How to get os name, version in windows? - c

Which one is better in following aspects to get OS name, OS version in windows -
time in getting information
compatibility in all windows OS like xp, vista and higher
systeminfo or wmic command? I wanted to avoid the use of OSVersionInfoEx in C as one has to hardcode the marketing name detection and will add to maintenance work if new flavour of windows gets introduced. Please share your opinion.

GetVersionEx - You can't get any faster than this for getting a basic os version number. But you are right, you won't be able to map newer versions of the OS to the correct string. Have you considered just doing this:
version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(version);
if (MyFunctionToMapVersionToString(&version, szOS) == false)
sprintf(szOS, "Microsoft Windows %d.%d", version.dwMajorVersion, version.dwMinorVersion);
WMI - A bit more code to write. But you could likely just do this at app startup (or when it's needed) and cache the result if the information is needed again. It's not like the operating system product name will change after the app has queried for it once. :) As to backwards compatibility, I'm sure it work fine on older operating systems... but you are going to test it before shipping it to the customer, right?
If you want an undocumented way, there is a registry key that has exactly what you want in it:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion ("ProductName")


Trying to create custom installation package through chocolatey

I am new to scripting. I was trying to create a chocolatey package that would automatically do a custom(not typical) install. For example with MariaDB installations, I would like to specify which parts of the server to install and the username and password for the database.
I was trying to practice on Libreoffice where the package chooses Custom install and intalls only libre Writer. But the following script does the default installations what am I missing here? thanks.
e$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; # stop on all errors
$toolsDir = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
$fileLocation = ".\LibreOffice_7.2.7_Win_x64.msi"
$pp= Get-PackageParameters
if (!$pp['SetupType']){$pp['SetupType']='Custom'}
if (!$pp['InstallOption']){$pp['InstallOption']='LibreWriter'}
$packageArgs = #{
packageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName
unzipLocation = $toolsDir
fileType = 'msi'
file = $fileLocation
softwareName = 'libre*'
checksum = '...'
checksumType = 'sha256'
silentArgs = "/qn /norestart /l*v `"$($env:TEMP)\$($packageName).$($env:chocolateyPackageVersion).MsiInstall.log`"" # ALLUSERS=1 DISABLEDESKTOPSHORTCUT=1 ADDDESKTOPICON=0 ADDSTARTMENU=0
validExitCodes= #(0, 3010, 1641)
Install-ChocolateyPackage #packageArgs
This is a pretty huge question, to one extent, and quite easy in another!
Short answer:
Your example above doesn't pass any of the package arguments you're crafting (e.g. $pp['InstallOption']) to the actual installer. They're being stored in the variable ($pp) and never used.
The values you want to use should be passed in to Install-ChocolateyPackage using the silentArgs parameter.
However, I don't think the arguments you have there are going to work, even if you pass them in (though I may be mistaken).
Longer answer:
MSIs don't just accept random arguments.
Accepted arguments vary hugely by installer, and by software, and there's no guarantee you can do what you want silently from the commandline.
You can use something like Orca to find out what arguments an MSI may support, or search for documentation (or other folk having done the work before), or create an MST file to apply.
You could also use the Chocolatey for Business Package Builder, which scans the file and tries to identify useful arguments you can pass - though this requires a paid Business license for Chocolatey.

In c printf format of numbers will nor work in mrsh

Using printf format in for numbers which will work fine:
printf ("\r\n <%s>\t AmountOfMalloc %'.ld", HostName ,GetMalloc ()) ;
Output is like this, which is fine:
Calling the same app remote via mrsh in a script will cause no number format like this:
AmountOfMalloc 17220149424
Envirenment is Suse Linux Enterprise Server 15 sp2 in VMware Workstation 15.5.7 on Windows 10 ltsc 2019, 4 cores, 6GB ram.
Has someone expierienced this issue and a possible solution?
The difference is caused by different environment locale settings.
You can see the settings that are applied when the program runs the way you want by running locale command. It will output several lines for e.g. money and number format settings, but usually they all have the same value, such as "en_US.UTF-8".
Easiest way to apply the setting to your remotely run command is to prefix the line like this:
LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 /path/to/program
From the examples you provide, the locale you want is probably different than en_US.UTF-8, so use the value you get from locale.
Thanks a lot, locale was the problem. Did not see any reason why,
Adding the following to the c source before printf works fine:
setlocale ( LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE.UTF-8" ) ;
setlocale ( LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8" ) ;

UIOP does not recognize local-nicknames keyword

I'm attempting to make a Lisp package with uiop/package:define-package. I'm using SBCL, and have confirmed that package-local nicknaming ought to be supported:
* *features*
* (uiop:featurep :package-local-nicknames)
Nevertheless, when I try to define a package that has local nicknames, it doesn't work:
(uiop/package:define-package #:foo
(:use #:cl)
(:local-nicknames (#:b #:binparse)))
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001878103}>:
unrecognized define-package keyword :LOCAL-NICKNAMES
Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
source: (ERROR "unrecognized define-package keyword ~S" KW)
0] 0
(binparse being another package I've made, which worked fine, but which did not happen to use local nicknaming).
What I've found of the uiop/package source seems to indicate that this shouldn't happen? Going by that, it should either work, or have a specific error message indicating the non-supported-ness of local nicknames (if somehow uiop:featurep is inaccurate or changing), but it shouldn't give a generic unknown-keyword error. At this point I'm not sure what I could be getting wrong.
The version of asdf that's included in releases of sbcl is based on asdf version 3.3.1 (November 2017), except bundled into only two (larger) lisp files (one for asdf and one for uiop) rather than breaking them up by purpose as is done in official releases of asdf. asdf added #+sbcl support for package-local nicknames in (August 2019), and switched to the more general #+package-local-nicknames in (April 2020) (the latest release version is 3.3.4, though, so that wouldn't be in yet anyway). So it's "just" a delay in pulling from upstream. Following the instructions on upgrading ASDF did the trick – extract the latest release tarball into ~/common-lisp/asdf and run (load (compile-file #P"~/common-lisp/asdf/build/asdf.lisp")) once, and future shells will use the updated version.

Application Behavior Differs on Difference Machines And OSes

I'm writing a windows (MS) application to get the name of the process of the active window.
On a desktop PC running 32-bit Windows XP Professional the application runs as expected. But on a laptop machine with a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional OS the does not work as expected. For certain processes an invalid handle is returned. I get the same results on an ultrabook running Windows 8.1 64-bit.
The relevant code snippet is as follows:
DWORD dwThreadID, dwProcessID;
HANDLE hProcess;
char szProcessFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};
gti.cbSize = sizeof(GUITHREADINFO);
GetGUIThreadInfo(0, &gti);
dwThreadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(gti.hwndActive, &dwProcessID);
// Get the name of the process (no error checking for brevity)
GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, NULL, szProcessFileName, MAX_PATH);
When the application runs in the non-Windows XP OSes, as stated above, for certain processes OpenProcess and GetModuleFileNameEx fail. GetModuleFileNameEx typically fails with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY (error code: 299) or ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (error code: 87) whereas OpenProcess fails with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (error code: 6)
Not sure what's going on. Any help is greatly appreciated. I wonder if it has to do with user permissions.
The source code is compiled as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit machine running Windows 7 Pro x64.
It's a bit of a long read but try... this for starters.
If you are running on XP or above, the recommended workaround to get at the 64-bit process image path from a 32-bit process, is to use the newer GetProcessImageFileName which gets the path (via ProcessImageFileName (27) process information class of NtQueryInformationProcess). The wow64 layer does not do much this time because it is just a unicode string. However this function has a downside – the path returned is of the form /Device/HarddiskVolumeX instead of DOS style drive letter based paths.
Note how the one error was trying to tell you that only 32-bits of a 64-bit address was copied into your pointer. The article describes it better than I can.

What kind of data can you extract from a UUID?

I know that we could easily extract the uuid version number. Is there a reliable way to extract information like timestamp, MAC address?
A standard-conforming UUID may be one of several variants, it looks like this:
The first (hex)digit of the DDDD part determines the variant.
If it is one of 8,9,A,B it is conforming to the current spec
(0-7 are reserved for backward compatibility, C,D are reserved for Microsoft, and E,F are reserved for future use)
If it conforms to the current spec, check the first digit of the CCCC part which determines the UUID version:
Time-based with unique or random host identifier (MAC)
DCE Security version (with POSIX UIDs)
Name-based (MD5 hash)
Name-based (SHA-1 hash)
Version 4 is simply randomly chosen.
Version 3 and 5 are generated by hashing and throwing away some bits which means you have basically no chance in recovering any information from it. Details on how to build it can be found in RFC4122 or at the UUID Generator webpage.
I could not find any version 2 UUIDs so I didn't check how to extract the data.
Version 1 is generated from a time-stamp and current host MAC address.
(The standard also allows to use a random address instead if you set the "broadcast/multicast" bit of the MAC address.)
The following perl snipped parses the MAC address and Time from a version 1 uuid:
my $time_low=hex substr($uuid,2* 0,2*4);
my $time_mid=hex substr($uuid,2* 4,2*2);
my $version =hex substr($uuid,2* 6,1);
my $time_hi =hex substr($uuid,2* 6+1,2*2-1);
my $time=($time_hi*(2**16)+$time_mid)*(2**32)+$time_low;
my $epoc=int($time /10000000) - 12219292800;
my $nano=$time-int($time/10000000)*10000000;
my $clk_hi =hex substr($uuid,2* 8,2*1);
my $clk_lo =hex substr($uuid,2* 9,2*1);
my $node =substr($uuid,2*10,2*6);
$node=~/^(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)$/ || die;
print "time: ",scalar localtime $epoc," +",$nano/10000,"ms\n";
print "clock id: ",$clk_hi*256+$clk_lo,"\n";
print "Mac: $node\n";
my $byte=hex $1;
print "broadcast/multicast bit set.\n";
And last but not least, there are several assigned UUIDs, for example for GPT partitions.
Not necessarily a reliable way, because depending on the kind of UUID it is, it may be generated totally from random bits, or be timestamp-based, or be based on the MAC address. So you may be able to get some of that information, but you can't guarantee you can get anything.
The official reference for this is RFC 4122, which should probably give you enough information to extract data, although you probably shouldn't rely on it too heavily.
I know that we could easily extract the uuid version number. Is there a reliable way to extract information like timestamp, MAC address?
Yes, and Yes; if the UUID is version 1 or version 2 (as described in RFC 4122). There is also an alternate (non-RFC 4122) version 4, dubbed "COMB" that includes a time-stamp (as well as random values) that can be parsed, and the creation date/time can be revealed.
Bonus: Mahonri Moriancumer's UUID and GUID Generator and Forensics.
The OSSP uuid tool can decode UUIDs of all versions. On Debian-based Linux systems you can use apt-get install uuid to install it; for other distributions, the package name might be different.
To decode a UUID, use the -d (decode) flag:
For version 1 UUIDs, this gives the MAC address and timestamp -- since that's what's in a v1 uuid.
If it's a version 1 UUID, the MAC address will be the last twelve hex digits.
You could look at the version of the Uuid, but that can only be trusted if you are sure the Uuid is valid (see The version will tell you what kind of Uuid you have, and using that you can extract specific bits of information.
