How do i upload external files onto my server using AD credentials? - file

i want some of my users to be able to go home and upload their files from Home PC's by going to say
it will ask for their windows username and password then take those files and upload them to their re-directed folder on the fileserver...
im guessing SSL encryption is a start (or probably my last step). Can i do a VB script server ened and a runas - Copy?

Uh... you've got the right idea, but step back a moment.
There are two main options:
* WebDAV - Anyone with a modern OS can configure "Web Folders". Windows will present the network location as a filesystem folder where users can simply drag and drop files to upload them. This requires configuring IIS.
* A web-based file upload script - There are many of these around, however very few of these integrate authentication with IIS and support Kerberos. You do not need TLS/SSL for Windows Authentication or Kerberos, but it might be a good idea anyway. You may need to write your own if you can't find what you want, however VBScript is not appropriate as it has no built-in support for Identity Impersonation or handling file uploads with ease (it is possible, but not very easy). You're better off using PHP or ASP.NET


Display onedrive filelist on my website

Here is the basic concept of what I am trying to do. My web app allows my clients to log in to a dashboard.
One of the things I want to show on their dashboard is THEIR work files.. ie: PDF files.
I store these files in OneDrive in a seperate folder for each client
Root Doc Directory
- Client A
- File1.pdf
- File2.pdf
- Client B
- File1.pdf
so when client A logs in, I want to show all the files in the ClientA folder...
concept sounds simple, and with storage on my own server, I can do this easy, but I cant find how to do it using OneDrive...
Does anyone out there have any ideas?? All the info I have found about OneDrive APIs requires users to actually log into onedrive which I dont want.
Basically you're using OneDrive wrong. You should be asking each user of your service to sign in with their Microsoft Account and store the files in the user's OneDrive. Storing them all in your OneDrive means they can't access those files outside of your app (like by logging into OneDrive). Instead of using Microsoft Account as the security for those files, you're putting all of the security requirements on your own ability to protect access to your OneDrive account. Basically, doing it way you proposed is strongly not recommended.
You can pretty easily integrate OAuth into your website so that a user can connect your site to OneDrive and then have access to their files from OneDrive in your service.
The alternative would be to use something like Azure Blob Storage to store/retrieve these files. Then your app would just have the set of access keys required to access storage and you wouldn't have to deal with signing into a single OneDrive account from the service and keeping the access and refresh tokens up to date.

Azure Clickonce publishing

we are working on a WPF application which we want to publish as a click once smart client application.
We are able to publish the application on local machine using Visual Studio 2012 and configured it in IIS.
Now we want to upload the published smart client installer to windows Azure Virtual Machine with Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8. We cannot upload the locally published components as the URL configuration in the manifest and deployment file is that of local server. We tried to edit the entries using text editor but once we do the editing the files become unused and it shows xml parsing error when we try to install from the location.
we tried to publish the application direct to the Virtual Machine but it shows an error as Front Page Extension is needed in IIS. We tried to find Front Page extension but couldn't find an version for IIS 8 in Windows Server 2012.
Can any one help us to publish the application in Azure Virtual Machine.
The problem you are having has nothing to do with Azure per se.
In the first case (of editing the XML files), you can do that but it's best to use MageUI to do the edit, because you can then re-sign the manifests. If you just edit the files, it messes up the security on them, and they will not work (as you have found). If you want to edit them with a text editor, you can do that, but then you must re-sign them (using mage); you can create a script to change the installation URL.
Or you can use MageUI. You need to do it in this order:
Open the application manifest in the versioned folder and then save it, re-signing it with your signing certificate.
Open the deployment manifest (yourapp.application) in the top deployment folder. Change the Start Folder to be the right Installation URL. Go to the "Application Reference" tab and re-select the application manifest in the versioned folder. (I know, it hasn't changed, but trust me, you have to do this.) Save this manifest and sign it with your signing certificate.
Copy the deployment manifest from the top folder to the versioned folder. It's always good to keep a copy, so you can go backwards a version if you need to.
NOW you can copy the files to your VM and they will work fine.
In the second case, the Front Page Extensions are required if you are using HTTP to publish the application, yet they are no longer available past about Windows Server 2008(?). So don't use HTTP. Use FTP. Set the publish file location using FTP, like and set the Installation URL to the HTTP equivalent of it. Then publish it. It will put the files on your VM (assuming FTP is enabled on both sides), and the HTTP link should work.
By the way, you can also host your deployment in Azure blob storage. It is dirt cheap, and you can use something like Cerebrata Cloud Storage Studio or even write your own code to publish it (which I did). This article explains how to put the files out there, what the MIME types need to be, etc. If you do this, then it will work even if you need to replace your VM or redeploy it or the VM becomes unavailable for some reason.
here is a reference to Avkash Chauhan's blog post explaining in detail How to deploy ClickOnce Application using Windows Azure Storage in very simple steps?
He also gives an code example of a windows form (using Wpf) that he shows how to deploy on azure using one click deployment.
hope this helps

DNN / WebMatrix / Localhost / Multiple Sites

It seems that DNN is undergoing an upgrade and I cannot access the forums or many of the docs. Needing an answer soon, and Google providing too many varied types of hits (none of which are helpful or most of which post to the DNN site that is undergoing that upgrade), I had a few questions about setting up DNN.
First, I am coming from Orchard. There I was able to use Webmatrix - I downloaded the web version, opened as administrator, created modules, messed with themes, etc. Using the Orchard Docs, I was able to set up a multi-tenant site and run it on local host (IIS express through Webmatrix) - this included modifying the host/config files to view the multi-tenant sites. I could then publish to my own server running IIS 7. On the server I set up the landlord site then bound the tenants with no problem.
Being new to DNN (and things not being readily available at the moment on their site), I was hoping I could get some guidance on how to set up DNN similar to what I did with Orchard.
First question is obviously whether or not that is possible (i.e., no IIS, only IIS Express (Webmatrix) on my local machine).
Here would be my other questions:
If I can run it locally, can I just download the 7.1.0 new install package, and open Webmatrix (as Admin) on the folder I unzipped it in?
Assuming I just "Run" the website, I will then set up the "Landlord" instance of DNN on the following screens, correct? (i.e., where it asks for credentials and what DB setup I can use)
Can I then go ahead and create sub-tenant sites (alias/portal)? If so, do I go about manually updating my host/config files to run those tenants (depending on the port)?
Assume all of the above is correct, do I have to "reinstall" the 7.1.0 package on my webserver, or will a simple publish from Webmatrix do (with the proper credentials in Settings)? If so, I can handle pointing to the landlord on my server and then binding my subtenants in IIS.
Sorry for the n00b questions. Thanks!
On the Download page on, there's a link to click which will start the install process within WebMatrix:
When you create a new portal, you can specify that it uses a URL which is a subdirectory of the current URL (i.e. a child portal alias), so that you don't have to use different ports. I'm not especially familiar with IIS Express, so I would expect that you could point multiple ports to the site, and map those as different portal aliases, but not sure exactly how you could do that, if you don't want to make use of child portal aliases.
To publish a site, you should just need to push the file system and database, and setup IIS.

Does DNN CE 7.x support programmatic uploading of files to secure folders?

Does DNN CE 7.x support programmatic uploading of files to already defined secure folders?
I need to bulk upload thousands of file for a large user population (>1500 users).
For each file, at the time of the upload, I must assign specific READ rights for every user.
Then, I need to have a page (DNN module?) where after each user logs on to the system they will be able to visit their page and click to download any of their own files.
Please note that the files are private to every user and no user must be able to view files of another user. Of course, search engines must not be able to index such content.
Is there anything OOTB to support that, or, I shall need to write a DNN module to allow the users to bulk upload files to a secure folder and then another DNN module to list the list of files for each user?
Can this be done with DNN CE 7.x version, or I need to buy DNN Pro 7.x ?
Thank you for any help/insight you can provide.
This can be done with CE, but it will require custom development to implement. The FILE system API for DNN should allow you to do all this from a development perspective.

uploading file from Access 2010

I have a Access 2010 frontend database + MySQL as backend. So far it is working fine. I would like to upload document and decided to save on the server rather than on the Database. My first question is, how do I upload file from access frontend to the remote server/location?
I was thinking, maybe store the data on the database and use some kind of triggers or script which reads the blob file from database and saves on the server as well as fills the file path into another column.
is there any easier way to upload files from access frontend to a remote server? I am using MySQL server as backend.
thank you in advance
SFTP with Putty
This might help you - it's a great example using Putty on the Windows machine to communicate over SFTP with the Linux server using VBA: SFTP upload with VBA
You would need to install putty on each Windows machine that uses Access and ensure that the appropriate rights are in place on the Linux server.
Custom Add-In
You could use .NET to create an add-in for access to transfer the file to the server over sockets, but this would require you to write a server-side application to listen for requests. You would have complete freedom over how you implement it at the cost of added complexity for yourself as the developer.
You would need to:
Create an add-in using Visual Studio (or other .NET IDE)
Add this into your Access application and use the API you've built.
Create a server-side application to listen to it (this could be a simple Python application)
SMTP Approach
If you want to be creative you could email the file to your own mock SMTP server using Access' CDO functionality: Sending emails with Access
Again, you would have to create a handler application to handle the SMTP protocol, but I'm sure there are some great examples out there.
HTTP Approach
You could even encode the file and send it over HTTP to a simple PHP server in a simple POST request: Example web request with Access You would need to encode the file to base64 or something or file a way of handling file uploads.
As you can see, the easiest approach by far is using Putty, but there are some interesting custom approaches you could take.
I'd say using either SMTP or HTTP would be suitable but that depends how easily you could set up the server-side handler. There may be existing SMTP emulators out there that you could use to handle receiving and managing files.
this might help someone.
I have used Chilkat FTP activeX component and its working fine. Chilkat provides prewritten code just copied from his website and everything is fine. Although I could not find how to show the transferring progress.
