How can I get the state ("on" or "off") of the Google +1 button? - google-plus-one

The +1 API documentation is here:
There is no mention of how to determine whether the viewing user has already clicked the button or not. This would be a very useful function because it would allow me to encourage people who haven't +1'd a page to do so without putting users who have already +1'd the page through a needless and possibly confusing step.
Has anyone found a way to do this? Thanks

There is callback attribute, which allows you to add custom callback function, which can react to +1 or -1. See
But your question is old, maybe it wasn't present yet.


React Component accidentally share state

Anyone know what is the problem? Each post is a component on its own. When I click the comment button of the second post, the comment box on the first post appear instead.
You code showing that you have written code for like and unlike a post in you Post component. The code is common for all posts. Try to create a separate component for like section.
See this SO for a similar example: React toggle like button
For those who might come across this thread later, I haven't found any valid solution by now. Thus, how I solve this is kinda a bit hacky and might cost a lot of time if your app is quite complex. I added id(not HTML id) to each post and loop through each post and check the id with the id of the element that emits the action to show comment box. If they match simply set the display of the comment box to block.

Equivalent to `onEndReached` for React

I'm trying to implement an infinite list for a React project and I'd like to know if there is an equivalent to the onEndReached from react-native that I could use to get this done easily. The idea would be to have an offset and a limit in my request so that I can append a batch of elements after I reached the end of my list.
I haven't found many options except some already complete components but I do need to implement mine.
I also found this question from January 27 (How can I implement a robust onEndReached for ScrollView on React Native) but since he doesn't have any answer I thought I should ask here.
Do you guys have any idea ?
Thanks in advance
By quick Googling, this can detect when you scroll to an element. It can call your callback to fetch more items.

How can we detect when the model is back to its original value?

JS Bin here
This article describes a clever way to see if your (pure Angular) form model has changed since the initial load. In my mind it's a more accurate test of $dirty/$pristine. This allows us to do things like hide the "Save" button for a form if the model hasn't changed, even if the user has typed then deleted text.
So the question is, how can we do this with angular-formly? My hunch is that onChange for each field might be a good starting point, but I'm having a lot of trouble putting together the rest of the solution.
Hope the question makes sense. Any ideas would be very welcome. Thanks!
This might work in a limited capacity:
var listener = scope.$watch(function(oldVal,newVal){
scope.initialValue = oldVal
atinder was correct in that the pure Angular approach actually works fine with angular-formly. I've created a working JS Bin here.

Nothing happening when I click Post Comment button (ThinksterIO:Real Time Webapps tutorial)

I ran into another snag while going through the ThinksterIO Learn to Build Real Time Webapps tutorial around the 90% mark where one is shown how to add and delete comments:
Every time I click the Post Comment button absolutely nothing happen and I simply can't figure it out. I am expecting some kind of error to show up but nil. It's as if the button is not hooked up to the function. I was so frustrated that I eventually just copy and pasted the code from the tutorial to make sure I had it down right. Even after doing that it still didn't work.
I've created a Plunker with this app running over here
You can sign in with the email and 1234 password. You will then be able to try to comment on posts. Any ideas on what is going wrong here?
I took away the user and 1234 password since problem is now fixed.
Your add comment button is in showpost.html, which is rendered by PostViewCtrl. However, your addComment method is attached to the scope of PostsCtrl (it doesn't exist when you try to click it). The simplest answer here is just to move addComment() over to the other controller.
Regarding the lack of error messages, I don't think that you can get an error for this. I had a look at the docs for $log and tried to decide if you could add some debugging output, but it looks like it's already on (i.e. the lack of a method seems to fail silently).
About your only option here is to try something like {{addComment|json}} in the view to see if it exists, but you'd first have to suspect that it didn't.

Cakephp custom URL using Route

I would like to format my URL like so:
I would like to achieve this result by using as less code as possible (perhaps only from routes.php?), without modifying how the PaginatorHelper behaves.
Thank you for your help!
You can accomplish this with:
form posts instead of gets (requires altering the pagination
But I would advise against it. This is designed for good usability. If you change it, It will make your site less user friendly than you may want it to be. I know I would be frustrated trying to jump to a specific page only to find out I have to click my way to page 35. Yuck!
