Weird scrollbar UI in hosted WPF composite control - wpf

My windows forms application hosts AvalonEdit (the composite WPF control in question) in one of its forms to cater to its text editing requirements. Here's the code I use:
WPFHost = gcnew ElementHost();
TextField = gcnew AvalonEdit::TextEditor();
WPFHost->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
WPFHost->Child = TextField;
TextField->Options->AllowScrollBelowDocument = false;
TextField->Options->EnableEmailHyperlinks = false;
TextField->Options->EnableHyperlinks = true;
TextField->Options->RequireControlModifierForHyperlinkClick = true;
TextField->ShowLineNumbers = true;
ContainerControl->Controls->Add(WPFHost); // the container is a panel
The code compiles and executes fine, except for the scrollbars - . Right clicking on what's left of the bar raises an ArgumentOutOfRange exception.
Strangely, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue when I tried hosting the control in a newly created sample project. 'mI using the latest build of the text editor and have all the requisite assemblies installed.
EDIT: Wrapping the editor in a usercontrol doesn't help either.

You say that the control works fine in a new/blank project but fails in the one you need makes me wonder about conflicts more than anything. In the project you're really wanting compared to the project it worked in what are the differences? .NET version? Referencing an assembly from a directory in one but out of the GAC in another?
It's hard to say that the control is messing up for you when you've got it working elsewhere, so the only thing I can suggest is just dive deep into the differences of the two projects.
Good luck.

This looks like a layout error to me. Maybe WPFHost measures the TextField unexpectedly.
I can suggest setting specific Width and Height on the TextField itself. If this fixes the problem you can adjust those as the size of the WPFHost control changes or try setting the MaxHeight/Width, sometimes they help and save some code for Width/Height updates.

try to create a WPF grid as a child of ElementHost, and place the editor inside that grid. On Other way, is to create an UserControl have the editor in that control and use the control inside your Winform app. Such approach helped me a couple of times.

I've implemented a workaround for the issue as mentioned in this thread [ Synchronizing a WPF ScrollViewer with a WinForms ScrollBar ].


ToolStripTextBox, ToolStripComboBox not automated

In UI Automation, when automating the toolstrip items we are facing an issue which is described below
I am adding toolstrip items as follows
this.toolStrip1.Items.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem[] {
When running the UI Automation(System.Windows.Automation), UI automation finds the controls till toolStripButton2 (i.e) controls on the left side of toolstripcombobox is getting recognized but on the controls on the right side.(If i make the combobox to go the right most control everything works fine)
Note: In Inspect.exe tool from windows kits, all the controls are shown but when trying to access the last toolStripButton3 returns null.
Here i have attached the simplified code, the buttonCollection is expected to get 3 buttons but it gets only two in my case.
AutomationElement toolstrip = viewTab.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "toolStrip1"));
AutomationElementCollection buttonCollection = toolstrip.FindAll(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.LocalizedControlTypeProperty, "button"));
Both ToolStripTextBox and ToolStripComboBox are showing the same behavior.
I would like know what is going wrong my approach.
I've posted one approach which would allow you to access all the buttons, in response to your question at

Several parts of UI are not painted

We have a very strange behaviour of a WPF application. Sometimes (not very ofen), some parts of the user interface are simply not painted.
Just recently the save button and a text box on the configuration view didn't show up. Even more strange is that after a relogin, what results in a new view instance, the problem is still present.
Sometimes it helps to hover the mouse over the position where the missing controls usually are to get them visible. But switching the tab page and then back to the original one with the missing controls they are all missing again. Other controls won't show up by hoovering the mouse over them.
Another problem is that dialogs are sometimes screwed up. Parts of the dialog are displaced vertically. But when e.g. a text box inside the dialog gets the focus, it is painted correctly while the rest of the dialog stays displaced.
I don't have the slightest clue what causes this problem. Any idea is welcome.
[Edit 1] So far we have seen this always on Windows XP. Windows 7 seems to be Ok. Also switching to Software-Rendering seems to fix the problem on Windows XP but I'm not sure on this.
The problem was solved by switching the RenderMode to SoftwareOnly. It seems to be a .NET 4 issue when running on Windows XP:
public class MyWindow : Window
protected void SetSoftwareRendering()
System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual( this ) as System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource;
System.Windows.Interop.HwndTarget hwndTarget = hwndSource.CompositionTarget;
hwndTarget.RenderMode = System.Windows.Interop.RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;
Alternatively one can write
System.Windows.Media.RenderOptions.ProcessRenderMode = System.Windows.Interop.RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;
All windows are inherited from MyWindow and can decide wether or not they want the software rendering. Currently we don't use this flexibility and have it enabled on all instances.
If this happens in other WPF applications too it might be your hardware, driver, OS or .NET software.
If not, the only option is to try and reproduce in a minimal case and on several machines.
Are you able to make a minimal version that has the problem en post the code?

How can I restart WPF application?

How can I restart WPF application from code? in Windows Forms there is Application.Restart, where for whatever reason Microsoft decided not to add this method in WPF.
I hate the discompatability between WPF and WindowsForms! like:
window.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
What's wrong with that?
window. Visible = false;
For controls and panels, there is a huge difference between Visibility.Collapsed and Visiblity.Hidden. Hidden reserves the space of the invisible element, Collapse frees the used space. This can make a big difference in an UI.
Using the same enumeration for the visibility of the window-class is IMO first of all a question of holding a constancy in the class-library, but may be it makes also some other finer differences.
If there is a possibility to directly restart the app, I don't know. What you can try is to use App.Current.Shutdown() to close the app and start a new instance through System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() where the path to the app can be taken from System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(). `.

WinForms "mini-windows"

I need to create some mini-windows, like the ones shown in the image bellow, in my winform main form.
It would be nice if they could be draggable, resizable, and, mainly, closable.
How can I approach this design? Has anybody already seen some control (with code available) implementing something similar?
alt text
A normal Form works fine for this. Set its FormBorderStyle to either FixedToolWindow or SizableToolWindow as desired.
If you want to keep your floating windows inside your main window, use MDI (Multiple Document Interface). Here is a tutorial (Google can find you many more).
Have you tried just setting the FormBorderStyle property to SizeableToolWindow?
Is that what you're after?
You can create them as resizable and draggable custom controls.
You could use my example at:

Tag cloud control for WinForms .NET 2.0+

How would you render a tag cloud within a .NET 2.0+ WinForm application?
One solution that I am thinking of would be using the WebBrowser control and generating to some ad-hoc HTML, but that seems to be a pretty heavy solution.
Am I missing something more simple?
How about creating a user control that implements the Flow layout control? You could have a method for "Add(string tagName)" that would create a link label on the fly and add it to the Flow Layout control. The Flow Layout works just like the web, in that controls added to it are put in the order of creation.
Then you only have to add some logic to resize the Link Label based on hit count for that tag.
Well, you'll want a control with these major features:
Automatic layout of variable sized string snippets
Automatic mouse hit testing
Those are a bit hard to come by in WF controls. A RichTextBox with ReadOnly = true gives you the automatic layout, but not the hit testing. A ListBox with DrawItem can give you variable sized strings and hit testing, but not a natural layout.
I think I would use RTB and make hit testing work with the MouseDown event and GetCharIndexFromPosition(), reading back the tag at the clicked location. You'll need a bit of logic to find the starting and ending white space around the word.
