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Has anyone here have any experience deploying a real online system that had a full text search in any of the NoSQL databases?
For example, how does the full-text search compare in MongoDB, Riak and CouchDB?
Some of the metric that I am looking for is ease of deployment and maintaince and of course speed.
How mature are they? Are they any replacement for the Lucene infrastructure?
None of the existing "NoSQL" database provides a reasonable implementation of something that could be named "fulltext search". MongoDB in particular has barely nothing so far (matching using regular expressions is not fulltext search and searching using $in or $all operators on a keyword word list is just a very poor implementation of a "fulltext search"). Using Solr, ElasticSearch or Sphinx is straight forward - an implementation and integration on the application level. Your choice widely depends on you requirements and current setup.
Yes. See CouchDB-Lucene which is a CouchDB extension to support full Lucene queries of the data.
I'm involved in the development of an application using Solandra (Cassandra based Apache Solr). In my experience the system is quite stable and able to handle TB+ data. I'm personally quite happy with the software for the following reasons:
1. Automated partitioning of data due to Cassandra backend.
2. Rich querying capabilities (due to Solr and Lucene).
3. Fast read and writes (writes significantly faster than reads).
However currently Solandra, I believe does not support batch mutations. That is, I can insert 100 columns in a single insertion into Cassandra, however Solandra does not support this.
For MongoDB, there isn't a full full-text indexing feature yet, however there's possibly one in the pipeline, perhaps due in v2.2.
In the meantime, you can create a simple inverted index by using a string array field, and putting an index on it, as described here: Full Text Search in Mongo
Or, you could maintain a parallel full-text index in a dedicated Solr or Lucene index, and if you're feeling really ambitious replicate directly to your full-text store from the Mongo oplog. Otherwise, populate both and keep in sync from your application logic.
I've just finished completion of this using data that is stored in MongoDB while having my Fulltext engin in Sphinx Search. I know mongo has a votable issue for adding fulltext to a future release; however at this point they don't have it.
There are several ways of inserting your Mongo information into sphinx; however the one I've found the most luck with (and has been extremely easy) is through xmlpipe2. It took me a bit to fully understand how to use this; however this article: Sphinx xmlpipe2 in PHP has an outstanding walk through which shows (at least in PHP) how to build the document, then how to insert it into sphinx.
Essentially my config ends up looking like this:
source my_source {
type = xmlpipe
xmlpipe_command = /usr/bin/php /www/generateSphinXml.php identifierForMyTable
with my index then looking like this:
index my_index {
source = my_source
path = /usr/local/sphinx/var/data/my_index
docinfo = extern
min_word_len = 1
mlock = 0
morphology = stem_en
charset_type = utf-8 //<----- This is q requirement however.
enable_star = 1
html_strip = 0
min_prefix_len = 2
I've had excellent success with this; hopefully you can find this as useful.
Couchbase 5.0 is releasing full text search capabilities built on the open source Bleve engine. You enable indexing for full text and start using against existing JSON documents in the database.
Some slides and presentation video covering the topic, mentioning Elasticsearch and Lucene as well...
If you are using PHP there is a great solution for fulltext search in No-SQL database MongoDB named as MongoLantern.
Previously I was using Sphinx+MongoDB to perform fulltext search, the performance was great but result quality was very poor. With MongoLantern my current search improved a lot.
MongoLantern is also listed in MongoDB site.
Please let me know if you try it of your own.
Solr could be used with 10gen's Mongo Connector, which allows to push data there (among others)
From their example:
python -m localhost:27217 -t http://localhost:8080/solr
cLunce project. Also xapian not mentioned above. I use Sphinx and it's very good but somewhat clumsy to set up. I actually prefer piping data from Mongo into Sphinx via XMLPIPE2, instead of using Sphinx' SQL in sphinx.conf file.
Definitely Solr. It is NoSQL.
It has:
awesome performance
awesome storage options
distributed search (SolrCloud)
perfect API
web admin
HTML, PDF, DOC indexing
many other features
I'm using cloudant which I could use mapreduce to project view of data and also it could search document with lucene
But these 2 feature is separate and cannot be used together
Suppose I make a game with userdata like this
name: ""
Each user has item. Then I want to let user find all swords with quality +10. With cloudant I might project type and quality as key and use query key=["sword",10]
But it cannot make query more complex than that like lucene could do. To do lucene I need to normalize all items to be document and reference it with owner
I really wish I could do a lucene search on a key of data projection. I mean, instead of normalization, I could store nested document as I want and use map/reduce to project data inside document so I could search for items directly
PS. If that database has partial update by scripting and inherently has transaction update feature that would be the best
I'd suggest trying out elasticsearch.
Seems like your use case should be covered by the search api
If you need to do more complex analytics elasticsearch supports aggregations.
I am not at all sure that I got the question correctly, but you may want to take a look at riak. It offers a solr-based search, which is quite well documented. I have used it in the past for distributed search over a distributed key-value index and it was quite fast.
If you use this, you will also need to take a look at the syntax of solr queries, so I add it here to save you some time. However, keep in mind that not all of those solr query functionalities were available in riak (at least that was when I used it).
There are several solutions that would do the job. I can give my 2 cents proposing the well established MongoDB. With MongoDB you can create a text-Index on a given field and then do a full text Search as explained here. The feature is in MongoDb since version 2.4 and the syntax is well documented on MongoDB docs.
I'm lost in: Hadoop, Hbase, Lucene, Carrot2, Cloudera, Tika, ZooKeeper, Solr, Katta, Cascading, POI...
When you read about the one you can be often sure that each of the others tools is going to be mentioned.
I don't expect you to explain every tool to me - sure not. If you could help me to narrow this set for my particular scenario it would be great. So far I'm not sure which of the above will fit and it looks like (as always) there are more then one way of doing what's to be done.
The scenario is: 500GB - ~20 TB of documents stored in Hadoop. Text documents in multiple formats: email, doc, pdf, odt. Metadata about those documents stored in SQL db (sender, recipients, date, department etc.) Main source of documents will be ExchangeServer (emails and attachments), but not only. Now to the search: User needs to be able to do complex full-text searches over those documents. Basicaly he'll be presented with some search-config panel (java desktop application, not webapp) - he'll set date range, document types, senders/recipients, keywords etc. - fire the search and get the resulting list of the documents (and for each document info why its included in search results i.e. which keywords are found in document).
Which tools I should take into consideration and which not? The point is to develop such solution with only minimal required "glue"-code. I'm proficient in SQLdbs but quite uncomfortable with Apache-and-related technologies.
Basic workflow looks like this: ExchangeServer/other source -> conversion from doc/pdf/... -> deduplication -> Hadopp + SQL (metadata) -> build/update an index <- search through the docs (and do it fast) -> present search results
Thank you!
Going with solr is a good option. I have used it for similar scenario you described above. You can use solr for real huge data as its a distributed index server.
But to get the meta data about all of these documents formats you should be using some other tool. Basically your workflow will be this.
1) Use hadoop cluster to store data.
2) Extract data in hadoop cluster using map/redcue
3) Do document identification( identify document type)
4) Extract meta data from these document.
5) Index metadata in solr server, store other ingestion information in database
6) Solr server is distributed index server, so for each ingestion you could create a new shard or index.
7) When search is required search on all the indexs.
8) Solr supports all the complex searches , so you don't have to make your own search engine.
9) It also does paging for you as well.
We've done exactly this for some of our clients by using Solr as a "secondary indexer" to HBase. Updates to HBase are sent to Solr, and you can query against it. Typically folks start with HBase, and then graft search on. Sounds like you know from the get go that search is what you want, so you can probably embed the secondary indexing in from your pipeline that feeds HBase.
You may find though that just using Solr does everything you need.
Another project to look at is Lily,, which has already done the work of integrating Solr with a distributed database.
Also, I do not see why you would not want to use a browser for this application. You are describing exactly what faceted search is. While you certainly could set up a desktop app that communicates with the server (parses JSON) and displays the results in a thick client GUI, all of this work is already done for you in the browser. And, Solr comes with a free faceted search system out of the box: just follow along the tutorial.
Going with Solr ( is a good solution, but be ready to have to deal with some non-obvious things. First is planning your indexes properly. Multiple terabytes of data will almost definitely need multiple shards on Solr for any level of reasonable performance and you'll be in charge of managing those yourself. It does provide distributed search (doing the queries off multiple shards), but that is only half the battle.
ElasticSearch ( is another popular alternative, but i don't have much experience with it regarding scale. It uses the same Lucene engine so i'd expect the search feature-set to be similar.
Another type of solution is something like SenseiDB - open sourced from LinkedIn - which gives the full-text search functionality (also Lucene-based) as well as proven scale for large amounts of data:
They've definitely done a lot of work on search over there and my casual use of it is pretty promising.
Assuming all your data is already in Hadoop, you could write some custom MR jobs that pull the data in a consistent schema-friendly format into SenseiDB. SenseiDB already provides a Hadoop MR indexer which you can look at.
The only caveat is it is a little more complex to setup, but will save you with the scaling issues many times over - especially around indexing performance and faceting functionality. It also provides clustering support if HA is important to you - which is still in Alpha for Solr (Solr 4.x is alpha atm).
Hope that helps and good luck!
I asked a friend who is more versed in ElasticSearch than me and it does have the advantage of clustering and rebalancing based on the # of machines and shards you have. This is a definite win over Solr - especially if you're dealing with TBs of data. The only downside is the current state of documentation on ElasticSearch leaves a lot to be desired.
As a side note, you can't say the documents are stored in Hadoop, they are stored in a distributed file system (most probably HDFS since you mentioned Hadoop).
Regarding searching/indexing: Lucene is the tool to use for your scenario. You can use it for both indexing and searching. It's a java library. There is also an associated project (called Solr) which allows you to access the indexing/searching system through WebServices. So you should also take a look at Solr as it allows the handling of different types of documents (Lucene puts the responsability of interpreting the document (PDF, Word, etc) on your shoulders but you, probably, can already do that)
I would like to be able to search a CouchDB database using Solr. Are there any projects that provide such an integration?
I am also aware of CouchDB-Lucene. Is there a way to hook Solr into that?
It would make more sense to roll your own, given how wasy it easy. First you need to decide what kind of SOLR schema to use and how to map your CouchDB documents onto that schema. Then simple iterate through all the documents in a db Pagination in CouchDB? and generate SOLR <add> documents.
People do this all the time with all kinds of data sources. Since SOLR is essentially searching a single table, the hard work is often figuring out how to map your database format onto a single table. Read up on what you can do with the SOLR schema, and you may be surprised at how easy this is.
There is a CouchDB integration for ElasticSearch available, apart from feeding ElasticSearch with JSON on your own. Both work with schema-less JSON, so it's very easy to integrate them.
In terms of features, ElasticSearch would offer a comparable set to Solr (in addition to some unique features, of course.)
According to this
there was a CouchDB-Solr2 project (scroll down to the end), which is no longer maintained.
Can I use a MapReduce framework to create an index and somehow add it to a distributed Solr?
I have a burst of information (logfiles and documents) that will be transported over the internet and stored in my datacenter (or Amazon). It needs to be parsed, indexed, and finally searchable by our replicated Solr installation.
Here is my proposed architecture:
Use a MapReduce framework (Cloudera, Hadoop, Nutch, even DryadLinq) to prepare those documents for indexing
Index those documents into a Lucene.NET / Lucene (java) compatible file format
Deploy that file to all my Solr instances
Activate that replicated index
If that above is possible, I need to choose a MapReduce framework. Since Cloudera is vendor supported and has a ton of patches not included in the Hadoop install, I think it may be worth looking at.
Once I choose the MatpReduce framework, I need to tokenize the documents (PDF, DOCx, DOC, OLE, etc...), index them, copy the index to my Solr instances, and somehow "activate" them so they are searchable in the running instance. I believe this methodolgy is better that submitting documents via the REST interface to Solr.
The reason I bring .NET into the picture is because we are mostly a .NET shop. The only Unix / Java we will have is Solr and have a front end that leverages the REST interface via Solrnet.
Based on your experience, how does
this architecture look? Do you see
any issues/problems? What advice can
you give?
What should I not do to lose faceting search? After reading the Nutch documentation, I believe it said that it does not do faceting, but I may not have enough background in this software to understand what it's saying.
Generally, you what you've described is almost exactly how Nutch works. Nutch is an crawling, indexing, index merging and query answering toolkit that's based on Hadoop core.
You shouldn't mix Cloudera, Hadoop, Nutch and Lucene. You'll most likely end up using all of them:
Nutch is the name of indexing / answering (like Solr) machinery.
Nutch itself runs using a Hadoop cluster (which heavily uses it's own distributed file system, HDFS)
Nutch uses Lucene format of indexes
Nutch includes a query answering frontend, which you can use, or you can attach a Solr frontend and use Lucene indexes from there.
Finally, Cloudera Hadoop Distribution (or CDH) is just a Hadoop distribution with several dozens of patches applied to it, to make it more stable and backport some useful features from development branches. Yeah, you'd most likely want to use it, unless you have a reason not to (for example, if you want a bleeding edge Hadoop 0.22 trunk).
Generally, if you're just looking into a ready-made crawling / search engine solution, then Nutch is a way to go. Nutch already includes a lot of plugins to parse and index various crazy types of documents, include MS Word documents, PDFs, etc, etc.
I personally don't see much point in using .NET technologies here, but if you feel comfortable with it, you can do front-ends in .NET. However, working with Unix technologies might feel fairly awkward for Windows-centric team, so if I'd managed such a project, I'd considered alternatives, especially if your task of crawling & indexing is limited (i.e. you don't want to crawl the whole internet for some purpose).
Have you looked at Lucandra a Cassandra based back end for Lucense/Solr which you can use Hadoop to populate the Cassandra store with the index of your data.
where do I find a howto to set up elasticSearch using Postgres?
My field sizes will be about 350mb, yes, MB, each in size. I have a
text output of all of the US Code and all decisions from all the courts,
the Statutes at Large, pretty much everything you would find in a library,
and I need to be able to do full text searches and return the exact point
in the field to the app to return the exact page in PDF form. Postgres
can easily handle the datastore, but I've never used elasticSearch and
have no idea of how it integrates into the indexing, etc.
As of 2015, there's ZomboDB ( As the author, I'm a bit biased, but it's quite powerful. ;)
It's a Postgres extension and Elasticsearch plugin that allows you to "CREATE INDEX"s that use a remote Elasticsearch cluster, and it exposes a fairly powerful query language for performing full-text searches.
Because it's an actual index in Postgres, the ES cluster is automatically synchronized as you INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE records. As such, there's no need for asynchronous synchronization processes.
Additionally, because it's an actual index, it is transaction-safe, which means concurrent Postgres sessions will only see results that are consistent with their current transaction.
Here's a link to ZomboDB's tutorial. It should give you an idea of how easy ZomboDB is to use.
There is an application that you can use to import SQL Server, Oracle, Postgresql MySQL, etc. in to an ElasticSearch index.
Please let me know if you have any trouble building or using it. ~Adam
You can explore using pgsync.
PGSync is an open-source middleware (written in python) for syncing data from Postgres to Elasticsearch effortlessly. It allows you to keep Postgres as your source of truth and expose structured denormalized documents in Elasticsearch.
Githib link:
Its possible to insert/update/delete postgres data in elasticsearch without middle ware other than the pgsql_http extension. Using triggers you can get a pretty much real-time index update.
You can also query elasticsearch and use the results within postgres to do joins etc with other tables/data in your database.
See the elasticsearch examples: