Per-thread hashtable-like data structure implementation in CUDA - c

Short version of my question:
I have a CUDA program where each thread needs to store numbers in different "bins", and I identify each of these bins by an integer. For a typical run of my program, each CUDA thread might only store numbers in 100 out of millions of bins, so I'd like to know if there is a data structure other than an array that would allow me to hold this data. Each thread would have its own copy of this structure. If I were programming in Python, I would just use a dictionary where the bin numbers are the keys, for example mydict[0] = 1.0, mydict[2327632] = 3.0, and then at the end of the run I would look at the keys and do something with them (and ignore the bins where no numbers are stored in them since they aren't in the dictionary). I tried implementing a hash table for every thread in my cuda program and it killed performance.
Long version:
I have a CUDA Monte Carlo simulation which simulates the transport of particles through a voxelized (simple volume elements) geometry. The particles deposit energy during their transport and this energy is tallied on a voxel-per-voxel basis. The voxels are represented as a linearized 3D grid which is quite large, around 180^3 elements. Each CUDA thread transports 1-100 particles and I usually try to maximize the number of threads that I spawn my kernel with. (Currently, I use 384*512 threads). The energy deposited in a given voxel is added to the linearized 3d grid which resides in global memory through atomicAdd.
I'm running into some problems with a part of my simulation which involves calculating uncertainties in my simulation. For a given particle, I have to keep track of where (which voxel indices) it deposits energy, and how much energy for a given voxel, so that I can square this number at the end of the particle transport before moving on to a new particle. Since I assign each thread one (or a few) particle, this information has to be stored at a per-thread scope. The reason I only run into this problem with uncertainty calculation is that energy deposition can just be done as an atomic operation to a global variable every time a thread has to deposit energy, but uncertainty calculation has to be done at the end of a particle's transport, so I have to somehow have each thread keep track of the "history" of their assigned particles.
My first idea was to implement a hash table whose key would be the linearized voxel index, and value would be energy deposited, and I would just square every element in that hash table and add it to a global uncertainty grid after a particle is done transporting. I tried to implement uthash but it destroyed the performance of my code. I'm guessing it caused a huge amount of thread divergence.
I could simply use two dynamic arrays where one stores the voxel index and the other would store the energy deposited for that voxel, but I am thinking that it would also be very bad for performance. I'm hoping that there is a data structure that I don't know about which would lend itself well to being used in a CUDA program. I also tried to include many details in case I am completely wrong in my approach to the problem.
Thank you

Your question is a bit jargon-ful. If you can distill out the science and leave just the computer science, you might get more answers.
There have been CUDA hash tables implemented. The work at that link will be included in the 2.0 release of the CUDPP library. It is already working in the SVN trunk of CUDPP, if you would like to try it.
That said, if you really only need per-thread storage, and not shared storage, you might be able to do something much simpler, like some per-thread scratch space (in shared or global memory) or a local array.


How to calculate offsets with an array from sub-array sizes, in parallel?

I have an array of data structures, sorted in blocks of different size within the array.
An algorithm extracts from it few of the data structures, and stores that in a new one. It also counts how many it took from each block. However, near-unsynchronizable nature of compute shaders causes the resulting array to be unsorted. I want to make a new one that would use the knowledge of new block sizes (how many the algorithm took from each in the past), to sort them. However, while I know sizes of blocks, I don't know offsets within the array, where each block should start. I could easily do it on CPU, but everything happens within a GPU - its a pre-processing of graphics inputs, a huge number of them, and communicating back and forth, waiting for CPU in a middle of the frame, is expensive.
How do I calculate said offsets efficiently within a GPU shader? This seems like a parallel reduction problem to me, however requiring to save intermediate results.
For NVIDIA GPUs, you can find libraries and code for a parallel “prefix sum” in both thrust and CUB. If you store your block sizes in an array, then a prefix sum on that array should give you the offset for each block.

Basic GPU application, integer calculations

Long story short, I have done several prototypes of interactive software. I use pygame now (python sdl wrapper) and everything is done on CPU. I am starting to port it to C now and at the same time search for the existing possibilities to use some GPU power to entlast the CPU from redundant operations. However I cannot find a good "guideline" what exact technology/tools should I pick in my situation. I just read plethora of docs, it drains my mental powers very fast. I am not sure if it is possible at all, so I'm puzzled.
Here I've made a very rough sketch of my typical application skeleton that I develop, but given that it uses GPU now (note, I have almost zero practical knowledge about GPU programming). Still important is that data types and functionality must be exactly preserved. Here it is:
So F(A,R,P) is some custom function, for example element substitution, repetition, etc. Function is presumably constant in program lifetime, rectangle's shapes generally are not equal with A shape, so it is not in-place calculation. So they are simply generated whith my functions. Examples of F: repeat rows and columns of A; substitute values with values from Substitution tables; compose some tiles into single array; any math function on A values, etc. As said all this can be easily made on CPU, but app must be really smooth. BTW in pure Python it became just unusable after adding several visual features, which are based on numpy arrays. Cython helps to make fast custom functions but then the source code is already kind of a salad.
Does this schema reflect some (standart) technology/
Is CUDA what I am looking for? If yes, some links/examples which coincides whith my application structure, would be great.
I realise, this a big question, so I will give more details if it helps.
Here is a concrete example of two typical calculations for my prototype of bitmap editor. So the editor works with indexes and the data include layers with corresponding bit masks. I can determine the size of layers and masks are same size as layers and, say, all layers are same size (1024^2 pixels = 4 MB for 32 bit values). And my palette is say, 1024 elements (4 Kilobytes for 32 bpp format).
Consider I want to do two things now:
Step 1. I want to flatten all layers in one. Say A1 is default layer (background) and layers 'A2' and 'A3' have masks 'm2' and 'm3'. In python i'd write:
from numpy import logical_not
Result = (A1 * logical_not(m2) + A2 * m2) * logical_not(m3) + A3 * m3
Since the data is independent I believe it must give speedup proportionl to number of parallel blocks.
Step 2. Now I have an array and want to 'colorize' it with some palette, so it will be my lookup table. As I see now, there is a problem with simultanous read of lookup table element.
But my idea is, probably one can just duplicate the palette for all blocks, so each block can read its own palette? Like this:
When your code is highly parallel (i.e. there are small or no data dependencies between stages of processing) then you can go for CUDA (more finegrained control over synching) or OpenCL (very similar AND portable OpenGL-like API to interface with the GPU for kernel processing). Most of the acceleration work we do happens in OpenCL, which has excellent interop with both OpenGL and DirectX, but we also have the same setup working with CUDA. One big difference between CUDA and OpenCL is that in CUDA you can compile kernels once and delay-load (and/or link) them in your app, whereas in OpenCL the compiler plays nice with the OpenCL driver stack to ensure the kernel is compiled when the app starts.
One alternative that is often overlooked if you're using Microsoft Visual Studio is C++AMP, a C++ syntax-friendly and intuitive api for those who do not want to dig into the logic twists and turns of OpenCL/CUDA API's. Big advantage here is that the code also works if you do not have a GPU in the system, but then you do not have as many options to tweak performance. Still, in a lot of cases, this is a fast and efficient way to write proof your concept code and re-implement bits and parts in CUDA or OpenCL later.
OpenMP and Thread Building Blocks are only good alternatives when you have synching issues and lots of data dependencies. Native threading using worker threads is also a viable solution, but only if you have a good idea on how synch-points can be set up between the different processes in such a way that threads do not starve each-other out when fighting for priority. This is a lot harder to get right, and tools such as Parallel Studio are a must. But then, so is NVida NSight if you're writing GPU code.
A new platform called Quasar ( is being developed that enables you to write your math problems in a syntax that is very similar to Matlab, but with full support of c/c++/c# or java integration, and cross-compiles (LLVM, CLANG) your "kernel" code to any underlying hardware configuration. It generates CUDA ptx files, or runs on openCL, or even on your CPU using TBB's, or a mixture of them. Using a few monikers, you can decorate the algorithm so that the underlying compiler can infer types (you can also explicitly use strict typing), so you can leave the type-heavy stuff entirely up to the compiler. To be fair, at the time of writing, the system is still w.i.p. and the first OpenCL compiled programs are just being tested, but most important benefit is fast prototyping with almost identical performance compared to optimized cuda.
What you want to do is send values really fast to the GPU using the high frequency dispatch and then display the result of a function which is basically texture lookups and some parameters.
I would say this problem will only be worth solving on the GPU if two conditions are met:
The size of A[] is optimised to make the transfer times irrelevant (Look at,
The lookup table is not too big and/or the lookup values are organized in a way that the cache can be maximally utilized, in general random lookups on the GPU can be slow, ideally you can pre-load the R[] values in a shared memory buffer for each element of the A[] buffer.
If you can answer both of those questions positively then and only then consider having a go at using the GPU for your problem, else those 2 factors will overpower the computational speed-up that the GPU can provide you with.
Another thing you can have a look at is to as best as you can overlap the transfer and computing times to hide as much as possible the slow transfer rates of CPU->GPU data.
Regarding your F(A, R, P) function you need to make sure that you do not need to know the value of F(A, R, P)[0] in order to know what the value of F(A, R, P)[1] is because if you do then you need to rewrite F(A, R, P) to go around this issue, using some parallelization technique. If you have a limited number of F() functions then this can be solved by writing a parallel version of each F() function for the GPU to use, but if F() is user-defined then your problem becomes a bit trickier.
I hope this is enough information to have an informed guess towards whether you should or not use a GPU to solve your problem.
Having read your edit, I would say yes. The palette could fit in shared memory (See GPU shared memory size is very small - what can I do about it?) which is very fast, if you have more than one palette, you could fit 16KB (size of shared mem on most cards) / 4KB per palette = 4 palettes per block of threads.
One last warning, integer operations are not the fastest on the GPU, consider using floating points if necessary after you have implemented your algorithm and it is working as a cheap optimization.
There is not much difference between OpenCL/CUDA so choose which works better for you. Just remember that CUDA will limit you to the NVidia GPUs.
If i understand corretly to your problem, kernel (function executed on GPU) should be simple. It should follow this pseudocode:
kernel main(shared A, shared outA, const struct R, const struct P, const int maxOut, const int sizeA)
int index := getIndex() // get offset in input array
if(sizeA >= index) return // GPU often works better when n of threads is 2^n
int outIndex := index*maxOut // to get offset in output array
outA[outIndex] := F(A[index], R, P)
Functions F should be inlined and you can use switch or if for different function. Since there is not known size of the output of F, then you have to use more memory. Each kernel instance must know positions for correct memory writes and reads so there have to be some maximum size (if there is none, than this all is useless and you have to use CPU!). If different sizes are sparse, then I would use something like computing these different sizes after getting the array back to RAM and compute these few with CPU, while filling outA with some zeros or indication values.
Sizes of arrays are obviously length(A) * maxOut = length(outA).
I forgot to mention that if execution of F is not same in most of the cases (same source code), than GPU will serialize it. GPU multiprocessors have a few cores connected into the same instruction cache so it will have to serialize the code, which is not the same for all cores! OpenMP or threads are better choice for this kind of problem!

How best to model a (very) sparse probability density function?

I want to write a traffic generator that replicates the primitive read and write demands that are made on memory by a running computer.
But running computers also show (very strong) locality in their memory references and across a 64 bit address space only a very small range of addresses will be referenced (in fact I have tested this on on one benchmark and about 9000 pages of the billions on offer are touched).
What is a good way to model such a sparse probability density function (in C or C++ ideally) - I have probabilities for the benchmark but don't need to follow them too closely (as I could just use the benchmark references in any case but want something a bit more flexible).
To clarify I also have data about how many reads should come from each page, but what I am interested in is picking the sequence of pages. (The Markov chain idea suggested in the comments might be the way to do this)
For what it's worth I decided to use a pretty crude hack - along these lines: pick a random number between 1 and 0, find the element in the distribution that has a frequency/probability equal or greater than this number (picking the minimum probability of all elements in this set). Seems to work (I did this in R)

Transferring large variable amount of memory from Cuda

Cuda is awesome and I'm using it like crazy but I am not using her full potential because I'm having a issue transferring memory and was wondering if there was a better way to get a variable amount of memory out. Basically I send 65535 item array into Cuda and Cuda analyzes each data item around 20,000 different ways and if there's a match in my programs logic then it saves a 30 int list as a result. Think of my logic of analyzing each different combination and then looking at the total and if the total is equal to a number I'm looking for then it saves the results (which is a 30 int list for each analyzed item).
The problem is 65535 (blocks/items in data array) * 20000 (total combinations tested per item) = 1,310,700,000. This means I need to create a array of that size to deal with the chance that all the data will be a positive match (which is extremely unlikely and creating int output[1310700000][30] seems crazy for memory). I've been forced to make it smaller and send less blocks to process because I don't know how if Cuda can write efficiently to a linked list or a dynamically sized list (with this approach the it writes the output to host memory using block * number_of_different_way_tests).
Is there a better way to do this? Can Cuda somehow write to free memory that is not derived from the blockid? When I test this process on the CPU, less then 10% of the item array have a positive match so its extremely unlikely I'll use so much memory each time I send work to the kernel.
p.s. I'm looking above and although it's exactly what I'm doing, if it's confusing then another way of thinking about it (not exactly what I'm doing but good enough to understand the problem) is I am sending 20,000 arrays (that each contain 65,535 items) and adding each item with its peer in the other arrays and if the total equals a number (say 200-210) then I want to know the numbers it added to get that matching result.
If the numbers are very widely range then not all will match but using my approach I'm forced to malloc that huge amount of memory. Can I capture the results with mallocing less memory? My current approach to is malloc as much as I have free but I'm forced to run less blocks which isn't efficient (I want to run as many blocks and threads a time because I like the way Cuda organizes and runs the blocks). Is there any Cuda or C tricks I can use for this or I'm a stuck with mallocing the max possible results (and buying a lot more memory)?
As Per Roger Dahl's great answer:
The functionality you're looking for is called stream compaction.
You probably do need to provide an array that contains room for 4 solutions per thread because attempting to directly store the results in a compact form is likely to create so many dependencies between the threads that the performance gained in being able to copy less data back to the host is lost by a longer kernel execution time. The exception to this is if almost all of the threads find no solutions. In that case, you might be able to use an atomic operation to maintain an index into an array. So, for each solution that is found, you would store it in an array at an index and then use an atomic operation to increase the index. I think it would be safe to use atomicAdd() for this. Before storing a result, the thread would use atomicAdd() to increase the index by one. atomicAdd() returns the old value, and the thread can store the result using the old value as the index.
However, given a more common situation, where there's a fair number of results, the best solution will be to perform a compacting operation as a separate step. One way to do this is with thrust::copy_if. See this question for some more background.

Memory management for gauss elimination

A matrix is created in processor 0 and scattered to other processors. A matrix is a symmetric dense matrix. That's why it is initialized in processor 0.
A matrix is created in this way:
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
for(j=0; j<N; j++)
A(i,j)=rand()%10; // The code will be changed.
A(i,j) is defined as:
#define A(i,j) A[i*N+j]
and N has to be 100,000 to test the algorithm.
The problem here is: if N=100,000 then the memory needed is approximately 76GB. What do you suggest to store the A matrix?
PS: Algorithm works very well when N<20.000 and the cluster is a distrubed memory system(2GB RAM per processor)
If you are doing this, as stated in comments, to do a scaling test, then Oli Charlesworth is completely right; anything you do is going to make this an apples-to-oranges comparison, because your node doesn't have 76GB to use. Which is fine; one of the big reasons to use MPI is to tackle problems that couldn't fit on one node. But by trying to shoehorn 76GB of data onto one processor, the comparison you're doing isn't going to make any sense. As mentioned by both Oli Charlesworth and caf, through various methods you can use disk instead of RAM, but then your 1 processor answer is going not going to be directly comparable to the fits-in-RAM numbers you get from larger number of nodes, so you're going to be going to a lot of work to get a number which won't actually mean anything.
If you want scaling results on this sort of problem, you either start with the lowest number of nodes that the problem does fit on, and take data at increasing numbers of processors, or you do weak scaling, rather than strong scaling tests -- you keep the work-per-processor constant while scaling up the number of processors, rather than the total work being constant.
Incidentally, however you do the measurements, you'll end up with better results if, as Oli Charlesworth suggests, you have each procesor generate its own data rather than have a serial bottleneck by having rank 0 do the generation of the matrix and then have all the processors receive their parts.
If you are programming on a POSIX system with sufficient virtual address space (which in practice will mean a 64 bit system), you can use mmap().
Either create an anonymous mapping of the required size (this will be swap-backed, which will mean you'll need at least 76GB of swap), or create a real file of the required size and map that.
The file-backed solution has the advantage that if your cluster has a shared file system, you don't need to explicitly transfer the matrix to each processor - you can simply msync() it after creating it, and then map the right region on each processor.
If you can switch to C++, you might look into STXXL, which is an STL implementation specifically designed for huge datasets, with transparent disk-backed support, etc.
