Error while printing in WPF - wpf

I'm Getting the following error while printing in WPF.
PrintTicket provider failed to retrieve PrintCapabilities. Win32
Here is my Code to Print
printDlg.PrintDocument(idpSource.DocumentPaginator, "Hello WPF Printing.");

I don't know what is exactly the problem, but something related to Printer.
From Control Panel -> Printers & Fax
Right Click the Printer and take Printer preferences
Change the Source property to 'Manual Feed'& Apply.(Initially it was'AutoSelect')
Still got some error.
Again me changed the Source property back to 'Auto Select'& Apply.
Changed the Quick set Property to 'Defaults'& Apply
Now its Working Fine


WPF BindingExpression System.Windows.Data Error: Need filename or class name (Dependency Injection/MEF)

Is there a way to see which UserControl/Window/etc is being instantiated when these errors are happening?
A typical error looks like this:
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'BackgroundColor' property not found on 'object' ''MapContainerViewModel' (HashCode=25350572)'. BindingExpression:Path=BackgroundColor; DataItem='MapContainerViewModel' (HashCode=25350572); target element is 'SolidColorBrush' (HashCode=35109313); target property is 'Color' (type 'Color')
Problem? Where is it happening? In which XAML file? In which class?
Doesn't it seem bizarre that you get a list of symptoms, but not the patient's name?
In a small project I would probably know where to look. I'm currently refactoring an MVVM project with hundreds of Windows/UserControls, many of which have similar looking Binding Paths.
So I have to do an "Entire Solution" search for the property names and come up with a list of candidates (UserControls/Windows) that may have caused the Binding error when they were instantiated.
Another option would be to have Visual Studio break and show me the XAML as soon as a System.Windows.Data error occurs. Following tutorials like this one, I can get the code to break--but it doesn't indicate any XAML or class name. The stack trace shows nothing--as the controls are being automatically created via MEF.
Thanks for any help.
Live Visual Tree doesn't work in this case, because the UserControls/Windows in question are sitting in an MEF container and aren't attached.
Any visual approach won't work because the views/datacontexts (view models, in this case) were instantiated via MEF (DI pattern) and are waiting to be added to the visual tree.
The debugger is not going to help you very much with XAML. This is because XAML is declarative while the debugger is designed for imperative code. For WPF you need to rely on a different tool set, specifically the Live Visual Tree and the Live Property Explorer in VS2017.
Here is a simple WPF app with a few textbox controls.
One of the text box controls is not working. How do I find it? First open the Live visual tree. Click the enable selection button in the WPF tool bar (the second button). Then select the control which is not working. The live visual tree will select the control.
Now select the TextBox parent control in the Live Visual Tree (FirstValueField). Now open the Live Property Explorer.
Note the yellow box around the Text property. This is where the error is. Click to the right of the property field and select "Go To Source".
So here is where the error is. You can see where I changed the code to introduce the error.
This is the general approach to debugging WPF, XAML or any declarative code: (1) give up on the will simply get in the way; (2) learn how to use the fit-for-purpose tools to find errors; (3) if that doesn't work, use print statements.
In my experience the WPF tools are excellent for finding common errors. The more complex your WPF becomes however, the more you will need to embed code to diagnose and identify the problem.

How to make the Windows OSK open when a TextBox gets focus, instead of requiring users to tap a keyboard icon?

We are working on a WPF application in .NET 4 that will be used with a touch screen. We are trying to use the built-in Windows OSK for our input, and the last remaining issue is to get the keyboard to open up as soon as a text box gets focus. Currently, if a text box gets focus, a small keyboard icon appears (this is the InputPanel icon) and the user has to tap that icon to make the keyboard open up.
Is there a way to skip the icon step, and just have the keyboard open up all the way on focus? Preferably something that can be set or coded in one place and apply to all text boxes globally? It also needs to use the current culture settings of the application thread (which it already appears to be doing).
I haven't been able to find anything in the control panel settings that lets you skip the icon step. I also found some examples online of using the TextInputPanel.CurrentInPlaceState, but when I implemented code to open up a TextInputPanel on preview focus of the main window, I kept getting COM INTEROP exceptions and basically hit a dead end (the Microsoft.Ink.dll is an interop DLL).
Is it possible that there is a registry key that can change the default CurrentInPlaceState to Expanded instead of HoverTarget? I haven't been able to find one in my net searching.
EDIT: Here is some code that I put in the main window's code behind, as well as the exception message I keep getting - and I have no idea what it means or how to fix it (my net searches failed me!)
protected override void OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
TextBox textbox = e.NewFocus as TextBox;
TextBox oldTextbox = e.OldFocus as TextBox;
if (oldTextbox != null && boxesToInputs.ContainsKey(oldTextbox))
TextInputPanel oldPanel = boxesToInputs[oldTextbox];
if (textbox != null)
// Make sure we've cleaned up old panels, just in case
if (boxesToInputs.ContainsKey(textbox))
TextInputPanel newPanel = new TextInputPanel(((HwndSource)PresentationSource.FromDependencyObject(textbox)).Handle);
newPanel.DefaultInPlaceState = InPlaceState.Expanded;
newPanel.DefaultInputArea = PanelInputArea.Keyboard;
boxesToInputs[textbox] = newPanel;
And here is the exception message, which occurs when my code calls the TextInputPanel constructor:
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {F9B189D7-228B-4F2B-8650-B97F59E02C8C} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))
I verified that the platform target of the WPF app is x86. I ran Dependency Walker and it said that the Microsoft.Ink.dll I was using was 64 bit, and that two delay-loaded dependencies were missing (GPSVC.dll and IESHIMS.dll). I found a 32 bit version of Microsoft.Ink.dll, but I am still getting the same error, and Dependency Walker is saying the same thing - GPSVC.dll and IESHIMS.dll are missing.
I can't target x64, and I'd prefer not to have to put the missing DLLs into my application folder (if that would work?). I hope there is something simple I am missing, because this is a lot of trouble to just get rid of a keyboard hint...
Any help is greatly appreciated - I am a bit of a newb when it comes to working with unmanaged/interop assemblies...
I researched for a similar propose. In my case it was to create a custom OSK. It seems that (by now) it's not possible to create a custom input device. The explanation is in this link:
Moreover, I found a "workaround" which uses Win32 API calls to access SendKey method, and report input independently of the target. The project that I found is:
SendKey is also available on WinForms (see ) but I'm not sure if it will produce the same behavior.
I'll checking these options in the following days, but perhaps some of this information might help.

How to know what file fails during WPF Binding

I've read a lot of questions on SOF and links (for example
But is there easy way to know what exact file I should look into when Binding fails?
If we have one Application and a lot of forms, it can be difficult too.
Have you tried checking "Thrown" for the exception in question in the Debug->Exceptions menu.
E.g. if you get
System.Windows.Data Error: 35 : BindingExpression path error ...
Then you can tell the debugger to break on it by checking "Thrown" under Common Language Runtime Exceptions -> System.Data -> System.DataException. This is however, only useful if the exception originally occurs in your code. Other exceptions, such as binding to non-existing properties and so on will silently fail and only print in the Output window. There is some discussion on for improving XAML debugging
I just found the most WONDERFUL post when looking for this. It is a listener that listens for binding errors and throws up a message box with details. It only works when running from within Visual Studio, so you won't show it to your users. Two steps - copy the class into your project, and set the listener in your main window.
You can use Snoop for this:
Just use Snoop to point to your application and then you can sort on Binding Errors. All Bindings Errors will be highlighted in RED, and show the property of the control.

Printing Multiple pages in wpf

I have a Scroll Viewer and inside that a text block with multiple pages contents.
How can I print everything within the Scroll Viewer.I'm Using WPF MVVM pattern.
Is text block is the right control for this?Or shall I go for any other WPF controls.?
Thanks in advance..
DocumentViewer ir a better control for paginated printing
I don't know what is exactly the problem,But something related to Printer.
From Control Panel->Printers & Fax
1.Right Click the Printer and take Printer preferences
2.Change the Source property to 'Manual Feed'& Apply.(Initially it was'AutoSelect')
3.Still got some error.
4.Again me changed the Source property back to 'Auto Select'& Apply.
5.Changed the Quick set Property to 'Defaults'& Apply
5.Now its Working Fine

VS2005 Winforms Designer Exception Screen and IE8

It seems since I installed Internet Explorer V8 that my Winforms Designer Exception screen (WSOD) is broken. Where before I would get red text with the error described, today I get this:
WSOD Broken
Can anyone suggest to me a way to recover the text view of this display, I'm wasting time trying to read the reason the Winform file won't display in the designer now.
I was able to fix this by adding a new subkey to the registry for .tmp and copying settings from .html. After these changes have been made, designer errors in Visual Studio should be rendered instead of displaying the HTML code for the error.
Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes and add a new subkey of type .tmp.
Change the data of the (Default) value to: htmlfile
Add a new string value of Content Type with data of text/html
Add a new string value of PerceivedType with data of text
The problem with that fix (adding a subkey) is that now all tmp files are treated as HTML files. I found that if you are getting it trying to download the tmp file (instead of just displaying it incorrectly), the best fix is to remove the .tmp entry from the registry (and tmp_auto_file) at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes" or "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" as they are actually the same place. It may, however, still display as text instead of a web page.
The problem actually is "The class Form1 can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again. "
So I've moved Form1 class in the beginning of the file (I've created several classes before it manually) - it works! Don't do anything with IE.
