Binding a save command WPF - wpf

I have a window with 3 textboxes in a grid -this is my view- and I have Save button to add a new user to my user list with the datas from the textboxes.
I want to use a relay command to do this on my viewmodel class but I am quite confused with how to make the bindings. I hope it's clear enough. Any ideas, or examples will be helpful.
thanks in advance.

You should have a ViewModel something like the following :
class UserViewModel
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Password { get; set; }
public String Email { get; set; }
public RelayCommand AddUserCommand { get; set; }
public UserViewModel()
AddUserCommand = new RelayCommand(AddUser);
void AddUser(object parameter)
// Code to add user here.
And you can use it like following :
<TextBox Text="{Binding Name}"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Password}"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Email}"></TextBox>
<Button Command="{Binding AddUserCommand}">Add</Button>
To make this work, put following code in your UserControl/Control/Window's constructor :
DataContext = new UserViewModel();

I presume that you read Josh Smith article: WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern. If you didn't, then read it first, and then download code, because example is very similar to your problem.

Did you created an instance of the ViewModel and putted this instance in the DataContext of your view or stackpanel?
UserViewModel viewModel = new UserViewModel();
UserWindow view = new UserWindow();
view.DataContext = viewModel;
There are several options on coupling the View and the Viewmodel:
Create the View and ViewModel and set the ViewModel to the DataContext property (code above)
Create the ViewModel in the constructor of the View and fill the DataContext property with it
Create a Resource in your view of the type of your ViewModel and fill the DataContext property in XAML
I prefer the first option because you can combine the Views and Viewmodels as you like at runtime.
Hopefully this is a helpfull answer.


Binding to a specific object in MVVM

In WPF using MVVM can we bind a textbox to a property of a specific instance , that is to one particular object ?
The short answer? Yes, what you are describing is kind of the purpose behind databinding.
Here is the extended answer in form of an example.
<Grid DataContext={Binding myViewModel}>
<TextBlock Text={Binding myTextProperty}/>
public class Main{
public ViewModelObject myViewModel { get; set; }
public void Main(){
myViewModel = new ViewModelObject();
this.DataContext = this;
public class ViewModelObject{
public string myTextProperty{
get { return "It works!"; }
This will work. If you want a deeper example or understanding you need to research the following.
How WPF works

Binding to a property of the DataContext of another control

iv'e got 2 panels in an app game
they are both bound to different elements .
GameDetailsPanel.DataContext = game ;
GameBoardPanel.DataContext = gameBoard ;
*Game has a Turn Property * .
public Class Game
public bool Turn{ get; set;}
now i need to bind one of GameBoardPanel to the value of the Property Turn ,
*for example : something along the lines of *
<Button Fill={Binding Source=GameDetailsPanel.DataContext , Path=Turn } ></Button>
how can i reference GameDetailsPanel.DataContext in my binding ?
For the benefit of searchers, you can bind to the datacontext of another control as detailed here.
The quick solution in my case looked like:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=ucClientDetails,
where 'ucClientDetails' was a user control bound to a viewmodel containing client details (including FullName).
I would recommend having your game and gameBoard properties on a wrapper view model and then setting the datacontext of your view to the wrapper view model. That way in your button's Fill binding you could simply reference the appropriate property on your view model:
public Class Wrapper_ViewModel
public Game game{ get; set; }
public T gameBoard{ get; set; }
<Button Fill={Binding Path=game.Turn} ></Button>
However, for more one-off scenarios you could use the relative source binding attribute and hook another elements data context, as in this example:
Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate
use simply
<Button Fill="{Binding ElementName=GameDetailsPanel,Path=DataContext.Turn}"></Button>
this element binding.

WPF Dependency Property workaround

There are 3 UserControls under a MainWindow. Each control have it's own Save Button. The Mainwindow has a SaveAll button.
The MainWindow has a ContentControl and the content property is binded to the VM. At runtime on ButtonClickCommand, the View is instantiated and assigned to the Content Property.
This SaveAll button will internally call methods associated with UserControls Save button. As such, SaveAll doesn't have it's own Method.
This has to be implemented by DependencyProperty.
I had once seen this scenario implemented in a Business App, but somehow missed the concept behind it.
I can't get what was the logic behind this, but it's a very useful thing.
Now I have to implement this, but i'm missing a small thing, I dont know.
I hope the scenario is clear.
Please help me in this scenario, with code.
Since you mentioned MVVM, here's what you might be looking for. Mind you, this will be a lot cleaner and easier if you use an MVVM framework such as Caliburn, but for this sample, its just vanilla MVVM:
public class MainViewModel
public MainViewModel()
ViewOneModel = new SubViewModel();
ViewTwoModel = new SubViewModel();
Children = new List<SubViewModel>(new[] { ViewOneModel, ViewTwoModel });
public void SaveAll()
foreach(var child in Children)
public IList<SubViewModel> Children { get; private set; }
public SubViewModel ViewOneModel { get; set; }
public SubViewModel ViewTwoModel { get; set; }
public class SubViewModel
public void Save()
and on the UI you basically have subviews (UserControls) composed in your main view:
<Button Width="100" Height="20" Content="Save All" />
<local:ViewOne DataContext="{Binding ViewOneModel}" />
<local:ViewTwo DataContext="{Binding ViewTwoModel}" />
You just need to bind the save methods to your buttons using an ICommand interface (preferably RelayCommand instance).
Imho in this scenario there is no need for RoutedEvents. The way I would solve it:
There is a Main-ViewModel that exposes 3 properties with the Sub-ViewModels.
The MainViewModel is the Datacontext for the window, and the subviewmodels bound to the datacontext of the 3 usercontrols.
The sub vm's are exposing a property with a Save-Command. This command is bound to the save buttons in the usercontrols.
The main vm is exposing a property with a saveall-command, which is bound to the SaveAll button.
In the handler of the save all command you are then iterating over the sub-vm's and call save on them.

XAML Binding to a CollectionViewSource property on a ViewModel

I have a simple ViewModel like:
public class MainViewModel {
ObservableCollection<Project> _projects;
public MainViewModel() {
// Fill _projects from DB here...
ProjectList.Source = _projects;
ProjectList.Filter = ...;
public CollectionViewSource ProjectList { get; set; }
I set the window's DataContext to a new instance of that ViewModel in the constructor:
public MainWindow() {
this.DataContext = new MainViewModel();
Then in the Xaml I am attempting to bind the ItemsSource of a ListBox to that ProjectList property.
Binding just ItemsSource like so doesn't work:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ProjectList}" ItemTemplate="..." />
But if I first rebase the DataContext this works:
<ListBox DataContext="{Binding ProjectList}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" ItemTemplate="..." />
Shouldn't the first method work properly? What might I be doing wrong?
If you are using CollectionViewSource you need to bind ItemsSource to ProjectList.View instead of ProjectList. That should solve your problem.
From what you provided the first method should perfectly work. Devil lurks somewhere in details.
PS: Maybe you didn't specify implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged interface in sake of post size, but be careful in production. It's very easy to get a memory leak if you don't implement it.

Binding Enum[] to ListBox

I have next enumeration
Enum rcCategory
and I have property "categories" in my class which has rcCategory[] type.
I would like to bind this property to the listBox. I use next code for this
MyListBox.SetBinding (ListBox.ItemsSource, new Binding {Source= myClass.categories});
But this code doesnt work as expected.
How Can I do this. My listBox always is empty but source property has value
See Bea Stollnitz top ranked article on it.
In short you need to bind to an ObjectProvider which calls the static method Enum.GetValues( typeof(YourEnum) ) to return the list.
Update: Sorry got a slight speedreading issue. This one is easier.. Verified that it works. Recommended: Find up a copy of ProgrammingWPF and go thru the DataBinding chapter...
<ListBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" ItemsSource="{Binding EnumArrayProp}"/>
public partial class Window1 : Window
public rcCategory[] EnumArrayProp
get; set;
public Window1()
this.EnumArrayProp = new rcCategory[] { rcCategory.Incoming, rcCategory.Incoming, rcCategory.Outgoing };
this.DataContext = this;
