mysql workbench md5 column - how to? - md5

Does anyone know how/where can we apply to a column, a md5 encryption.
I'm creating a user password table and on the password column I would like to apply md5 encryption.
Thanks in advance.

Taken from mysql workbench manual:
It is possible to enter a function, or other expression, into a field.
Use the prefix \func to prevent MySQL Workbench from escaping
quotation marks. For example, for the expression md5('fred'), MySQL
Workbench normally would generate the code md5(\'fred\'). To prevent
this, enter the expression as \func md5('fred') to ensure that the
quoting is not escaped.

There's an 'md5()' function that when given a string will return a string of 32 hex digits. Just create a column of char(32) to hold it should do the trick.
See documentation.
In terms of using this within MySql workbench, I don't think it's possible to mark a column to contain an md5 hash explicitly as really you can simply put an md5 hash in a char column as mentioned above. I don't believe that you can have a column implicitly perform the md5 function call on an inserted string in this fashion. (I could be wrong).

More than a years now... but if someone else fall here like I did :-)
And it goes like this:
Note It is possible to enter a function, or other expression, into a
field. Use the prefix \func to prevent MySQL Workbench from escaping
quotation marks. For example, for the expression md5('fred'), MySQL
Workbench normally would generate the code md5(\'fred\'). To prevent
this, enter the expression as \func md5('fred') to ensure that the
quoting is not escaped.
Whole doc here.

The /func thing didn't work for me. It was always ignoring it and treated it as a String.
However I was able to trick the Workbench with some SQL-Injection.
Writing a ( SELECT ... )-statment just worked. So I put this in my field:
( SELECT GeomFromText( 'POLYGON (( 0 -90, 0 90, 360 90, 360 -90, 0 -90)) ' ) )
and it filled the databese field with the polygon-object and not the string.


Escape special characters for Oracle and SQL Server in the same query

I have following query:
I'm required to use the LIKE clause. This query needs to run on both Oracle and SQL Server.
Now there is an issue because I want to match all products with a reduction of 50%. But the data might contain a reduction of 50.50%. Because '%' is a special character it matches both of them.
I want to escape all special characters, like the % in my query so that I only get the products with 50% reduction.
Is there an uniform solution to escape special characters on a dynamical way for both Oracle and SQL server?
Using a backslash is not a solution, because we don't know in practice what the input will be.
The ESCAPE clause works in Oracle and SQL Server.
As for your input, you need to replace the all occurrences of % with \% (preferably before passing the value to RDBMs). You can do this inside a query as well since, fortunately, Oracle REPLACE and SQL Server REPLACE functions have similar signature:
CREATE TABLE tests(test VARCHAR(100));
FROM tests
WHERE test LIKE REPLACE(REPLACE('%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32', '\', '\\'), '%', '\%') ESCAPE '\'
The ESCAPE clause identifies the backslash (\) as the escape character
You'll need something like the first answer above, but you don't need to use a \ as the escape. You can choose whatever you want using the ESCAPE clause.
But if:
users are allowed to enter wildcards;
and you need to use LIKE;
and you don't want them treated like wildcards;
then you have to escape them somehow.
Perhaps you can reserve some char you know the user will not need and make that the escape char.
As far as I can tell in Oracle you only need to escape the percent (%) and the underbar (_).
In SQL Server you also have to consider brackets.
A good thing is that overescaping does not look like it will cause problems, so even though you don't need to espace brackets in Oracle, doing so is ok.

T-SQL Regex for social security number (SQL Server 2008 R2)

I need to find invalid social security numbers in a varchar field in a SQL Server 2008 database table. (Valid SSNs are being defined by being in the format ###-##-#### - doesn't matter what the numbers are, as long as they are in that "3-digit dash 2-digit dash 4-digit" pattern.
I do have a working regex:
FROM mytable
WHERE ssn NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
That does find the invalid SSNs in the column, but I know (okay - I'm pretty sure) that there is a way to shorten that to indicate that the previous pattern can have x iterations.
I thought this would work:
But it doesn't.
Is there a shorter regex than the one above in the select, or not? Or perhaps there is, but T-SQL/SQL Server 2008 doesn't support it!?
If you plan to get a shorter variant of your LIKE expression, then the answer is no.
In T-SQL, you can only use the following wildcards in the pattern:
- Any string of zero or more characters.
WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word computer anywhere in the book title.
_ (underscore)
Any single character.
WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end with ean (Dean, Sean, and so on).
[ ]
Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).
WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and starting with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen, Larsen, Karsen, and so on. In range searches, the characters included in the range may vary depending on the sorting rules of the collation.
Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]).
So, your LIKE statement is already the shortest possible expression. No limiting quantifiers can be used (those like {min,max}), not shorthand classes like \d.
If you were using MySQL, you could use a richer set of regex utilities, but it is not the case.
I suggest you to use another solution like this:
-- Use `REPLICATE` if you really want to use a number to repeat
Declare #rgx nvarchar(max) = REPLICATE('#', 3) + '-' +
REPLICATE('#', 2) + '-' +
REPLICATE('#', 4);
-- or use your simple format string
Declare #rgx nvarchar(max) = '###-##-####';
-- then use this to get your final `LIKE` string.
Set #rgx = REPLACE(#rgx, '#', '[0-9]');
And you can also use something like '_' for characters then replace it with [A-Z] and so on.

Guidance for MS SQL Delete query

In my SQL Server database there is scenario like database have one primary key and primary key is in format like '0000100001' and 'C100001'
I want to delete the all records from database which starts with '0' but not the records starts with 'C'.
I tried the inbuilt function SUBSTRING('primary_key',1,1)='0' but it did not helped me..
Thank You..
tests whether the string literal "primary_key" starts with the character 0 (which it doesn't so will return zero rows), Get rid of the single quotes to reference the column. (NB: If your column is not actually called primary_key you will need to reference its actual name of course!)
Or alternatively you can use WHERE primary_key LIKE '0%' which can use the index to locate the rows so is more efficient.
I don't know MS SQL, but in MySQL it would be something like this:
"DELETE * FROM your_table WHERE primary_key LIKE '0%' AND primary_key NOT LIKE 'C%'"
You can use the LIKE operator to essentially search for a occurances of either a string or a regular expression. It can take wildcards such as the % sign both in front, behind, or both in front and behind of the pattern you are looking for.
For example:
LIKE 'C%' would match anything starting with C
LIKE '%C' would match anything ending in C
LIKE '[A-Z]%' would match anything starting with a capital letter
LIKE '%LOL%' would match anything that has the word LOL(in caps) in it.
Further reading at

insert special character in my sql server database

Sorry about the this sort of question guys, I assumed that it wouldn't work if I directly enter the special character into my string in query but it does. so all you need to do is locate the special character, copy it and paste it into your query and it works :)
I want to enter a ascii character in the database which is the standard trademark symbol (®) using a direct query and have it read correctly ! how can i do this ?
how can i enter a special character in SQL Server in varchar column... ® (there is also a line below this symbol which I am unable to paste here) so that it is read correctly.
Also, I am unable to find the character sequence for that symbol any places where I can look for ?
The symbol is standard ® symbol which hangs on the top and there is a line below it just like an underscore.
EDIT 1: I am talking about a direct query to the database.
You can use this T-SQL query:
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable(UnicodeCol)
® is the Unicode character with code 0x00AE
But of course - since this is a Unicode character, the column you're inserting into must be of type NVARCHAR (not VARCHAR)
You can convert it to Unicode NCR format before you store to database, or just encode it with related functions of the language you are using , like JavaScript's encodeuricomponent, PHP's urlencode.
You can use 'N' ahead of data.
This query might be helpful to you.
insert into product_master(product_name) values(N'कंप्यूटर')

When naming columns in a SQL Server table, are there any names I should avoid using?

I remember when I was working with PHP several years back I could blow up my application by naming a MySQL column 'desc' or any other term that was used as an operator.
So, in general are there names I should avoid giving my table columns?
As long as you surround every column name with '[' and ']', it really doesn't matter what you use. Even a space works (try it: [ ]).
Edit: If you can't use '[' and ']' in every case, check the documentation for characters that are not allowable as well as keywords that are intrinsic to the system; those would be out of bounds. Off the top of my head, the characters allowed (for SqlServer) for an identifier are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, $, #.
in general don't start with a number, don't use spaces, don't use reserved words and don't use non alphanumeric characters
however if you really want to you can still do it but you need to surround it with brackets
this will fail
create table 1abc (id int)
this will not fail
create table [1abc] (id int)
but now you need to use [] all the time, I would avoid names as the ones I mentioned above
Check the list of reserved keywords as indicated in other answers.
Also avoid using the "quoting" using quotes or square brackets for the sake of having a space or other special character in the object name. The reason is that when quoted the object name becomes case sensitive in some database engines (not sure about MSSQL though)
Some teams use the prefix for database objects (tables, views, columns) like T_PERSON, V_PERSON, C_NAME etc. I personally do not like this convention, but it does help avoiding keyword issues.
You should avoid any reserved SQL keywords (ex. SELECT) and from a best practices should avoid spaces.
Yes, and no.
Yes, because it's annoying and confusing to have names that match keywords, and that you have to escape in funny ways (when you're not consistently escaping)
and No, because it's possible to have any sequence of characters as an identifier, if you escape it properly :)
Use [square brackets] or "double quotes" to escape multi-word identifiers or keywords, or even names that have backslashes or any other slightly odd character, if you must.
Strictly speaking, there's nothing you can't name your columns. However, it will make your life easier if you avoid names with spaces, SQL reserved words, and reserved words in the language you're programming in.
You can use pretty much anything as long as you surround it with square brackets:
SELECT [value], [select], [insert] FROM SomeTable
I however like to avoid doing this, partly because typing square brackets everywhere is anoying and partyly because I dont generally find that column names like 'value' particularly descriptive! :-)
Just stay away from SQL keywords and anything which contains something other than letters and you shouldn't need to use those pesky square brackets.
You can surround a word in square brackets [] and basically use anything you'd like.
I prefer not to use the brackets, and in order to do so you just have to avoid reserved words.
MS SQL Server 2008 has these reserved words
Beware of using square brackets on updates, I had a problem using the following query:
UPDATE logs SET locked=1 WHERE [id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM ids)
This caused all records to be updated, however, this appears to work fine:
UPDATE logs SET locked=1 WHERE id IN (SELECT [id] FROM ids)
Note that this problem appears specific to updates, as the following returns only the rows expected (not all rows):
SELECT * FROM logs WHERE [id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM ids)
This was using MSDE 2000 SP3 and connecting to the database using MS SQL (2000) Query Analyzer V 8.00.194
Very odd, possibly related to this Knowledgebase bug
In the end I just removed all the unnecessary square brackets.
