Unix Shell Script - Putting $input into file - file

I need to put $input into the file spelled.. but this code leaves the file empty. I am only correcting the first word that comes up in the array, so i'm thinking that when I just hit 'Enter' that it is rewriting the file over? any help?
# store words in file
cat $1 | ispell -l > file
# move words in file into array
array=($(< file))
# remove temp file
rm file
# print out words & ask for corrections
for ((i=0; i<${#array[#]}; i++ ))
read -p "' ${array[i]} ' is mispelled. Press "Enter" to keep
this spelling, or type a correction here: " input
echo $input > spelled
# show corrections
cat spelled

Use >> instead of > if you want to append when the file exists.
echo $input >> spelled


Read lines looping over array which contains filenames in bash

In bash, I would like to loop over a previously defined array, which contains filenames. In turn, each file of the array must be readed and processed dynamically (while read line...).
This is an example of what the files of the array contains:
_VALUE1_,_VALUE1_,1,Name 1
_VALUE2_,_VALUE2_,1,Name 2
_VALUE3_,_VALUE3_,1,Name 3
_VALUE4_,_VALUE4_,1,Name 4
_VALUE5_,_VALUE5_,1,Name 5
This is what I've tested with no luck.
. functions.sh
GEN_ARQ_ARRAY=("./cfg_file.txt" "./euro_file.txt" "./zl_file.txt")
WB_ARQ_ARRAY=("./rn_cfg_wb_file.txt" "./rn_eur_wb_file.txt" "./rn_zl_wb_file.txt")
BN_ARQ_ARRAY=("./rn_cfg_bn_file.txt" "./rn_eur_bn_file.txt" "./rn_zl_bn_file.txt")
AM_ARQ_ARRAY=("./rn_cfg_am_file.txt" "./rn_eur_am_file.txt" "./rn_zl_am_file.txt")
for i in "${!GEN_ARQ_ARRAY[#]}"; do
while IFS=$'\r' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]];do
STACK_NAME=${line%%,*} # Gets the first substring of a string divided by ','
STACK_STATUS=$(curl -su "${USERNAME}":"${PASSWORD}" -X GET http://"${SERVER_NAME}":9100/api/stacks/"${STACK_NAME}"/state | ./jq-linux64 -cr '.result.value')
if [[ $(echo "$STACK_STATUS" | tr -d '\r') == "$STATUS_BOOL" ]]; then
echo "${line}" >> "${GEN_ARQ_ARRAY[i]}"
case ${line} in
*"ARQBS"*|*"ARCBS"*|*"ARQWB"*|*"ARCWB"*) echo "${line}" >> "${WB_ARQ_ARRAY[$i]}";;
*"ARQOF"*|*"ARCOF"*|*"ARQBN"*|*"ARCBN"*) echo "${line}" >> "${BN_ARQ_ARRAY[$i]}";;
*"ARQAM"*|*"ARCAM"*) echo "${line}" >> "${AM_ARQ_ARRAY[$i]}";;
*) echo "$(logWarn) No matches -- ${STACK_NAME}" | tee -a "$LOGFILE";;
echo "$(logInfo) ${STACK_NAME} is not running" | tee -a "$LOGFILE"
done < "${GEN_ARQ_ARRAY[i]}"
Problem here is that the for loop starts, detects array content, gets the first value of the array, enter into while, and it constantly loops in the first position of the array even with the end of the file is reached. I can't find the way to exit the while loop and continue with the next array position.
I'm pretty sure there is a better way to implement this.
Hearing your ideas!
Solved by replacing the line echo "${line}" >> "${GEN_ARQ_ARRAY[i]}", which was in-loop filling up the file.
Solved by replacing the line echo "${line}" >> "${GEN_ARQ_ARRAY[i]}", which was in-loop filling up the file. Once I did, the code worked flawlessly.

Store the output of find command in an array [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I store the "find" command results as an array in Bash
(8 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
How do I put the result of find $1 into an array?
In for loop:
for /f "delims=/" %%G in ('find $1') do %%G | cut -d\/ -f6-
I want to cry.
In bash:
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
file_list=("${file_list[#]}" "$file")
done < <(find "$1" -print0)
echo "${file_list[#]}"
file_list is now an array containing the results of find "$1
What's special about "field 6"? It's not clear what you were attempting to do with your cut command.
Do you want to cut each file after the 6th directory?
for file in "${file_list[#]}" ; do
echo "$file" | cut -d/ -f6-
But why "field 6"? Can I presume that you actually want to return just the last element of the path?
for file in "${file_list[#]}" ; do
echo "${file##*/}"
Or even
echo "${file_list[#]##*/}"
Which will give you the last path element for each path in the array. You could even do something with the result
for file in "${file_list[#]##*/}" ; do
echo "$file"
Explanation of the bash program elements:
(One should probably use the builtin readarray instead)
find "$1" -print0
Find stuff and 'print the full file name on the standard output, followed by a null character'. This is important as we will split that output by the null character later.
<(find "$1" -print0)
"Process Substitution" : The output of the find subprocess is read in via a FIFO (i.e. the output of the find subprocess behaves like a file here)
while ...
done < <(find "$1" -print0)
The output of the find subprocess is read by the while command via <
IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file
This is the while condition:
Read one line of input (from the find command). Returnvalue of read is 0 unless EOF is encountered, at which point while exits.
-d $'\0'
...taking as delimiter the null character (see QUOTING in bash manpage). Which is done because we used the null character using -print0 earlier.
backslash is not considered an escape character as it may be part of the filename
Result (first word actually, which is unique here) is put into variable file
The command is run with IFS, the special variable which contains the characters on which read splits input into words unset. Because we don't want to split.
And inside the loop:
file_list=("${file_list[#]}" "$file")
Inside the loop, the file_list array is just grown by $file, suitably quoted.
arrayname=( $(find $1) )
I don't understand your loop question? If you look how to work with that array then in bash you can loop through all array elements like this:
for element in $(seq 0 $((${#arrayname[#]} - 1)))
echo "${arrayname[$element]}"
This is probably not 100% foolproof, but it will probably work 99% of the time (I used the GNU utilities; the BSD utilities won't work without modifications; also, this was done using an ext4 filesystem):
declare -a BASH_ARRAY_VARIABLE=$(find <path> <other options> -print0 | sed -e 's/\x0$//' | awk -F'\0' 'BEGIN { printf "("; } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { printf "%c"gensub(/"/, "\\\\\"", "g", $i)"%c ", 34, 34; } } END { printf ")"; }')
Then you would iterate over it like so:
for FIND_PATH in "${BASH_ARRAY_VARIABLE[#]}"; do echo "$FIND_PATH"; done
Make sure to enclose $FIND_PATH inside double-quotes when working with the path.
Here's a simpler pipeless version, based on the version of user2618594
declare -a names=$(echo "("; find <path> <other options> -printf '"%p" '; echo ")")
for nm in "${names[#]}"
echo "$nm"
To loop through a find, you can simply use find:
for file in "`find "$1"`"; do
echo "$file" | cut -d/ -f6-
It was what I got from your question.

populate and read an array with a list of filenames

Trivial question.
if test -z "$1"
echo "No args!"
for newname in $(cat $1); do
echo $newname
I want to replace that echo inside the loop with array population code.
Then, after the loop ends, I want to read the array again and echo the contents.
If the file, as your code shows, has a set of files, each in one line, you can assign the value to the array as follows:
array=(`cat $1`)
After that, to process every element you can do something like:
for i in ${array[#]} ; do echo "file = $i" ; done
declare -a files
while IFS= read -r
files+=("$REPLY") # Array append
done < "$1"
echo "${files[*]}" # Print entire array separated by spaces
cat is not needed for this.
files=( )
for f in $(cat $1); do
for f in ${files[#]}; do
echo "file = $f"

how do I output the contents of a while read line loop to multiple arrays in bash?

I read the files of a directory and put each file name into an array (SEARCH)
Then I use a loop to go through each file name in the array (SEARCH) and open them up with a while read line loop and read each line into another array (filecount). My problem is its one huge array with 39 lines (each file has 13 lines) and I need it to be 3 seperate arrays, where
filecount1[line1] is the first line from the 1st file and so on. here is my code so far...
typeset -A files
for file in ${SEARCH[#]}; do
while read line; do
done < "$file"
So, Thanks Ivan for this example! However I'm not sure I follow how this puts it into a seperate array because with this example wouldnt all the arrays still be named "files"?
If you're just trying to store the file contents into an array:
declare -A contents
for file in "${!SEARCH[#]}"; do
contents["$file"]=$(< $file)
If you want to store the individual lines in a array, you can create a pseudo-multi-dimensional array:
declare -A contents
for file in "${!SEARCH[#]}"; do
while read -r line; do
(( NR++ ))
done < "$file"
for key in "${!contents[#]}"; do
printf "%s\t%s\n" "$key" "${contents["$key"]}"
line 6 is
Seems it is missing a {, right after the $.
Should be:
If the above is true, then it is trying to run the output as a command.
Line 6 is (after "fixing" it above):
However ${filecount[$linenum]} is a value and you can't have an assignment on a value.
Should be:
Now I'm confused, as in whether the { is actually missing, or } is the actual typo :S :P
btw, bash supports this syntax too
filecount=$((filecount++)) # no need for $ inside ((..)) and use of increment operator ++
This should work:
typeset -A files
for file in ${SEARCH[#]}; do # foreach file
while read line; do # read each line
files["$file"]+="$line" # and place it in a new array
done < "$file" # reading each line from the current file
a small test shows it works
# set up
mkdir -p /tmp/test && cd $_
echo "abc" > a
echo "foo" > b
echo "bar" > c
# read files into arrays
typeset -A files
for file in *; do
while read line; do
done < "$file"
# print arrays
for file in *; do
echo ${files["$file"]}
# same as:
echo ${files[a]} # prints: abc
echo ${files[b]} # prints: foo
echo ${files[c]} # prints: bar

Is there a way to search an entire array inside of an argument?

Posted my code below, wondering if I can search one array for a match... or if theres a way I can search a unix file inside of an argument.
# store words in file
cat $1 | ispell -l > file
# move words in file into array
array=($(< file))
# remove temp file
rm file
# move already checked words into array
checked=($(< .spelled))
# print out words & ask for corrections
for ((i=0; i<${#array[#]}; i++ ))
if [[ ! ${array[i]} = ${checked[#]} ]]; then
read -p "' ${array[i]} ' is mispelled. Press "Enter" to keep
this spelling, or type a correction here: " input
if [[ ! $input = "" ]]; then
echo ${array[i]} >> .spelled
for ((i=0; i<${#correction[#]}; i++ ))
echo ${array[i]} ${correction[i]}
otherwise, i would need to write a for loop to check each array indice, and then somehow make a decision statement whether to go through the loop and print/take input
The ususal shell incantation to do this is:
cat $1 | ispell -l |while read -r ln
read -p "$ln is misspelled. Enter correction" corrected
if [ ! x$corrected = x ] ; then
echo $ln
done >correctedwords.txt
The while;do;done is kind of like a function and you can pipe data into and out of it.
P.S. I didn't test the above code so there may be syntax errors
