cxf: wsdl2java created a class that extends Service ( - cxf

I am new to java WS and WSDL.
I used wsdl2java to create java classes for my web service client and there was a class created with <Service Name>Service extends
Please let me know what is the use of the class

I think of this as a 'locator' or 'factory' which can be used for making client-side (proxy) instances of the service. For example (where 'Example' is the Service Name):
ExampleService locator = new ExampleService();
locator.addPort( ExampleService.Example, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING
, "http://myserver:8080/myapp/services/example" );
// now get the instance
Example example = locator.getExample();
Though with CXF you can use utilities such as the JaxWsProxyFactoryBean and ignore the <Service Name>Service class. Eg:
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
Example example = (Example) factory.create();


AddHttpClient in Blazor Server Side

I'm trying to create an httpclient in Blazor Server side which would create the least amount of configuration effort every time I call my webapi.
Essentially I would like achieve the following:
Named HTTPClient I can automatically call when I call a function in my webapi.
The webapi requires a bearer token, which I get by calling AcquireTokenSilent
Would be great if I don't have to specify the httpclient when I call the api
The webapi has been added as a service reference, so there is scaffold classes created under the namespace myapp.server.api
To start this off, I created the following in startup:
services.AddHttpClient<myapp.server.api.swaggerClient>(c =>
c.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
AzureADB2COptions opt = new AzureADB2COptions();
Configuration.Bind("AzureAdB2C", opt);
IConfidentialClientApplication cca =
IHttpContextAccessor pp;
string signedInUserID = context.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
new MSALStaticCache(signedInUserID, pp.HttpContext).EnablePersistence(cca.UserTokenCache);
var accounts = cca.GetAccountsAsync().Result;
AuthenticationResult result = null;
result = cca.AcquireTokenSilent(opt.ApiScopes.Split(' '), accounts.FirstOrDefault()).ExecuteAsync().Result;
c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken);
My hope is to be able to call my api in my views in this way:
myapp.server.api.swaggerClient t = new myapp.server.api.swaggerClient();
currentCount = t.WeatherForecastAsync().Result.FirstOrDefault().Summary;
calling a new instance of swaggerclient requires me to specify an httpclient, so my hopes is to inject the httpclient I am configuring on a global level for that type can be injected automatically.
The pieces I need help with:
Given that I have specified my httpclient scoped to a specific type, would it call automatically if I call a function in my webapi? (Does not seem to fire when debugging)
To get the bearer token, I need to get the current userID, which is in the authstateprovider... seeing that this is in Startup, is getting it from DI even possible?
Any easy way to inject the httpclient on the constructor of my webapi classes? would I be able to get the httpclient in the constructor so that I essentially have a parameterless constructor not asking for httpclient?
Concerning your first question, inject the Web API HttpClient like this in your view:
#inject myapp.server.api.swaggerClient MyClient
and then in the code block:
currentCount = MyClient.WeatherForecastAsync().Result.FirstOrDefault().Summary;
You should be able to debug the code inside AddHttpClient.

How to reference custom Java class in Fusion Solr Javascript Index Stage?

In Fusion's Javascript Indexing Stage, we can import Java classes and run them in the javascript such as this :
var imports = new JavaImporter(java.lang.String);
with (imports) {
var name = new String("foo"); ...
If we have customized complex Java classes, how to include the compile jar with Fusion so that the class can be imported in Javascript Indexing Stages for use?
And where can we store configuration values for the Javascript Indexing Stage to look up and how to retrieve them?
I'm thinking of something like this:
var imports = new JavaImporter(;
with (imports) {
var some_config = ResourceManager.GetString("key");
var sp = new SomeParser(some_config); ...
Starting in Fusion 4.x The API and Connectors started using a common location for jars i.e. apps/libs . This is a reasonable place to put custom jars but the services must be told about the new jars as well. That's done in two places
Also, index documents can get processed by the api service so even if the jar is only used for indexing, register with both classpaths. Finally, bounce the services.
Put the Java class file, as a jar file, in $FUSION_HOME/apps/jetty/api/webapps/api/WEB-INF/lib/.
I used this to access my custom class.
var SomeParser = Java.type('');

CakePHP 3.x: how to extend the Request class

I have a plugin and I wish to extend the Request class (Cake\Network\Request), to add new methods and properties that can be used by the controllers of my plugin.
How to do?
Create your extended request class and simply pass an instance of it to the dispatcher in your apps webroot/index.php front controller:
// ....
use App\Network\MyCustomRequest;
$dispatcher = DispatcherFactory::create();
MyCustomRequest::createFromGlobals(), // there it goes
new Response()

SMTP Setting in cakephp

I'm using cakephp for new project. I need to fetch the SMTP setting from database table for sending emails. is that any possible way. please let me know.
The docs says:
CakeEmail will create an instance of the EmailConfig class to access the config. If you have dynamic data to put in the configs, you can use the constructor to do that:
So you could do something like this:
class EmailConfig {
public $dynamic;
public function __construct() {
$this->dynamic = ClassRegistry::init('MailConfig')->getConfig();
Where MailConfig is a Model and getConfig() is a function in that model that loads the configuration from the database and return it in a valid CakeEmail configuration format.
Later you can use the dynamic configuration as follow:
$Email = new CakeEmail('dynamic');

Jax-Rs service is not getting invoked

I am developing JAX-RS Rest service using Apache CXF. After deploying it to Tomcat 7 server, if I type the URL http://localhost:8080/Rest/rest?_wadl it shows me the WADL. but if I enter the URL http://localhost:8080/Rest/rest/retrieve it gives me 404 error.
In above URLs: Rest is the name of my project
/rest is the url-pattern for my CXFServlet which is specified in web.xml
/ is the address of jaxrs:server which is specified in beans.xml
retrieve is the path of service which is specified in my interface with #Path annotation.
(My apologies: I can't provide the XML documents referred to above.)
I think this is a CXF bug which get the incorrect base URL for restful web services.
The class "org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController" invokes the method "getBaseURL" of the class "org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.BaseUrlHelper".
It gets the base URL from request URL, and it ignores the parameters part.
This is correct for SOAP web servcies, because SOAP web services URL is just like: http://host:port/basepath?para=a. Unfortunately, for restful web services, the URL is just like http://host:port/basepath/method/parameter. The correct base URL should be http://host:port/basepath, but actually, the BaseUrlHelper gives you http://host:port/basepath/method/parameter. It just gives the URL before "?". It's why the result is correct when you access http://localhost:8080/Rest/rest?_wadl, in this case, it gives the correct base URL http://localhost:8080/Rest.
If you access http://localhost:8080/Rest/rest?_wadl at first then you access http://localhost:8080/Rest/rest/retrieve, it would be correct. Because, CXF set the base URL as the address of EndpointInfo only at the first time. It means, you MUST access the correct base URL at the first time! :(
The solution is: override the method "getBaseURL(HttpServletRequest request)" of "org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController", let it return correct base URL.
For example, step1: extends the ServletController.
public class RestfulServletController extends ServletController {
private final String basePath;
public RestfulServletController(DestinationRegistry destinationRegistry, ServletConfig config,
HttpServlet serviceListGenerator, String basePath) {
super(destinationRegistry, config, serviceListGenerator);
this.basePath = basePath;
protected String getBaseURL(HttpServletRequest request) {
// Fixed the bug of BaseUrlHelper.getBaseURL(request) for restful service.
String reqPrefix = request.getRequestURL().toString();
int idx = reqPrefix.indexOf(basePath);
return reqPrefix.substring(0, idx + basePath.length());
step2: extends CXFNonSpringServlet and use the RestfulServletController in the subclass
public class RestfulCXFServlet extends CXFNonSpringServlet {
... ...
private ServletController createServletController(ServletConfig servletConfig) {
HttpServlet serviceListGeneratorServlet = new ServiceListGeneratorServlet(destinationRegistry, bus);
ServletController newController = new RestfulServletController(destinationRegistry, servletConfig,
serviceListGeneratorServlet, basePath);
return newController;
step3: instead of CXFNonSpringServlet , you use the derived class RestfulServletController.
Don't forget, you should config the "basePath" as /Rest/rest.
Hope this can help you.
