Create database software with cocoa - database

I'm looking to create software for Mac which is the front-end for a locally-created database.
What's the best way for me to do this in Cocoa?
Some more information:
The database will start simple, but eventually be fairly complex (I have 2-300 tables in my projected schema).
I want to save the database as a file (or bundle), so that from the user's perspective it's just a document.
I'm really just starting out with Cocoa, should I'd like to use a method that has a decent learning curve (so probably something built-into cocoa)
Potentially this would have to be distributed through the mac app store (sigh)
Thanks for any advice.

Core Data is an option, but it's not without trade offs. It's more or less a single-user solution. You can write multi-user apps with it, but unlike (say) Oracle or PostgreSQL, which are client-server from the start, you'd have to write your own server app that would marshal the client requests. It also (intentionally, by design) makes it difficult to gain direct SQL access to the underlying data store.
On the other hand, the learning curve is easy, and it's part of Cocoa and well-integrated into the standard document-based architecture.


What are the approaches to the Big-Data problems? [closed]

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Let us consider the following problem. We have a system containing a huge amount of data (Big-Data). So, in fact we have a data base. As the first requirement we want to be able to write to and to read from the data base quickly. We also want to have a web-interface to the data-bases (so that different clients can write to and read from the data base remotely).
But the system that we want to have should be more than a data base. First, we want to be able to run different data-analysis algorithm on the data to find regularities, correlations, abnormalities and so on (as before we do care a lot about the performance). Second, we want to bind a machine learning machinery to the data-base. Which means that we want to run machine learning algorithms on the data to be able to learn "relations" present on the data and based on that predict the values of entries that are not yet in the data base.
Finally, we want to have a nice clicks based interface that visualize the data. So that the users can see the data in form of nice graphics, graphs and other interactive visualisation objects.
What are the standard and widely recognised approaches to the above described problem. What programming languages have to be used to deal with the described problems?
I will approach your question like this: I assume you are firmly interested in big data database use already and have a real need for one, so instead of repeating textbooks upon textbooks of information about them, I will highlight some that meet your 5 requirements - mainly Cassandra and Hadoop.
1) The first requirement we want to be able to write to and to read from the database quickly.
You'll want to explore NoSQL databases which are often used for storing “unstructured” Big Data. Some open-source databases include Hadoop and Cassandra. Regarding the Cassandra,
Facebook needed something fast and cheap to handle the billions of status updates, so it started this project and eventually moved it to Apache where it's found plenty of support in many communities (ref).
Big Data and NoSQL: Five Key Insights
NoSQL standouts: New databases for new applications
Big data woes: Which database should I use?
Cassandra and Spark: A match made in big data heaven
List of NoSQL databases (currently 150)
2) We also want to have a web interface to the database
See the list of 150 NoSQL databases to see all the various interfaces available, including web interfaces.
Cassandra has a cluster admin, a web-based environment, a web-admin based on AngularJS, and even GUI clients.
150 NoSQL databases
Cassandra Web
Cassandra Cluster Admin
3) We want to be able to run different data-analysis algorithm on the data
Cassandra, Hive, and Hadoop are well-suited for data analytics. For example, eBay uses Cassandra for managing time-series data.
Cassandra, Hive, and Hadoop: How We Picked Our Analytics Stack
Cassandra at eBay - Cassandra Summit
An Introduction to Real-Time Analytics with Cassandra and Hadoop
4) We want to run machine learning algorithms on the data to be able to learn "relations"
Again, Cassandra and Hadoop are well-suited. Regarding Apache Spark + Cassandra,
Spark was developed in 2009 at UC Berkeley AMPLab, open sourced in
2010, and became a top-level Apache project in February, 2014. It has
since become one of the largest open source communities in big data, with over 200 contributors in 50+ organizations (ref).
Regarding Hadoop,
With the rapid adoption of Apache Hadoop, enterprises use machine learning as a key technology to extract tangible business value from their massive data assets.
Getting Started with Apache Spark and Cassandra
What is Apache Mahout?
Data Science with Apache Hadoop: Predicting Airline Delays
5) Finally, we want to have a nice clicks-based interface that visualize the data.
Visualization tools (paid) that work with the above databases include Pentaho, JasperReports, and Datameer Analytics Solutions. Alternatively, there are several open-source interactive visualization tools such as D3 and Dygraphs (for big data sets).
Data Science Central - Resources
Big Data Visualization
Start looking at:
what kind of data you want to store in the Database?
what kind of relationship between data you got?
how this data will be accessed? (for instance you need to access a certain set of data quite often)
are they documents? text? something else?
Once you got an answer for all those questions, you can start looking at which NoSQL Database you could use that would give you the best results for your needs.
You can choose between 4 different types: Key-Value, Document, Column family stores, and graph databases.
Which one will be the best fit can be determined answering the question above.
There are ready to use stack that may really help to start with your project:
Elasticsearch that would be your Database (it has a REST API that you can use to write them to the DB and to make queries and analysis)
Kibana is a visualization tool, it will allows you to explore and visualize your data, it it quite powerful and will be more than enough for most of your needs
Logstash can centralize the data processing and help you process and save them in elasticsearch, it already support quite few sources of logs and events, and you can also write your own plugin as well.
Some people refers to them as the ELK stack.
I don't believe you should worry about the programming language you have to use at this point, try to select the tools first, sometimes the choices are limited by the tools you want to use and you can still use a mixture of languages and make the effort only if/when it make sense.
A common way to solve such a requirements is to use Amazon Redshift and the ecosystem around it.
Redshift is a peta-scale data warehouse (it can also start with giga-scale), that exposes Ansi SQL interface. As you can put as much data as you like into the DWH and you can run any type of SQL you wish against this data, this is a good infrastructure to build almost any agile and big data analytics system.
Redshift has many analytics functions, mainly using Window functions. You can calculate averages and medians, but also percentiles, dense rank etc.
You can connect almost every SQL client you want using JDBS/ODBC drivers. It can be from R, R studio, psql, but also from MS-Excel.
AWS added lately a new service for Machine Learning. Amazon ML is integrating nicely with Redshift. You can build predictive models based on data from Redshift, by simply giving an SQL query that is pulling the data needed to train the model, and Amazon ML will build a model that you can use both for batch prediction as well as for real-time predictions. You can check this blog post from AWS big data blog that shows such a scenario:
Regarding visualization, there are plenty of great visualization tools that you can connect to Redshift. The most common ones are Tableau, QliView, Looker or YellowFin, especially if you don't have any existing DWH, where you might want to keep on using tools like JasperSoft or Oracle BI. Here is a link to a list of such partners that are providing free trial for their visualization on top of Redshift:
BTW, Redshift also provides a free trial for 2 months that you can quickly test and see if it fits your needs:
Big Data is a tough problem primarily because it isn't one single problem. First if your original database is a normal OLTP database that is handling business transactions throughout the day, you will not want to also do your big data analysis on this system since the data-analysis you will want to do will interfere with the normal business traffic.
Problem #1 is what type of database do you want to use for data-analysis? You have many choices ranging from RDBMS, Hadoop, MongoDB, and Spark. If you go with RDBMS then you will want to change the schema to be more compliant with data-analysis. You will want to create a data warehouse with a star schema. Doing this will make many tools available to you because this method of data analysis has been around for a very long time. All of the other "big data" and data analysis databases do not have the same level of tooling available, but they are quickly catching up. Each one of these will require research on which one you will want to use based on your problem set. If you have big batches of data RDBMS and Hadoop will be good. If you have streaming types of data then you will want to look at MongoDB and Spark. If you are a Java shop then RDBMS, Hadoop or Spark. If you are JavaScript MongoDB. If you are good with Scala then Spark.
Problem #2 is getting your data from your transactional database into your big data storage. You will need to find a programming language that has libraries to talk to both databases and you will have to decide when and where you will be moving this data. You can use Python, Java or Ruby to do this work.
Problem #3 is your UI. If you decide to go with RDBMS then you can use many of the available tools available or you can build your own. The other data storage solutions will have tool support but it isn't as mature is that available for the RDBMS. You are most likely going to build your own here anyway because your analysts will want to have the tools built to their specifications. Java works with all of these storage mechanisms but you can probably get Python to work too. You may want to provide a service layer built in Java that provides a RESTful interface and then put a web layer in front of that service layer. If you do this, then your web layer can be built in any language you prefer.
These three languages are most commonly used for machine learning and data mining on the Server side: R, Python, SQL. If you are aiming for heavy mathematical functions and graph generation, Haskell is very popular.

Database Agnostic Application

The database for one the application that I am working on is not confirmed yet by the business.
Best guess is Oracle and DB2.
What I've heard is initially the project will go live with DB2 V9 and then to Oracle 11g.
We are using Spring 3.0.5, Hibernate 3.5, JPA2 and JBoss 5 for this project
So what are the best practices here going into the build phase and test phase?
Shall I build using DB2 first and worry about Oracle later (this
doesn't sound right)?
Or, shall I write using JPA (Hibernate) and
then generate the database schema?
Or something else?
PS: I've no control over the choice of the DB, what and when, as these are strategic decision made by people sitting in nice rooms getting fat cheques and big bonuses.
Obviously you are loosing the access to specific features of the database if you are writing your application database agnostic. The database is, except for automatic optimizations done by JPA and Hibernate, reduced to common features. You have to set some things to automatic and trust JPA/Hibernate to do it right that you could set specifically if you knew the database (e.g. id generator strategies).
But it seems that the specific developer features of the database are not relevant for the decision so they can't be relevant to the application. What other reasons may influence the decision (like price, money, cash, personal relations, management tools, hardware requirements, existing knowledge and personell) can only be speculated about.
So IMHO you don't have a choice. Strictly avoid anything database specific. That includes letting the JPA/Hibernate generate the schema (your point #2). In this project setup you shouldn't tinker with the database manually.
Well... sadly there ARE some hidden traps in JPA/Hibernate developement that make it database dependent (e.g. logarithmic functions are not mapped consistenly). So you should run all your tests against all possible databases from day one. As you write "Best guess is..." you should just grab any database available and test against it. Should be easly setup with the given stack.
And you should try to accelerate the decision about the database used, if possible.
Just "write using JPA (Hibernate)" develop it to be de database agnostic. Put all you business logic in java code not stored procedures.
If you are using spring you don't need jboss you could use just tomcat, about a quarter of the foot print, and much simpler imho.
Spring vs Jboss and jboss represents all that is bad, while spring represents all that is good in Java enterprise development
We have add this issue and had to migrate late in the project, leading to a lot of extra works, frustrations and delays.
My advise is to define an abstract layer. Go to the point you may have a data model without any database, say with tables or text files.
Then when you have to switch to some database, you can optimize for it, while staying free to continue application development on any already developped model. So you don't delay the developpers on the app while one is tuning the DB2 layer. When everything is duly validated, the team can switch on it.
I will disagree with the currently accepted answer suggesting avoiding database specific things. From a performance perspective, that would be a pity, and it's definitely doable.
JPA/Hibernate and also jOOQ can abstract over a lot of things and if you're using the query builder APIs of either technology (criteria query in JPA, or jOOQ for more advanced SQL), you can get very far in a vendor agnostic way without removing all the vendor specific stuff. For example, you can easily create a vendor specific predicate like this:
.where(oracle ? oracleCondition() : db2Condition())
What you should do from the very beginning of such a project, once you know you'll have to support both dialects is to run integration tests on both database products. For this, I recommend testcontainers, which makes running such tests quite simple. If you have to add support for another dialect, and if you're using one of the above abstractions, you can simply add another testcontainers configuration, check if your application still works, tweak 2-3 things, and you're set.
Disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOQ.

Suggest: Non RDBMS database for a noob

For a new application based on Erlang, Python, we are thinking of trying out a non-RDBMS database(just for the sake of it). Some of the databases I've researched are Mongodb, CouchDB, Cassandra, Redis, Riak, Scalaris). Here is a list of simple requirements.
Ease of development - I need to make a quick proof-of-concept demo. So the database needs to have good adapters for Eralang and Python.
I'm working on a new application where we have lots of "connected" data. Somebody recommended Neo4j for graph-like data. Any ideas on that?
Scalable - We are looking at a distributed architecture, hence scalability is important.
For the moment performance(in any form) isn't exactly on top of my list, and I don't think we'll be hitting the limitations of any of the above mentioned databases anytime soon.
I'm just looking for a starting point for non-RDBMS database. Any recommendations?
We have used Mnesia in building an Enterprise Application. Mnesia when in a mode where the tables are Fragmented performs at its best because it would not have table size limits. Mnesia has performed well for the last 1 year and is still on. We have around 15 million records per table on the average and around 24 tables in a given database Schema.
I recommend mnesia Database especially the one that comes shipped within Erlang 14B03 at the website. We have used CouchDB and Membase Server ( some parts of the system but mnesia is the main data storage (primary storage). Backups have been automated very well and the system scales well against increasing size of data yet tables running under many checkpoints. Its distribution, auto-replication and Complex Data Model enabled us to build the application very quickly without worrying about replication, scalability and fail-over / take-over of systems.
Mnesia Scales well and it's schema can be configured and changes while the database is running. Tables can be moved, copied, altered e.t.c while the system is live. Generally, it has all features of powerful systems built on top of Erlang/OTP. When you google mnesia DBMS, you will get a number of books and papers that will tell you more.
Most importantly, our application is Web based, powered by Yaws web server ( and we are impressed with Mnesia's performance. Its record look up speeds are very good and the system feels so light yet renders alot of data. Do give mnesia a try and you will not regret it.
EDIT: To quickly use it in your application, look at the answer given here
Ease of development - I need to make a quick proof-of-concept demo. So the database needs to have good adapters for Eralang and Python.
Riak is written in Erlang => speaks Erlang natively
I'm working on a new application where we have lots of "connected" data. Somebody recommended Neo4j for graph-like data. Any ideas on that?
Neo4j is great for "connected" data. It has Python bindings, and some Erlang adapters How to Use Neo4j From Erlang. Thing to note, Neo4j is not as easy to Scale Out, at least for free. But.. it is fully transactional ( even JTA ), it persists things to disk, it is baked into Spring Data.
Scalable - We are looking at a distributed architecture, hence scalability is important.
For the moment performance(in any form) isn't exactly on top of my list, and I don't think we'll be hitting the limitations of any of the above mentioned databases anytime soon.
I believe given your input, Riak would be the best choice for you:
Written in Erlang
Naturally Distributed
Very easy to develop for/with
Lots of features ( secondary indicies, virtual nodes, fully modular, pluggable persistence [LevelDB, Bitcask, InnoDB, flat file, etc.. ], extremely reliable, built in full text search, etc.. )
Has an extremely passionate and helpful community with Basho backing it up

Databases in offline software?

I'm primarily a web developer, currently learning C and planning on going into C++ in a year or so when I feel absolutely confident with C (Note: I'm not saying I'll be a master at C, just that I'll understand it in a fair amount of depth and will retain it properly rather than forgetting it when I see a new language).
My question is, how are offline/networked applications written with database functionality? I've built many-a database driven website in PHP and MySQL and would like to know how to use databases with my C projects - a lot of the applications I have the desire to write rely more on content management rather than processing data as such. What database formats are available to me? What should I be looking at to build a simple contact database for example?
Thanks in advance.
I'd suggest SQLite for file-based database. Mongo is pretty awesome too if you run it locally but it is still networked.
For a small application SQLLite might be a good option for you - it is part of your application and not dependant on other software but as a database is fairly weak (No triggers, no stored procedures afaik).
If you are looking for something more substantial (especially when it involves multiple users) you should be looking for MySQL or SQLServer. These can be accessed directly from their respective API's or via some kindof common mediator such as ODBC.
Your question is really very open, much application software depends on relational database technology at some level but the OS and the required task ussually dictate the best choices.
Going the SQL route with offline applications in C is not straightforward. Whereas the database storage brings in advantages, in terms of reliability e.g., it adds conversion steps during the save/load of your data, simply by using SQL.
The question is why would you want to create SQL commands as character strings to load/save the data that is treated as binary in your program, and that you can store as binary directly in your system local storage? It costs!
On the other side, if you already know SQL well, then you'll only have to learn about an (there are several) API to access a database (SQLite, MySQL ...) from C to get started.

Database efficiency

I am about to write a program to keep track of my school assignments and I was wondering what database language would be the most efficient and simple to implement to track the meta-data of the assignments? I am thinking about XML, but it would require several documents.
I (currently) have at least ten assignments per week for 45 weeks. The data that has to be stored includes name, issue date, due date, path, and various states of completion. What ever language it's in would have to be able to take a large increase in both the number of assignments and the amount of meta-data without having to make large changes in either the format or the retrieval system.
Quite frankly, if you pick a full-fledged database you run the risk of spending more time on data entry than you do on your homework. If you really need to keep track of this, I would seriously recommend a spreadsheet.
First, I think you are confusing a relational database system with a database language. In all likelihood, you will be using a database that uses SQL. From there, you will need to another programming platform to build an application around. If you wanted, you could use an Microsoft Access database that allows you to build a simple front-end that is stored in the same file as the database. In this case you would be programming with VBA.
Pretty much any more database system would be suitable for your needs, even Access handle orders of magnitude more work than you are describing.
Some possible database systems are, again, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server Express, VistaDB, SQLite (probably the best choice after access for your needs), and of course there are many others.
You could either build a web front end or a desktop; I assume you are using Windows. You could use Visual Studio C# Express for this if you wanted. Or you could go with VB.NET, VB6, or what have you.
My answer isn't directly related, but as you are designing your database structures you might want to take at some of the the objects in the SIF specification in particular look at the Assignment and GradingAssignment objects.
As for how to store the data, you could use a rdbms (sqlite, mysql) or perhaps key-value database (zodb, link).
Of course, if this is just a small personal project you could just serialize the data to something like xml, json, csv or whatever and storing it as a file. It might be better in the long run to use a database though. A database format will probably scale a lot easier.
I would recommend Oracle Express (With Application Express) It will scale up to 4gb of user data. Beyond that, you would have to start paying. Application Express is very simple and build CRUD applications for, which is what is sounds like yours is.
For a project like that I would use Sqlite or Mysql, it's be fast enough. Plus it's easy to setup.
