How can I restart WPF application? - wpf

How can I restart WPF application from code? in Windows Forms there is Application.Restart, where for whatever reason Microsoft decided not to add this method in WPF.
I hate the discompatability between WPF and WindowsForms! like:
window.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
What's wrong with that?
window. Visible = false;

For controls and panels, there is a huge difference between Visibility.Collapsed and Visiblity.Hidden. Hidden reserves the space of the invisible element, Collapse frees the used space. This can make a big difference in an UI.
Using the same enumeration for the visibility of the window-class is IMO first of all a question of holding a constancy in the class-library, but may be it makes also some other finer differences.
If there is a possibility to directly restart the app, I don't know. What you can try is to use App.Current.Shutdown() to close the app and start a new instance through System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() where the path to the app can be taken from System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(). `.


MFC: how to render an Aero-style combo box for owner draw?

I have inherited a large MFC application which contains a CComboBox subclass that overrides OnPaint. Currently it does all its drawing by hand (with lines and rectangles), and renders a combo box that looks decidedly Windows 98-style. However, it otherwise works great and provides a lot of useful custom functionality that we rely on, and rewriting the entire control is probably not an option.
I would like to modernize it so that the OnPaint draws in Aero style where available (falling back to the old code when modern theming is unavailable). I've done this with some other custom controls we have, like buttons, and it works great for our purposes. I know there are some tiny behaviors that it won't get right, like gentle highlights on mouse-hover, but that's not a big deal for this app.
I have access to the CVisualStylesXP ckass, so I've already got the infrastructure to make calls like OpenThemeData, GetThemeColor or DrawThemeBackground pretty easily (via LoadLibrary so we don't force Vista as a min-system). Unfortunately, I don't know the proper sequence of calls to get a nice looking combo box with the theme-appropriate border and drop-down button.
Anyone know what to do here?
Honestly, I don't know why they originally tried to override OnPaint. Is there a good reason? I'm thinking that at least 99% of the time you are just going to want to override the drawing of the items in the ComboBox. For that, you can override DrawItem, MeasureItem, and CompareItem in a derived combo box to get the functionality you want. In that case, the OS will draw the non-user content specific to each OS correctly.
I think you best shot without diving in the depth of xp theming and various system metrics is take a look at this project:
Check the OnPaint of the CAdvComboBox class - there is a full implementation of the control repainting including xp theme related issues.
Not sure if it's the same situation - but when I faced this problem (in my case with subclassed CButtons), solving it only required changing the control declaration to a pointer and creating the control dynamically.
Let's assume that your subclassed control is called CComboBoxExt.
Where you had
CComboBoxExt m_cComboBoxExt;
You'll now have
CComboBoxExt* m_pcComboBoxExt;
And on the OnInitDialog of the window where the control is placed, you create it using
m_pcComboBoxExt = new CComboBoxExt();
Since this is now a pointer, don't forget to call DestroyWindow() and delete the pointer on termination.
This solved my particular problem - if your control is declared in the same way, consider giving it a try.

Weird scrollbar UI in hosted WPF composite control

My windows forms application hosts AvalonEdit (the composite WPF control in question) in one of its forms to cater to its text editing requirements. Here's the code I use:
WPFHost = gcnew ElementHost();
TextField = gcnew AvalonEdit::TextEditor();
WPFHost->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
WPFHost->Child = TextField;
TextField->Options->AllowScrollBelowDocument = false;
TextField->Options->EnableEmailHyperlinks = false;
TextField->Options->EnableHyperlinks = true;
TextField->Options->RequireControlModifierForHyperlinkClick = true;
TextField->ShowLineNumbers = true;
ContainerControl->Controls->Add(WPFHost); // the container is a panel
The code compiles and executes fine, except for the scrollbars - . Right clicking on what's left of the bar raises an ArgumentOutOfRange exception.
Strangely, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue when I tried hosting the control in a newly created sample project. 'mI using the latest build of the text editor and have all the requisite assemblies installed.
EDIT: Wrapping the editor in a usercontrol doesn't help either.
You say that the control works fine in a new/blank project but fails in the one you need makes me wonder about conflicts more than anything. In the project you're really wanting compared to the project it worked in what are the differences? .NET version? Referencing an assembly from a directory in one but out of the GAC in another?
It's hard to say that the control is messing up for you when you've got it working elsewhere, so the only thing I can suggest is just dive deep into the differences of the two projects.
Good luck.
This looks like a layout error to me. Maybe WPFHost measures the TextField unexpectedly.
I can suggest setting specific Width and Height on the TextField itself. If this fixes the problem you can adjust those as the size of the WPFHost control changes or try setting the MaxHeight/Width, sometimes they help and save some code for Width/Height updates.
try to create a WPF grid as a child of ElementHost, and place the editor inside that grid. On Other way, is to create an UserControl have the editor in that control and use the control inside your Winform app. Such approach helped me a couple of times.
I've implemented a workaround for the issue as mentioned in this thread [ Synchronizing a WPF ScrollViewer with a WinForms ScrollBar ].

wpf slow effect and low speed animation?

Let me explain about my problem:
I have a wpf form with few controls. some of these control over-writing template. for example a textblock with an effect will be trigger on Mouse-Enter event and change color of foreground to something else.
But after running program when mouse enter on textBloc, it takes a few Milli-seconds until Mouse-enter event triggers. also all control or better say all control which use mouse-events have this problem.
How solve this problem???
this problem depends on two things:
1) system configuration (CPU, RAM , VGA) also depends on power of these parts
2) Windows Version (XP,Seven) seven Much faster than Xp, xp too slow
also you must know using wpf in windows xp two thing make this problem:
1) using effects(or bitmap-effect) on window
2) using allow transparency with none-border style for window
these effect make your window slow to occure any events and trigger!
otherwise if You not use these effect, you have a good wpf app with good speed in triggering events(also on Minimal systerm ).
Good Luck

Need to control "Z Order" of windows within WPF Application

I have an application that, due to OpenGL airspace issues, has to host several controls in separate, exclusive windows. This is working quite well, but I am setting all of the windows to TopMost = true, which means that they do stay showing even when they lose focus, but they also overlay other applications. Also, it kind of binds me to using only one window at a time for this. Activate() doesn't work either.
I found that setting the windows' owners to the main app window allowed them to always float on top.
Inside the control that mediates the content and measurement of the child window:
InnerWindow.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this);
this being the windowHostControl hosting this window.
I use to combine Activate() and Focus() methods to show a hidden Window. Can you try using Focus() and let us know if this is working ?

Tag cloud control for WinForms .NET 2.0+

How would you render a tag cloud within a .NET 2.0+ WinForm application?
One solution that I am thinking of would be using the WebBrowser control and generating to some ad-hoc HTML, but that seems to be a pretty heavy solution.
Am I missing something more simple?
How about creating a user control that implements the Flow layout control? You could have a method for "Add(string tagName)" that would create a link label on the fly and add it to the Flow Layout control. The Flow Layout works just like the web, in that controls added to it are put in the order of creation.
Then you only have to add some logic to resize the Link Label based on hit count for that tag.
Well, you'll want a control with these major features:
Automatic layout of variable sized string snippets
Automatic mouse hit testing
Those are a bit hard to come by in WF controls. A RichTextBox with ReadOnly = true gives you the automatic layout, but not the hit testing. A ListBox with DrawItem can give you variable sized strings and hit testing, but not a natural layout.
I think I would use RTB and make hit testing work with the MouseDown event and GetCharIndexFromPosition(), reading back the tag at the clicked location. You'll need a bit of logic to find the starting and ending white space around the word.
