Redirect Loop Problem for Web Policy Agent? - apache2

I followed the installation guide for an Apache Web Policy Agent, but it always results in an endless redirect loop between web and application server. Firefox says "The page isn't redirecting properly" and Chrome thinks that "This webpage has a redirect loop". The setup is an Apache 2 on port 80 with a small demo app and a Web Policy Agent, and a Tomcat 7 server on port 8080 with an OpenAM server (the former OpenSSO from Sun):
App URL (App and Agent, running on Apache 2.2.16)
OpenAM Server URL (running on Tomcat 7.0.12)
The Live HTTP Header Firefox plugin shows that the policy agent and the OpenAM server (i.e. the Apache and Tomcat servers) redirect to each other, although the server sets the SSO Token Cookie correctly. The name of the SSO Token Cookie has the default value "iPlanetDirectoryPro". Any idea how to solve the problem?

After a whole week I finally figured it out, with the help of Stackoverflow and the OpenAM Mailing list. There were two main problems: missing log files and missing cookie domains. Installing the OpenAM server and the Web Policy Agent is difficult, there are a lot of log files and many different configuration options. If you select the wrong options, it won't work. It is impossible to make it work without knowing what is going on, which can only be determined by a suitable log file.
Missing Log for Web Policy Agent : The log level must be set in the "Java properties" files. There are two "Java Properties" files for the Web Policy Agent, and The log and debug level which is named com.sun.identity.agents.config.debug.level can and must be defined in both (!) files, and it should be set to the high level, all:4 or all:5. The format is important. Even if you do this, the file is only used when the agent is not working in centralized config mode. The profile must be set to "local".
Missing Cookie Domain: Do not forget to enter the right Cookie Domain during the setup of the OpenAM server in the beginning, or add it afterwards if it is missing. On the OpenAM server, go to Configuration > System > Platform and change the Cookie Domain Value to your domain (for instace if it is missing. Otherwise the browser will lose your cookie during the redirect process. Somehow I had an empty entry for the cookie domain at the OpenAM server, I guess a forgot a dot ( instead of so that it was invalid (or something like that).
This troubleshooting site was helpful to locate the problem.

#0x4a6f4672, Your post was absolutely helpful . Some more to add to your answer. The following changes is what i had to do in the config to make it running, at-least getting it running it for alfresco.
com.sun.identity.agents.config.user.mapping.mode=USER_ID(Dont use HTTP_HEADER)
com.sun.identity.agents.config.user.principal=true(Dont use false)
com.sun.identity.agents.config.user.token=SsoUserHeader(Keep it as per what is specified in you application- in my case alfresco)
Now you are not running the Agent in centralised mode but in local mode the setting which is specified for profile attribute can be only set via property file so add the following.
com.sun.identity.agents.config.profile.attribute.mapping[uid]=SsoUserHeader(whatever you want the header to come in browser as)
As told by 0x4a6f4672, it is difficult to debug and unless you are in local mode , so switch to local mode immediately and start tracing the logs and make the property changes accordingly.


HCW - hybrid configuration wizard modern - InternalUrl_Duplicate

Unable to get through the Hybrid Configuration Wizard in Modern mode. This is necessary because we want to migrate mailboxes. Classic mode works.
It knows that there is a Hybrid Agent, but I can't successfully install with either path of using existing or adding a new one. In Azure there is an App Proxy registration which appears to have the incorrect IP for the route to on-prem. This was due to a misconfiguration of our outgoing firewall. However after the firewall configuration was fixed, the App Proxy still has the old return IP, and there is no way in Azure to remove this record.
I've removed the app proxy components on the server, and let the HCW install again but this record is not updated or removed. Also have gone through 'Classic' path which according to community posts is supposed to remove the App Proxy record, but it doesn't.
According to what I've read, if the record is inactive for 10 days, it will be removed, but I'd rather resolve this without waiting for 10 days.
I've tried patching the record using Graph but it doesn't work.
2022.01.31 22:09:59.707 10333 [Client=UX, fn=SendAsync, Thread=15] FINISH Time=2170.2ms Results=BadRequest {"error":{"code":"InternalUrl_Duplicate","message":"Internal url 'https://LOCALFQDNSERVER/' is invalid since it is already in use","innerError":{"date":"2022-01-31T22:09:58","request-id":"d5c4dfe0-096d-4382-9da0-9559f45e0217","client-request-id":"d5c4dfe0-096d-4382-9da0-9559f45e0217"}}}

oidc-client with Identity Server at a different host domain

It seems keeping all the browsers happy is a challenging task, what with all the security they are adding and the complexities of certificates.
I have a SPA (Vuejs) which is using oidc-client.js to implement OIDC, communicating with an Identity Server (Identity Server 4).
First thing to note is that everything works if I run both client and server on localhost.
It is when I deploy the Identity Server to a Staging Server inside our network that things go awry.
So, the hostname of the Idp now differs to that of the SPA (which would be normal in production).
After much work, I've got everything working except IE11 (yep IE).
I had to do several things to get me there such as:
solve the samesite cookie issue of Chrome
create self-signed certificates and install the root certificate in the Trusted Certificates
add Babel config code and Core.js at the client, to enable IE to not throw errors when promises come into play
So, it's been a long road, yet still, I have to deal with this (see animation):
I just can't quite figure out why IE is doing that.
It is not possible to use the dev tools to see any info.
The logs at the server do not contain any information that seems relevant.
Has anyone else seen these "Browser symptoms" in IE.
Happy to provide more information (code, logs etc.) if people think that will help. Just didn't want to dump all that in the initial question, as many people don't like that.
Here are a couple of Fiddler screenshots. The first is from Chrome:
The second on is for IE11.
For some reason, the Silent Refresh is being invoked over and over again with IE11.
I think I can see what is happening, but not sure how to fix it.
There appears to be 2 calls to the Authorize endpoint which fail, conspicuously missing the .AspNetCore.Antiforgery cookie. This results in 2 invocations of silent-refresh.html.
Then, for some reason there is some king of GET request to the base url of the Idp and immediately following on the heels of that request is a request to the Authorize endpoint which does have the .AspNetCore.Antiforgery cookie.
The ship is set straight until the next call to the Authorize endpoint which is the beginning of the next cycle.
However, with Chrome, after the user is logged in, the next call to the Authorize endpoint does contain the cookie.
So, I guess it is the missing cookie which is the issue.
Perhaps this has something to do with the code which I used from this post to solve the Chrome samesite cookie issue?

Read log files on JBoss AS 7

I have an application running on JBoss AS 7 and creating log files in /standalone/log.
For security reasons I not allowed to browse JBoss directories.
Is there any build-in application to read these logs files from a browser ?
NB : I cannot use admin console either.
No, nothing built in. You can have the admins configure the logging service to put logs where you can get to them, or you can configure the logger to capture logs and post to a database or other.
Not yet, but there are some requests for it (one by me, BTW ;-) and it might appear in WildFlz 8. Hopefully. (Vote on them if you like.)
WFLY-1048 Allow hooking into logging subsystem through Management API
WFLY-1144 Provide the ability to view server logs through the web interface
WFLY-280 Provide an operation to retrieve the last 10 errors from the log
Until then, I suggest to ask the admins to allow access to that one particular log file.
If that doesn't pass through, you may declare dependency of your deployment on a logging service's modules (Dependencies: ... in MANIFEST.MF) and the log manager in JVM. Unless there's some additional obstacle like security manager or so.

Sharepoint 2013 - 404 Not Found while accessing site collection from outside

This question may be a dublicate, but no recent post leads to a working answer for my case.
I have a Sharepoint 2013 running on a Windows Server 2012. Following issue appeared:
I made a new Site-Collection as wiki. Everything (links,...) works fine on the server but when I want to access the wiki from outside (not localhost) the server runs in a 404 Not found error.
http://localhost/sites/wiki/Pages/Home.aspx - works fine(localhost) - doesn't work.
I checked the IIS settings, all servers are up and running. The log file has no errors in it.
Does anyone know, how to solve this problem?
The most common cause for this is that you don't have the IIS host header configured correctly. The 404 will appear because you are hitting a different IIS web site and not the one you intended to.
If you go into IIS Manager and click on "Sites" in the right hand pane there will be a column called bindings and a column called ID.
IIS will check in the order of ID for the first site that matches. Make sure the default site is stopped. If you see bindings that look like the following:
ID 1: Bindings: *:80
ID 2: Bindings: will match ID 1. Any other site that doesn't specify a port or https: will be directed to ID 2. You need to ensure that the site you are trying to access matches your bindings. The "" is added to the site via "New Web Application" in SharePoint. There is a field called Host: in Central Administration. This should match what you are typing from inside and outside the server. If you need the site to respond to multiple names, you need to extend the web application.
Assuming you used the default of claims authentication, here are the instructions for that:
I am not sure if this is still required in Server 2012, but disabling the loopback check might also help, although this usually results in a 401, and repeated attempts to log in. Here are the instructions for that.
Сheck the alternate access mapping in SharePoint administrator.
It should be something like this:
http://yourservername default internet
http:// so on ..

silverlight accept invalid certificate

I'm doing https web requests in silverlight using "WebRequest"/"WebResponse" framework classes.
Problem is: I do a request to an url like:
I receive back a versign signed certificate which has as subject a domain name like:
Hence this results in a remote certificate mismatch error.
First question: Can I somehow accept the invalid certificate, and get the WebBresponse content ? (even if it involves using other libraries, I'm open to it)
Additional details: (for those interested on why I need this scenario)
I'm trying to give a client access to a silverlight app deployed on a test server.
Client accesses the silverlight app at:
Then I do some rest requests to:
Problem is I don't want to do requests on, since that is on our productive server. For this reason I use instead of
Client has some firewalls/proxies and if I simply change his hosts file and map to, web requests don't resolve to the mapped IP.
I say this because on his network webrequests fail if I try that, on my network I can use the hosts changing without problems.
UPDATE: Fixed the problem by deploying test releases to an alternative: and allowing the user to configure for test purposes, the base url to which I do requests to be:
Using an certificate that contained the IP in the subject or an alternative subject would've probably worked too, but would have cost some money to be issued by a certified provider and would not be so good because IP's might change.
After doing more research looks like Microsoft won't add this feature too soon, unless there's a scenario for non-testing/debugging uses.
