Filter results via selectbox! - cakephp

How can I filter Results by County,District,City with dropdown select.
Is there a way to do it in Cake way, because currently I'm doing it classic way, by passing Id to url, like:
But this is very bad hack, because I have to explode $this->here and not good thing. I don't know if there is uri class like in codeigniter, so I can play with $this->uri->segment().
In fact my problem is that I need to see if isset then pass it.

Have you considered named parameters?
Add/remove Cake named URL parameter for a link


cakePHP Paginator::numbers() function does not include a page:1 parameter in the link for the first page

I have been trying to create a component like the Bakery's Paginator Recall that would allow me to save pagination data for CakePHP 2.4 and run into the following issue.
All solutions involve saving the Paginator parameters in the session and then retrieving and applying them upon returning to that same page without specifying any.
This approach would have worked if only the Paginator helper functions like numbers(), first() and previous() would include the page:1 named parameter in the links that they generate for moving to the first page like the corresponding function of the 1.3 version.
Unfortunately all of these functions create URLs without the page parameter when they refer to the first page, so when users click on the first page link, the component does not find any paging info and hence it returns them to the previous position.
There must be some way to work around this, but for the moment I am completely stuck.
NOT including the page number in the link to the first page is by design.
Read the reason on the CakePHP 2.4 Migration guide.
I would suggest to use the same convention. When you do not have pagination information assume is page one, and do not add it to your URLs.
So all you have to do is code this special case when then pagination is missing. And in this special case your "recall" component will simply not add that page.
I believe that I have managed to create a working solution. Thanks to the advice I have received I have now created a working component like the original PaginationRecallCompoent.
I have written all the details in the following blog post.

CakePHP: Use current parameters to render another view

I have a searchable, sortable table in cakephp. The search and sort criteria are passed as named parameters. Now I would like to add a button which calls a method viewPdf on the very same controller to create a PDF showing the current table content. In fact, I get the correct PDF output just by replacing the action parameter in my url. But how do I get the correct link url for the button with all the current parameters?
I could implode all the values and keys of $this->params->named but I am sure there is a much better way to achieve what I want.
You are actually pretty close. You can form such a link using
$url = array('action' => 'pdf') + $this->request->params['named'];
echo $this->Html->link('Title', $url);
Assuming you are using cake2.x (which you always should mention in your question!).

Grab a variable from the URL and then pass it to a controller CakePHP 2.0

I'm trying to build a sort of Wordpress-esque CMS system to a project I'm building. I want the user to be able to create pages on the fly, and for them to appear in certain areas of the website.
I have made something similar in Symfony2, where the controller grabs a specific variable from the URL (as definded in the route.yml file, usually $id etc) and I then use the variable in the controller to display whatever content it relates to in the database.
However, I'm not used to CakePHP 2.0, and struggling to find what I need. I know it's possible, but I don't know the best way to achieve it. Especially as CakePHP uses a different routes file than Symfony.
How would I grab a variable from the URL and pass it for use inside a controller?
By variable do you mean GET query string parameters, like in /foo?key=value? You can access them in the controller through the request object: $this->request->query['key'].
If you are looking for something more integrated you can use CakePHP's default routes or make your own.
The default routes work with URLs like /controller/action/param1/param2 and pass the parameters to the action by position. For instance /posts/view/521 maps to a call to view(521) in PostsController, and /posts/byMonth/2012/02 maps to a call to byMonth("2012","02").
You can also use named parameters and the URLs look like /controller/action/key1:value1/key2:value2. In controller actions you would read them with $this->params['named']['key1'].
With custom routes you can make your URLs anything you want. You're not forced to the /controller/action pattern; you can make /archives/2012-02 map to PostsController::byMonth(2012,2), or have /512-post-title map to PostsController::view(512).
Typically you would start out with the default routes and add custom routes when you decide you need them. You can read all about the default and custom routes in
Short answer: it depends.
If you're looking to pass parameters to a function, you don't need to mess with routes at all; every non-named URL path segment is processed in order and handed to the action as method parameters (so /controller/action/1234 passes "1234" as the first parameter to the action method in the controller controller class).
Named parameters allow you to pass parameters anywhere in the URL string, and to make them optional. The form is just key:value and they're accessed via $this->params['named'] in the controller.
The last option is prefix routing. The best place to get to speed on that is naturally the CakePHP Cookbook, but the general gist is that in a route definition, you can name a path component in the URL by prefixing it with a colon, identically to how the default routes show :controller, :plugin and :action. You can define any name you like, even optionally applying regex pattern requirements and then access it through $this->params['variablename'] in the controller.

CakePHP a class that can be used anywhere?

I have a multi-domain site. Depending on the domain the site needs to behave accordingly.
I created a helper called CompanyInfo it has methods such as name(), phone(), email(), etc.
Depending on what domain you are on it returns the correct information.
So for example if I need to display the phone number for a user to call I would use $this->CompanyInfo->phone() and it will display the correct phone number for the user depending on the domain.
Ok, this is all good, but not really relevant. The real issue is, I need this information in more than just the view. Helpers are just for views though. If I want to access this information from a controller I need to create a component to do it.
I really don't want to have a Helper and a Component doing the same thing. I would rather have one class handle it rather than copy and paste logic.
So whats the best way to have a class with methods that can be accessed from the controller or view or even model?
Is it just this kind of static information (name, phonenumber, email, etc) what you need to display? Why not just add them to your configuration in core.php?
Something like
# in core.php
Configuration::write('', 'Acme Corp.');
Configuration::write('', '');
You can then get this info anywhere you need using
You can define this variable in your app_controller and then use these variable easily in any of your controller as set these variables from there only.
Call this function in your construct class.
i think that will solve your problem.
You can access model classes from any place this way :
$companyInfoModel = ClassRegistry::init('CompanyInfo');
$phone = $companyInfoModel->phone();
a) you can use libs in cake1.3 for that
b) static model methods which you can pass the content to and which will return the expected value
echo Model::phone($data)

CakePHP: Passing $this->data to the View from Controller

I'm using CakePHP 1.2 and I'm just wondering if there is any side affect on passing the $this->data to the View from the Controller.
// inside PostsController, I have this code:
$this->data['Posts'] = $this->Post->find('all');
instead of :
$posts = $this->Post->find('all');
// inside the /posts/view, I access it like this:
<?php foreach ($this->data['Posts'] as $post) {....};?>
By doing this, I skipped the $this->set() from the controller all together. Does this violate any MVC pattern or any security issue that I might have overlook? I saw that using the Auth Component, $this->data contains the [_Token] array.
You need to be aware of the different places that Cake Helpers automagically look for data, since that is were it makes a real difference. The Form Helper will fill in fields automatically based on the contents of $this->data. That's how form data persists when validation fails. OTOH, a <select> elements options array is automatically taken from the pluralized field name,
e.g. $form->select('Model.foo_id') will take its options from $foos if set.
As such, $this->data has its special place and shouldn't be used lightly, just as named variables have their use and shouldn't be ignored. Use both as appropriate. If you don't want to auto-set Form Helper content, set() your variables. IMHO it's also more readable to assign a variable name that hints at the data it contains. All your views operating on $this->data is less clear than one view operating on $foo and another on $bar.
In CakePHP 2.x you should use $this->request->data instead if plain $this->data, otherwise you might end up getting this error:
Indirect modification of overloaded property View::$data has no effect
$controller->data is meant for data posted to the control from view file.
$view->data is for general data.
I would avoid doing it to keep myself sane. besides you are typing more in view.
There is no good reason for setting $this->data directly except when working with forms.
Why break convention - Controller:set is there for a reason. If you want to pass data to the view for display or display logic purposes you should use the function provided instead of trying to co-opt Controller:data for unintended purposes.
Everything is easier from within CakePHP if you follow the rules and do things the expected, correct way.
In cakephp version 2.*, error occurs when you try to set data on $this->data
