Arithmetical operations in certain script language - c

I am working on certain script language. Values containing structure is
struct myvar
char name[NAMELEN];
int type;
void* value;
type = 0 --> int* value
type = 1 --> char* value
type = 2 --> float* value
I faced some problem with arithmetic operations. It seems that I need to commit all sorts of type conversions over every single operation, that develops into writing a whole bunch of code for each of them, as in:
case 0: // "="
if((factor1.type == 1) && (factor2.type==1))
int len = (strlen((STRING)factor2.value)+1)*sizeof(char);
factor1.value = malloc(len);
else if((factor1.type == 2) && (factor2.type==2))
*(FLOAT*)factor1.value = *(FLOAT*)factor2.value;
else if((factor1.type == 0) && (factor2.type==0))
*(INTEGER*)factor1.value = *(INTEGER*)factor2.value;
else if((factor1.type == 0) && (factor2.type==2))
*(INTEGER*)factor1.value = *(FLOAT*)factor2.value;
else if((factor1.type == 2) && (factor2.type==0))
*(FLOAT*)factor1.value = *(INTEGER*)factor2.value;
Is there some way to avoid this tiresome procedure? Otherwise I have no choice but to copy-paste this piece of code for each of "=","~","+","-","*","/","%",">","<",">=","<=","==","~=","AND","OR"

Use a union instead of a struct for the values:
struct myvar {
enum {
} type;
union {
char strval[NAMELEN];
int intval;
float fltval;
} val;
and then in executing the assignment operator in your scripting language you just do:
factor1 = factor2;
To fetch the right value based on the type you would do:
switch (operand.type) {
case STRING:
printf("%s", operand.val.strval);
case INT:
printf("%d", operand.val.intval);
case FLOAT:
printf("%f", operand.val.fltval);

What about writing 3 toType functions:
char* toType0(myvar* from)
if (from->type == 0) return (char*)(from->value);
else if (from->type == 1) return itoa((int*)from->value);
int toType1(myvar* from)
//convert to int...
Then in your conversion routines you can do:
switch (factor1.type)
case 0:
{ char* other = toType0(&factor2);
//assign or add or whatever....
case 1:
{ int other = toType1(&factor2);
//assign or add or whatever....

I would propose the following: when applying an operation, you should first coerce the operand types. E.g., if your operand types are int and float, you should coerce int value to a float one, and continue with the float version of the operation. The coercion is the same (or almost the same) for all the operations. With such an approach, you have much less cases to consider.


Return a union in C, but make it look nice

So, I have a union:
typedef union {
int intVal;
char charVal;
bool boolVal;
} myUnion_t;
And I have a function, foo, (in the same file as the latter union) which will return myUnion_t.
I obviously could do:
myUnion_t foo(int n){
myUnion_t rtn;
if(n == 0){
rtn.intVal = 1;
} else if(n == 1){
rtn.charVal = 'b';
} else {
rtn.boolVal = false;
return rtn;
But this is rather messy; my CDO doesn't like it. Is there a nicer way to do this, something like:
myUnion_t foo(int n){
if(n == 1){
return 1;
} else if(n == 2){
return 'b';
} else {
return false;
EDIT: Okay, unions are inherently messy. Thanks for your help, I'll just do it the normal way :)
Although you cannot return a value of a union member in place of a union itself, you could use compound literals of C99 to avoid declaring the union at the top and setting its fields outside initializer:
typedef union object_t {
int intVal;
char charVal;
_Bool boolVal;
} object_t;
object_t foo(char ch){
switch(ch) {
case 'a': return (object_t) { .intVal = 4 };
case 'b': return (object_t) { .charVal = 'b' };
default: return (object_t) { .boolVal = true };
The reason you need to use compound literal is that the type by itself is insufficient to identify the member of a union that you would like to be assigned.

Error with bool function

I am a new C developer (I am used to programming in Java), and have tried create, what I thought was a simple bool function. Although I am getting an error which I don't understand how to fix:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
int main() {
int currentNumber, round = 1;
printf("Numbers generated will be between 1 and 20. \n");
currentNumber = rand() % 20;
bool validNumber = false;
do {
if(currentNumber != 0) {
validNumber == true;
} else {
currentNumber = rand() % 20;
}while(validNumber == false);
printf("You're on round" + ("%d", round));
printf("You're current number is: " + ("%d", currentNumber));
printf("Higher or Lower (H/L)?");
char userInput [20];
scanf("%s", &userInput);
if((userInput[0] == 'h') || (userInput[0] == 'H')) {
completeRound(round, 'H', currentNumber);
} else if((userInput[0] == 'l') || (userInput[0] == 'L')) {
completeRound(round, 'L', currentNumber);
void completeRound(int round, char input, int currentNumber) {
int initialVal = currentNumber, newVal;
if(input == 'H') {
newVal = rand() % 20;
bool checkResult(initialVal, newVal, input);
} else {
newVal = rand() % 20;
bool checkResult(initialVal, newVal, input);
bool checkResult(int initialVal, int finalVal, char input);
bool checkResult(int initialVal, int finalVal, char input) {
if(input == 'H') {
if(initialVal <= finalVal) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if(input == 'L') {
if(initialVal >= finalVal) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
printf("An error has occurred! Aborting game...");
return false;
The error is as follows:
\main.c|39|error: conflicting types for 'checkResult'
At first, I thought that for some reason, in C you could only pass certain data types as arguments to a bool method, although I can not find a straight answer to this on Google. Other than that; I can not understand what it means by "conflicting types" (this is the first time I've debugged a C program.
The function I have used to call checkResult is as follows:
Before calling the function you need to write its prototype also. By default compiler is considering it as return type of int but actually it is bool.
so write bool checkResult(int initialVal, int finalVal, char input) before calling checkResult.
You probably have a typo in your code. The line
bool checkResult(initialVal, newVal, temp);
implicitly creates a prototype for a bool function. The types of the arguments are omitted and default to int in C versions prior to C99. This declaration is in conflict with the actual declaration, whose third parameter is of type char.
You probably meant something like this:
bool okay = checkResult(initialVal, newVal, temp);
This defines a bool variable okay and initialises it with the result of the function call. (But note that this variable is local to the current scope, so in your example you'd lose the result immediately.)
It is legal in C to declare a function inside a function body, although it is not good practice. It is more usual to declare them in headers or at the beginning of the file.
As of C99, implicit function declarations are invalid. There also isn't a default argument or function return type of int. You might consider to enforce the C99 standard (eg with -std=c99in gcc) to avoid falling into the implicit-declaration trap.
You have called functions before declaring them.So is the error. Because by default the return type of a c function is "int".
void completeRound(int , char , int );
bool checkResult(int , int , char);
after your typedef (better this way than declaring them in body of the calling function).
And since checkResult() is returning a value of type bool you better assign it to a variable of type bool like
bool okay = checkResult(initialVal, newVal, temp); this.

Returning void from a double function?

I have a function which is a double and normally returns the new value for a variable, but sometimes I don't want to change the variable and I would like to signal that by returning a special value, for example void. Is that possible?
For example:
double GetNewValue(int feature) {
switch( feature ) {
case TYPE1:
return void; // or maybe use return; here?
case TYPE2:
return 2.343;
return featureDefaultValue;
PS: I know I can use NaN, but I already use it as a valid value with another meaning (not yet a number is available).
/EDIT: Thank you all for your answers, these 3 answers are all applicable to my problem and are all equally valid. I struggle right now in choosing which one I'm going to use (which will be the one I will accept, but I wish I could accept them all!).
In this case, you need to return two things from a function, not one. A common way to do so is taking a pointer to the return value, and returning a yes/no flag to indicate the validity of the actual double:
int GetNewValue(double *res, int feature) {
switch( feature ) {
case TYPE1:
return 0; // no change to res
case TYPE2:
*res = 2.343;
return 1;
*res = featureDefaultValue;
return 1;
Now instead of doing this
double res = GetNewValue(myFeature);
the users of your function would need to do this:
double res;
if (GetNewValue(&res, myFeature)) {
// use res here - it's valid
} else {
// do not use res here - it's not been set
One way to do this is to pass the result variable as a pointer:
void AssignNewValue(int feature, double* result)
switch( feature ) {
case TYPE1:
case TYPE2:
*result = 2.343;
*result = featureDefaultValue;
Used like:
double featureValue = 42.0;
/* ... */
AssignNewValue(feature, &featureValue);
It sounds like you want an "optional" return parameter. You don't seem to (and rightly so) want to use 0.0 as the "no value" result because that means 0.0 can't be used for an actual value.
2 good solutions you sometimes see for this is to either use a "result code", or to use a pointer as the return result. (Pointers are more complicated). I'll start with #1 first:
1. Result codes
// definitions for result codes
#define FAIL 0
#define OK 1
int GetNewValue(int feature, double *result) {
switch( feature ) {
case TYPE1:
*result = 0.0 ;
return FAIL ; // caller of the function should recognize
// the call "failed"
case TYPE2:
*result = 200.0 ;
return OK ;
*result = 47.0 ;
return OK;
// use:
double feature ;
int result = GetNewValue( 5, &feature ) ;
if( result == OK )
// do something with "feature"
2. Using pointers
double* GetNewValue(int feature) {
switch( feature ) {
case TYPE1:
return NULL ; // NO POINTER means FAIL
case TYPE2:
return new double(200) ;
return new double( 47 ) ;
// use:
double* result = GetNewValue( 5 ) ;
if( result != NULL )
// result had a value, so you can use it
The gotcha with pointers is you need to remember to delete the result
delete result ; // when done with pointer that was created
// with `new`, you must `delete` it after
// otherwise you'll get a memory leak

Switch Statement in C

I have the following if-statements:
if (strcmp(registerName, "zero"))
return 00000;
else if (strcmp(registerName, "at"))
return 00001;
else if (strcmp(registerName, "v0"))
return 00010;
else if (strcmp(registerName, "v1"))
return 00011;
It's actually really long - about 20 if-statements. Therefore, I would like to use a switch. How would I convert that to switch when each statement has a different condition?
I tried something as the code below, but it does not work:
int registerAddress;
switch(registerAddress) {
case 1 (strcmp(registerName, "zero")):
regsiterAddress = 00000;
case 2 (strcmp(registerName, "at")):
registerAddress = 00001;
You can't — switch statements in C only work on primitive types, not on strings. You could use, say, a hash table or a search tree to optimize the matching, but for only 20 options that may not be worth the trouble.
What you could do, to clean up the code, is set up a mapping table:
struct str2Num {
char *str;
int num;
const struct str2Num registerMap[] = {
{ "zero", 00000 },
{ "at", 00001 },
{ "v0", 00010 },
{ "v1", 00011 },
{ NULL, 0 } /* end marker */
and do your matching like this:
int i;
for (i = 0; registerMap[i].str != NULL; i++) {
if (strcmp(registerName, registerMap[i].str) == 0) {
return registerMap[i].num;
/* handle no-match case here */
In fact, if you sorted the table alphabetically, you could even use bsearch() for fast matching.
You can only switch on integers, so this will not work.
If all you're doing is converting a string to an int, store the info in an array and look through it.
struct {
const char *name;
int value;
} fooMapping[] = {
int foo2value(const char *name)
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < sizeof fooMapping/sizeof fooMapping[0]; i++) {
if(strcmp(name, fooMapping[i].name) == 0)
return fooMapping[i].value;
return -1;
In a switch,
switch(number) {
case 1;
case 2;
case 7;
you are basically saying, if number = 1, then case 1. If number = 7, case 7. So what you need to do is assign each text value, in your case "zero""at""v0" and "v1", you would need to put these into an array, and in the switch statement, instead of switch(number) you would switch an integer that would correspond with the index number of whichever text you had. So if array[3] was = "v0", you would assign an integer to the index number (3) and then switch(integer). Hope this helped.
Why not use the ? operator like so:
strcmp(registerName, "zero")? 00000:
strcmp(registerName, "at") ? 00001:
strcmp(registerName, "v0") ? 00010:
strcmp(registerName, "v1") ? 00011:
Since switch-case only works with numbers or single chars, I would use a tool like GNU's gperf to create a perfect hash and switch on that value (followed by a strcmp() to be certain of an exact match). That ought to give you the desired performance improvement.

write a C construct

Is there a way (in C) to write a construct like the switch statement, but for strings? Is there a way to write a C construct at all in C?
By C construct I mean a statement with braces ... like an if statement has braces, and it's a C construct... right?
The simplest approach is an if-else chain using strcmp to do the comparisons:
if (strcmp(str, "String 1") == 0)
// do something
else if (strcmp(str, "String 2") == 0)
// do something else
else if (strcmp(str, "String 3") == 0)
// do something else
printf("%s not found\n", str);
A more complicated approach is to use a lookup table, keyed by the string:
struct lookup {const char *key; int value};
struct lookup LookupTable[] = {
{"String 1", 1},
{"String 2", 2},
{"String 3", 3},
{NULL, -1}
int lookup(const char *key)
size_t i = 0;
while (LookupTable[i].key != NULL)
if (strcmp(str, LookupTable[i].key) == 0)
return LookupTable[i].value;
return -1;
case 1: ...
case 2: ...
case 3: ...
default: printf("%s not found\n", str); break;
If you want to get really fancy, you could modify the lookup table so that the value is a pointer to a function:
void String1Cmd(void) { ... }
void String2Cmd(void) { ... }
void String3Cmd(void) { ... }
void BadCmd(void) { printf("Key not found!\n"); }
struct lookup {char *key, void (*cmd)(void); };
struct lookup LookupTable[] = {
{"String 1", String1Cmd},
{"String 2", String2Cmd},
{"String 3", String3Cmd},
{NULL, BadCmd}
void (*lookup(const char *str))(void)
size_t i = 0;
while(LookupTable[i].key != NULL)
if (strcmp(str, LookupTable[i].key) == 0)
return LookupTable[i].cmd;
return BadCmd;
void (*f)(void) = lookup(str); // retrieve the function for the given string
f(); // execute the function
In the last example, if str == "String 1", then String1Cmd will be executed. If str is a string not found in the lookup table, then BadCmd will be executed. This method is very flexible, and depending on your design, allows you to add behavior at runtime (sort of a plug-in architecture).
However, note that we've just deferred the main problem - branching on a string value - to the lookup function, and that the lookup function is back to just doing strcmp against each value in the table. We could speed that part of the process up by using a hash table or a tree to minimize the number of comparisons. Depending on how many strings you're branching on, that may or may not be worth the additional effort.
No, you have to do it yourself. There are many variants:
if (strcmp(str, "toto") == 0)
// ...
else if (strcmp(str, "tata") == 0)
// ...
// ...
If the number of strings is expected to grow, then a dispatch table with function pointers
struct dispatch_entry
const char *key;
void (*action)(void);
// Make sure it is sorted !
dispatch_entry dispatch_table[] =
{ "tata", &action_tata },
{ "toto", &action_toto },
coupled with binary search:
int dispatch_compare(const void *x, const void *y)
const dispatch_entry *xx = x, *yy = y;
return strcmp(xx->key, yy->key);
// Return -1 on failure
int dispatch(const char *str)
static const size = sizeof(struct dispatch_entry);
static const n = sizeof(dispatch_table) / size ;
dispatch_entry tmp = { str, NULL };
dispatch_entry *what = bsearch(tmp, dispatch_table, n, size, &dispatch_compare);
if (what == NULL) return -1;
return 0;
will do. Hash table based approaches are OK as well.
if you have the function lfind in your lib (POSIX or gcc) you can use it like:
char list[][100]={"hello","world","foo","bar"};
size_t r, siz = sizeof*list, num = sizeof list/siz;
char *tosearch = "foo";
switch ( (r=lfind(tosearch,list,&num,siz,strcmp))?
(r+siz-(size_t)list)/siz:0 ) {
case HELLO: puts("hello");break;
case WORLD: puts("world");break;
case FOO: puts("foo"); break;
case BAR: puts("bar"); break;
case NOTFOUND:puts("not found");
each string in the array must have the same size and should not be a pointer
a hashtable if you have a large number of strings and speed is an issue
No, since the switch may only be used with integral types, or a type convertible to an integral type
No, switch works on an integer value (I think floats/doubles are not even allowed). You can emulate that with if/else if/else doing strcmp.
if (strcmp(mystr, "this") == 0) {
//mystr == "this"
else if (strcmp(mystr, "that") == 0) {
//mystr == "that"
else {
//mystr is not "this" or "that"
Yes, and the way is - long if-else-if statement. (for reference: Why switch statement cannot be applied on strings? )
And what do you mean by "a C construct at all in C" o.O ? I'll edit my post, when you answer :)
Sure, depending on how much work you are willing to do.
You can use a preprocessor and some macros to map strings to integral identifiers, giving you a syntax like:
switch (SOSID_LOOKUP (sample_string)) {
case SOSID (hello): printf ("Hello "); break;
case SOSID (world): printf ("World! "); break;
case 0: default: printf ("unknown "); break;
If you can use C++ instead of C, you can use litb's template-based string switcher, giving you syntax like:
sswitch(s) {
scase("foo"): {
std::cout << "s is foo" << std::endl;
break; // could fall-through if we wanted
// supports brace-less style too
std::cout << "s is bar" << std::endl;
// default must be at the end
std::cout << "neither of those!" << std::endl;
