How does one do Ext.Require when the init function creates a viewport? - extjs

I'm trying to 'require' some code for the loader, but my current onready function is giving me grief with the require ( it complains about the viewport not being created yet ). Since I assign content to the viewport on creation, I cant really require the content that I populate ( unless I create the viewport and then assign stuff to it, but meh ).
How the heck do I Ext.require[] with a function like this? ( or how can I restructure this function so it performs in the same way, whilst letting me run Ext.Require on an array?)
centerPanelId: 'mainLayoutCenter',
init: function(){
//Enable the loader for dynamic loading of js, only dev pls
Ext.QuickTips.init(); //ext needs this
Ext.Loader.setPath("bleh","js/bleh"); //Project paths for the loaders
this.initialContent = Ext.create('bleh.Login');
//Our default View
//this.initialContent = Ext.create('bleh.panel.Register');
//Instantiate a viewport
this.viewport = Ext.create("bleh.viewport",{
initialContent : this.initialContent
//init function, to hande events for HTML elements etc
,setContent: function( contentPanel ){
var center = Ext.getCmp(this.centerPanelId);
if ( this.currentContent ) { center.remove(this.currentContent); }
this.currentContent = contentPanel;
Ext.onReady( Host.init, Host );

You should be able to just require whatever you need before this block of code. It's already wrapped in an onReady block, so it will not be executed until all dependencies are available by default, as long as you require them. Just add this above your code:


Unable to have an ol3 map in each angular module

I'm using openlayers3 (ol3) and angular 1.5.6 on IE Edge.
I have two modules. Each has their own controller and component. Each controller wants to have a map in the view. One view is for interactively querying data off its map. The other view is for displaying interactive query results.
Under the hood, I provide a MapFactory which returns an instance of a object, containing the said openlayers map.
PROBLEM: The one displays while the other does not.
Here's a sample of my code (some details are left out for simplicity. For example the dependency injection checks. All of this code is being called as expected.):
Module A definition
ModuleAController.$inject = ['MapFactory'];
function ModuleAController(MapFactory){
var vm = this;
var = MapFactory.getMapInstance({
In ModuleA's view:
<div id='module-A-map' class="map-classes"></div>
Module B definition
ModuleBController.$inject = ['MapFactory'];
function ModuleBController(MapFactory){
var vm = this;
var = MapFactory.getMapInstance({
In ModuleB's view:
<div id='module-B-map' class="map-classes"></div>
MapFactory's definition:
MapFactory.$inject = [];
function MapFactory(){
var factory = {
getMapInstance : getMapInstance
return factory;
function getMapInstance(options){
return new _MapConstructor(options);
function _MapConstructor(options){
var _map = new ol.Map({
target :,
logo : false,
view : new ol.View({...}),
layers : [some,layers,here]
return {
publicMethod : publicMethod
function publicMethod(){...}
function privateMethod(){...}
... other stuff ...
Please, let me know if any clarification is needed to answer the question.
This issue: might be part of the problem. I am using collapsable DIVs with bootstrap. The ModuleA is in the default displayed one, while ModuleB is hidden at first. More to come.
I wrote this up as an OL3 issue as well:
I need to add a _map.updateSize() on a or event. Now, I need to figure out how to do that in Angular, and post it (unless somebody gets to it first).
Ah, this is in Bootstrap's collapse class. So, let's back up to the Module-B view. Each of my Module's is a panel within a Bootstrap panel accordian. The ModuleA map that displays is the default open panel (the one that has the in class). The ModuleB map is not open by default, and thus, OL3 gives the canvas a display:none in the map's div's style.
<div id="module-B-collapse" class="panel-collapse collapse" >
<div id='module-B-map' class="map-classes"></div>
In my ModuleBController, I simply added:

Jasmine test to check Parameters passed to Backbone sync

I am writing a jasmine unit test to check if BackBone sync is called with a Parameter (which is an Object).
Here is the code base
In my collection I have sync method which is calling Back Bone sync
sync: function ( method, collection, options ) {
if ( !options ) {
options = {};
options.headers = {
“x-yz-webservice-client-id": “abcde"
return Backbone.sync( method, collection, options );
Here I want to check if options.headers of Backbone sync is set to object {
“x-yz-webservice-client-id": “abcde"
What I am trying to do in jasmine test and which is not working is as follows:
var headers = {
“x-yz-webservice-client-id": “abcde"
var autoCompleteRecommendationsCollection = new AutoCompleteRecommendationsCollection({},opt);
spyOn( Backbone, 'sync' );
autoCompleteRecommendationsView.initialize( options );
expect(Backbone.sync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.anything(), jasmine.anything(), jasmine.objectContaining(headers));
I want to test this third argument has the property set to headers as above. Is there a better way to check this argument?
Assuming you are using Jasmine v2.x, an alternative would be:
“x-yz-webservice-client-id": “abcde"
However there appears to be nothing wrong with your code, have you confirmed your spy is actually called? Since you are dealing with a global Backbone variable, you need to make sure the spec and class under test share the same one.

How do you tell when a view is loaded in extjs?

Im working on an extjs application. We're have a page that is for looking at a particular instance of an object and viewing and editing it's fields.
We're using refs to get hold of bits of view in the controller.
This was working fine, but I've been sharding the controller into smaller pieces to make it more managable and realised that we are relying on a race condition in our code.
The logic is as follows:
Initialise the controller
parse the url to extract the id of the object
put in a call to load the model with the given view.
in the load callback call the controller load method...
The controller load method creates some stores which fire off other requests for bits of information using this id. It then uses some of the refs to get hold of the view and then reconfigures them to use the stores when they load.
If you try and call the controller load method immediately (not in the callback) then it will fail - the ref methods return undefined.
Presumably this is because the view doesnt exist... However we aren't checking for that - we're just relying on the view being loaded by the time the server responds which seems like a recipe for disaster.
So how can we avoid this and be sure that a view is loaded before trying to use it.
I haven't tried rewriting the logic here yet but it looks like the afterrender event probably does what I want.
It seems like waiting for both the return of the store load and afterrender events should produce the correct result.
A nice little abstraction here might be something like this:
yourNamespace.createWaitRunner = function (completionCallback) {
var callback = completionCallback;
var completionRecord = [];
var elements = 0;
function maybeFinish() {
var done = completionRecord.every(function (element) {
return element === true
if (done)
return {
getNotifier: function (func) {
func = func || function (){};
var index = elements++;
completionRecord[index] = false;
return function () {
completionRecord[index] = true;
You'd use it like this:
//during init
//pass in the function to call when others are done
this.waiter = yourNamespace.createWaitRunner(controller.load);
//in controller
'SomeView': {
afterrender: this.waiter.getNotifier
//when loading record(s)
Ext.ModelManager.getModel('SomeModel').load(id, {
success: this.waiter.getNotifier(function (record, request) {
//do some extra stuff if needs be
I haven't actually tried this out yet so it might not be 100% but I think the idea is sound

Where do you put this kind of controller code in an angular app?

The following code is needed in 2 different controllers (at the moment, maybe more controllers later). The code works around a problem I've found in ng-grid and allows the delayed selection of a row (once the data has been loaded).
// Watch for the ngGridEventData signal and select indexToSelect from the grid in question.
// eventCount parameter is a hack to hide a bug where we get ngGridEventData spam that will cause the grid to deselect the row we just selected
function selectOnGridReady(gridOptions, indexToSelect, eventCount) {
// Capture the grid id for the grid we want, and only react to that grid being updated.
var ngGridId = gridOptions.ngGrid.gridId;
var unWatchEvent = $scope.$on('ngGridEventData', function(evt, gridId) {
if(ngGridId === gridId) {
//gridEvents.push({evt: evt, gridId:gridId});
var grid = gridOptions.ngGrid;
gridOptions.selectItem(indexToSelect, true);
grid.$viewport.scrollTop(grid.rowMap[0] * grid.config.rowHeight);
if($scope[] && $scope[].length) {
eventCount -= 1;
if(eventCount <= 0) {
unWatchEvent(); // Our selection has been made, we no longer need to watch this grid
The problem I have is where do I put this common code? It's obviously UI code, so it doesn't seem like it belongs in a service, but there is no classical inheritance scheme (that I have been able to discover) that would allow me to put it in a "base class"
Ideally, this would be part of ng-grid, and wouldn't involve such a nasty hack, but ng-grid 2.0 is closed to features and ng-grid 3.0 is who knows how far out into the future.
A further wrinkle is the $scope that I guess I would have to inject into this code if I pull it from the current controller.
Does this really belong in a service?
I would probably just put this in a service and pass $scope into it but you do have other options. You may want to take a look at this presentation as it covers different ways of organizing your code:
You could put it in its own object and mix it into any controllers using angular.extend();
var ngGridUtils = {
selectOnGridReady: function(gridOptions, indexToSelect, eventCount) {
var myCtrl = function() {...};
angular.extend(myCtrl, ngGridUtils);
If you use the 'controller as' syntax for your controllers then you can treat them like classes and just use javascript inheritance.
var BaseCtrl = function() {
BaseCtrl.prototype.selectOnGridReady = function(gridOptions, indexToSelect, eventCount) {
var MyCtrl = function() {;
MyCtrl.prototype = Object.create(BaseCtrl.prototype);
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as ctrl"></div>

Drupal.attachBehaviours with jQuery infinitescroll and jQuery masonry

I am a little desperate here. I have been reading everything I was able to find on Drupal.behaviours but obviously its still not enough. I try running a masonry grid with the infinitescroll plugin to attach the new images to the masonry. This works fine so far. The next thing I wanted to implement to my website is a hover effect (which shows information on the images) and later fancybox to show the images in a huger size.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.views_fluidgrid = {
attach: function (context) {
$('.views-fluidgrid-wrapper:not(.views-fluidgrid-processed)', context).addClass('views-fluidgrid-processed').each(function () {
// hide items while loading
var $this = $(this).css({opacity: 0}),
id = $(this).attr('id'),
settings = Drupal.settings.viewsFluidGrid[id];
$this.imagesLoaded(function() {
// show items after .imagesLoaded()
$this.animate({opacity: 1});
//the masonry settings
//implement the function of jquery.infinitescroll.min.js
//the infinitescroll settings
//show new items and attach behaviours in callback
function(newElems) {
var newItems = $(newElems).css({opacity: 0});
$(newItems).imagesLoaded(function() {
$(newItems).animate({opacity: 1});
$this.masonry('appended', newItems);
Now I read that I need to Reattach the Drupal.behaviours if I want the hover event to also take place on the newly added content.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.imgOverlay = {
attach: function (context) {
var timeout;
$('.img_gallery').hover(function() {
$this = $(this);
timeout = setTimeout(change_opacity, 500);
}, reset_opacity);
function change_opacity() {
//set opacity to show the desired elements
function reset_opacity() {
//reset opacity to 0 on desired elements
Where do I now write the Drupal.attachBehaviours() to make it work actually? Or is there some other error I just dont see atm? I hope I wrote the question so that its understandable and maybe it also helps somebody else, since I experienced that there is no real "official" running Version of this combination in drupal 7.
Ok, the solution is actually pretty simple. When writing it correctly than it also runs. its of course not Drupal.attachBehaviours() but Drupal.attachBehaviors() . So this combination now works and I am finally relieved :).
