Export SQL Server database to script using a command - export

I need to export my database into a script file using a SQL command.
I'm using MS SQL Server 2010 Express.
Is it possible and if yes whats the command?

This link may be of your use: Generate Script with Data from Database. With it you can use publish command like:
sqlpubwiz script -d AdventureWorks “C:\AdventureWorks.sql”
However its quite easy to use SQL Server Management Studio to export the database.


MS SQL Server 2019 export db from commandline

I need to export data from my MS SQL Server 2019, but I need to do so from the command line.
How can I achieve this? What are the best practices for exporting schemas?
As per comments below, I wanted to just use the mdf file but was encouraged not to.
Use the bcp command line utility that allows for exporting data to flat files from tabular.
The utility is part of the sql server setup and is available on your system

How to export (bacpac) azure database

I have one database in azure and accessing in my SQL Server Management studio and try to export the database but gives me the errors.
Here are the steps I have done:
1) Export data-tier Application
2) No of errors I got
3) Got this error in all the processes:
I am using SSMS (2014 and 2016)
Try downloading the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio in order to have the best user experience with Azure SQL Database. Please download it from here
That dss schema means you were using SQL Data Sync. You may need to use the deprovision utility to clean that remnants left by SQL data Sync.
Alternatively you can use SQLpackage, PowerShell or Azure Portal to do the same task. You can learn more about it here.
SqlPackage.exe /a:Export /tf:testExport.bacpac /scs:"Data Source=apptestserver.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=MyDB;" /ua:True /tid:"apptest.onmicrosoft.com"

Transfer SQL Server data to SQL Azure

I have a local database SQL Server 2008 Express and I have tables along with data in them. I want to export those schemas and data to SQL Azure database.
What I have tried in SQL Management Studio is to right-click database (contextual menu) and Tasks->Generate Scripts. But those SQL scripts were only the schema, stored procedures etc and no data is exported at all.
Then I have tried Tasks->Export Data, but there were no appropriate export types. I have seen only Flat File dump and I think SQL Mgmt Studio 2008 R2 does not support importing flat files for SQL Azure.
Is there a nicer way to export data from SQL Server as sql scripts and execute them on a remote server without using any 3rd party tools?
I found that SQL Azure Migration Tool http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/
Very handy and useful. Worked for me.
In Tasks/Generate Scripts you can set Script Options/Script Data to be True, which should script out the data as well.
Not free, but SQL Data Compare will let you move data from on-premise to SQL Azure.
You can try SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
For Detailed steps reg how to do it, check link.
I have worked with it already and it works fine for both Azure and on-premises.
An article that comprehensively explains available options:
Full disclosure: i work at SolidQ.com

How to import .sql file into SQL Server Express

I have a plain sql file with some SQL INSERT statements.
Is it possible to import it in my local SQL Server Express instance?
You can use Management Studio Express edition. You can download the latest version here - which will work against SQL Express 2005, 2008 and 2008 R2.
If you don't want to install SSMSE then you can use sqlcmd at a command prompt, e.g. something like this (assuming Windows auth and an instance called "SQLEXPRESS"):
sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -E -i "C:\path\file.sql"
The easiest way would be simply open the file in the Sql Management Studio and run it. Since the target table is already created, of course.
You can open it via Query analyser and run
Here is the tool Sql_Server_Script_Executor
You can add single/multiple file/folder and your files will comes up in the list. Click the execute button and done
It contains three transaction modes.
1. Execute scripts within one transaction
2. Execute scripts on separate transaction
3. No transaction
All you have to do is open Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio.
Then use File -> Open.
Open the file from the proper location and you'll get all the SQL statements there. After that you can execute them.
Hope this helps.

Import SQL server database using batch

I need to import a database into a SQL Server instance using a batch script and the database is provided by an sql file.
How can I do This?
The SQL file was generated by the SQL Server management studio.
SQL Server has a command line utility called SQLCMD. It will let you do things like run scripts or restore a database backup. The -i parameter allows you to specify an input file.
There is also an article here that has a quick intro to SQLCMD.

