REST communication with WPF - wpf

I am trying to write a Help Desk Application.
The problem I am facing is how to put up a chat like communication between the REST service and my application. I am confused and a rookie as well.
All I know is GET(URI) and POST(URI) methods from which I get the XML.
Can anyone guide me in the right direction?

REST is probably not the best architectural style to build a chat application. You should look at protocols like XMPP and AMQP. They are much more suited to this two-way communication model.

You simply need to write a REST client in C#/.NET
WPF has nothing to do with your question. The post/get uri's will get you the data that needs to be presented. How it is presented is what you deal with using WPF, but the REST part itself is independent of any language/platform.


How to replace Electron's IPC channel in a Web App

I developed an Electron application few weeks ago with the framework AngularJS (used to make the client side). Today, I would like to convert this desktop application to a classic Web App.
The actual client-server communication is made with Electron's IPC channels. But it has to be replaced by something else. However, I don't really know what is the best way to replace them for the communication between my new Node.js server and the HTML pages (the same ones, always made with AngularJS).
I think there is a way to create new ipcMain and ipcRenderer modules to adapt them to the communication between a server and a client. But my skills in JavaScript are not good enought to do it. Does someone know how to make this adaptation, or maybe have a better idea ?
A pretty general question. I would use

How to customize an application which is console?

Sorry for the bad English. I'm new to C# and trying to develop an application that manages and controls some other console applications.
It gets console apps as Process.MainWindowHandle for input.
But what I need to know is: How can I change their Console.BackgroundColor property?
Thanks for helping me.
There is no easy way for communication between processes. However there are some options for doing that
Shared Memory
Reading from a common file and use FileWatcher
Using MSMQ
Using WCF using NetNamedPipeBinding

Want to "screen-scrape" a Silverlight application

I have to use a cumbersome Silverlight application that I don't own and that I have to use as part of my job. In the past a web application that was painful to use I would just "screen-scrape" by doing direct posts, using a browser object to manipulate, call JS directly, but Silverlight doesn't make that possible as far as I know and the company that owns the application says a programmatic API for the application (WSDL/REST) is "something we are considering in the future". I'm sure someone has figured out how to do this but I'm not searching with the right key-words. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
I am in the similar situation and saw ppl suggested something like `teststack' or 'white'. But i don't know how to use them yet.
One dumb way I can think of is to save the 'screen shots' as jpg files and use machine learning algorithm to 'read' the information you needed.

MVVM with controller

I am developing a game in Silverlight. I have my game flow ready and graphics have also been taken care of. Now while searching for a perfect back-end design i came across MVVM. Went through various tutorials and have an understanding of how it would work with a single module. However in my plan i want to load/call multiple views at user input. Is there a way a single controller can handle my application workflow. It has been mentioned in the following post:
Controllers in MVVM, How to get info from viewmodel to it's controller?
But nowhere i could find an example. Can someone provide a dummy application, reading material, block diagrams?
You need to use framework to help what you're trying to do, otherwise you will end up write tons of code.
I have create similar application (show multiple view to user at a time) and I use Prism to help me. If you want to learn about it, you can walk through Prism Training Kit.

Options for Async Silverlight-to-WPF communication?

What's the fastest communication model for a Silverlight component communicating with a WPF component? That is, at the very least I'd like to consume an event from a Silverlight component in a WPF component.
I understand you can use WCF to build a bridge
I understand you can use Javascript to bridge from WPF -> Silverlight (and I have that working)
I understand you can use COM to go the other way (Silveright -> WPF)
However I'm looking for a tighter communication model (not using COM) - perhaps like EventAggregator (Silverlight component pubs, WPF component subs)...but I've only seen eventAggregation in WPF or Silverlight but not both at the same time.
Any ideas for creating such an eventAgg / eventBus, without using WCF, without using COM?
Open to any approaches / ideas; might be something I haven't considered.
Interesting challenge - could you provide a little more detail on why you need to do this?
My first question is: Are you envisioning these two apps running on the same machine, at the same time? Both are important.
If the answer is yes (same machine, both running) then you should be able to implement a solution using WCF, with the service self-hosted in the WPF app, the Silverlight client referencing it, and a cross-domain policy setup appropriately.
If the answer is yes, but not at the same time, then you'll need a third party, like a Message Bus, perhaps implemented as a Windows Service. NServiceBus comes to mind.
In any case, WCF really is the best solution for messaging in Silverlight. If you were going Silverlight app-to Silverlight app there is a mechanism for that that doesn't require WCF.
A message bus would give you the Event Aggregator functionality you're thinking of - a player who is always there to accept subscriptions and publications.
Another option (if running at the same time) is to elevate your Silverlight app to full-trust and use Sockets. See this link for more info (he provides an example that may be helpful).
