Saving image from Image object to isoStorage? - silverlight

I've been googling around, and all the different answers has got me confused.
In my app I retrieve a contact picture, and put it in an Image object to be displayed to the user.
But I want to save the image to isostorage, and later retrieve it again.
How do I do this?
Can I use the Image.Source for anything?

You cannot get a filename or an ISO storage file.
The only use for ISO storage is to store a file of the bitmap and open a stream to that file to recreate a bitmap later.
The bitmap can then be assigned to the Image.Source.


JPEG (JPG) file format - Want to store data. Is it possible?

The interesting question here is:
I want to store in a JPEG file some data (from 1kilo to 1mega). Is that possible without damaging the picture?
A practical example: I have an image in which I want to store 500 kb of text without the jpg file to lose it's property of being an image.
I hope you understand my question.

Application design - read data from text file

I am trying to create an app which has a predefined set of data(currently a text file) and it reads from it, now how should i implement the data storage such that when i share the app with someone else, i don't have to pass the text file or any other data file(if possible, i can encrypt the contents and give it using a different extension) externally. I just want to give one exe file to the person and the data should be included inside the exe.
anyway to do it ??
Thanks in advance
Include the text file as a resource.
You do not need to change the build (if you are using Visual Studio that is). Visual Studio will embed the resource/file and generate a readonly property for the file so you can access it directly from within your code:
string fileContent = YourResourceFile.TheEmbeddedFile;
You could split the fileConent per linebreak but the previous line will load the entire file into memory.
string[] lines = fileContent.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
If the file is too big to be read into memory at once, you could stream the resource as explained here.
You can change the build mode of the file to resource/embedded resource, reading from it works different then, this should be answered somewhere though.

Bing Static Map Image type

May I know how to determine the output of Bing map static image? Previously it used to be in png but now it is in jpeg. May I know how to revert back to png format?
Example: Display the image with the link below:,seattle?mapLayer=TrafficFlow&mapVersion=v1&key=BingKey
The image is in jpeg. How to make it to png? Thanks.
I know it's a while you posted this question, but as there is no answer yet, and I got here via Google I'll supply an answer anyway.
You can use the format / fmt parameter.
One of the following image format values:
gif: Use GIF image format.
jpeg: Use JPEG image format. JPEG format is the default for Road, Aerial and AerialWithLabels imagery.
png: Use PNG image format. PNG is the default format for CollinsBart and OrdnanceSurvey imagery.
I don't think you can request the image in a different format.
From :
This URL returns an image in one of
the following formats:
PNG (image/png)
JPEG (image/jpeg)
GIF (image/gif)
You cannot specify the output format
for the map image. The image type is
chosen based on parameters such as
If you really want a PNG, you could make the request from a server-side script and then construct a PNG file programmatically before serving that back to the client (using PHP's imagepng function, for example)

how to override image in media library in WP7

I want to save image to media library in windows phone 7. I`m using this example . It works fine, the only problem that i have is that after image modification i call save procedure with the same file name, exactly like in example
MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary();
Picture pic = library.SavePicture("SavedPicture.jpg", myFileStream);
but modification is saved to another file, even thought i use the same file name when i call SavePicture (and i want to override the image file). What am i doing wrong?
Reading between the lines a little you are seeing a new picture appear in the phone saved pictures collection where you were expecting an existing one to be replaced?
You should note that the code you have referenced creates duplicate pictures. One is stored in the phones saved pictures collection and another is saved in isolated storage for the application.
Its not possible for an application to mutate an existing picture in the saved pictures collection even if that application is the original creator of the picture. When saved, a new picture is created in the saved pictures collection.
On the other hand the existing content of the file in the isolated storage is replaced with the new content.
You can't.
It's only possible to read and add images in/to the MediaLibrary.
It is not possible to edit or delete images.
This is by design.

Getting a CGImage out of a PDF file

I have a PDF file where every page is a (LZW) TIFF file. I know this because I created it. I want to be able to load it and save it as a bunch of TIFF files.
I can open the PDF file with CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL, and get a page. I can even draw the page onto the screen.
What I WANT to do is draw the page into a bitmapContext, so that I can use CGBitmapContextCreateImage to get the image into a CGImageRef. However, in order to create a bitmap context, I need to know the size and resolution of the image. I can't seem to find out how to get either a CGPDFDocument or a CGPDFPage to tell me the resolution of the image object on that page.
Is there an easier way to do this that I'm not realizing?
Ghostscript will work for you here :
gs -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -sOutputFile=foo-Page%d.tif foo.pdf
For 2 page document foo.pdf you should get :
From memory I think the output resolution from GS is that of the containing Page, not necessarily the resolution of the embedded file (unless these are the same to begin with).
If this is the case and you want to recover the image as it was originally res-wise, you can use iText (java) or iTextSharp(.net) to get to the image content stream (ie. Bytes) and write them out to disk in the format of your choice, after converting the content stream into a PdfImage iirc.
Hope the ghostscript option is applicable to save writing yet another utility...
