i18n find in associated model with cakephp - cakephp

I have two models (Posts and Categories), those two model have i18n properties. I need to do something like this:
and return the Post with Category both translated.
How can I achieve this on cakephp 1.3?

How are you storing the properties? That would help answer.
If you do not have a lot, you could create a translator component that stores the key value pairs and then pass your data to a function in the component after you have retrieved your data.
$posts = $this->Post->find('all');
$posts = $this->Translator->translatePost($post, 'language');
Unless you are storing the translations within the Model data, then this is probably a better solution so that you don't break the MVC paradigm.
There are tons of ways to do it, but you need to be more specific with your question in order to hone in on the issue.


How to populate a Backbone.js collection's _byId array so that I can use `get` on it?

I have a collection, and the collection.models returns an array of models. However, when I call collection.get(someId) (and this id is the id of the model that is in the collection.models array), I get undefined. Looking at collection._byId, it looks like an empty object.
How do I properly populate _byId, so that I can use get? Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong when initializing my collection, which is why _byId is empty.
I'm a little late, but hopefully this is still useful to some other people.
Collection._byId is just a normal js hash object. There's really nothing fancy about it. If you want Collection.get to work, just add all the models into the _byId hash.
Inside the collection's scope:
var someId = '123'; // any id will do
this._byId[someId] = someModel; // someModel.id = '123'
console.log(!!this.get(someId)); // should return true
Since I'm using this with Rails, the default json generated by Rails doesn't work well with Backbone. I don't know why I didn't see it while trying to learn Backbone. Anyway, you could either:
Change the way Rails generates its JSON
Change the way your Backbone app reads the JSON.
Sounds like the OP had a slightly different problem, but I experienced a similar issue and thought I'd post what worked for me.
Like the original issue, collection.models contained the right model, but in my case, the _byId hash contained a cid version of the model that wasn't empty. Nevertheless, _byId didn't contain a model with normal id (there's usually two version - an id one and a cid one), so I wasn't able to use collection.get(id) to retrieve it. My problem became a bit clearer when I read up about cid. From the docs:
Client ids are handy when the model has not yet been saved to the server, and does not yet have its eventual true id, but already needs to be visible in the UI.
I didn't think it was a problem with waiting for the server as my cid model and the collection.model had the correct ids. However passing in { wait : true } as an option in collection.create fixed this issue for me.

How to use Yii with a multilingual database model?

I’m having a problem getting the data from my database which I created to be completely multilingual, and I hope someone here can help me.
I’ve split up all my tables in 2 parts; the “universal” table (does not contain any text that needs to be translated) and the table which contains all the fields that need to be translated with their translations.
Example tables:
Query to get the translations (using English (en) as a fall-back language if there is no translation available):
, o.type
, o.code
, o.position
, ifnull(t.name,d.name) name
, ifnull(t.description,d.description) description
FROM base_material o
INNER JOIN base_material_i18n d
ON ( o.id=d.base_material_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN base_material_i18n t
ON ( d.base_material_id=t.base_material_id AND t.localization_id='nl' )
WHERE d.localization_id='en'
My question is how I can automatically get those translations (with the fall-back language as in this query) attached to my model in Yii when I’m searching for the base_material objects? (This is only 1 example table, but almost all my tables (20+) are built in this way, so if possible I would be needing something flexible)
An example of an existing system using what I would need is Propel: http://propel.posterous.com/propel-gets-i18n-behavior-and-why-it-matters
Any ideas how to go about doing that? I’ve checked the existing Yii extensions regarding multilingual sites (like Multilingual Active Record), but they all use a different database design (general information+fall-back language in the main table, translations in the i18n table), and I’m not sure how to change those extensions to use my kind of DB model.
If someone knows of a way to change that existing extension so it can use my kind of DB scheme, then that would be absolutely brilliant and probably the best way to do this.
Edit: I've added a bounty because I still can't find anything on how to let Propel work with Yii (there does exist an extension for Doctrine, but Doctrine doesn't support this kind of DB model with translations either), nor any more information as to how to deal with this using an existing Yii extension or with scopes.
Edit: 98 times viewed but only 3 upvotes and 1 comment. I can't help feeling like I'm doing something wrong here, be it in my question or application/database design; either that or my problem is just very unique (which would surprise me, as I don't think my multilingual database design is that absurd ;-). So, if anyone knows of a better all-round solution for multilingual sites with Yii and/or Propel (apart from the current extensions which I really don't like due to the duplication of text fields) or something similar, please let me know as well.
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/i18n-columns/ (based on http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/stranslateablebehavior/)?
It is an alternate, simpler, approach by adding new table fields in the style of {field}_{language code}, and then setting the translated field in the original model to the current language's translation on afterFind.
In essence, it will get you up and running with translatable fields with the translated content being fetched "automatically", for good and bad :). Adding and removing languages (=columns) is done using migrations.
I am also looking for a generic solution to implement i18n into Yii models.
Recently I chose a very similar database schema for a project like you.
The only difference is, that I am not using a separate language table, I store the language information in the i18n table.
The following solution is without a custom SQL statement, but I think this could be implemented with relation params, anyway, if you're working with foreign key in your database (eg. MySQL InnoDB) gii will create relations between your base_material and base_material_i18n table, like
class BaseMaterial extends CActiveRecord
public function relations()
return array(
'baseMaterialI18ns' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'base_material_i18n', 'id'),
class BaseMaterialI18n extends CActiveRecord
public function relations()
return array(
'baseMaterial' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'base_material', 'id'),
Now you'd be able to access your translations by using the object notation for relations.
$model = BaseMaterial::model()->with('baseMaterialI18ns')->findByPk(1);
foreach($model->baseMaterialI18ns AS $translation) {
if ($translation->language != "the language I need") continue:
// do something with translation data ...
I thought about creating a behavior or base class for those models which would act a as helper for managing the translations - pseudo code:
I18nActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord
protected $_attributesI18n;
// populate _attributesI18n on query ...
public function __get($name) {
return $this->_attributesI18n[$name];
else if(isset($this->_attributesI18n['fallback_language'][$name]))
return $this->_attributesI18n[$name];
CActiveRecord __get() source
There is more work to be done to find the needed i18n record, also you could further limit the with() option to improve performance and reduce parsing on the PHP side.
But there may be different use cases how to determine the value, e.g. all translations, translation or fallback, no fallback (empty value).
Scenarios could be helpful here.
PS: I would be up for a github project!
You can try to use a simple multilingual CRUD extension.
it is very simple to use and modificate. you just need to add language field to your table.
just watch description here: http://all-of.me/yii-multilingual-crud/
it is in alpha state, but tried on a few projects. you can easily modificate it or contact author to fix or add features

Cakephp 1.2 Pagination

I need a custom query pagination in CakePHP 1.2.
I have a reviews model and on one set of pages, it paginates the reviews model one way, and on another set of pages it does it another way with a different custom query. How do I overwrite paginate and paginateCount twice in the same model?
I wouldn't do it in the same model.
I would have two different models with different overwrites depending on your requirements and use them in the paginate method accordingly.
Something like.
Obviously in both model classes you would have:
var $name = 'Review';

Insert/save client search/form entries into separate table prior to running code- CakePHP

I want to store the form entries into a table that will store what my users searched for, then actually execute the code on the form results.
I tried doing:
But I don't think it liked me using a model that doesn't belong to that controller (my guess this doesn't follow convention and fully utilize CakePHP).
The other idea I had was to create a new searches_controller, then run $this->data through the above code and redirect back to the Trips controller but it seems like that's not the optimal way of doing it either.
Any thoughts on how best to do this?
In procedural PHP, I would just do an INSERT query before.
Thanks for the help!
I think that having Model which doesn't belong to the specific controller is not so bad idea.
Actually you can put this logic in the beforeFilter() of the Trips model like that:
class Trip extends AppModel {
function beforeFind(){
$search = ClassRegistry::init('Search'); //adding instance of Search model
$search->save($this->data); //save the data
//Do extra things if needed
This way you don't have "alien" model in your controllers, and utilise the recommendation "Fat Models, Skinny controllers" :)

Cakephp Tagging - Auto Save new Tags and Tag Relations

I read a lot about tagging in CakePHP but I can't find a "clean" way to save a Post and the Tags to this post. I have all which is necessary the Post Table, Model and Controller, the Tag table, Model and Controller and the posts_tags table. I created the HABTM Associations in the Post and the Tag Model.
If I want to save a new post, I want that CakePHP automagically saves the tags associated to that post, but I can't find the right way for that. In most of the tutorials you have to use a "helper" Function (http://www.jamesfairhurst.co.uk/posts/view/full_cakephp_application_part_5 => "_parse_genres") or something like that, but I thought the deal with CakePHP is it, that this is all done by Cake once you set it up right.
So my question, is there a "clean"-Cake-way to do it, or do I have to use a helper function?
I find it very hard to believe that you didn't find a "proper" way to handle HABTM. There are many, many articles about it. I believe that Cake will save your tags if you set your data array properly. A quick search on The Bakery:
Will reveal enough. My guess is that you're looking for this:
(Note that there is a component which does the same thing, but model behaviour is the right way to go)
