receive SIGTERM - c

I have designed a message passing interface in c which is used to provide communication between different processes running in my system. This interface creates 10-12 threads for its purpose and use TCP sockets to provide communication.
It is working fine but sometimes it receives signal SIGTERM. Can anyone please tell me why is it receiving this signal.

If a human isn't killing your process, then the kernel is.
This can happen when a machine is trying to save itself from drowning (you've used up all the memory/swap/resources). Might want to look at what's going on on that system when your process is running.


C/C++ code using pthreads to execute sync and async communications

I am using a Linux machine to communicate with a PLC. The PLC and Linux-machine are connected within a local network, and use UDP/IP as the base protocol. Also, the port number is fixed on both sides.
Such a communication needs to achieve:
Requirement 1: Linux machine could send commands (one command each time) to the PLC. After each command received, the PLC will response the Linux machine with a success/failure message within 50ms.
Requirement 2: Vise versa, PLC could send commands to the Linux machine. The Linux machine has to response back with a message within 50ms. The PLC sending is asynchronous to the Linux machine. Therefore the Linux machine needs to monitor(or listen to) the port continuously.
Simple C/C++ code has been used for testing the communication separately regarding the aforementioned requirements. It worked. But blocking mechanism was conducted.
Here comes the challenging part. I would like to use pthreads for such a communication. My solution is to simply create two threads for each requirement. I sketched my thought using the attached pic, with 'thread 0' denoting main thread, 'thread 1' denoting Requirement 1 thread and 'thread 2' denoting Requirement 2 thread. 'shared data' indicates the data that could be shared throughout all the child threads. 'thread 1 data' is dedicated for thread 1 usage, and other threads will not access. Likewise, 'thread 2 data' is only used by thread 2.
My concern rises considering two threads will be conducting system calls on the same port. Hence, I need reviews on my solution, and it would be awesome to get more working solutions. P.S. I am not too worried about thread synchronization and creation. And it is totally cool to me if thread sync and creation are necessary in your solution.
Thanks in advance.
There is no general problem with two threads executing system calls on the same socket. You may encounter some specific issues, though:
If you call recvfrom() in both threads (one waiting for the PLC to send a request, and the other waiting for the PLC to respond to a command from the server), you don't know which one will receive the response. To get around this, you can dedicate one thread to reading from the PLC, and have it pass reply messages from the PLC to the sending thread using shared queue or similar structure.
You have to be careful when you close a socket that could be in use by another thread - because of the way file descriptors are reused, it's easy to have a race condition that ends up with a thread acting on the wrong socket.

Designing using fork() and TCP connection in C

I have a question regarding on how to design the following system:
My system is built of several clients listening to an environment. When a audio threshold is breached they send their information to a server, that has children listening on each connection. The server needs information from all the clients to make the necessary calculations.
Currently the server is working in UNIX and has forked out connections. They are working independently.
What I want to do is to tell the parent (in the server) that information has been sent and it's now time to process it. How should I do it?
I'm thinking of possible different ways to do it:
Using signal()in Unix to somehow tell the parent that something has happened
Convert to Threads and use some wait and notify functions
The signaling is preferable but I cannot figure out how to do it efficiently. Because the following can happen in my system:
If all the clients successfully sent information to their children of the server, how can I tell the parent that I'm ready in a efficient way? Don't know/I'm uncertain of how it will process them.
The server may not receive information from all clients. So the parent must wait for awhile for all the children but not too long. So I'm guessing some sort of timer?
Doen't use fork, and don't use signals. Use a thread pool.
What about a Unix Domain Socket for an inter-processes communication between children and father?
As soon as a child receives data through the TCP connection, the same data will be forwarded to the father process through the Unix Domain Socket and the latter process will be instantly notified

Parallel processing in linux

I'm not sure how to go about handling asynchronous tasks in a program I am writing and I'm hoping someone more experienced can at least point me in the right direction.
I'm running Angstrom Linux on an embedded ARM processor. My program controls several servos through exposed hardware PWM and a camera over PTP. Additionally it is socket daemon which takes commands from an arbitrary client (Android in this instance). The camera PTP is slow, and I don't want to wait around for it to finish its task because the rest of the program needs to be responsive.
I've tried threads, but any problems in the camera thread seems to kill the whole process. Ideally I want to send the camera off on its own to do its thing and when it is finished let the main function know. Is this an appropriate forking technique or have I implemented threading improperly?
Additionally, I would like to stay away from large secondary libraries to avoid any more cross compiling issues then I already have. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Your problem sounds like a classic case for multiple processes, communicating with inter-process communications (IPC) of some sort.
The camera should have its own process, and if that process dies, the main process should not have a problem. You could even have the init(8) process manage the camera process; that can automatically restart the process if it dies for any reason.
You could set up a named pipe permanently, and then the camera process could re-open it any time it restarts after failure.
Here is some documentation about named pipes:
I found this from the Wikipedia page:
I searched StackOverflow and found a discussion of named pipes vs. sockets:
IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket
Take the basic method of steveha's answer but skip the init(8) and named pipes.
fork() a child containing your camera code and communicate through regular pipes or domain sockets. Code a signal handler for SIGCHLD in the parent.If the child dies interrogate the reasons why with the return code from wait(). If it died on its own then cleanup and restart it; if it ended normally do what is appropriate in that case. Communicate with the child through whichever IPC you end up choosing. This give you more control over the child than init and domain sockets or pipes, in particular, will make it easier to set up and communicate between parent and child than messing with the funky semantics of FIFOs.
Of course, if there is really problems with the camera code all you have really done is make the failures somewhat more manageable by not taking down the whole program. Ideally you should get the camera code to work flawlessly if that is within your power.
I've tried threads, but any problems in the camera thread seems to kill the whole process.
When you say kill the whole process, what actually happens?
I put it to you that you are better off debugging the above problem, than trying to wrap the bug away in a forked process. You would rather have a reliable system including a reliable camera, than a reliable core system with an unreliable camera.

What have you used sysv/posix message queues for?

I've never seen any project or anything utilizing posix or sysv message queues - and being curious, what problems or projects have you guys used them for ?
I had a series of commands that needed to be executed in order, but the main program flow did not depend on their completion so I queued them up and passed them to another process via a System V message queue to be executed independently of the main program. Since message queues provide an asynchronous communications protocol, they were a good fit for this task.
To be honest, I used System V message queues because I had never used them before and I wanted to. I'm sure there are other IPC methods I could have used.
It's been a while since I've done any real VxWorks programming, but you can also find message queues used in VxWorks applications. According to the VxWorks Application Programmer's Guide (Google search), the primary intertask communication mechanism within a single CPU is message queues. VxWorks uses two message queue subroutine libraries (POSIX and VxWorks).
I once wrote a text-mode I/O generator utility that had one thread in charge of updating the UI and a number of worker threads to do the actual I/O work. When a worker thread completed an I/O, it sent an update message to the UI thread. I implemented this message system using a POSIX message queue.
Why implement it like this? It sounded like a good idea at the time, and I was curious about how they worked. I figured I could solve the problem and learn something at the same time. There were many different techniques I could have used, and I don't suppose there was any profound reason why I chose this technique. I didn't realize it until later, but I was glad I used a POSIX queue when I had to port the utility to another system (it was also POSIX compliant, so I didn't have to worry about porting external libraries to get my app to run).
You can use it for IPC for sure because it is an IPC mechanism. With this mechanism you can write multi-process event processing applications in which all of the applications are using the queue and each of which are waiting for a special type of message (an special event to occur). When the message arrives that process takes the message, processes that and puts the result back into the queue so that the other process can use it.
Once i wrote such an application using message queues. It is pretty easy to work with and does not need Inter-process synchronization mechanisms such as semaphores. You can use it in place of Shared Memory of Memory Mapped files as well, in situations in which all you need is just sending a structure or some kind of packed data to other processes Message Queues are far easier to use than any other IPC mechanism.
This book contains all information you need to know about Message Queues and other IPC mechanisms in Linux.

Application receiving mysterious SIGINTs

We have a small daemon application written in C for a couple of various UNIX platforms (this problem is happening in SunOS 5.10), that basically just opens up a serial port and then listens for information to come in via said port.
In this particular instance, the daemon appears to read a single transmission (like a file's worth of data) sent over via the serial port, then it receives a SIGINT. This happens every time. Other customers use this setup very similarly without receiving the SIGINT. Quite obviously, the users are NOT pressing Ctrl-C. We have a relatively simple signal handler in place, so we definitely know that that is what is happening.
What else could possibly be causing this? Googling around and looking through the questions here, I couldn't find much explanation as to other things that could cause a SIGINT. I also looked through the code and found no calls to raise() and only a single call to kill(pid, 0) which wouldn't send a SIGINT anyway.
Any thoughts or insight would definitely be appreciated.
If you do not want the serial port to become the controlling terminal for the process, open it using the open flag O_NOCTTY. If it is the controlling terminal, data from the serial port may be interpreted as an interrupt or other special character.
You didn't say how your signal handler is attached, but if you're able to attach it using sigaction(2) so as to get a siginfo_t then it looks like that would include the pid that sent the signal (si_pid).
I found an interesting blog post about debugging a problem with similar symptoms. While I doubt it's the same issue, it's got some very useful debugging tips for tracing the origin of signals.
