Free to release an App & make money off it - mobile

I have a mobile app I would like to develop & sell. If I use Titanium Appcelerator to create the app, do I need to purchase a licence or subscription to sell my app because it was made with Appcelerator? See top vote

You can devlop your app for free and to publish your app you need to pay license fee to appcelerator.its a platform for android devlopers to devlop apps without any hassle and when they realise thats its a working well,they can publish.
Remember,appcelerator is a good way to create apps without much effort and time.


What are the business benefits of PWAs

I have been trying to understand PWA and the difference between it and web & native apps. Though found many interesting things about the same, I am clueless on what exactly are the benefits of PWA if you are an app development company. Will it help you get better customers? Or it will have no such impact.
You can check this site: Can Your Company Benefit from a Progressive Web App?.
Progressive web apps (PWA) is a new concept that bridges the gap between websites and mobile apps. They promise offline capabilities as well as improved speed and performance.
Benefits of progressive web apps:
Offline mode
Feels like an app, works like a website
Improved performance
Fast install on devices
Push Notifications
No app store submission
Will it help you get better customers?
I can say yes because increased speed leads to improved user experience and retention rates.
You can also check this related SO post: What features do Progressive Web Apps have vs. native apps and vice-versa, on Android
Progressive Web Apps actually offer more hardware access than commonly thought.
You can check the link above for more information. Hope this helps!
I joined Google Chrome dev summit in SF last year. Lyft try to implement PWA version because it help user make a first call easier. At the first time people not want to download any application because it take time at least 1 mins. In this case PWA will help to solve it and after user try PWA Lyft can push msg to ask user to install native app version later.

How to add more Applications on a single App Engine user account

I have alot of small application back ends and websites running on app engine. I have reached the maximum of 12 apps. I was wondering if there is a way to add more to a single user? Why is the limit 12? Is there a future version of GAE which lets user create more applications? Can i pay to have more on a single user account?
While I'm not sure if you can pay to get more, you can have 10 more from your Google Apps account if you have one. You can then add your personal account in the admins of that app and continue normally.
While this smells like a workaround, it actually make sense, since eventually you are going to deploy your app on it's own domain and you will need to have a Google Apps account in order to achieve that. From there if you have more users for a particular domain, each of them can start up to 10 apps, which of course you (they) can share with more people, so in theory there is no limit :)
You can create a Google Apps account by starting a free trial and after 30 days you can downgrade to a free version if you have only one user. If you have more then you will have to start paying for it (unfortunatelly that was changed recently).

mobile app with friend group

I want to create two flavors of a mobile app.
In Full version, the user can invite friends to join his group and then once the friend accepts the invite, the friend will be able to download the lighter flavor of the app.
In the future, the Full version app user can send notifications to the friends and friends can reply back.
There has to be some services that have already made this inviting friends and creating friend groups. I looked up couple of platforms - Buddy ( and (
Any other recommendations on how to easily go about making this kind of app?
I prefer making this app in HTML5 (maybe using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile) to make it cross platform.
In my own experience:
JQM & PG work well (enough) for some kind of apps.
Sencha is painful to use.
For notifications, use Urban Airship.
I could give more advice, but you didn't say what your app will do.
Using Buddy Services for accomplishing the task

What payment gateways work well on appengine?

Well, I've been building some free apps on top of appengine, but now I want to start charging money. My question is:
What is the best way to collect payments from users. Do certain services (paypal, google checkout, etc) work better/worse with AppEngine's library restrictions? Are there any good examples or tutorials to help me learn how to do this?
You can do this any way you want, really - and there's nothing App Engine specific about it. For example, you could use Google Checkout or Paypal, and charge users on any basis you want.
Also just something to point out about the implementation, a simple boolean property on your user object should allow you to easily turn functions in your app on and off, depending on which tier your user has paid for.
Checkout or Both are billing solution SaaS apps. http based api's and easy to use. I use
If you plan to sell business apps you could integrate with the Google Apps Marketplace which uses Google Checkout for billing.

Who owns domain purchased via GoogleApps?

My original plan was to use google appengine for an application. For this I purchased a domain via GoogleApps at Godaddy. Since Google Appengine fails to impress me, I would love to move my website to another server. But who is the owner of the domain now? GoogleApp "purchased" the domain for me - how can I regain control over the domain I paid for?
You paid $10 for the domain didn't you? That makes the domain yours. Google Apps is merely the portal through which you manage it. If you login to GoDaddy, through Google Apps, you can configure the domain to point to another webserver by changing your A record and MX records.
Of course, why would you want to do that? What makes App Engine so unimpressive in your eyes? Do you like having to spend 20 hours managing your Tomcat upgrades like this guy Nightmare: Upgrading Tomcat 5.5 to 6.0 or would you prefer to let Google handle those mundane details so you can concentrate on what you do best, building software!
Platform as a Service is, after all, the future. By the time you figure out how to get your app to production, Google App Engine will most likely no longer be in BETA and could be the new standard.
I encourage you to build your application with the future in mind, as in the world of web development, what's considered mainstream today will be obsolete tomorrow, and what's in beta/unstable today will take it's place. Technology moves incredibly fast; don't be left behind.
