Custom SignIn & SignUp on RESTlet + GAE/J? - google-app-engine

I am currently working on a small project using RESTlet on Google App Engine/Java.
I was searching.. searching.. and couldn't find the exact or understandable solutions for my doubts.
My question is that How am I suppose to implement my own SignIn & SignUp module without using google's UserService or Spring Security??
Is there any actual sample code available??
I mean SignUp part is just a simple JDO insert & select module. let's just say I've done it.
How am I supposed to handle each user's request session and authentication??
I am thinking about using HTTPS on every request.
Any suggestions or help would be really appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

In Restlet, you have security support on both client and server sides. On client side, you can specify security hints using the ChallengeResponse entity. This feature is open and you can specify the authentication type you want. In the following code, I use an http basic authentication based on username / password:
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource(uri);
ChallengeScheme scheme = ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC;
ChallengeResponse authentication = new ChallengeResponse(
scheme, "username", "password");
Restlet will automatically build necessary headers in the corresponding request. You can note that Restlet supports a wide range of authentication types through its extensions. I know that some work is done at the moment to support OAuth v2 (see
On the server side, you need to secure accesses at routing level using the ChallengeAuthenticator entity, as described below. This can be done within your Restlet application:
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router router = new Router(getContext());
ChallengeAuthenticator guard = new ChallengeAuthenticator(getContext(),
ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, "realm");
return guard;
Like for client side, this support is generic and is based on two interfaces that need to be specified on the guard:
The verifier one to check if authentication is successful
The enroler one to fill roles for the authenticated user
You can notice that same security technologies need to be use on both sides...
If you want to manage authentication session for user, you need to implement it by yourself using cookies.
When authentication successes on server side, you can return a cookie containing a security token that allows you checking the user from your database (for example). Some code like below can implement that:
CookieSetting cookie = new CookieSetting(0,
Series<CookieSetting> cookieSettings = response.getCookieSettings();
You can extend for example the SecretVerifier class of Restlet to add a test on security data received and add this code when receiving the security cookie.
On client side, you need to add hints for authentication the first time and then re send the security cookie following times, as described below:
ClientResource clientResource = (...)
Cookie securityCookie = new Cookie(0,
Hope it will help you!

If you are interested in re-using social accounts, you need to integrate with each one like facebook oauth
And/Or use the app engine authentication via OpenID
Both ways define an API to authenticate a client, you can use the UserService or manage your own state via cookies.


Authorization and authentication in web application with ASP.NET Core backend and React frontend?

I have a web application, where the frontend is built with react.js and typescript and the backend is build with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and connected to a SQL Server. The SQL Server is used for saving data, which I can enter in the frontend.
Now I want to implement a custom authentication system, where I can protect different endpoints with an authorization. I know there are several ways to go for, but I don't want to use a service / library, where a user could login with his google account for example.
Jwt seems in my Opinion a good way to go here, but I really don't understand the whole system.
This article helped me already a lot: Implementing authentication and authorization with React hooks, .NET Core Web API, and SQL Server .After reading this, I don't understand the relationship between logging in and how my backend knows, that a user is logged in (for protecting my endpoints).
Of course I already read many articles about authentication and authorization for ASP.NET Core. I've read about different services like:
Auth0 (seems not a good idea, because you can login with google etc.)
IdentityUI (seems good, I've seen a few youtube tutorials but they are all using another project structure, where the frontend and backend isn't separated. So they are using the razor pages like Login.cshtml, but I don't want to render any pages in the backend, only in the frontend)
For authorization for my controller in the backend, I planned to use the following:
[Authorize] // to protect endpoint
public async Task<IEnumerable<>> GetData()
// some code
But as I already said: I don't know / understand how my backend knows if a user is logged in (and how to check it).
Could somebody provide me an appropriate tutorial or an article, where is explained, how to manage authorization and authentication for frontend and backend? Or maybe somebody knows, how to use the IdentityUI with a frontend build with react + typescript and a backend, which shouldn't render any pages.
Thanks for your attention :)
Well... for detailed flow how they work, here is RFC 6749, this is a pretty comprehensive collection of knowledge related to the topic and the easiest approach would be wiki page in general.
But to simplify the process, just get to know these things:
What is JWT
Jwt just a string that was generated by some algorithm from a public/private key pair(don't even care how it works, just give it a key pair, some lib on every language would do the rest). This JWT often contain all the information that needed to specify who the user is(big word right ? but actually, userId is enough for simple case).
It contain 3 different parts Header, Payload and Signature, and the string assured it cannot be interrupted(or just modify it as we wish, and the validation process would failed).
Further detail here.
What happen on server side?
The most basically flow was send user, password to server for validate who we are and our account exists. Then, server side would take some necessary info out of it to generate the JWT token. The server which generate JWT token was normally refer to Identity Provider.
Then that token was send back to client, and client save it somewhere for later use.
Client side use token to request other resource
Normally, Identity Provider would provide a .wellknow endpoint that contain all necessary info for other resources to gather for validation process.
Now, client side send a http request to these resources with the JWT token. They use info gathered from .wellknow endpoint to validate was the JWT valid. If it is, we are who we claim we are, authentication process success.
The end.
Over-simplyfied flow imagination in your specific case
React Client => Request login => Identity Provider => Jwt Token send back => React client save it somewhere.
React Client => Request some resource over http with the JWT token => Resource server validate it (through info from .wellknow endpoint) => Authentication success or fail => normal process => send response back to client.

Retrieving Emails from Office365 using OAuth2.0

I am looking for a complete Step-by-step to accomplish the following objective. I have been looking around and trying many, many ways, but not one of them works.
Objective: using C# .net core code (in Azure Functions) connect to a shared mailbox of Office 365 to retrieve emails [with date filter] to do some processing, then move that email from Inbox into another folder (Processed). I want to use MailKit (or something similar
that is free and has MIT license) to retrieve, load and parse the emails.
What I have done, but of course, I can be way off…
In Azure Active Directory, I have created an App Registration
In API Permissions, I have added and granted (I am an admin) a lot of permissions (everything I guess may be related to this, from
Email, to IMAP, SMTP, POP, Application, User and a bunch of other permissions.
In Certificates & Secrets, I created a client secret and recorded the secret (Value)
From Overview, I recorded the Client ID, Tenant ID, etc.
Code (I tried several variation of this…)
string[] scopes = {"" }
for scopes, I have also tried:
var authority = authority + tenant;
for authority, I have also tried:
“”, etc…
var client = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
.WithAuthority(new Uri(authority))
/* Fails every time! */
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default;
var authResult = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes)
/* MailKit to retrieve emails… */
any step-by-step code using MailKit to
accomplish the Objective would be much appreciated.
Firstly, you should not use this method to get the access token.
var client = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
.WithAuthority(new Uri(authority))
This method is using client credential flow which is not supported to use IMAP.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission.
This method mentioned by jstedfast is using Interactive provider. The interactive flow is used by mobile applications (Xamarin and UWP) and desktops applications to call Microsoft Graph.
So if configuring "http://localhost" as a Public client (mobile & desktop) redirect URI for your application doesn't work, I don't think you could implement it in the C# .net core Azure Function app. Azure Function app doesn't support login interactively within it. You can only use it in a console app.
But there are 2 workarounds which allow you to get the user access token for Microsoft Graph.
Implement Username/password provider to generate the client and access token. But it is using ROPC flow which is not recommended by Microsoft. See details on Warning tip.
Configure additional Login Params in App service to get the access token to call Microsoft Graph. Please refer to CONFIGURING AN APP SERVICE TO GET AN ACCESS TOKEN FOR AAD GRAPH API. The key point is changing the additionaloginparams to the following [“response_type=code id_token”, “resource=”]. Related official document here.

Can someone explain HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token")

I have implemented an ASP.NET Core MVC Client using Hybrid flow, and I am wondering what the HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token") does.
If you need more background on my question:
The instructions for accessing an API from with an ASP.Net Core Client App Controller Action are generally as follows:
var accessToken = await HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
var client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.GetAsync("http://localhost:5001/api/stuff");
There is magic in httpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token") :-)
I am wondering what this function might be doing. Is it decrypting the access token from a cookie in the MVC App Domain? ... from the ID4 Domain?
I am sorry but I have been unable to find sufficient documentation on what this does or finding the cookie the access token may be in. I have looked here:
Does anyone know what it does? A link to more thorough documentation is a totally appreciated answer.
You can store arbitrary tokens in your authentication cookie in and that method simply returns one with a given name. Actually setting that would have happened during the sign in process. So in short, it comes from the authentication cookie for your client application and would typically be set at the point of sign in using IdSrv4.
It's a way for the client webapp to confirm separately whether the user really did authenticate with IdentityServer (the user comes to your webapp, the webapp forwards the user to IdentityServer for authentication). The id_token comes back with the user to your webapp in a browser cookie, basically when your webapp sees that id token, it does an independent check with IdentityServer, and if it represents a valid user authentication, you'll get an access token back. You can use that access token to get user claims from the userinfo endpoint.
After all of the above, you can take one of the claims and use it as a key for your application's roles/permissions.

Scope for multiple web apis

I have 2 web apis (A and B) on my b2c. Each one of them publishes their own permissions respectively (scopeA1, scopeA2) and (scopeB1, scopeB2).
On my web application (which already configured and have granted access permission on both apis and the 4 scopes), in order to get authorization code for both apis during authentication, I tried to set my OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptionsin scope property to include the 4 scopes.
I got an error AADB2C90146: The scope 'scopeA1 scopeA2 scopeB1 scopeB2 openid offline_access' provided in request specifies more than one resource for an access token, which is not supported.
While if I specify only scopes for web api A or B, then it works as per this link
How can I get my web app to use both web apis even with granted permissions for both
Thanks for help
If the two web APIs are separate applications in Azure AD, then you need to request access tokens separately for them.
I'm not familiar with the sample you used as a starting point, but it looks like these lines are where you need to make your change:
// Retrieve the token using the provided scopes
ConfidentialClientApplication app = new ConfidentialClientApplication(authority, Startup.ClientId,
Startup.RedirectUri, credential,
new NaiveSessionCache(userObjectID, this.HttpContext));
AuthenticationResult result = await app.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(scope);
accessToken = result.Token;
You should create an app instance for each of your APIs, and acquire a token for each of them. Then, when you call the APIs somewhere else, use the correct access token in the Bearer authentication header.
I had the same issue and asked a similar question Extend MSAL to support multiple Web APIs
but i have not had an answer, basically to get around it in the short term i have made both my API's use the same authorization client ID + secret and therefore I can reuse the same scopes accross my APIS
its not what i want but if you want to use Azure AD B2C you need to get used to compromising for a while until the support is there
-- I would also say you are using an older version of MSAL which i am also using, im waiting until the version 1 release before upgrading again.
The github talks about using this format
Step 1: Add MSAL to your Solution/Project
Right click on your project > Manage packages.
Select include prerelease > search msal.
Select the Microsoft.Identity.Client package > install.
Step 2: Instantiate MSAL and Acquire a Token
Create a new PublicClientApplication instance. Make sure to fill in your
app/client id
PublicClientApplication myApp = new PublicClientApplication(CLIENT_ID);
Acquire a token
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await
Step 3: Use the token!
The access token can now be used in an HTTP Bearer request.

How to use SAML authentication in a mobile application?

I'm trying to understand how an saml authentication flow could work in a mobile environment where the client (AngularJS based), api server (Node & passport based), and idp exist on different domains.
From what I've gathered the general practice is to have the server return a 401 to the client if there's no authentication present (i.e. the client didn't include a bearer token in the request). The client understands that a 401 response indicates to open up the login endpoint on the server. When the login endpoint is opened it makes a passport call to the auth provider (which redirects the user to the auth provider's site) and supplies a callback URL. When the user authenticates, the auth provider redirects to the provided callback URL, which allows the server to retrieve information from the auth provider's response and construct a token of some sort (e.g. JWT) that can be used by the client (i.e. included in the headers) when making REST calls to identify itself.
My question is: How does the client get the token from the server? Because we're in a redirect-based authentication flow, I can't just return token from the callback function; that would just display the token in the browser without handing it off of to the client. Does the server just issue a 302 redirect pointing back to the client domain and include the authentication token in a header? Maybe I should not redirect from the client to the server in the first place and instead and use window.opener.postMessage or is that too old fashioned/mobile-unfriendly?
This question talks about authentication against a SAML IDP, but I'm interested in getting more details specifically about that last bullet point and how it would work with an AngularJS-based client.
Many examples I've seen online are either a single domain using OAuth/SAML (passport-saml-example), which avoids the issue of having the client exist on a separate domain, or use two domains with basic authentication, which avoids the issue of redirecting to some third party for authentication, but I'm having trouble finding good examples that uses all the bits and pieces I'm trying to work with.
This blog post seems very close to what I'm trying to accomplish (see googleSignInCallback) and uses a 302 redirect like I imagined but that solution relies on explicitly knowing the client URL to redirect to, which seems like it could be problematic if I wanted to support multiple client types (i.e. Native applications) in the future.
Eventually I was able to work together a solution by having my application open a browser window (Cordova's InAppBrowser) to a SAML-enabled application, have that application complete the normal SAML flow, and then that SAML-enabled application generated a JWT. My mobile application was then able to extract the JWT string from the browser window with the InAppBrowser's executeScript functionality. Then I could pass that JWT string along to my API server, which was able to validate the JWT is properly signed and trusted.
After I implemented my solution I saw that there was similar functionality available on github:
Hopefully this helps anyone else trying to deal with this issue!
