flex mobile - load image from bytearray - Error #2044: Unhandled securityError - arrays

In a mobile application I try to load an image from a sqlite database and want to show it in a mxml image component.
The loading of the bytearray works fine, but when I assign the bytearray to the image component I get following error.
Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #3226: Cannot import
a SWF file when LoaderContext.allowCodeImport is false.
I also tried to save and load the image as a base64 string. but it does not help.
Even if I try a simple thing like this:
var byteArray:ByteArray = img1.loaderInfo.bytes;
img2.source = byteArray;
just add the bytearray of img1 to the empty img2 - the same error occurs.
whats going wrong here?
many thanks for your help,

I don't understand why it thinks you're loading swf bytes.
Try this little hack just for kicks and tell me what happens :
var bitmapData : BitmapData = new BitmapData(content.width,content.height,true,0x00000000);
bitmapData.draw(loader.content, new Matrix(),null,null,null,true);
img2.source = new Bitmap( bitmapData );
where loader is your loader obviously.

Are you using mx or spark Image?
mx:Image extends SWFLoader, so trying to set its source directly could result in a security error because you are essentially importing code. spark:Image wraps a BitmapImage. You will likely have better luck with that.
Edit I just saw your comment. I've also had security issues with loading bytearray data and setting it to the source of BitmapImage. Mine were sandbox issues due to no crossdomain.xml, but I've never used the mobile sdk.


How to write an image stored in a byte[] to a file in google cloud storage?

I m trying to use Google Image service and I m trying out the follwing example to resize an image.
import com.google.appengine.api.images.Image;
import com.google.appengine.api.images.ImagesService;
import com.google.appengine.api.images.ImagesServiceFactory;
import com.google.appengine.api.images.Transform;
// ...
byte[] oldImageData; // ...
ImagesService imagesService = ImagesServiceFactory.getImagesService();
Image oldImage = ImagesServiceFactory.makeImage(oldImageData);
Transform resize = ImagesServiceFactory.makeResize(200, 300);
Image newImage = imagesService.applyTransform(resize, oldImage);
byte[] newImageData = newImage.getImageData();
I m stuck at the point where I need to store the byte[] newImageData to a jpg file in google cloud storage. I know how to create a txt file but not a jpg.
Anybody could help me please?
As far as I know GAE operates with bytes. The source/destination of the image data (your jpg) can be: URL connection, DataStore BLOB or BlobStorage.
Don't forget you have to use pure Java.There can be several ways:
First try to use Jimi - it's pure Java library for working with images.Rather simple.
Also there exists an alpha version of the appengine-awt library:https://code.google.com/p/appengine-awt/source/checkout
It will allow you to use standard BufferedImage but there are a lot of bugs in it, so may be some problems.
But you still can use standard GAE Api for Images.There is an Image interface in which nested class Image.Format specified JPEG format.Method setImageData(byte[] data) will be useful for you.
Here is documentation on it: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/javadoc/com/google/appengine/api/images/Image#setImageData(byte[])

Converting byte[] of a PDF file original source to MemoryStream for loading into PDF viewer? (component one)

I'm working with a ComponentOne (C1) silverlight PDF viewer control.
It has a "LoadDocument" method that accepts a "Stream".
I'm making an HTTP get call from my client app to get a PDF document.
This document, on the server side, has been streamed in through File.ReadAllBytes(), then converted to a base64 string using Convert.ToBase64String().
This string is sent across the wire back to my silverlight app where it's then reversely converted back into a byte array with Convert.FromBase64String(val).
Then I'm creating a MemoryStream with that byte array and passing "LoadDocument()" that memory stream.
The viewer is rendering nothing. It shows the toolbar and scrollbars, but the contents are blank and the save button is grayed out, suggesting that no document loaded.
I know for certain the file made it across because the byte array size on the client matches teh byte array pre-conversion on the server side.
Here's my code: (in the interest of time/space, i've truncated, removing validation, etc.)
string sendingToClient = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(filePath))
byte[] image = null;
image = Convert.FromBase64String(stringFromServerCall);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(image);
edit As a potential workaround, I attempted to save the file into isolated storage with a ".pdf" extension. Then I use the IsolatedStorageFileStream to send to LoadDocument().
I've come to an actual error, it now says "PdfParserException was unhandled by user code: invalid file format (missing pdf header)"
Can anyone shed some light on this PDF header?
Here is an experiment I would conduct.
Add a button to your Xaml and on click use OpenFileDialog to get a FileInfo. From that FileInfo use its Open method to get a stream and pass that to docViewer.LoadDocument.
Now run it, click the button and select the same PDF document you are trying to send from the server.
If that succeeds you need to continue investigating your server streaming strategy. On the other hand if you still have the same problem, well it doesn't get more raw than that. Try other PDF files and start investigating the PDF component. Have you ever actually used it successfully, if so how does this current usage differ.
you should get the stream pointer back to 0 ,so this should do the trick
byte[] image = null;
image = Convert.FromBase64String(stringFromServerCall);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(image);
stream.Position = 0;

Adding image F#

I have a stack panel to which I want to add some icons dynamically.
If I add a TextBlock to the stack panel, it works perfectly:
// assuming stackPanel is my stack panel
let text = new TextBlock()
text.Text <- "Test"
However, my goal is to add an image, but seems like it fails to resolve the image
let getImageSource(imagePath) =
let uri = new Uri(imagePath, UriKind.Relative)
new BitmapImage(uri);
let icon = new Image()
icon.Source <- getImageSource("images/fileIcon/icon.gif")
stackPanel.Children.Add(icon) // this doesnt work
now when I do:
let icon = new Image()
icon.Source <- getImageSource("images/fileIcon/icon.gif")
let text = new TextBlock()
text.Text <- "Test"
I can see there's an empty space between the texts, as if there is an empty image there.
So my guess is there's something wrong with the way I resolve the image path - but I am not sure why.
In case your gif's Build Action is Resource, then the proper way to address it is /SilverlightApplication1;component/path/to/file.gif. Here SilverlightApplication1 is the name of your silverlight application
In case it's Build Action is Content, then it's proper address is /path/to/file.gif, always with a leading slash when creating a BitmapImage.
Check out Silverlight 2: Demystifying URI references for app resources for more information.
For easier debugging of image loading problems, hook to the BitmapImage.ImageFailed event and see what kind of errors crop up.
One last note, AFAIK Silverlight doesn't support the GIF format. You might use PNG instead.
You can try with the following Uri if yours is WPF App.
let uri = Uri("pack://application:,,,/asm_name;component/images/fileIcon/icon.gif")
asm_name have to be replaced with your actual assembly name.
if your are working on Silverlight application, you need to modify the uri like this. Assuming that the build action of icon.gif is Resource.
let uri = Uri("../images/fileIcon/icon.gif", UriKind.Relative)
Hope this helps.

How to create Uri pointing to an local image in Silverlight?

I was wondering if it is allowed to read local images within a Silverlight client. (it is just to test a control)
var image = new BitmapImage { UriSource = new Uri("../Images/2.jpg", UriKind.Relative) };
Would this Uri be allowed and the image created? For some reason the picture doesn't show, despite getting no compiler errors that the Uri might have been wrong...
Thanks for advice,
Assuming your project looks like this
- Project
- Images
- 2.jpg
- Another_Folder
- *your code file*
, that should be fine.
Remember that
is navigating to parent folder, then looking for an Images folder and a 2.jpg file.

Windows Phone 7 App Quits when I attempt to deserialize JSON

I'm developing my first windows phone 7 app, and I've hit a snag. basically it's just reading a json string of events and binding that to a list (using the list app starting point)
public void Load()
// form the URI
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder("http://mysite.com/events.json");
WebClient proxy = new WebClient();
proxy.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(OnReadCompleted);
void OnReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(EventList));
var events = (EventList)serializer.ReadObject(e.Result);
foreach (var ev in events)
public ObservableCollection<EventDetails> Items { get; private set; }
EventDetails is my class that wraps the json string. this class has to be correct because it is an exact copy of the class used by that website internally from which the json is generated...
I get the json string correctly from the webclient call (I read the memorystream and the json is indeed there) but as soon as I attempt to deserialize the string, the application exits and the debugger stops.
I get no error message or any indication that anything happen, it just stops. This happens if I type the deserialize method into the watch window as well...
I have already tried using JSON.net in fact I thought maybe it was a problem with JSON.net so I converted it to use the native deserializer in the .net framework but the error is the same either way.
why would the application just quit? shouldn't it give me SOME kind of error message?
what could I be doing wrong?
many thanks!
Firstly, the fact that you have some string there that looks like JSON does not mean that you have a valid JSON. Try converting a simple one.
If your JSON is valid, it might be that your JSON implementation does not know how to convert a list to EventList. Give it a try with ArrayList instead and let me know.
The application closes because an unhandled exception happens. If check the App.xaml.cs file you will find the code that closes your app. What you need to do is try catch your deserialization process and handle it locally. So most likely you have some JSON the DataContractJsonSerializer does not like. I have been having issue with it deserializing WCF JSON and have had to go other routes.
You may want to check to ensure your JSON is valid, just because your website likes it does not mean it is actually valid, the code on your site may be helping to correct the issue. Drop a copy of your JSON object (the string) in http://jsonlint.com/ to see if it is valid or not. Crokford (the guy who created JSON) wrote this site to validate JSON, so I would rely on it more than your site ;) This little site has really helped me out of some issues over the past year.
I ran into this same kind of problem when trying to migrate some existing WM code to run on WP7. I believe that the WP7 app crashes whenever it loads an assembly (or class?) that references something that's not available in WP7. In my case, I think it was Assembly.Load or something in the System.IO namespace, related to file access via paths.
While your case might be something completely different, the symptoms were exactly the same.
The only thing I can recommend is to go through the JSON library and see if it's referencing base classes that are not allowed in WP7. Note that it doesn't even have to hit the line of code that's causing the issue - it'll crash as soon as it tries to hit the class that contains the bad reference.
If you can step into the JSON library, you can get a better idea of which class is causing the problem, because as soon as the code references it, the whole app will crash and the debugger will stop.
