How to use relative position in c/assembly? - c

It's said Position Independent Code only uses relative position instead of absolute positions, how's this implemented in c and assembly respectively?
Let's take char test[] = "string"; as an example, how to reference it by relative address?

In C, position-independent code is a detail of the compiler's implementation. See your compiler manual to determine whether it is supported and how.
In assembly, position-independent code is a detail of the instruction set architecture. See your CPU manual to find out how to read the PC (program counter) register, how efficient that is, and what the recommended best practices are in translating a code address to a data address.
Position-relative data is less popular now that code and data are separated into different pages on most modern operating systems. It is a good way to implement self-contained executable modules, but the most common such things nowadays are viruses.

On x86, position-independent code in principle looks like this:
call 1f
1: popl %ebx
followed by use of ebx as a base pointer with a displacement equal to the distance between the data to be accessed and the address of the popl instruction.
In reality it's often more complicated, and typically a tiny thunk function might be used to load the PIC register like this:
movl 4(%esp),%ebx
addl $some_offset,%ebx
where the offset is chosen such that, when the thunk returns, ebx contains a pointer to a designated special point in the program/library (usually the start of the global offset table), and then all subsequent ebx-relative accesses can simply use the distance between the desired data and the designated special point as the offset.
On other archs everything is similar in principle, but there may be easier ways to load the program counter. Many simply let you use the pc or ip register as an ordinary register in relative addressing modes.

In pseudo code it could look like:
lea str1(pc), r0 ; load address of string relative to the pc (assuming constant strings, maybe)
st r0, test ; save the address in test (test could also be PIC, in which case it could be relative
; to some register)
A lot depends on your compiler and CPU architecture, as the previous answer stated. One way to find out would be to compile with the appropriate flags (-PIC -S for gcc) and look at the assembly language you get.


How can compilation occur without symbol resolution?

Here is my question. Suppose you want to compile the c code:
void some_function() {
write_string("Hello, World!\n");
For this example, I want to focus specifically on the string: "Hello, World!\n". My understanding is that the compiler will put the string into the .rodata section in an elf file. A symbol, referring to its location in the .rodata section, is added to the symbol table and that symbol is kept in the .text section as a placeholder for the location of the string.
Here is the problem. How can you leave a value like that unresolved in machine code? In x86, it should be easy enough for the linker to do a find and replace on the symbol when the location is known. However, there are many CPU architectures where an address can not be encoded in its entirety into a single machine instruction. Therefore the value would have to be loaded in 2 stages, using separate machine instructions and the linker would have to figure that out. It would have to be smart enough to manipulate the machine code with half the address in one place the half the address in another. Furthermore, somehow the elf file has to represent this complex encoding scheme for the linker later on. How does this all work?
I most programs, this will be in a user space application. So the kernel may load the .rodata section wherever it wants in memory. So it would seem that when the program is loaded, somehow, at runtime, the kernel loader would have to resolve all these symbols in the program prior to beginning execution. It would have to inject into the machine code where it put each section so they may be referenced appropriately. How does this work?
I have a feeling that my understanding and above descriptions are wrong or that I am missing something very important because this does not seem right to me. Ether that, or there is in fact the logic to preform these complex functions within modern kernels and linkers. I am looking for some further explanation and understanding.
Compilation takes place, emitting something like this:
lea rdi, [rip+some_function.hello_world]
mov rax, [rip+some_function.write_string]
call rax
after the asm pass, we end up with something that disassembles to
lea rdi, [rip+00000000]
mov rax, [rip+00000000]
call rax
where the two 00000000 slots are filled as load-time fixups. The loader performs symbol resolution and fills in the 00000000 values with the correct values.
This is a simplification. In reality there's an extra layer of indirection called the global offset table, which is used (among other things) to put all the fixups right next to each other.
The innards of how this works is CPU and OS specific, but in general you don't really have to care exactly how it works, and it could change in the next release of the compiler (and has changed at least twice already). The loader understands fixups at a very generic level using a fixup table, and can deal with new ideas so long as they resolve to put (absolute or relative) address of a symbol at offset + size.
The Alpha processor had it kind of bad back in the day. Fixups had to be in between functions, and relative addressing could be only done in signed 16 bit sizes, so the fixups for functions were located immediately before or after each function, and presumably you got an error in the ASM pass if the pointer didn't fit because the function was too big. I did come up with a clever sequence that would have fixed the problem on Alpha, but that was long after the platform was retired, and nobody cares anymore so it never got implemented.
I remember the bad old days from before the loader could do good patchups. There once was a global (and I really do mean global) table of shared library load addresses, and the compiler emitted absolute addresses and you had to rebuild your application if you changed a library, even though you used shared libraries. That just wasn't the brightest ideas, and no wonder people keps statically linked emergency binaries lying around. Breaking libc wasn't fun.

Segmentation fault when attempting to print int value from x86 external function [duplicate]

I've noticed that a lot of calling conventions insist that [e]bx be preserved for the callee.
Now, I can understand why they'd preserve something like [e]sp or [e]bp, since that can mess up the callee's stack. I can also understand why you might want to preserve [e]si or [e]di since that can break the callee's string instructions if they aren't particularly careful.
But [e]bx? What on earth is so important about [e]bx? What makes [e]bx so special that multiple calling conventions insist that it be preserved throughout function calls?
Is there some sort of subtle bug/gotcha that can arise from messing with [e]bx?
Does modifying [e]bx somehow have a greater impact on the callee than modifying [e]dx or [e]cx for instance?
I just don't understand why so many calling conventions single out [e]bx for preservation.
Not all registers make good candidates for preserving:
no (e)ax -- Implicitly used in some instructions; Return value
no (e)dx -- edx:eax is implicity used in cdq, div, mul and in return values
(e)bx -- generic register, usable in 16-bit addressing modes (base)
(e)cx -- shift-counts, used in loop, rep
(e)si -- movs operations, usable in 16-bit addressing modes (index)
(e)di -- movs operations, usable in 16-bit addressing modes (index)
Must (e)bp -- frame pointer, usable in 16-bit addressing modes (base)
Must (e)sp -- stack pointer, not addressable in 8086 (other than push/pop)
Looking at the table, two registers have good reason to be preserved and two have a reason not to be preserved. accumulator = (e)ax e.g. is the most often used register due to short encoding. SI,DI make a logical register pair -- on REP MOVS and other string operations, both are trashed.
In a half and half callee/caller saving paradigm the discussion would basically go only if bx/cx is preferred over si/di. In other calling conventions, it's just EDX,EAX and ECX that can be trashed.
EBX does have a few obscure implicit uses that are still relevant in modern code (e.g. CMPXGH8B / CMPXGH16B), but it's the least special register in 32/64-bit code.
EBX makes a good choice for a call-preserved register because it's rare that a function will need to save/restore EBX because they need EBX specifically, and not just any non-volatile register. As Brett Hale's answer points out, it makes EBX a great choice for the global offset table (GOT) pointer in ABIs that need one.
In 16-bit mode, addressing modes were limited to (any subset of) [BP|BX + DI|SI + disp8/disp16]), so BX is definitely special there.
This is a compromise between not saving any of the registers and saving them all. Either saving none, or saving all, could have been proposed, but either extreme leads to inefficiencies caused by copying the contents to memory (the stack). Choosing to allow some registers to be preserved and some not, reduces the average cost of a function call.
One of the main reasons, certainly for the i386 ELF ABI, is that ebx holds the address of the global offset table (GOT) register for position-independent code (PIC). See 3-35 of the specification for the details. It would be disruptive in the extreme, if, say, shared library code had to restore the GOT after every function call return.

Displaying PSW content

I'm beginner with asm, so I've been researching for my question for a while but answears were unsatisfactory. I'm wondering how to display PSW content on standard output. Other thing, how to display Instruction Pointer value ? I would be very gratefull if ypu could give me a hint (or better a scratch of code). It may be masm or 8086 as well (actually I don't know wthat is the difference :) )
The instruction pointer is not directly accessible on the x86 family, however, it is quite straightforward to retrieve its value - it will never be accurate though.
Since a subroutine call places the return address on the stack, you just need to copy it from there and violá! You have the address of the opcode following the call instruction:
proc getInstructionPointer
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[word ptr ss:bp + 2]
mov sp,bp
pop bp
endp getInstructionPointer
The PSW on the x86 is called the Flags register. There are two operations that explicitly reference it: pushf and popf. As you might have guessed, you can simply push the Flags onto the stack and load it to any general purpose register you like:
pop ax
Displaying these values consists of converting their values to ASCII and writing them onto the screen. There are several ways of doing this - search for "string output assembly", I bet you find the answer.
To dispel a minor confusion: 8086 is the CPU itself, whereas MASM is the assembler. The syntax is assembler-specific; MASM assembly is x86 assembly. TASM assembly is x86 assembly as well, just like NASM assembly.
When one says "x86 Assembly", he/she is referencing any of these (or others), talking about the instruction set, not the dialect.
Note that the above examples are 16bit, indtended for 8086 and won't work on 80386+ in 32bit mode

Recognizing stack frames in a stack using saved EBP values

I would like to divide a stack to stack-frames by looking on the raw data on the stack. I thought to do so by finding a "linked list" of saved EBP pointers.
Can I assume that a (standard and commonly used) C compiler (e.g. gcc) will always update and save EBP on a function call in the function prologue?
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
Or are there cases where some compilers might skip that part for functions that don't get any parameters and don't have local variables?
The x86 calling conventions and the Wiki article on function prologue don't help much with that.
Is there any better method to divide a stack to stack frames just by looking on its raw data?
Some versions of gcc have a -fomit-frame-pointer optimization option. If memory serves, it can be used even with parameters/local variables (they index directly off of ESP instead of using EBP). Unless I'm badly mistaken, MS VC++ can do roughly the same.
Offhand, I'm not sure of a way that's anywhere close to universally applicable. If you have code with debug info, it's usually pretty easy -- otherwise though...
Even with the framepointer optimized out, stackframes are often distinguishable by looking through stack memory for saved return addresses instead. Remember that a function call sequence in x86 always consists of:
call someFunc ; pushes return address (instr. following `call`)
push EBP ; if framepointer is used
mov EBP, ESP ; if framepointer is used
push <nonvolatile regs>
so your stack will always - even if the framepointers are missing - have return addresses in there.
How do you recognize a return address ?
to start with, on x86, instruction have different lengths. That means return addresses - unlike other pointers (!) - tend to be misaligned values. Statistically 3/4 of them end not at a multiple of four.
Any misaligned pointer is a good candidate for a return address.
then, remember that call instructions on x86 have specific opcode formats; read a few bytes before the return address and check if you find a call opcode there (99% most of the time, it's five bytes back for a direct call, and three bytes back for a call through a register). If so, you've found a return address.
This is also a way to distinguish C++ vtables from return addresses by the way - vtable entrypoints you'll find on the stack, but looking "back" from those addresses you don't find call instructions.
With that method, you can get candidates for the call sequence out of the stack even without having symbols, framesize debugging information or anything.
The details of how to piece the actual call sequence together from those candidates are less straightforward though, you need a disassembler and some heuristics to trace potential call flows from the lowest-found return address all the way up to the last known program location. Maybe one day I'll blog about it ;-) though at this point I'd rather say that the margin of a stackoverflow posting is too small to contain this ...

Why isn't all code compiled position independent?

When compiling shared libraries in gcc the -fPIC option compiles the code as position independent. Is there any reason (performance or otherwise) why you would not compile all code position independent?
It adds an indirection. With position independent code you have to load the address of your function and then jump to it. Normally the address of the function is already present in the instruction stream.
Yes there are performance reasons. Some accesses are effectively under another layer of indirection to get the absolute position in memory.
There is also the GOT (Global offset table) which stores offsets of global variables. To me, this just looks like an IAT fixup table, which is classified as position dependent by wikipedia and a few other sources.
In addition to the accepted answer. One thing that hurts PIC code performance a lot is the lack of "IP relative addressing" on x86. With "IP relative addressing" you could ask for data that is X bytes from the current instruction pointer. This would make PIC code a lot simpler.
Jumps and calls, are usually EIP relative, so those don't really pose a problem. However, accessing data will require a little extra trickery. Sometimes, a register will be temporarily reserved as a "base pointer" to data that the code requires. For example, a common technique is to abuse the way calls work on x86:
call label_1
.dd 0xdeadbeef
.dd 0xfeedf00d
.dd 0x11223344
pop ebp ; now ebp holds the address of the first dataword
; this works because the call pushes the **next**
; instructions address
; real code follows
mov eax, [ebp + 4] ; for example i'm accessing the '0xfeedf00d' in a PIC way
This and other techniques add a layer of indirection to the data accesses. For example, the GOT (Global offset table) used by gcc compilers.
x86-64 added a "RIP relative" mode which makes things a lot simpler.
Because implementing completely position independent code adds a constraint to the code generator which can prevent the use of faster operations, or add extra steps to preserve that constraint.
This might be an acceptable trade-off to get multiprocessing without a virtual memory system, where you trust processes to not invade each other's memory and might need to load a particular application at any base address.
In many modern systems the performance trade-offs are different, and a relocating loader is often less expensive (it costs any time code is first loaded) than the best an optimizer can do if it has free reign. Also, the availability of virtual address spaces hides most of the motivation for position independence in the first place.
position-independent code has a performance overhead on most architecture, because it requires an extra register.
So, this is for performance purpose.
Also, virtual memory hardware in most modern processors (used by most modern OSes) means that lots of code (all user space apps, barring quirky use of mmap or the like) doesn't need to be position independent. Every program gets its own address space which it thinks starts at zero.
Nowadays operating system and compiler by default make all the code as position independent code. Try compiling without the -fPIC flag, the code will compile fine but you will just get a warning.OS's like windows use a technique called as memory mapping to achieve this.
