Binding to a property of the DataContext of another control - wpf

iv'e got 2 panels in an app game
they are both bound to different elements .
GameDetailsPanel.DataContext = game ;
GameBoardPanel.DataContext = gameBoard ;
*Game has a Turn Property * .
public Class Game
public bool Turn{ get; set;}
now i need to bind one of GameBoardPanel to the value of the Property Turn ,
*for example : something along the lines of *
<Button Fill={Binding Source=GameDetailsPanel.DataContext , Path=Turn } ></Button>
how can i reference GameDetailsPanel.DataContext in my binding ?

For the benefit of searchers, you can bind to the datacontext of another control as detailed here.
The quick solution in my case looked like:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=ucClientDetails,
where 'ucClientDetails' was a user control bound to a viewmodel containing client details (including FullName).

I would recommend having your game and gameBoard properties on a wrapper view model and then setting the datacontext of your view to the wrapper view model. That way in your button's Fill binding you could simply reference the appropriate property on your view model:
public Class Wrapper_ViewModel
public Game game{ get; set; }
public T gameBoard{ get; set; }
<Button Fill={Binding Path=game.Turn} ></Button>
However, for more one-off scenarios you could use the relative source binding attribute and hook another elements data context, as in this example:
Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate

use simply
<Button Fill="{Binding ElementName=GameDetailsPanel,Path=DataContext.Turn}"></Button>
this element binding.


WPF Dependency Property workaround

There are 3 UserControls under a MainWindow. Each control have it's own Save Button. The Mainwindow has a SaveAll button.
The MainWindow has a ContentControl and the content property is binded to the VM. At runtime on ButtonClickCommand, the View is instantiated and assigned to the Content Property.
This SaveAll button will internally call methods associated with UserControls Save button. As such, SaveAll doesn't have it's own Method.
This has to be implemented by DependencyProperty.
I had once seen this scenario implemented in a Business App, but somehow missed the concept behind it.
I can't get what was the logic behind this, but it's a very useful thing.
Now I have to implement this, but i'm missing a small thing, I dont know.
I hope the scenario is clear.
Please help me in this scenario, with code.
Since you mentioned MVVM, here's what you might be looking for. Mind you, this will be a lot cleaner and easier if you use an MVVM framework such as Caliburn, but for this sample, its just vanilla MVVM:
public class MainViewModel
public MainViewModel()
ViewOneModel = new SubViewModel();
ViewTwoModel = new SubViewModel();
Children = new List<SubViewModel>(new[] { ViewOneModel, ViewTwoModel });
public void SaveAll()
foreach(var child in Children)
public IList<SubViewModel> Children { get; private set; }
public SubViewModel ViewOneModel { get; set; }
public SubViewModel ViewTwoModel { get; set; }
public class SubViewModel
public void Save()
and on the UI you basically have subviews (UserControls) composed in your main view:
<Button Width="100" Height="20" Content="Save All" />
<local:ViewOne DataContext="{Binding ViewOneModel}" />
<local:ViewTwo DataContext="{Binding ViewTwoModel}" />
You just need to bind the save methods to your buttons using an ICommand interface (preferably RelayCommand instance).
Imho in this scenario there is no need for RoutedEvents. The way I would solve it:
There is a Main-ViewModel that exposes 3 properties with the Sub-ViewModels.
The MainViewModel is the Datacontext for the window, and the subviewmodels bound to the datacontext of the 3 usercontrols.
The sub vm's are exposing a property with a Save-Command. This command is bound to the save buttons in the usercontrols.
The main vm is exposing a property with a saveall-command, which is bound to the SaveAll button.
In the handler of the save all command you are then iterating over the sub-vm's and call save on them.

Activation/deactivation of toolbar buttons using Prism

I’m in the process of learning the Prism framework and I’ve come along way already. But I was wondering about how to create toolbars (and context menus) where each module can register their own buttons.
For this example I want all buttons to reside in the same ToolBar control which is located in my Shell. The ToolBars ItemsSource binds to a ToolBarItems property of type ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> in the view model. Elements can be added to this collection using a ToolBarRegistry service. This is the ViewModel:
public class ShellViewModel
private IToolBarRegistry _toolBarRegistry;
private ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> _toolBarItems;
public ShellViewModel()
_toolBarItems = new ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement>();
_toolBarRegistry = new ToolBarRegistry(this);
public ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> ToolBarItems
get { return _toolBarItems; }
Note that the collection of type FrameworkElement will be refactored to be of a more concrete type if this turns out to be the correct solution.
My ToolBarRegistry has a method to register image buttons:
public void RegisterImageButton(string imageSource, ICommand command)
var icon = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageSource));
var img = new Image();
img.Source = icon;
img.Width = 16;
var btn = new Button();
btn.Content = img;
btn.Command = command;
I call this method from my OrderModule and the buttons show up correctly. So far so good.
The problem is how I can control when these buttons should be removed again. If I navigate to a view in another module (and sometimes another view in the same module), I want these module-specific buttons to be hidden again.
Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Am I approaching this problem the wrong way, or can I modify what I already have? How did you solve this problem?
I would not insert Button instances in the ObservableCollection. Think about this approach instead:
Create ViewModel for the toolbar buttons
class ToolBarButtonViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation to be provided by you
public string ImageSource { get; set; }
public ICommand Command { get; set; }
public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
Then of course change the type of ToolBarItems to a collection of these.
In your ShellView, add a DataTemplate for ToolBarButtonViewModel and bind the ItemsSource of whatever your toolbar control is to the collection of ViewModels, for example:
<Button Command="{Binding Command}">
<Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}" />
You can now bind Button.Visibility to IsVisible with a BooleanToVisibilityConverter to solve your immediate problem.
As an added bonus, you can also:
Change the visual appearance of the toolbar buttons entirely from XAML
Bind any property of the visual tree for a toolbar button to corresponding properties on the ToolBarButtonViewModel
The mechanism for enabling/disabling buttons depends on specifics of your application. There are many options -- here are a few (keep this chart in mind while reading):
Implement INavigationAware in your Views or ViewModels and enable/disable buttons as required
Attach handlers to the events of IRegionNavigationService of the region(s) of interest and have the handlers enable or disable buttons
Route all navigation through your own code (CustomNavigationService) and decide what to do inside it

MVVM: Giving every modular part it's own XAML class

I was thinking about doing this instead defining lot's of DataTemplates. This would mean that if I had a collection of things the ItemsControl itself would have a XAML class and the objects would have one too.
This is something that already happens when the objects are proper ViewModels containing models and logic but if it's just a Command for example. A dynamic group of commands perhaps.
Pros: I could use the designer to help me define the look of the object as I don't have blend and it would be easier to find and change those parts if needed.
Cons: More XAML classes.
Would you talk me into this or out of this.
I have buttons all around the app so I define a ButtonViewModel which has a display name and a ICommand Property. I would also define a DataTemplate or UserControl for this object which would basically be a button with Command binding and text/content binding to the display name. I could also define it's look and such.
Then in ViewModels that should include buttons I would add these buttons as part of the class and bind to them inside the view.
public class ButtonViewModel : ViewModelBase
private string _displayName;
public string DisplayName
return _displayName;
_displayName = value;
private ICommand _command;
public ICommand command
return _command;
protected set
_command = value;
public ButtonViewModel(ICommand command, string displayName)
Command = command;
DisplayName = displayName;
ViewModel using the ButtonViewModel
public class SomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
//some functionality
//It could be done as a collection or just seperate ButtonViewModel properties
public ObservableCollection<ButtonViewModel> Buttons { get; set; }
//Somewhere where it makes sense, here in the constructer for the heck of it
public SomeViewModel()
Buttons.Add(new ButtonViewModel(new RelayCommand(Save, canSave), "Save"));
Buttons.Add(new ButtonViewModel(new RelayCommand(Edit, canEdit), "Edit"));
Buttons.Add(new ButtonViewModel(new RelayCommand(New, canAddNew), "New"));
The buttons view:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.ButtonView"
Height="60" Width="90">
<Button Command="{Binding Path=Command}" Content="{Binding Path=DisplayName}">
<!-- Some really cool design for your button -->
You could also define a specific ItemsControl to hold a collection of buttons, even going so far as to define a ViewModel for said itemscontrol.
I once learned that if you can encapsulate some item in a class you should. Is this just crazy talk?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but it sounds as if you are taking a view first approach, which can get very complex in everything but the simplest of apps. Have you considered using an MVVM framework such as Caliburn.Micro?
Using a view model first approach, you can instantiate your view model, and then use Caliburn.Micro to locate your view (via convention), and automatically bind the two up.
Caliburn.Micro will also do view composition, so for example, if you have a collection of view models on your parent view model, and you expose that collection from a property with the same name as a ListBox on your view, then Caliburn.Micro will automatically use the corresponding view for each item in the collection, and bind up each items view model with the view.
You can also use different views over the same view model, and Actions are used to invoke verbs on your view models from view controls, rather than commanding, which allows for much richer imagining of UIs.

Binding a save command WPF

I have a window with 3 textboxes in a grid -this is my view- and I have Save button to add a new user to my user list with the datas from the textboxes.
I want to use a relay command to do this on my viewmodel class but I am quite confused with how to make the bindings. I hope it's clear enough. Any ideas, or examples will be helpful.
thanks in advance.
You should have a ViewModel something like the following :
class UserViewModel
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Password { get; set; }
public String Email { get; set; }
public RelayCommand AddUserCommand { get; set; }
public UserViewModel()
AddUserCommand = new RelayCommand(AddUser);
void AddUser(object parameter)
// Code to add user here.
And you can use it like following :
<TextBox Text="{Binding Name}"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Password}"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Email}"></TextBox>
<Button Command="{Binding AddUserCommand}">Add</Button>
To make this work, put following code in your UserControl/Control/Window's constructor :
DataContext = new UserViewModel();
I presume that you read Josh Smith article: WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern. If you didn't, then read it first, and then download code, because example is very similar to your problem.
Did you created an instance of the ViewModel and putted this instance in the DataContext of your view or stackpanel?
UserViewModel viewModel = new UserViewModel();
UserWindow view = new UserWindow();
view.DataContext = viewModel;
There are several options on coupling the View and the Viewmodel:
Create the View and ViewModel and set the ViewModel to the DataContext property (code above)
Create the ViewModel in the constructor of the View and fill the DataContext property with it
Create a Resource in your view of the type of your ViewModel and fill the DataContext property in XAML
I prefer the first option because you can combine the Views and Viewmodels as you like at runtime.
Hopefully this is a helpfull answer.

WPF + MVVM - How to bind a property to the parent view's data context

Working with the MVVM pattern, I have a pair of view model classes that represent a two-tier data hierarchy, each with a corresponding UserControl that represents its view. Both view model classes implement INotifyPropertyChanged and the root level view model exposes a property that is relevant to both its own view and the child view.
The root level view acquires the root level view model as its data context and explicitly assigns a data context to its contained view. However, it also needs to bind one of the properties of the child view to the above-mentioned shared property. Here is how I have attempted to achieve this, but it's not working:
<UserControl x:Name="rootView">
<!-- other controls here -->
DataContext="{Binding Path=SelectedChild}"
EditingMode="{Binding ElementName=rootView, Path=DataContext.EditingMode />
Although there are no runtime binding errors and the child view correctly binds to the appropriate child view model instance, its EditingMode property is never set. I have run tests to verify that the corresponding view model property is being modified and that it is notifying this change via INotifyPropertyChanged, but the binding fails to detect it.
Is there a better way to declare this binding or have I made a more basic architectural error?
Many thanks for your advice,
Update: As requested, I am posting some code to show a very simplified version of my views and view models, together with the results of an experiment that I have conducted that may provide some additional clues.
// The relevant parts of the ParentViewModel class
public class ParentViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Although not shown, the following properties
// correctly participate in INotifyPropertyChanged
public ChildViewModel SelectedChild { get; private set; }
public ContentEditingMode EditingMode { get; private set; }
// The relevant parts of the ChildViewModel class
public class ChildViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// No properties of ChildViewModel affect this issue.
// The relevant parts of the ParentView class
public partial class ParentView : UserControl
// No properties of ParentView affect this issue.
// The relevant members of the ChildView class
public partial class ChildView : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty EditingModeProperty =
public ContentEditingMode EditingMode
get { return (ContentEditingMode)GetValue(EditingModeProperty); }
set { SetValue(EditingModeProperty, value); }
// The enumeration used for the EditingMode property
public enum ContentEditingMode
My intention is that the DataContext of the parent view instance will be assigned an instance of ParentViewModel and it will, in turn, assign the value of its SelectedChild property to the DataContext of the nested ChildView. All of this seems to work correctly, but the problem arises because the binding between ParentViewModel.EditingMode and ChildView.EditingMode does not work.
In an attempt to test whether there is a problem with my binding expression, I introduced a TextBlock adjacent to the ChildView and bound it similarly to the ParentViewModel.EditingMode property:
<UserControl x:Name="rootView">
<!-- other controls here -->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=rootView, Path=DataContext.EditingMode}" />
DataContext="{Binding Path=SelectedChild}"
EditingMode="{Binding ElementName=rootView, Path=DataContext.EditingMode />
In this test, the TextBlock is correctly updated every time the source property changes. However, if I set a breakpoint on the setter of ChildView.EditingMode, it never gets hit.
I'm baffled !
The simplest way to fix this is in your view model. Implement an EditingMode property in the child view model and bind to it. That way, you don't have to make any kind of guesses about what the right way to establish the binding might be; also, it's something that you can test outside of the UI.
Actually the right solution is not quite as simple, but it's worth knowing how to do.
What you want is for EditingMode in the child control to efficiently inherit its value from the parent control. Does that sound like something that anything else in WPF does? Like just about every framework element that implements dependency properties?
Implement EditingMode as a dependency property in both the parent and child UserControls and use property value inheritance, as described here. That takes the inheritance behavior out of the view model entirely and puts it where it belongs.
See if you can just use a full path to get the editing mode of the selected child:
DataContext="{Binding SelectedChild}"
EditingMode="{Binding SelectedChild.EditingMode />
