Activation/deactivation of toolbar buttons using Prism - wpf

I’m in the process of learning the Prism framework and I’ve come along way already. But I was wondering about how to create toolbars (and context menus) where each module can register their own buttons.
For this example I want all buttons to reside in the same ToolBar control which is located in my Shell. The ToolBars ItemsSource binds to a ToolBarItems property of type ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> in the view model. Elements can be added to this collection using a ToolBarRegistry service. This is the ViewModel:
public class ShellViewModel
private IToolBarRegistry _toolBarRegistry;
private ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> _toolBarItems;
public ShellViewModel()
_toolBarItems = new ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement>();
_toolBarRegistry = new ToolBarRegistry(this);
public ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> ToolBarItems
get { return _toolBarItems; }
Note that the collection of type FrameworkElement will be refactored to be of a more concrete type if this turns out to be the correct solution.
My ToolBarRegistry has a method to register image buttons:
public void RegisterImageButton(string imageSource, ICommand command)
var icon = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageSource));
var img = new Image();
img.Source = icon;
img.Width = 16;
var btn = new Button();
btn.Content = img;
btn.Command = command;
I call this method from my OrderModule and the buttons show up correctly. So far so good.
The problem is how I can control when these buttons should be removed again. If I navigate to a view in another module (and sometimes another view in the same module), I want these module-specific buttons to be hidden again.
Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Am I approaching this problem the wrong way, or can I modify what I already have? How did you solve this problem?

I would not insert Button instances in the ObservableCollection. Think about this approach instead:
Create ViewModel for the toolbar buttons
class ToolBarButtonViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation to be provided by you
public string ImageSource { get; set; }
public ICommand Command { get; set; }
public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
Then of course change the type of ToolBarItems to a collection of these.
In your ShellView, add a DataTemplate for ToolBarButtonViewModel and bind the ItemsSource of whatever your toolbar control is to the collection of ViewModels, for example:
<Button Command="{Binding Command}">
<Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}" />
You can now bind Button.Visibility to IsVisible with a BooleanToVisibilityConverter to solve your immediate problem.
As an added bonus, you can also:
Change the visual appearance of the toolbar buttons entirely from XAML
Bind any property of the visual tree for a toolbar button to corresponding properties on the ToolBarButtonViewModel
The mechanism for enabling/disabling buttons depends on specifics of your application. There are many options -- here are a few (keep this chart in mind while reading):
Implement INavigationAware in your Views or ViewModels and enable/disable buttons as required
Attach handlers to the events of IRegionNavigationService of the region(s) of interest and have the handlers enable or disable buttons
Route all navigation through your own code (CustomNavigationService) and decide what to do inside it


TabControl ItemTemplate without ItemsSource

I am doing a WPF application with a TabControl. At the beginning I had a TabControl bound to ObservableCollection of TabBase items, where TabBase is a base class for tab viewmodel:
ItemsSource="{Binding Tabs}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ClosableTabTemplate}"
public ObservableCollection<TabBase> Tabs { get; private set; }
public abstract class TabBase : ViewModelBase
public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public virtual string DisplayName { get; protected set; }
<DataTemplate x:Key="ClosableTabTemplate">
<DockPanel Width="120">
Command="{Binding Path=CmdClose}"
Content="{Binding Path=DisplayName}">
But I've faced with an issue when I switch tabs it looks like current tab is being created each time, even if it was already opened before. Searching thru StackOverflow I've found the solution here with reference to here. I've replaced using of declarative ItemsSource with dynamic creation of tabs from code. Tabs switching performance issue was resolved, but tab headers have lost link to template, so instead of tab header with caption and close button I see just a little tab header without anything. Playing a bit with tab creation code, I was able to restore tab size and close button, but without binding - there is no caption and close button doesn't work (5 lines with item.Header restored original tab size):
private void AddTabItem(TabBase view)
TabItem item = new TabItem();
item.DataContext = view;
item.Content = new ContentControl();
(item.Content as ContentControl).Focusable = false;
(item.Content as ContentControl).SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding());
item.Header = new ContentControl();
(item.Header as ContentControl).DataContext = view;
(item.Header as ContentControl).Focusable = false;
(item.Header as ContentControl).SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding());
item.HeaderTemplate = (DataTemplate)FindResource("ClosableTabTemplate");
The question is, how can I make ItemTemplate working for TabControl without ItemsSource binding?
When you explicitly set your item.Header to a ContentControl, the HeaderTemplate is now using that object as its DataContext. Normally, the Header property would get your ViewModel and a ContentPresenter would take that (non-Visual) object and apply the HeaderTemplate to it. You've now pushed your ViewModel down a level in the hierarchy so the template is not being applied at the same place as the data. Moving either one should fix the Binding issues but one or the other may work better for your situation:
item.Header = view;
(item.Header as ContentControl).ContentTemplate = (DataTemplate)FindResource("ClosableTabTemplate");

Binding to a property of the DataContext of another control

iv'e got 2 panels in an app game
they are both bound to different elements .
GameDetailsPanel.DataContext = game ;
GameBoardPanel.DataContext = gameBoard ;
*Game has a Turn Property * .
public Class Game
public bool Turn{ get; set;}
now i need to bind one of GameBoardPanel to the value of the Property Turn ,
*for example : something along the lines of *
<Button Fill={Binding Source=GameDetailsPanel.DataContext , Path=Turn } ></Button>
how can i reference GameDetailsPanel.DataContext in my binding ?
For the benefit of searchers, you can bind to the datacontext of another control as detailed here.
The quick solution in my case looked like:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=ucClientDetails,
where 'ucClientDetails' was a user control bound to a viewmodel containing client details (including FullName).
I would recommend having your game and gameBoard properties on a wrapper view model and then setting the datacontext of your view to the wrapper view model. That way in your button's Fill binding you could simply reference the appropriate property on your view model:
public Class Wrapper_ViewModel
public Game game{ get; set; }
public T gameBoard{ get; set; }
<Button Fill={Binding Path=game.Turn} ></Button>
However, for more one-off scenarios you could use the relative source binding attribute and hook another elements data context, as in this example:
Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate
use simply
<Button Fill="{Binding ElementName=GameDetailsPanel,Path=DataContext.Turn}"></Button>
this element binding.

How to have a button in a datagrid template that will remove the item when clicked

I would like to use a datatemplate for my datagrid columns and have a button for each item. I would like the item to be removed if the user clicks the button. I am using the MVVM pattern. How would I accomplish this?
<Button Width="50" Content="Remove" Command="{Binding RemoveItemCommand}"/>
public class ItemViewModel
public ItemViewModel()
RemoveCommand = new MyCommand(Remove);
public event EventHandler ItemRemoved;
public ICommand RemoveCommand { get; private set; }
private void Remove()
// Whatever it takes to remove item from your data store
var removeItem = ItemRemoved;
if (removeItem != null)
removeItem(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public class ListViewModel
public ListViewModel(IEnumerable<ItemViewModel> items)
ItemVMs=new ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>(items);
foreach (var item in ItemVMs)
item.ItemRemoved += RemoveSelectedItem;
public ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel> ItemVMs { get; private set; }
private void RemoveSelectedItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
var item = sender as ItemViewModel;
item.ItemRemoved -= RemoveSelectedItem;
Each item's RemoveCommand would be bound to its button in your DataGrid. It sounds like you already have that part done. Make the ListViewModel's ItemVMs property the data source for your DataGrid.
The View is responsible for this. You can simply use codebehind to control the visibility of UI elements in response to user actions in the UI.
Sometimes, it is better to be practical than be rigidly dogmatic.
Well, now that you have edited your question, it becomes a completely different matter.
Your DataGrid should be bound to a collection of items.
Your button should be bound to a command on the ViewModel, and the CommandParameter should be the Model that particular row is bound to.
<Button Content="Remove"
Command="{Binding DataContext.RemoveItemCommand,
CommandParameter="{Binding}" />
Note some important things here. We need, from within the template, to bind to an ICommand on the ViewModel. The ViewModel is the DataContext of the Window. In this example, the window is named 'theWindow' (x:Name="theWindow"). Since the source of the Binding is the window, the Path must point to the ViewModel in the DataContext property on that Window.
We pass the current Model the DataGrid row is bound to into the command. This way, it is triival to remove it from the collection in the ViewModel.
public ObservableCollection<Model> Items {get;set;}
public ICommand RemoveItemCommand {get;set;}
// this method is called when RemoveItemCommand.Execute is called!
public void Execute(object parameter)
Items.Remove(parameter as Model);
This assumes you're using one of the standard delegated ICommand implementations out there. You can see how this is trivial to implement, and since the collection is an observable one, once you click the button and the Model is removed, the DataGrid will be notified of the change in the collection and remove that row.
You're probably better off using the standard routed events on the Click event of the button instead of a Command. The click event will allow you to retrieve the information about what control was clicked, and then you can also easily retrieve the parent of the button, to delete that item.

WPF Dependency Property workaround

There are 3 UserControls under a MainWindow. Each control have it's own Save Button. The Mainwindow has a SaveAll button.
The MainWindow has a ContentControl and the content property is binded to the VM. At runtime on ButtonClickCommand, the View is instantiated and assigned to the Content Property.
This SaveAll button will internally call methods associated with UserControls Save button. As such, SaveAll doesn't have it's own Method.
This has to be implemented by DependencyProperty.
I had once seen this scenario implemented in a Business App, but somehow missed the concept behind it.
I can't get what was the logic behind this, but it's a very useful thing.
Now I have to implement this, but i'm missing a small thing, I dont know.
I hope the scenario is clear.
Please help me in this scenario, with code.
Since you mentioned MVVM, here's what you might be looking for. Mind you, this will be a lot cleaner and easier if you use an MVVM framework such as Caliburn, but for this sample, its just vanilla MVVM:
public class MainViewModel
public MainViewModel()
ViewOneModel = new SubViewModel();
ViewTwoModel = new SubViewModel();
Children = new List<SubViewModel>(new[] { ViewOneModel, ViewTwoModel });
public void SaveAll()
foreach(var child in Children)
public IList<SubViewModel> Children { get; private set; }
public SubViewModel ViewOneModel { get; set; }
public SubViewModel ViewTwoModel { get; set; }
public class SubViewModel
public void Save()
and on the UI you basically have subviews (UserControls) composed in your main view:
<Button Width="100" Height="20" Content="Save All" />
<local:ViewOne DataContext="{Binding ViewOneModel}" />
<local:ViewTwo DataContext="{Binding ViewTwoModel}" />
You just need to bind the save methods to your buttons using an ICommand interface (preferably RelayCommand instance).
Imho in this scenario there is no need for RoutedEvents. The way I would solve it:
There is a Main-ViewModel that exposes 3 properties with the Sub-ViewModels.
The MainViewModel is the Datacontext for the window, and the subviewmodels bound to the datacontext of the 3 usercontrols.
The sub vm's are exposing a property with a Save-Command. This command is bound to the save buttons in the usercontrols.
The main vm is exposing a property with a saveall-command, which is bound to the SaveAll button.
In the handler of the save all command you are then iterating over the sub-vm's and call save on them.

Silverlight Combobox - items with a command

What would be the best way to get the elements of a combobox to each support a Command and CommandParameter?
I'd like to implement the Theme Chooser shown toward the bottom of this blog post, except with a combo box instead of a context menu. I'd need each element of the combobox to support a Command and CommandParameter, and I'd like it to just be plain text, as the combo below is.
I tried hyperlinks, but the main problem there is that when you click directly onto the link text, the combo box does not close.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Ok, well the specific goal that I said I wanted to achieve—having a combo change the SL Toolkit theme—is trivially accomplished. I can simply bind the selected item of the combo to a ViewModel property that then exposes the appropriate themeuri which my SL Toolkit theme can bind to, or, since this is purely a UI activity with no business logic, I can just catch the combobox item changed event, and update my themeUri from there.
I am curious though, is there a good way to bind each combo box item to a command with a command parameter? Using a Hyperlink as each comboboxItem seemed promising, but that prevents the CB from closing after you click on an item when you click the actual hyperlink.
You could Bind the selected item to your ViewModel and then the setter would trigger when the Theme was changed.
<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTheme, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Themes}" />
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
public MainPage()
DataContext = new MainPageViewModel();
public class MainPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableCollection<string> Themes { get; set; }
private string _selectedTheme;
public string SelectedTheme
get { return _selectedTheme; }
_selectedTheme = value;
// Change the Theme
public MainPageViewModel()
Themes = new ObservableCollection<string>();
