Dependecy injection(Windsor) on WPF UserControl - wpf

Using DI into MainView is not problem:
I added my windows into my container and on start up I show my windows that has been pulled out from my container. But If I have a usercontrol added into my main view as xaml tag, wpf view engine it will create automatically new instance for it without pulling out the UserControl I added into my container as well.. How can I force WPF view engine to search component required by view/xamal into my container instead of creating new one?

There is no way to do it without modifying your XAML. You can think about some workarounds, for example create a control inherited from ContentControl which will inject dependencies into its Content but I would not recommend this approach, only if you have no choice.
What I would recommend is to use the best WPF pattern - MVVM. The idea is to have a hierarchy of ViewModels, all of them will be created using IoC container with proper constructor injection. Also you will have hierarchy of views, each view will depend only on corresponding viewModel which will be passed into view's DataContext. This approach will allow you to use DI in WPF application nicely.

I think I understood what you suggested me
<Window x:Class="DDDSample02.Wpf.Views.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="384" Width="821">
<presentation:ProductsView DataContext="{Binding Path=ProductsPresenter}" />
where MainWindow is pulled out from container at startup
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
and Mainwindow looks like
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow(DDDSample02.ViewModel.MainWindowPresenter presenter)
this.DataContext = presenter;
public class MainWindowPresenter
public MainWindowPresenter(ProductsPresenter productPresenter)
this.ProductsPresenter = productPresenter;
public ProductsPresenter ProductsPresenter { get; private set; }


Generic ReactiveUserControl "cannot be edited in Design view"

I changed my UserControl to be a ReactiveUserControl and now I can't view the Design View. Is there anything I can do to get the designer to work with ReactiveUserControl?
The Visual Studio designer has issues when your control or window directly inherits from a generic class. This was a pretty common issue with WinForms as well. You can work around this issue by defining another non-generic class that sits between the generic ReactiveUserControl and your control:
public partial class MyUserControl : MyUserControlBase
public MyUserControl()
public abstract class MyUserControlBase: ReactiveUserControl<MyUserControlViewModel>
In the XAML, our root object element is defined as the base element (MyUserControlBase) and its class declaration is connected to the partial class defined above (MyUserControl):

WPF, MVVM IoC: Alternative to Service Locator Pattern. Need dependency in View code behind

Following several guides I have a application layout like below using WPF .NET 4.7.1 and MVVM-Light. I'm totally new to WPF btw.
<Application x:Class="My.App"
<viewmodel:ViewModelLocator x:Key="Locator" />
That registers the "ViewModelLocator" class as a resources and sets the WPF startup to "View/MainView.xaml".
<Window x:Class="My.View.MainView"
<Binding Path="Main" Source="{StaticResource Locator}"/>
Where the ViewModelLocator is used like a Service Locator Pattern. Here setting the DataContext to my "MainViewModel" (not shown). As much as I do not like this, I can live with it in the WPF XAML context. However now it turns out that I need a dependency in the code-behind of the view (not the ViewModel).
public partial class MainView : INotifyPropertyChanged
public MainView()
// Need to access dependency here.
Now I could just call the ViewModelLocator directly in that constructor and have that resolve from my IoC container - but then I've completely given in and accepting that pattern.
I would prefer to have the dependency injected in the ctor of course, and if that is possible, I would also leave the ViewModelLocator entirely and inject the ViewModel here.
So question is, are there some standard way of instructing WPF application to use my container? And if yes, is it adviceable to go down that path and not use the ViewModelLocator thing?
You absolutely do not have to use the ViewModelLocator (Side note, the service locator pattern has had it's fair share of criticism lately as an anti-pattern, but I'll let you form your own opinion). MVVM Light and other Libraries basically give you access to a tool kit. You don't need to use all of the tools, and you should only use what is necessary for your specific domain.
Outside of the ViewModelLocator, there are two patterns known as ViewModel First and View First both have their pro's and cons. However both provide a means to decouple your code, which means it's not difficult to switch later.
As for constructing an application using MVVM Light without the service locator, my implementation of the View First method looks something like this.
I've heard the opinion that ViewModel First is preferred, however I find View First to be more simplistic for Test Driven Development (TDD)
App.xaml.cs (Application Code Behind)
public partial class App : Application
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
var bootStrapper = new BootStrapper();
//Container Builder
var container = bootStrapper.BootStrap();
var mainWindow = container.Resolve<MainWindow>();
BootStrapper.cs (I'm using AutoFac in this case, but you can easily substitute.)
public class BootStrapper
public IContainer BootStrap()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
return builder.Build();
//I rolled my own ViewModelBase, but you can use MVVM Light's ViewModelBase
public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
public string DisplayProgram
get { return _displayProgram; }
//MVVM Light's ViewModelBase uses RaisePropertyChanged();
set { _displayProgram = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
public void Initialize()
//Called from view code behind.
MainWindow.xaml.cs (MainWindow Code Behind)
//When MainWindow.Show()..
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private readonly MainWindowViewModel _viewModel;
//Container resolves dependencies
public MainWindow(MainWindowViewModel viewModel)
//Let base Window class do its thing.
//Handle loaded event
Loaded += MainWindowLoaded;
//Hold on to the MainWindowViewModel, and set it as the windows DataContext
_viewModel = viewModel;
DataContext = _viewModel;
private void MainWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Navigation through button command in viewmodel

I have a WPF application with two pages, now I wanted to navigate to the other page when the button in first the page is clicked (I wrote the command for button in the first page), but the logic should be through the viewmodel. How to achieve this?
When I write WPF applications that need to navigate to different pages, I like to follow Rachel Lim's method to implement it using DataTemplates and ViewModels. You can follow the link to her page to get the exact code for the solution, but I'll give a little summary of her method here.
In her method, she creates a ViewModel that represents the application and has a property called CurrentPage which holds a ViewModel. You can then create a command on the ApplicationViewModel called ChangePage. This command will take the ViewModel that is passed as a parameter and sets it to the CurrentPage.
The xaml takes the responsibility of switching out the correct views. When using this method, I put a ContentControl in my MainWindow and bind the Content property to ApplicationViewModel.CurrentPage. Then in the resources of the MainWindow, I create DataTemplates to tell the view "When I try to display this ViewModel, put that View on the screen".
You don't really provide any code. But I assume your Navigation is in your code behind. You could do this by binding a Command OneWayToSource.
<local:MainWindow x:Class="WpfNameSpace.MainWindow"
NavigatePageCommand="{Binding Path=MyViewModel.NavigateCommand, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
Title="MainWindow" Height="600" Width="800">
Please take a look at local:MainWindow.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public ICommand NavigatePageCommand
get { return (ICommand) GetValue(NavigatePageCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(NavigatePageCommandProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for NavigatePageCommand. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty NavigatePageCommandProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("NavigatePageCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(MainWindow),
new PropertyMetadata(0));
public MainWindow()
NavigatePageCommand = new RelayCommand(Navigate);
public void Navigate()
//Do Navigation here
I assume you are familiar with Commands, ViewModels and Bindings and you get the idea.

Multiple viewmodel interacting with each other

I'm working on a Surface WPF project where we try to implement the MVVM pattern. Within this project we are building a few custom controls which we bind to different viewmodels.
For example we have a settings control which has a settings viewmodel and we have a mainviewmodel which is the "overall" viewmodel.
In our surfacewindows.xaml page we are setting the datacontext to the main viewmodel by using the viewmodel locator in mvvm-light. Also on our surfacewindow.xaml we have added our settings control and on the control we have set the datacontext to the settings viewmodel.
Now we need both viewmodels to interact with each other: The current case is that we need to set the visibility of the settings control. We have a property on the main viewmodel that is a boolean (IsSettingsControlVisible) which is bound to the controls Visibility property by using a converter to convert the boolean to a visibility object.
The problem arises now when we need to set the visibility to not visible by clicking on a close button on the settings control. Because we have set the datacontext on the control to the settings viewmodel, we cannot access the mainviewmodel.
What we have thought of until now is adding the settings viewmodel as a property to the mainviewmodel and remove the datacontext from the settings control. In the settingscontrol we will than use the binding as SettingsProperty.Property. Than we can access the mainviewmodel too from the setttings control. Does that make sense? Are there better ways of doing these kind of interactions?
I really like to hear your ideas about how to make these interactions happen.
I tend to work with graphs of view models that are constructed using Castle Windsor. The top level view model uses constructor injection to receive the next level of view models that it requires. And in the views I bind content presenters to properties on the view models to create the corresponding view graph.
Doing this, it's quite easy for parent child view models to communicate, but a bit harder for sibling or more distant view models to communicate.
In these instances, I tend to use an event aggregator, or Messenger to allow the view models to communicate.
As you are already using MVVMLight, I'd suggest using the MVVM Light toolkits Messenger system. It's intended for message exchange between ViewModels.
The concept behind is the Mediator pattern where different objects exchange information without knowing each other.
Here's an example:
In the SettingsViewModel register to an event that tells to show the settings dialog
public SettingsViewModel()
Messenger.Default.Register<ShowSettingsMessage>(this, ShowSettingsDialog);
private void ShowSettingsDialog(ShowSettingsMessage showSettingsMessage)
// Set the visibility:
this.IsVisible = showSettingsMessage.Content;
In your MainViewModel you send the notification, wrapped in a Message:
// make the settings visible, e.g. the button click command:
Messenger.Default.Send(new ShowSettingsMessage(true));
And here's the message:
// the message:
public class ShowSettingsMessage : GenericMessage<bool>
public ShowSettingsMessage(bool isVisible)
: base(isVisible)
{ }
I wouldn't recommend making the SettingsViewModel a property of the Mainviewmodel as you lose the possibility to use the SettingsViewModel in a different context or even remove/exchange it.
Try to create a Dependency Property on the Settings control called IsSettingControlVisible and bind it with the parent viewModel.
public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
public UserControl1()
public int MyProperty
get { return (int)GetValue(MyPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyPropertyProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for MyProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyPropertyProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyProperty", typeof(int), typeof(UserControl1), new UIPropertyMetadata(0));
and use it like this...
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<local:UserControl1 MyProperty="{Binding Path=ParentViewModelProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}" />

Silverlight - User Control Binding

I am learning Silverlight. In the process, I'm trying to build a custom user control. My ultimate goal is to be able to write the following statement in XAML:
<Canvas><TextBlock Text="Hello!" /></Canvas>
The content of the control will be wrapped in a custom border. Once again, this is just a learning exercise. To append my border, I have create the following UserControl:
<UserControl x:Class="CustomControl"
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<!-- CustomControl Content -->
The code-behind for this file looks like the following:
public partial class CustomControl : UserControl
public UIElement MainContent
get { return (UIElement)GetValue(MainContentProperty); }
set { SetValue(MainContentProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MainContentProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MainContent", typeof(UIElement), typeof(CustomControl),
new PropertyMetadata(null));
public CustomControl()
The thing I am having a problem with is getting the MainContent to appear in my CustomControl. I am confident that I am setting it properly, but I'm not sure how to display it. I really want it to be a DependencyProperty as well so I can take advantage of data binding and animations.
How do I get the MainContent to appear in the CustomControl? Thank you
First you need to wait until the rest of the control has been parsed so you need to hook the loaded event:-
public CustomControl()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(CustomControl_Loaded);
Then in the loaded event assign your MainControl property to the Child property of the border. To do that its best if you give your Border an x:Name which for now I'll simple call "border".
void CustomControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
border.Child = MainControl;
That'll get you going. Of course you may need to deal with the MainControl property being changed dynamically so you need add a bool isLoaded field in your control and set that in the loaded event. When true your MainControl setter should assign the incoming value to the border.Child.
Things can start to get more complicated and in fact I don't recommend this approach to creating a custom control. For a better approach see Creating a New Control by Creating a ControlTemplate
