silverlight map application like showcase on - silverlight

we want to make application like silverlight showcase Mapview
where we can search by different category on left hand side panel or people can select country or region on map. can anyone suggest some sample or guidelines to implement this?

Given the complexity and obvious expense, I would be really impressed if anything like that was released as a sample (Microsoft are you listening?). It requires a lot of data to drive it.
I have been involved in creating a Xaml World map from scratch (below) and that alone took nearly a day for a stylised polygon version (no fine detail)....
Quoting myself: "You import a map as a background image and use the pen tool to dot-to-dot trace around the country. Combine all those path segments into a single path. Then create a separate poly-path for each state (close them to allow for a fill)."
Once you create them you can name the individual country polygons and connect up mouse logic to make them all glow on mouse over or change colour on press etc.
Basically all the other stuff on that screen are user controls and custom controls. Work out the behaviour you want and create controls to suit your own needs.


How do you design an image for Codename One TouchCommand?

I am 2 days in experimenting with Codename One and Mobile development in general and tested out some basic navigation and features so far. Now I want to work on the look and feel of the app.
I looked at the 9-border vid which was helpful, but not sure of the best way to add an image for the touchCommand that takes 3 tabs on that bar ( Example: home, profile, settings.. Similar to how instagram's TouchCommand is at the bottom of the app).
If I add the image, it does not line up with my Commands.
What is the best way to approach this to ensure the "TouchCommand" image appears as one, but is broken up to 3 parts for each individual commands when pressed, home, profile and settings? I might be asking this all wrong, forgive me as this is all new to me.
This is what was done.
In Theme -> Constants added commandBehavior= bar . This gives the default bar at the bottom. Created in photoshop a new bar 300x80 and added it to the TouchCommand. (See ScreenShot 1). Took this bar and broke it up in photoshop into 3 different buttons for the tab press etc. In GUI Builder, added Home, Profile, Settings in the commands. Added the image to Press Icon for Home and it didnt line up (screenshot 2). Very Frustrating to design layouts. I am hoping there is a much better technique as I am still experimenting with Codename one?
What is unclear to me, is I cant find any documentation on how to approach this and what the dimensions of each image should be as it seems that codename one has issue aligning them. I am assuming the steps would be to create the background image and add the icons as interactive layers for the user. I really care for the image being pressed and changes color like the instagram example. I dont see a way to do this in codename one GUI builder and themes.
Okay, I have decided to use tabs instead of the bar at the bottom. If I add my image to it, I get the results (screeshot 3). Is this the right method to use to accompolish what I want? If so, I dont see a way yet to alter this to become what I want :( .
Plus adding the background, shows one size in the display and looks different in the simulator. (screeshot4)
Answered Here: How do you get ActionBar from SocialBoo theme to show up in your GUI?
Tabs are customized individually so the border should apply for an individual tab to create the background. The foreground element is the icon which you define in the Tabs component itself thru the icons property which allows you to define 3 icons for the 3 tabs (assuming you use the GUI builder). If you add the tabs via addTab in the code you can specify an icon there.

Can I create a motion colorizing pixel shader in WPF?

I have a video playing of lines being drawn on the screen. Is it possible to create a pixel shader (for WPF) that turns newly colored pixels a certain color for N milliseconds?
That way, there can be some indication to the user to movement on the screen when the lines don't move often and the user isn't always looking at the screen.
You can use DirectShow. Its written in unmanaged code, so you need to use this wrapper DirectShow.NET in order to use it in your C# application which is running in managed environment (samples are included, even with EVR which stands for Enhanced video Renderer which means MUCH better video quality). And when you will be passing a control handle to wrapper method for setting the video output, you need a WinForms control, because only from them you can get your desired control handle. That WinForms control you can then host in your WPF application using the WindowsFormsHost control provided for such situations when you need to use some WinForms control(s) in a WPF application. Its just theory, so i dont know if its an ultimate solution for you.
BTW: The whole idea is based on fact, that DirectShow is just some query constructed from separated filters. Renderer is a filter (EVR, VMR-7, VMR-9). Sound player is a filter. And they are connected through their pins. Its like a diagram. Electronic schema or something like that. And you can put for example Grey scale filter in there. And voila, video output will be greyscale. There is a bunch of tutorials for that. And completed simple filters as well. Unfortunately, filters must be written in C++:(
PS: I never said its gonna be easy:D

How to build the following visual

I am not a real designer and I would like to know if anyone have an idea how can I build the following visual :
The idea is to get 2 rings where inside I will draw secific number of pie represented as "Interactive shape or button". Base on the number of shape, they should cover the whole circle.
In addition to that, I need to be able to interact with each pie shape, and inside and oustide edge of those shape should be a perfect arc based on the circle diameter.
As I am not a perfect designer, how can I represent this visual ?
I was thinking of using a custom panel but then how to draw each panel shape in order that they gets perfect inside and ouside arc and offer interactivity with each of them ?
Thanks for your help
I would appreciate samples as well
Theres actually a Silverlight tutorial on making something exactly like this.
If you didnt want to use that, you could always do it in javascript. Here's an example using Rapheal js
I would recommend looking into WPF Geometry and how you can create custom controls (such as the Circular Gauge Custom Control over on CodeProject) using said Geometry.
I've never created a control quite like what your suggesting, but I would image you would define some form of area that can contain children and style it so that it forms the circular shape you want. Then, adding interactive regions should be as simple as adding controls to standard containers.
Here's a link to a "generic radial panel that can be used to host any items" which subclasses Panel.

Adding hundreds of pushpins programatically to bing maps freezes the WP7 UI

I'm working on a WP7 app that uses bing maps to display ~600 pushpins. When i add them to the map using map.Children.Add(pushpin) the UI freezes for ~200 ms. I've seen that in silverlight you can use Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection to add pins to a map but unfortunately I couldn't find how to use the assembly on WP7. Does anyone know a solution to this?
Maybe you're looking at the problem the wrong way round. WP7 is a compact (though powerful) that excels at showing the user what they want to know quickly (when the apps are written properly).
The user can't possibly see 600 pushpins in one go on a device that small, so why not just show them pushpins that are in the viewable area (or close to it) and add pushpins as the user pans around the map?
Alternatively you could "trickle" feed the pushpins by adding them one (or more) at a time using the DispatcherTimer so that the user sees pushpins being gradually added without drastically affecting performance.
Another possibility (which is what I usually do) is to add a MapItemsControl with the DataTemplate set to a Pushpin and to bind the collection to your collection of pushpin locations. If the binding is to an ObservableCollection you can "trickle" feed it as mentioned above if perf is an issue.
In a viewpoint similar to Derek's, I find it highly unlikely that you seriously want to put 600 pins on the screen at the same time. I'm guessing that they span a large geographic area and the user is unlikely to see more than a handful at a time.
If this is the case, you can trivially apply a cliprect to cull your points, then add the resultant modest list to a layer, and Presto! High performance.
In addition, there is the issue of what to do when the user zooms a long way out, bringing so many pins into view that they merge into one big useless but brightly coloured blob. This is a more complex problem traditionally solved with a quadtree, and I have a suspicion that you just said "a what?" but luckily Google is your friend.
Oh, and to address your stated problem - don't add the pins directly to a map. Add them to a MapLayer and then add that.

Custom scroll layout with fisheye in WPF

I know Windows Forms quite good but I'm new to WPF.
I'd like to create application similar to RSS reader - in main window every note will be displayed in Post-it like frame and all notes should be chained and scrollable up and down. I also want to include kind of fisheye view - single note will be displayed full size in the centre of the screen and will shrink and rotate on the edge.
I know custom control, transformation and databinding concepts but I'm not sure how to handle displaying and scrolling notes in the main window. The questions are:
what is the suggested way to arrange, display and scroll ordered chain of notes?
should single note discover own position on the screen or it should be notified by it's container?
how in such solution provide feature which will open related notes as a "multiple popups" notes connected by a line with original one? (like traversing correlated results in Google Wonder Wheel, adobe flash there)
are there any standard solutions for displaying and manipulating (moving, attaching, collapsing) such popup-widgets?
If there are any similarities in your proposal to other GUI frameworks (Forms, Swing, SWT), comparison are welcome too.
Thanks in advance!
It seems to me you are describing a "carousel control" or "element flow" or "cover flow". I've put some links at this answer.
