Cakephp 1.2 Pagination - cakephp

I need a custom query pagination in CakePHP 1.2.
I have a reviews model and on one set of pages, it paginates the reviews model one way, and on another set of pages it does it another way with a different custom query. How do I overwrite paginate and paginateCount twice in the same model?

I wouldn't do it in the same model.
I would have two different models with different overwrites depending on your requirements and use them in the paginate method accordingly.
Something like.
Obviously in both model classes you would have:
var $name = 'Review';


Assigning field values before saving on different models

I continue building my CakePHP application. Now I've created all the database schema in MySQL, run some "cake bake all" and I have lots of models, views and controllers, and I'm gonna personalize them.
In many of my models I have this fields:
As you can understand, the first field is the id of the owner of the "row", created_by is the id of who created the row and modified_by the latest person who updated it.
I know I can create a beforeSave filter in the model and update all the data (I suppose that I can know if I'm creating or updating a row, isn't it?), but just now I have 15 different models and I hope the app will grow more, so it's a lot of repetitive code to write. And, it breaks the DRY principle.
And my question is: Is there any "elegant" way to solve this problem? Maybe creating a class extending AppModel with a beforeSave filter for updating the fields, and that all my models inherit from the new Model class instead of AppModel?
Thanks for your help!
Make it a behaviour and load it for models that need that functionality.
I think the most appropriate way is to create Behaviors.
You can set up the beforeSave callback in the behavior like what you have in your model.
Here is the link to the documentation
You can also check as example dereuromark's WhoDidItBehavior.

cakephp: abstract classes, factory, return objects

I would need an idea or two how I would do this in cakephp (using latest version)
I am building a web based game where you will be able to collect Items
Without a framework I would have an abstract base item class that every item would extend to
And when displaying for example a inventory i would factory all items the user currently have and then return a object for each item.
How would I do this in cakephp? Would I go for a model for each item class ... and how would i factor to get the object? ...
Assuming you're using a database as the data store, presumably you will use a single table for all items the player can collect? If so, you probably want a single Model class.
It's possible to have an inheritance hierarchy for models in CakePHP if you want. But you can often achieve sharing of Model logic using a Behaviour.

cakePHP model associations lost after model imported into controller

Due to a client's desire to have URLs that defy Cake logic I have decided to use the pages_controller.php copied from cake/libs to organize my app.
Most of the site's functionality occurs from one url making calls with ajax to different controllers so I chose Pages as the home base.
Pages has no model but I still need to access some of the relevant models so I import them.
I have tried all three methods:
$Inventories =& ClassRegistry::init('Inventories');
App::import('Controller', 'Inventories');
$Inventories = new InventoriesController;
The Inventories Model seems to load fine with each but when I find some records:
$(...)->find("all", array(
'conditions' => array('id' => '1'),
I only get results as if recursive had been set to -1 or as if there were no associated models.
This happens no matter what I set recursive to.
When I load the model in another controller I get the appropriate recursive response.
Any ideas how i can get full access to a model from pages_controller.php?
A messy but instant solution would be to simply populate the $uses array in your controller:
var $uses = array('Inventories', 'User'); // or whatever models need to be loaded
This is considered poor practice and could quickly spiral out of control, however. Mostly handy for quick testing.
You could place the functionality in appropriately named controllers, and then route your client's desired URLs to the corresponding controller / action:
A little-known controller method (it's not in the cookbook, only the API) called setAction() might be the solution for you. See:
also in Cake 2.0

i18n find in associated model with cakephp

I have two models (Posts and Categories), those two model have i18n properties. I need to do something like this:
and return the Post with Category both translated.
How can I achieve this on cakephp 1.3?
How are you storing the properties? That would help answer.
If you do not have a lot, you could create a translator component that stores the key value pairs and then pass your data to a function in the component after you have retrieved your data.
$posts = $this->Post->find('all');
$posts = $this->Translator->translatePost($post, 'language');
Unless you are storing the translations within the Model data, then this is probably a better solution so that you don't break the MVC paradigm.
There are tons of ways to do it, but you need to be more specific with your question in order to hone in on the issue.

cakePHP: how to combine two or more application views on one cakePHP layout page?

Using cakePHP my goal is to combine the index view of two or more controllers in one layout page.
I have controllers for: news, events, links.
I want to show the last five entries from each table in one layout page.
Also, when one of the links from the views is selected it should take the user to the respective view for that record.
I have read through the books section on views but don't see how making a view into an element would accomplish this.
What confuses me is how to combine from three separate controller/views into one layout?
Create methods in your News, Event and Link models for fetching the last 5 records. Then in your controller either include the models in the Controller::uses property, or in the action use ClassRegistry::init() to get access to the model, e.g.
function my_action() {
$news = ClassRegistry::init('News')->getRecent();
$events = ClassRegistry::init('Event')->getRecent();
$links = ClassRegistry::init('Link')->getRecent();
$this->set(compact('news', 'events', 'links'));
You can then call these model methods from any controller action, keeping your application DRY.
In your my_action.ctp view, and indeed many other views, just render the elements e.g.
// my_action.ctp
echo $this->element('recent_news');
echo $this->element('recent_events');
echo $this->element('recent_links');
Your elements can then just iterate over the $news (or whatever) variable displaying the items with links to the 'view' actions in their respective controllers.
Just because a controller matches a model, doesn't mean you can't use other models in it.
First I would say that views and controllers are not necessarily tied together -- Cake will implicitly add the view specified by the file heirarchy / naming convention, but this doesn't necessarily have to be the case. So try to think of the views as decoupled from the controller (which is one of the main purposes for using the MVC architecture).
Assuming your three views (A,B,C) are exactly how you want them copied, put them into an element (which is just a view file located in the special APP/views/elements/ directory). Now you can use them in either layouts or other views, just by making a call to $this->element( 'elementName', array( 'options' ) ).
Basically, just abstract the code you want to display into elements, then insert those elements into the desired layouts.
You can set up your controller to use the RequestHandler and then make your view elements capable of fetching their own data from separate controllers in your application.
This link explains it better than I can
One thing to keep in mind is that the controller actions you are calling should account for caching their own data so you don't do unnecessary database queries.
