Get an array of specific added children - arrays

I'm using the following array to add children to the stage:
for(var i=0;i<6;i++) {
var aCherry=new cCherry()
Now I want to modify each cherry based on another array. Something like this:
var cherryLetter:Array=[1,0,0,0,0,0]
for(i=0;i<6;++) {
if(cherryLetter[i]) stage.getChildByName("aCherry")[i].y+=90
Clearly stage.getChildByName("aCherry")[i] isn't correct, but coming from JavaScript this makes the most sense to me and should accurately portray what I'm trying to achieve for you guys reading this. So, how would I actually do this? This being getting an array of children added to the stage under a certain name or class (so an array of cCherry would work too, if necessary), then using them in a way similar to the above loop.

Here is my recommendation for how the code might look, based on the desire to use getChildByName() to find the instances of your cCherry class. Please note that I've changed the class name to Cherry in the example (which I recommend, since capitalizing class names is AS3 convention). Also, it's good practice to end statements with semi-colons. While it's usually optional, there are cases where omitting the semi-colon can produce very difficult to track down runtime bugs, so I recommend getting int he habit of using them. I also recommend including type in all your variable declarations, as shown with var aCherry:Cherry, for example.
var i:int;
for(i=0; i<6; ++i)
var aCherry:Cherry=new Cherry(); // Note, it's my recommendation that you rename cCherry class to Cherry (convention)
aCherry.x=10+100*i; = "aCherry" + String(i); // String() cast for clarity only, not necessary
var cherryLetter:Array=[1,0,0,0,0,0];
for(i=0; i<6; ++i)
var cherry:Cherry = stage.getChildByName("aCherry" + String(i)) as Cherry;
if(cherry && cherryLetter[i]) cherry.y += 90;


Make many dynamic variable (inctance name) with one loop

I have many class in my library almost 300, and I want to generate instance name by loop. In other words I wanna instead of this approach(witch has many code line):
X:This is my problem:
var cm1: Cm1 = new Cm1();
var cm2: Cm2 = new Cm2();
var cm3: Cm3 = new Cm3();
use like this approach (less than 10 code lines):
Y:I think this is solution:
for (var i: uint = 1; i < 4; i++)
var getChildByName("cm" + i): getChildByName("Cm" + i) = new getChildByName("Cm" + i);
but I know above code does not work, is there any way to make them !
-What am I actually trying to solve?
Make many variable by a few line code and save time and size app!
-Why do I have ~300 classes and why are you trying to create them in a loop at once?
This is about to data of request application!
-What do these classes do that you unconditionally need one of each all at the same time?
Because those data would show at first time!
First, it is better to store the classes in an Array or Object rather than an external variable for each item. if you want to access them by name, better to use object:
var classList:Object=new Object();
Then in your loop:
for(var i:uint=1;i<NumberOfClasses;i++){
classList["cm"+i.toString()]=new (getDefinitionByName("Cm"+i.toString()) as Class)();
getDefinitionByName is used to make Constructors using String;
Note: if your classes contain a package directory, you should include it. for example:
Then you can access them using Bracket syntax:
And don't forget to:
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
I Hope it will help.
to use Array instead of object, the loop should be:
for(var i:uint=1;i<NumberOfClasses;i++){
classList[i]=new (getDefinitionByName("Cm"+i.toString()) as Class)();
then to access them:
addChild(classList[0]);//0 or any other index;

Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor

I'm trying to make a bomb catching game (I'm actually using the code from the AS3 Classroom in a Book on arrays). As soon as I changed the word fruit to bomb in the code I got error 1007. With the exception of changing basket_mc to eod_mc and fruit to bomb (I used command-F and replaced with case sensitive on) I haven't changed much. It worked with eod_mc, but doesn't with bomb.
var bombArray:Array = new Array(bomb);
var bombsOnstage:Array = new Array();
var bombsCollected:int = 0;
var bombsLost:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i<20; i++) {
var pickBomb = bombArray[int(Math.random() * bombArray.length)];
var bomb:MovieClip = new pickBomb();
bomb.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth-bomb.width;// bomb.width is subtracted from the random x position to elimate the slight possibility that a clip will be placed offstage on the right.
bomb.y = Math.random() * -500;
bomb.speed = Math.random() * 15 + 5;
eod_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragEod);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragStop);
function dragEod(e:Event):void {
function dragStop(e:Event):void {
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
function catchBomb(e:Event):void {
for (var i:int = bombsOnstage.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
var currentBomb:MovieClip = bombsOnstage[i];
currentBomb.y += currentBomb.speed;
if (currentBomb.y > stage.stageHeight - currentBomb.height) {
currentBomb.y = 0 - currentBomb.height;
field2_txt.text = "Total Bombs Detonated: " + bombsLost;
if (currentBomb.hitTestObject(eod_mc)) {
field1_txt.text = "Total Bombs Caught: " + bombsCollected;
if (bombsCollected >= 20) {
} else if (bombsCollected > 15) {
} else if (bombsCollected>10) {
} else if (bombsCollected>5) {
if (bombsOnstage.length <= 0) {
field1_txt.text = "You Win! You have defused the bombs.";
field2_txt.text = "";
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
if (bombsLost >= 20) {
field1_txt.text = "Sorry you lose. You have lost your foot!";
field2_txt.text = "";
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
for (var j:int = bombsOnstage.length-1; j > -1; j--) {
currentBomb = bombsOnstage[j];
Maybe to avoid making your programming life more twisted than it is now...
There are objects and classes in programming, a class is a description of a set of objects, say "table" (or, as it's better to differ in names for classes and variables, "Table", first letter capitalized) is a name of a class. An instance or an object is a structure that belongs to one or more classes, with Object being the topmost, as everything in programming is either an object or a "simple variable", that is, a number, a true/false, a string of characters (these are object types in AS3 too, though, Number, Boolean, String, but these generally not need to be instantiated via new) or probably some other simple type I don't remember right now.
Classes have properties and methods. A property is something that can be requested off any object of the class, say "height" for tables. Properties can be of any type, including nested objects, depending on what your base class is. Say stage in AS3 is a property of any DisplayObject which is used to get the only Stage object there is at runtime[1]. Methods are what any object of a class can be told to do. Say, bombs fall, explode, MovieClips can be told to stop(), etc. You write class code keeping in mind that all of the objects of this class will have to behave exactly like you've written, but since they can differ in properties, you can give them conditional behavior. For example, if a bomb has already exploded, it cannot blow up once more.
A variable, whether a property or a standalone var (if you declare one in a function) is a reference to an object of a given type. Say var i:int refers to some kind of an integer. Simple type vars are containers instead, that is, i=2; will place a 2 in the referred integer, and i=j; will copy the value from j into i, while var theStage:Stage=this.stage will instead create a reference to an existing object, and if that object will change, the reference will give you the changed object instead of its previous state. An array is a collection of variables, reachable by indexes, in AS3 they don't have to be of one type, and a Vector is a typed array.
Next, the lifetime of objects. An object only lives while there's an active reference to it, whether in a property of another alive object, or in a visible variable, or in an event listener (AS3 specific). An object is created via new ClassName(<parameters>), lives while you can reach it somehow, and is destroyed once you have no active links to it and Flash player decides to run garbage collector. Prior to this programmers had to deallocate objects themselves, a rudiment can be seen at BitmapData.dispose(). So, in order to avoid Flash player to run out of free memory, take full control over creation and destruction of links. You don't need to care for simple vars, they are being cared for by Flash player.
A lot of basic functions for interactions has already been implemented in AS3, look for them and examples of how they work in Adobe's manual, navigate through packages in the lower left, most of the interactive stuff is in flash.display package, refer to other packages as necessary.
Hope this will bring you some insight into programming basics.
[1]: There is one stage unless you're doing a load of an SWF, then there could be more, one Stage per one SWF.

AS3: Creating and accessing movieclips from an array

I know there are quite similar questions here, but I haven't found the proper details. What would be helpful is definitely an explanation of the problems, and perhaps a base example, that anyone who searches later may be able to apply. (Not asking that you write it for me, I just find the examples helpful) I don't want to upset anyone and am kind of worried to post in a forum...
I am wondering alternatives to creating a screen based off tiles created from an array. I have been having an issue myself trying to access the movieclips that have been placed on screen, and trying to trace to find a way to reference them hasn't been working.
Anyway, take something basic like an array, and connecting it to movieclips, then how to access the movieclip itself once done. So I have been working on this, and used many different online resources, so I'm sure a lot of this is going to look familiar, just in a much messier way.
This takes the array to make the movieclips appear (Im sure at least one part in here is unnecessary, and I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong here that makes it not work out later) So this works, but feels pretty bulky.
Both are from the same main class file.
function makeWorld (anyMap, tileW, tileH) {
var worldWidth = anyMap[0].length;
var worldHeight = anyMap.length;
var MAP = this.addChild(new mapHolder());
function tiler(MAP, i, j, tileW, tileH, tile)
tile.x = (j * tileW);
tile.y = (i * tileH);
for (var i = 0; i < worldWidth; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < worldHeight; ++j) {
var curTile:int = anyMap[i][j];
if (curTile == 101) {
var tile1 = new tileGround();
tiler (MAP, i, j, tileW, tileH, tile1);
else {
var tile3 = new empty();
tiler (MAP, i, j, tileW, tileH, tile3);
Then there is attempting to reference it, where I'm having the issue. I don't know what to call this.MAP.tileGround by, and I have tried many things. I've read it's not such a good idea to reference by name when not very advanced so I wanted to avoid that sort of thing too.
addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, hits);
function hits (event:Event) {
var tileCatchG:MovieClip = this.MAP.tileGround;
if(tileCatchG.hitTestPoint(this.MAP.Char.x + leftBumpPoint.x, this.MAP.Char.y + leftBumpPoint.y, true)){
leftBumping = true;
} else {
leftBumping = false;
Thank you!
In looking over what you're doing a second time it would appear that you should have a reference to the 2-indexed array that represents the map.
You can create a regular (single indexed) Array at the top of the file like
public var tileArray:Array = [];
Then where you create them push them into the array
var tile1 = new tileGround();
then to reference them all you can just run a simple loop
for each(var tile:MovieClip in tileArray)
//Do stuff
if(tile instanceof tileGround)
//Do stuff specific to tileGround

Questions about actionscript

I have a few different question and i have decided to put them in one. So the first question : If i have one and the same code(for example):
buttonsA.buton1a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton1a_function);
buttonsA.buton2a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton2a_function);
buttonsA.buton3a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton3a_function);
buttonsA.buton4a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton4a_function);
buttonsA.buton5a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton5a_function);
buttonsA.buton6a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton6a_function);
buttonsA.buton7a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton7a_function);
buttonsA.buton8a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton8a_function);
buttonsA.buton9a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton9a_function);
buttonsA.buton10a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton10a_function);
and i want to put it in several places(in different conditions) can i put them in a function a call a function instead a copying a large amout of text (I thought about 'include' from a different file but i want to keep all the information in one file).
The second question is about arrays : In my situation i have an array and i .push() a different numbers in it.But it could be "1,51,11,2,13' or "1,2,3,4,5" so every time place of numbers (and numbers themselves) are different. How can i say to AS3 in function to remove(.splice) exactly the number 5 or 6 (in spite of their place in the array).
The third question is again about the "code" that is upper in the question. Can i maybe with the loop for to make all these 10 addEventListen with a fewer code (i think it should be something like that:)
for(var i:int = 1; i <= 100; i++){
//buttonsA.buton'i'a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton'i'a_function);
Long story short maybe i didn't have to put so much question and maybe my thoughts are not correct, but i think that my questions are easy but i can't solve them. Any decisions and replies are welcomed :) Thanks.
First Question:
Not sure I understand your first question. I'll take a stab at it and say you're wanting the functionality of the button mouse down to be enabled during different contexts of your application state, but you don't want to repeat all the event listeners all the time?
if so, you should make a subclass for all your button to inherit from. It could look something like this:
public class ButtonSubClass extends Sprite { //or simple button, or whatever
public function ButtonSubClass():void {
private function downHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
//do something common to all your buttons here
Then, have all your buttons inherit from this class.
Second Question:
function removeFromArray(elementVal:*):void {
var index:int = array.indexOf(elementVal); //get the index of the first element whose value is the passed parameter;
if(index >= 0){
array.splice(index,1); //remove that element/index from the array.
Third Question:
If ButtonA is a sprite whose only children are all the buttons you want the listener for, then you can do this:
var i:int = buttonA.numChildren;
buttonsA.getChildAt(i).addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , button_function);
function button_function(e:Event):void {
case button1a:
//do something with button 1a
case button2a
//do something with button 2a
OR, more sloppily and less efficient and not recommended, this:
for(var i:int=1;i<=10;i++){
this["buton" + i.toString() + "a"].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this["buton" + i.toString() + "a_function"]);

how can i put all the children of a movieClip into an Array?

I have an movieClip Container and I want to move all its children into an Array.
i think about the method I used to delete all children of a container by using while and removechild at 0, but I think it wont work in this situation. Anyone have a solution?
thanks for your help.
var parObj:DisplayObjectContainer = Container; /* Is that the name of your MC? */
var kids:Array = []
var kidCount:int = parObj.numChildren;
// please see note on push at bottom
for( var i:int = 0; i < kidCount; i++ ) kids.push( parObj.getChildAt( i ) );
TA-DA! kids is now an array of all children of parObj
as a function:
function getChildren( parObj:DisplayObjectContainer ):Array
var kids:Array = []
var kidCount:int = parObj.numChildren;
for( var i:int = 0; i < kidCount; i++ )
kids.push( parObj.getChildAt( i ) );
return kids
Or, if you're courageous enough for vectors (the result of this function can only hold DisplayObjects and it is slightly faster than a normal array):
function getChildren( parObj:DisplayObjectContainer ):Vector.<DisplayObject>
var Vector.<DisplayObject> = new Vector.<DisplayObject>();
var kidCount:int = parObj.numChildren;
for( var i:int = 0; i < kidCount; i++ )
kids.push( parObj.getChildAt( i ) );
return kids
It was pointed out that this loop was not optimizing numChildren. I will agree (within reason -- chances are this will not be a bottleneck), so it is now an int. A good point to that SOer.
But, there have been two comments made vis-a-vis push vs. kids[ kids.length ] = parObj.getChildAt( i );
When it comes to assigning array indexes, my experience is that situations where push vs. arr[ i ] = val truly make that much of a difference, it is likely that something else is going on which should be optimized first -- are you really getting an array of the children of a MovieClip hundreds (thousands?) of times? Then maybe you don't really need an array of DisplayObject, maybe you need to remove the extra loop and handle all of this (more or less) inline. Do you really have a thousand length array? Then your bottleneck is probably going to be related to the fact that you're dealing with a large, unwieldy data structure and not the loop in itself.
I find push to be clear, explicit, and most important, obvious. arr.push takes no time to understand, it is a self-contained statement, whereas array index assignment requires me, at least, to actually look. Further, because push is a method call and arr.length is a property of a dynamic object, push also defends against the possibility of typos: arr[ arr.lengt ] causes no errors! It is valid code! arr.pus(value), on the other hand, causes a TypeError. Don't know about the rest of the world, but I don't have time to deal with obscured typos.
Assigning array indexes directly, to me, is premature optimization. If you feel otherwise, that's fine (and by all means, vote me down, that is the point of the site -- hopefully we'll all agree on an acceptable practice), but push will be my standard.
You can use a combination of numChildren and getChildAt() to loop through your elements within a container. The following code assumes that you're running the code from within the container. If this isn't the case, just prefix those two properties with the name of your container:
var ar:Array = [];
var i:int = 0;
for(i; i<numChildren; i++)
var mc:DisplayObject = getChildAt(i);
ar[ar.length] = mc;
