How to get Goal Conversion history from PIWIK - matomo

I am using Piwik managed goal conversion for my pages. How can I get the history of goal conversions like I get the visits history. Currently, I only can fetch the total conversions against an idSite but I need the complete log as well.
I need to fetch this through API.
After some research it turns that Goals.getConversions is better option if one just want to gets the conversion for the day.

Via the Live! Analytics API, you should be able to query the visits with conversions, by using the API Segment parameter &segment=visitConverted==1
This will return all visits with a conversion, then you can grab the conversions from the array for each visit..


How to get the goal name or goal ID from Google Analytics in SSIS?

Is it possible to get the goal name or goal ID from the Google Analytics Source task (ZappySys) in SSIS?
I've been searching for it for a long time now and I just can't find it in the Dimensions or Metrics from the task.
I also tried to use the eventAction Dimension from the task, but the goalCompletionAll is not showing the same results from the website.
The Dimensions I've been using to compare are Source, eventAction and the Metric goalCompletionsAll.
You cannot get the name of the goal, but you can get the specific goal value through its id (that you can see in the panel) using ga:goalXXCompletions.
Also, you cannot compare event actions and goals because they are different scopes, the first is at the hit level while the second is at the session level, for this reason you get different numbers.

Google Search API Wildcard

I have a Python project running on Google App Engine. I have a set of data currently placed at datastore. On user side, I fetch them from my API and show them to the user on a Google Visualization table with client side search. Because the limitations I can only fetch 1000 record at one query. I want my users search from all records that I have. I can fetch them with multiple queries before showing them but fetching 1000 records already taking 5-6 second so this process can exceed 30 seconds timeout and I don't think putting around 20.000 records on a table is good idea.
So I decided to put my records on Google Search API. Wrote a script to sync important data between datastore and Search API Index. When perform a search, couldn't find anything like wildcard character. For example let's say I have user field stores a string which contains "Ilhan" value. When user search for "Ilha" that record not show up. I want to show record includes "Ilhan" value even if it partially typed. So basically SQL equivalent of my search should be something like "select * from users where user like '%ilh%'".
I wonder if there is a way to that or is this not how Search API works?
I setup similar functionality purely within datastore. I have a repeated computed property that contains all the search substrings that can be formed for a given object.
class User(ndb.Model):
# ... other fields
search_strings = ndb.ComputedProperty(
lambda self: [i.lower() for i in all_substrings(strings=[,
self.last_name,], repeated=True)
Your search query would then look like this:
User.query(User.search_strings == search_text.strip().lower()).fetch_page(20)
If you don't need the other features of Google Search API and if the number of substrings per entity won't put you at risk of hitting the 900 properties limit, then I'd recommend doing this instead as it's pretty simple and straight forward.
As for taking 5-6 seconds to fetch 1000 records, do you need to fetch that many? why not fetch only 100 or even 20 and use the query cursor for the user to pull the next page only if they need it.

How to list amazon orders through ASIN

Is there a way to get the orders only is you have an ASIN?
Right now what I am doing is to fetching all the orders through ListOrder (no ASIN returned here. but I can use AmazonOrderId) and then filtering/matching them out one by one through GetOrder (gives back the ASIN if you send AmazonOrderId). However this is an ugly way to do this as it takes a long process to filter out the desired Order.
I am wondering if anyone has a workaround for this? As I cannot to see any solution in the MWS docs.
You can request a _GET_ORDERS_DATA_ report. It lists all orders in a specified time period and contains ASINs for each order item. This means you can do it in just four requests (RequestReport, GetReportRequestList, GetReportList, GetReport, as outlined in "Managing Reports" in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service Developer Guide (Version 2009-01-01).
However you'll still have to do quite some filtering on that data to get only the orders that contain a certain ASIN.

How to efficiently check if a result set changed and serve it to a web application for syndication

Here is the scenario:
I am handling a SQL Server database with a stored procedure which takes care of returning headers for Web feed items (RSS/Atom) I am serving as feeds through a web application.
This stored procedure should, when called by the service broker task running at a given interval, verify if there has been a significant change in the underlying data - in that case, it will trigger a resource intensive activity of formatting the feed item header through a call to the web application which will get/retrieve the data, format them and return to the SQL database.
There the header would be stored ready for a request for RSS feed update from the client.
Now, trying to design this to be as efficient as possible, I still have a couple of turning point I'd like to get your suggestions about.
My tentative approach at the stored procedure would be:
get together the data in a in-memory table,
create a subquery with the signature columns which change with the information,
convert them to XML with a FOR XML AUTO
hash the result with MD5 (with HASHBYTES or fn_repl_hash_binary depending on the size of the result)
verify if the hash matches with the one stored in the table where I am storing the HTML waiting for the feed requests.
if Hash matches do nothing otherwise proceed for the updates.
The first doubt is the best way to check if the base data have changed.
Converting to XML inflates significantly the data -which slows hashing-, and potentially I am not using the result apart from hashing: is there any better way to perform the check or to pack all the data together for hashing (something csv-like)?
The query is merging and aggregating data from multiple tables, so would not rely on table timestamps as their change is not necessarily related to a change in the result set
The second point is: what is the best way to serve the data to the webapp for reformatting?
- I might push the data through a CLR function to the web application to get data formatted (but this is synchronous and for multiple feed item would create unsustainable delay)
I might instead save the result set instead and trigger multiple asynchronous calls through the service broker. The web app might retrieve the data stored in some way instead of running again the expensive query which got them.
Since I have different formats depending on the feed item category, I cannot use the same table format - so storing to a table is going to be hard.
I might serialize to XML instead.
But is this going to provide any significant gain compared to re-running the query?
For the efficient caching bit, have a look at query notifications. The tricky bit in implementing this in your case is you've stated "significant change" whereas query notifications will trigger on any change. But the basic idea is that your application subscribes to a query. When the results of that query change, a message is sent to the application and it does whatever it is programmed to do (typically refreshing cached data).
As for serving the data to your app, there's a saying in the business: "don't go borrowing trouble". Which is to say if the default method of serving data (i.e. a result set w/o fancy formatting) isn't causing you a problem, don't change it. Change it only if and when it's causing you a significant enough headache that your time is best spent there.

Using search server with cakephp

I am trying to implement customized search in my application. The table structure is given below
main table:
sub tables:
The searching will be triggered with location which is located in the table city_values with a reference field user_id, and city_id . Here name of the city and its latitude and longitude is found under the table cities.
Searching also includes skills, the table relations are similar to city. users table and skill_values table can be related with field user_id in the table skill_values. The table skills and skill_values related with field skill_id in table skill_values.
Here we need find the location of the user who perform this search, and need to filter this results with in 20 miles radius. there are a few other filters also.
My problem is that i need to filter these results without page reload. So i am using ajax, but if number of records increase my ajax request will take a lot of time to get response.
Is that a good idea that if i use some opensource search servers like sphinx or solr for fetching results from server?
I am using CAKEPHP for development and my application in hosted on cloud server.
... but if number of records increase my ajax request will take a lot of time to get response.
Regardless of the search technology, there should be a pagination mechanism of some kind.
You should therefore be able to set the limit or maximum number of results returned per page.
When a user performs a search query, you can use Javascript to request the first page of results.
You can then simply incrementing the page number and request the second, third, fourth page, etc.
This should mean that the top N results always appear in roughly the same amount of time.
It's then up to you to decide if you want to request each page of search results sequentially (ie. as the callback for each successful response), or if you wait for some kind of user input (ie. clicking a 'more' link or scrolling to the end of the results).
The timeline/newsfeed pages on Twitter or Facebook are a good example of this technique.
