityserver.io",
ClientId = "native",
RedirectUri = redirectUri,
Scope = "openid profile api",
Browser = new SystemBrowser()
var client = new OidcClient(options);
var result = await client.LoginAsync();
Here is to much magic for me. Only a call to LoginAsync() makes it work...
An important point seems to be the Browser property of the options with the IBrowser interface and its implementation of this method:
public async Task<BrowserResult> InvokeAsync(BrowserOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using (var listener = new LoopbackHttpListener(Port, _path))
var result = await listener.WaitForCallbackAsync();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
return new BrowserResult { ResultType = BrowserResultType.UnknownError, Error = "Empty response." };
return new BrowserResult { Response = result, ResultType = BrowserResultType.Success };
catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
{ ....}
if I try to map to the flow steps:
Login page: OpenBrowser(options.StartUrl);
Redirect will be done by IS4? The SystemBrowser from sample does not do this.
Receive the code: await listener.WaitForCallbackAsync();
1 and 5 are probably done by the OicdClient. This Example is fairly clear, need confimation that redirect is done by IS4.
The implementation in the other example Extended WebBrowser
public async Task<BrowserResult> InvokeAsync(BrowserOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
using (var form = _formFactory.Invoke())
using (var browser = new ExtendedWebBrowser()
Dock = DockStyle.Fill
var signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
var result = new BrowserResult
ResultType = BrowserResultType.UserCancel
form.FormClosed += (o, e) =>
browser.NavigateError += (o, e) =>
e.Cancel = true;
if (e.Url.StartsWith(options.EndUrl))
result.ResultType = BrowserResultType.Success;
result.Response = e.Url;
result.ResultType = BrowserResultType.HttpError;
result.Error = e.StatusCode.ToString();
browser.BeforeNavigate2 += (o, e) =>
var b = e.Url.StartsWith(options.EndUrl);
if (b)
e.Cancel = true;
result.ResultType = BrowserResultType.Success;
result.Response = e.Url;
System.Threading.Timer timer = null;
await signal.WaitAsync();
if (timer != null) timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
return result;
Done by: browser.Navigate(options.StartUrl);
Redirect by IS4
Receive of code in event handle: NavigateError ???
Is here something wrong?
On IS4 the AccountController.Login is called
that calls /connect/authorize/callback? with the redirect_uri.
But this doesn't come to BeforeNavigate2. instead NavigateError event appears where the result set to:
result.ResultType = BrowserResultType.Success;
result.Response = e.Url;
Current best practice is to use the user's default web browser and not to embed a browser component. As for how to implement that - since you can't intercept browser navigation events using this approach you'd need to implement an HTTP listener that can accept the POST request from your identityserver4 implementation.
Have a read of this: https://auth0.com/blog/oauth-2-best-practices-for-native-apps/
And this RFC: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8252
I have an API that uses IdentityServer4 for token validation.
I want to unit test this API with an in-memory TestServer. I'd like to host the IdentityServer in the in-memory TestServer.
I have managed to create a token from the IdentityServer.
This is how far I've come, but I get an error "Unable to obtain configuration from http://localhost:54100/.well-known/openid-configuration"
The Api uses [Authorize]-attribute with different policies. This is what I want to test.
Can this be done, and what am I doing wrong?
I have tried to look at the source code for IdentityServer4, but have not come across a similar integration test scenario.
protected IntegrationTestBase()
var startupAssembly = typeof(Startup).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
_contentRoot = SolutionPathUtility.GetProjectPath(#"<my project path>", startupAssembly);
var orderApiServerBuilder = new WebHostBuilder()
OrderApiTestServer = new TestServer(orderApiServerBuilder);
HttpClient = OrderApiTestServer.CreateClient();
private void InitializeServices(IServiceCollection services)
var cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(_contentRoot, "idsvr3test.pfx"), "idsrv3test");
services.AddIdentityServer(options =>
options.IssuerUri = "http://localhost:54100";
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy(OrderApiConstants.StoreIdPolicyName, policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new StoreIdRequirement("storeId")));
services.AddSingleton<IPersistedGrantStore, InMemoryPersistedGrantStore>();
private void ConfigureApp(IApplicationBuilder app)
var options = new IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions
Authority = _appsettings.IdentityServerAddress,
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
ScopeName = _appsettings.IdentityServerScopeName,
AutomaticAuthenticate = false
And in my unit-test:
private HttpMessageHandler _handler;
const string TokenEndpoint = "http://localhost/connect/token";
public Test()
_handler = OrderApiTestServer.CreateHandler();
public async Task LeTest()
var accessToken = await GetToken();
var httpResponseMessage = await HttpClient.GetAsync("stores/11/orders/asdf"); // Fails on this line
private async Task<string> GetToken()
var client = new TokenClient(TokenEndpoint, "client", "secret", innerHttpMessageHandler: _handler);
var response = await client.RequestClientCredentialsAsync("TheMOON.OrderApi");
return response.AccessToken;
You were on the right track with the code posted in your initial question.
The IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions object has properties to override the default HttpMessageHandlers it uses for back channel communication.
Once you combine this with the CreateHandler() method on your TestServer object you get:
//build identity server here
var idBuilder = new WebBuilderHost();
TestServer identityTestServer = new TestServer(idBuilder);
var identityServerClient = identityTestServer.CreateClient();
var token = //use identityServerClient to get Token from IdentityServer
//build Api TestServer
var options = new IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions()
Authority = "http://localhost:5001",
JwtBackChannelHandler = identityTestServer.CreateHandler(),
IntrospectionDiscoveryHandler = identityTestServer.CreateHandler(),
IntrospectionBackChannelHandler = identityTestServer.CreateHandler()
var apiBuilder = new WebHostBuilder();
apiBuilder.ConfigureServices(c => c.AddSingleton(options));
//build api server here
var apiClient = new TestServer(apiBuilder).CreateClient();
//proceed with auth testing
This allows the AccessTokenValidation middleware in your Api project to communicate directly with your In-Memory IdentityServer without the need to jump through hoops.
As a side note, for an Api project, I find it useful to add IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions to the services collection in Startup.cs using TryAddSingleton instead of creating it inline:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.TryAddSingleton(new IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions
Authority = Configuration.IdentityServerAuthority(),
ScopeName = "api1",
ScopeSecret = "secret",
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
var options = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions>()
This allows you to register the IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions object in your tests without having to alter the code in the Api project.
I understand there is a need for a more complete answer than what #james-fera posted. I have learned from his answer and made a github project consisting of a test project and API project. The code should be self-explanatory and not hard to understand.
The IdentityServerSetup.cs class https://github.com/emedbo/identityserver-test-template/blob/master/tests/API.Tests/Config/IdentityServerSetup.cs can be abstracted away e.g. NuGetted away, leaving the base class IntegrationTestBase.cs
The essences is that can make the test IdentityServer work just like a normal IdentityServer, with users, clients, scopes, passwords etc. I have made the DELETE method [Authorize(Role="admin)] to prove this.
Instead of posting code here, I recommend read #james-fera's post to get the basics then pull my project and run tests.
IdentityServer is such a great tool, and with the ability to use the TestServer framework it gets even better.
I think you probably need to make a test double fake for your authorization middleware depending on how much functionality you want. So basically you want a middleware that does everything that the Authorization middleware does minus the back channel call to the discovery doc.
IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation is a wrapper around two middlewares. The JwtBearerAuthentication middleware, and the OAuth2IntrospectionAuthentication middleware. Both of these grab the discovery document over http to use for token validation. Which is a problem if you want to do an in-memory self-contained test.
If you want to go through the trouble you will probably need to make a fake version of app.UseIdentityServerAuthentication that doesnt do the external call that fetches the discovery document. It only populates the HttpContext principal so that your [Authorize] policies can be tested.
Check out how the meat of IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation looks here. And follow up with a look at how JwtBearer Middleware looks here
We stepped away from trying to host a mock IdentityServer and used dummy/mock authorizers as suggested by others here.
Here's how we did that in case it's useful:
Created a function which takes a type, creates a test Authentication Middleware and adds it to the DI engine using ConfigureTestServices (so that it's called after the call to Startup.)
internal HttpClient GetImpersonatedClient<T>() where T : AuthenticationHandler<AuthenticationSchemeOptions>
var _apiFactory = new WebApplicationFactory<Startup>();
var client = _apiFactory
.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>
.AddScheme<AuthenticationSchemeOptions, T>("Test", options => { });
.CreateClient(new WebApplicationFactoryClientOptions
AllowAutoRedirect = false,
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Test");
return client;
Then we create what we called 'Impersonators' (AuthenticationHandlers) with the desired roles to mimic users with roles (We actually used this as a base class, and create derived classes based on this to mock different users):
public abstract class FreeUserImpersonator : AuthenticationHandler<AuthenticationSchemeOptions>
public Impersonator(
IOptionsMonitor<AuthenticationSchemeOptions> options,
ILoggerFactory logger, UrlEncoder encoder, ISystemClock clock)
: base(options, logger, encoder, clock)
base.claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "FreeUser"));
protected List<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>();
protected override Task<AuthenticateResult> HandleAuthenticateAsync()
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "Test");
var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, "Test");
var result = AuthenticateResult.Success(ticket);
return Task.FromResult(result);
Finally, we can perform our integration tests as follows:
// Arrange
HttpClient client = GetImpersonatedClient<FreeUserImpersonator>();
// Act
var response = await client.GetAsync("api/things");
// Assert
Test API startup:
public class Startup
public static HttpMessageHandler BackChannelHandler { get; set; }
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
//accept access tokens from identityserver and require a scope of 'Test'
app.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication(new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "https://localhost",
BackchannelHttpHandler = BackChannelHandler,
Assigning the AuthServer.Handler to TestApi BackChannelHandler in my unit test project:
protected TestServer AuthServer { get; set; }
protected TestServer MockApiServer { get; set; }
protected TestServer TestApiServer { get; set; }
public void Setup()
AuthServer = TestServer.Create<AuthenticationServer.Startup>();
TestApi.Startup.BackChannelHandler = AuthServer.CreateHandler();
TestApiServer = TestServer.Create<TestApi.Startup>();
The trick is to create a handler using the TestServer that is configured to use IdentityServer4. Samples can be found here.
I created a nuget-package available to install and test using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing library and the latest version of IdentityServer4 for this purpose.
It encapsulates all the infrastructure code necessary to build an appropriate WebHostBuilder which is then used to create a TestServer by generating the HttpMessageHandler for the HttpClient used internally.
None of the other answers worked for me because they rely on 1) a static field to hold your HttpHandler and 2) the Startup class to have knowledge that it may be given a test handler. I've found the following to work, which I think is a lot cleaner.
First create an object that you can instantiate before your TestHost is created. This is because you won't have the HttpHandler until after the TestHost is created, so you need to use a wrapper.
public class TestHttpMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
private ILogger _logger;
public TestHttpMessageHandler(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.Information($"Sending HTTP message using TestHttpMessageHandler. Uri: '{request.RequestUri.ToString()}'");
if (WrappedMessageHandler == null) throw new Exception("You must set WrappedMessageHandler before TestHttpMessageHandler can be used.");
var method = typeof(HttpMessageHandler).GetMethod("SendAsync", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var result = method.Invoke(this.WrappedMessageHandler, new object[] { request, cancellationToken });
return await (Task<HttpResponseMessage>)result;
public HttpMessageHandler WrappedMessageHandler { get; set; }
var testMessageHandler = new TestHttpMessageHandler(logger);
var webHostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder()
services.PostConfigureAll<JwtBearerOptions>(options =>
options.Audience = "http://localhost";
options.Authority = "http://localhost";
options.BackchannelHttpHandler = testMessageHandler;
var server = new TestServer(webHostBuilder);
var innerHttpMessageHandler = server.CreateHandler();
testMessageHandler.WrappedMessageHandler = innerHttpMessageHandler;
So I'm attempting to attach to a web api method via a WPF service, but get only a 500 error on anything other than a GET.
WPF call:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var user = new MyUser
EntityID = Guid.NewGuid(),
FirstName = "WPF",
LastName = "test"
var formatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
HttpContent content = new ObjectContent<MyUser>(user, formatter);
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:19527/api/");
var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("MyUser", content);
//.ContinueWith((postTask) => result = (postTask.Result.Content == null) ? "Could not create user" : "User created successully!");
var r = response.StatusCode;
...and the receiving controller:
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string badgeId)
return Request.CreateResponse<bool>(HttpStatusCode.OK, (service.UserByBadge(badgeId) != null));
public HttpResponseMessage Put(MyUser user)
return Request.CreateResponse<bool>(HttpStatusCode.OK, service.UpsertUser(user));
public HttpResponseMessage Post(MyUser user)
if (service.UpsertUser(user)) return Request.CreateResponse<MyUser>(HttpStatusCode.OK, service.Get<MyUser>(u => u.BadgeID == user.BadgeID));
return Request.CreateResponse<MyUser>(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, null);
The service on the WebApi controller is a GenericRepository, which is working fine, since the Get method returns as expected. It's only when I use Post that I get the error. Debugging the methods throws the break point in the Get, but not in the Post, so I don't think it's ever being called.
Here's the route config:
name: "Default",
url: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "{controller}", action = "{action}", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
I've tried different examples from other SO posts, but none appear to address this issue specifically. I'm guessing there's something wrong with how I've constructed the Post() method?
RESOLUTION: Model being passed was failing property validations. Why this was causing a 500, not certain. But once I solved for this, API method began working.
If anybody has a "why" explanation, would love to know for future reference.