Fast interaction with database - sql-server

I'm developing a project which gets some data from a hardware every 100 milliseconds. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and C#. The data size is about 50KB in each round. The customer wants to log all the data in the database for statistical purposes.
I prefer using SQL Server 2005+ since I'm familliar with it and the project should be done in about 15 days it's a small size project.
Is this a reasonable speed for such a data size to be inserted into db? Do you suggest any generic approaches to speed up the interactions? (using sql commands, EF, other technologies which could have a positive effect on speed).
If this is way too fast for SQL Server to handle, what do you suggest I should use which:
1-has a quick learning curve.
2-could accept queries for statistical data.
3- could satisfy my speed interaction needs.
I'm thinking about System.Data.SQLite If it's a no go on SQL Server. But I don't know about the learning curve and speed enhancements.

500kb per second is nothing. I work with Sql databases that does gigabytes per second, it all depends on the hardware and server configuration underneath, but lets say you were to run this on a standard office desktop, you will be fine. Even then I would say you can start thinking about new hardware if you look at 20Mb per second or more.
Second part of your question. Since you are using c#, I suggest you use SQL 2008 and then use a table valued parameter (TVP), and then buffer the data in the application, in a dataset or datatable until you have say 10K rows, and then you call the proc to do the insert, and all you do is pass it the datatable as a parameter. This will save hundreds or thousands of ad-hoc inserts.
Hope this is clear, if not, ask an I will try to explain further.

50kB every 100 millseconds is 500kB a second. These days networks run at gigabit speeds (many megabytes per second) and hard drives can cope with hundreds of MB per second. 500kB is a tiny amount of data, so I'd be most surprised if SQL server can't handle it.
If you have a slow network connection to the server or some other problem that means it struggles to keep up, then you can try various strategies to improve things. Ideas might be:
Buffer the data locally (and/or on the server) and write it into the database with a separate thread/process. If you're not continually logging 24 hours a day, then a slow server would catch up when you finish logging. Even if you are logging continuously, this would smooth out any bumps (e.g. if your server has periods of "busy time" where it is doing so much else that it struggles to keep up with the data from your logger)
Compress the data that is going to the server so there's less data to send/store. If the packets are similar you may find you can get huge compression ratios.
If you don't need everything in each packet, strip out anything "uninteresting" from the data before uploading it.
Possibly batching the data might help - by collecting several packets and sending them all at once you might be able to minimise transmission overheads.
Just store the data directly to disk and use the database just to index the data.
... So I'd advise writing a prototype and see how much data you can chuck at your database over your network before it struggles.


SSIS ETL vs RESTful Web Service vs Service Bus

I have databases across geographical locations and there is a need to synchronize databases near real time.
As per my information, SSIS ETL is suitable only for batch updates. Real time updates can be achieved by Web services or Service Bus.
Further, only SSIS ETL can handle larger volumes.
I am looking for limits on the velocity or volumes of data beyond where I can not think of Web services or Service Bus and trade-off analysis.
What is the approach suitable if the requirement is Larger Volumes and near Real Time updates.
I'd suggest that you take a look at the SqlBulkCopy class. It lets you do fast high volume inserts (just inserts, not updates) from .Net code. So your code could grab a bunch of messages off the bus, and then insert them really quickly.
We are prototyping solutions to a problem similar to yours. SqlBulkCopy appears to be at least 10 times faster than normal insert statements, quite possibly more. It was the main, but not on only, factor in speeding up our process from taking 8 hours to taking only 15 minutes.

Offloading SQL Report Server processing to a dedicated server - is it worth it?

Not sure if this is a SO or a ServerFault question, so please feel free to move if it's not in the right place:
I have a client with a large database containing a table with around 30-35 million rows running on a SQL2008R2 server (the server is pretty high spec, 16 cores, 92 gig ram, RAID etc). There are other tables this table may join on, but it is the main driver of a several reports.
Their SSRS instance/database and query source database are both running on the same box/sql instance
They regularly run ad-hoc reports from this database (which have undergone extensive optimisation), many of which may end up touching a lot of the data in the table. After looking at the report server stats it appears that the data fetch doesn't actually take that long, but a lot of data is returned and report processing takes a fair while: it can take up to 20-30 minutes to process some of the larger reports, which can have tens of thousands of pages (the data fetch in these cases is less than 10 seconds).
(Note: I realise that there is never really a need to run 25,000 pages off but the client insists and won't listen to reason...something about Excel spreadsheets *FACEPALM!*)
At the moment they are concerned about a couple of performance issues that crop up sporadically and the culprit may be the ad-hoc reporting.
We are looking at offloading the report processing anyway, so thought that this would be an ideal opportunity - but before doing so I'm wondering how much relief this will give the SQL server.
If I move the SSRS app and database onto another SQL host and remotely query the data (network conditions should be ideal as this is datacentre based), will I see any performance gains?
This is mainly based on guesswork at this stage but I see the following being the factors that could affect performance:
I/O for moving a shedload of rows from the query source to RS temp DB
CPU load when the report server is crunching all the data
In moving to another host I see these factors being reduced for the SQL server. The new server will be solely responsible for report processing (and should also be high spec), so hopefully there will be no contention when processing reports.
Do I sound like I am on the right track in my assumptions? Is there anything else that I may have missed which could adversely affect performance or improve performance?
Thanks in advance
You should look at transactional replication to send data from the main server to a database on the reporting server. Querying the tables directly over the network will only slow things down even more.

Database solution for 200million writes/day, monthly summarization queries

I'm looking for help deciding on which database system to use. (I've been googling and reading for the past few hours; it now seems worthwhile to ask for help from someone with firsthand knowledge.)
I need to log around 200 million rows (or more) per 8 hour workday to a database, then perform weekly/monthly/yearly summary queries on that data. The summary queries would be for collecting data for things like billing statements, eg. "How many transactions of type A did each user run this month?" (could be more complex, but that's the general idea).
I can spread the database amongst several machines, as necessary, but I don't think I can take old data offline. I'll definitely need to be able to query a month's worth of data, maybe a year. These queries would be for my own use, and wouldn't need to be generated in real-time for an end-user (they could run overnight, if needed).
Does anyone have any suggestions as to which databases would be a good fit?
P.S. Cassandra looks like it would have no problem handling the writes, but what about the huge monthly table scans? Is anyone familiar with Cassandra/Hadoop MapReduce performance?
I'm working on a very similar process at the present (a web domain crawlling database) with the same significant transaction rates.
At these ingest rates, it is critical to get the storage layer right first. You're going to be looking at several machines connecting to the storage in a SAN cluster. A singe database server can support millions of writes a day, it's the amount of CPU used per "write" and the speed that the writes can be commited.
(Network performance also often is an early bottleneck)
With clever partitioning, you can reduce the effort required to summarise the data. You don't say how up-to-date the summaries need to be, and this is critical. I would try to push back from "realtime" and suggest overnight (or if you can get away with it monthly) summary calculations.
Finally, we're using a 2 CPU 4GB RAM Windows 2003 virtual SQL Server 2005 and a single CPU 1GB RAM IIS Webserver as our test system and we can ingest 20 million records in a 10 hour period (and the storage is RAID 5 on a shared SAN). We get ingest rates upto 160 records per second batched in blocks of 40 records per network round trip.
Cassandra + Hadoop does sound like a good fit for you. 200M/8h is 7000/s, which a single Cassandra node could handle easily, and it sounds like your aggregation stuff would be simple to do with map/reduce (or higher-level Pig).
Greenplum or Teradata will be a good option. These databases are MPP and can handle peta-scale data. Greenplum is a distributed PostgreSQL db and also has it own mapreduce. While Hadoop may solve your storage problem but it wouldn't be helpful for performing summary queries on your data.

SQL Server vs. Access insert performance, in particular when using GUID

I'm interested to know how I could improve the performance of SQL Server when using sequential GUID when using Access 2007 as a front end to SQL Server 2008 (please note it's the only context I'm interested in).
I have made some tests (and gotten some fairly surprising results, in particular from SQL Server when using sequential GUID: the insert performance degrades very very quickly and it doesn't seem right to degrade so quickly to me.
Basically the test is as follow:
From the Access front-end, using VBA only, insert 100,000 records in batches of 1000,
I tried it both with a Identity and a sequential GUID as the PK.
I tried it in SQL Server 2008 Standard (no special tweaking just default install) as and an Access 2007 database as the back-end. All tables linked back to the front-end.
Some of the results (more, with raw data available on my blog entry about the test):
It's clear that, as the database grows, the insert performance is reduced but SQL Server isn't performing very well at all here.
Expanded view of the results for SQL Server:
Edit 13APR2009
I've found an issue with my server configuration and I updated the tests on my blog.
Thanks to all for your replies, they helped me a lot.
There's two things at play here. First, it's important to point out that SQL doesn't necessarily work very well, for a specific use case, out of the box. It is a professional product designed to be tuned by a person who knows what they're doing.
By comparison, Access is designed to work very well for most use cases without any configuration. The downside of this trade-off is covered in the second point:
SQL Server is designed for scalability. Notice how Access severely degrades with only 100,000 records. It would probably drop very steeply below SQL's line before a million. By comparison, SQL server holds almost perfectly steady, with the variation stabilizing after about 45,000 records and will continue to hold at many millions.
Edit I think there also may be something else at play here we're not seeing. I thought your SQL numbers looked bad, so I ran a test of my own. On my desktop running Windows Vista 3.6 ghz and 2gb of RAM, inserts with sequential GUID on SQL Server performed:
Average of 1382 inserts per second at 0 records
Average of 1426 inserts per second at 500k records
Averaging 1609.6 inserts per second from 0 to 500k with an average floor of 992 inserts/sec and an average ceiling of 1989 inserts/sec.
So accounting for the normal variance incurred by running this on an in-use desktop, I'd say SQL Server inserts basically scale linearly from 0 records to half a million. On a dedicated, tuned server I'd expect even more consistency (not to mention far better performance):
Excel chart, inserts per second
My question is whether your test setup represents the reality of your application or not. In short, are you testing the right thing?
Is your app going to be appending large numbers of records one at a time?
Or is it going to be appending batches of records based on a SQL SELECT?
If the latter, you might look at trying to do it all server-side, particularly if the source table(s) in the SELECT are on the server. It's important to realize that with ODBC, a batch append is going to be sent to the SQL Server as a single insert for every single row (every similar to the recordset-based approach in your test code). If you move the same process entirely server-side, it can be done as a batch operation.
Also, you should test again using ADO instead of DAO. It may optimize the operation completely differently.
Last of all, someone brought to my attention just this past week this fascinating article by Andy Baron:
Optimizing Microsoft Office Access Applications Linked to SQL Server
I'm still absorbing the contents of that very useful article, and it discusses several issues in regard to non-GUID-specific topics that may help you optimize your process for maximum efficiency.
You realize at least part of the decreasing performance is the log filling up, and that a GUID id what, 40 bytes longer than an int?
But I'm not quibbling; it's good to see someone taking actual metrics rather than just handwaving. Modded up.
Where are you getting the data from?
Does it change the numbers if you use the Access Export menu options rather than record-at-a-time-in-a-loop?
VBA is really sensitive to the connection paramters too, and there are lots of options that aren't necessarily intuitive.
If an identity column is acceptable, why are you even considering a sequential GUID (which is something of a tacked-on facility in MSSQL last I checked).
Looking at your code and briefly reviewing the Recordset docs on MSDN, I see you may be able to use more efficient parameters. E.g. your dbSeeChanges and dbOpenDynaset, which are appropriate if you are trying to allow for other users messing with the same rows (or needing to get back the inserted IDENTITY value or probably GUID), but I don't think you need those. In essence, after every INSERT or UPDATE, you're reading the record back from the database into VBA. I'd read through those connection config settings carefully, and I bet you'll come up with something a lot more satisfactory.
The last time I saw something like that (really slow insertion with GUID PK) was because of the log-file filling up. Insertion performance was dropping like a stone, pretty fast (no hard measurement, just looking at live traces, but it sure looked like it was kinda logarithmic). This was pre-loading of historical data.
Moved over to identity PK, took care of actually cleaning up the log file, and everything went much better afterwards (a couple of hours where the first version took several hours and was not finished).
Also, just a thought, are there any transactions involved? Maybe SQL Server transactions create a big performance hit that access does not have (given that access is not really geared towards concurrent access).

What is a good SQL Server 2008 solution for handling massive writes so that they don't slow down reads for users of the database?

We have large SQL Server 2008 databases. Very often we'll have to run massive data imports into the databases that take a couple hours. During that time everyone else's read and small write speeds slow down a ton.
I'm looking for a solution where maybe we setup one database server that is used for bulk writing and then two other database servers that are setup to be read and maybe have small writes made to them. The goal is to maintain fast small reads and writes while the bulk changes are running.
Does anyone have an idea of a good way to accomplish this using SQL Server 2008?
Paul. There's two parts to your question.
First, why are writes slow?
When you say you have large databases, you may want to clarify that with some numbers. The Microsoft teams have demonstrated multi-terabyte loads in less than an hour, but of course they're using high-end gear and specialized data warehousing techniques. I've been involved with data warehousing teams that regularly loaded so much data overnight that the transaction log drives had to be over a terabyte just to handle the quick bursts, but not a terabyte per hour.
To find out why writes are slow, you'll want to compare your load methods to data warehousing techniques. For example, have you tried using staging tables? Table partitioning? Data and log files on different arrays? If you're not sure where to start, check out my Perfmon tutorial to measure your system looking for bottlenecks:
Second, how do you scale out?
You asked how to set up multiple database servers so that one handles the bulk load while others handle reads and some writes. I would heavily, heavily caution against taking the multiple-servers-for-writes approach because it gets a lot more complicated quickly, but using multiple servers for reads is not uncommon.
The easiest way to do it is with log shipping: every X minutes, the primary server takes a transaction log backup and then that log backup is applied to the read-only reporting server. There's some catches with this - the data is a little behind, and the restore process has to kick all connections out of the database to apply the restore. This can be a perfectly acceptable solution for things like data warehouses, where the end users want to keep running their own reports while the new day's data loads. You can simply not do transaction log restores while the data warehouse is loading, and the users can maintain connections the whole time.
To help find out what solution is right for you, consider adding the following to your question:
The size of your database (GB/TB in size, # of millions of rows in the largest table that's having the writes)
The size of your server & storage (a box with 10 drives has different solutions available than a box hooked up to a SAN)
The method of loading data (is it single-record inserts, are you using bulk load, are you using table partitioning, etc)
Why not use MemCached to eliminate the reads, I've got the same situation where I work and we've been using memcached on Windows with great results. I was supprised how trivial it was to get my code running with it too. There are open-source wrapping libraries for virtually every mainstream language, and using it could result in 99% of your reads, not even touching the database (becasue you set the memcache values on the write operation of the database).
Memcached, is really just a giant hash table store (and can even be clustered or run on any machine you like since it uses sockets to read and store the hashes).
When reading the memcached value, simply check if its null (return if its not) or do your ussual database read and return. It can store just about everything, so long as each memcached key/value pair is less than 1MB.
The easiest way would be to slow down the rate at which writes occur, and feed them in one record at a time. They'll be slower, but it would make things faster for users. If the batches take "a couple hours", you perhaps can spread them out more.
This is just an idea. Create a view over your "active" tables. Then BCP in the data into a "staging" table. When it is done, update the view to include the "staging" tables. Just an idea.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say everyone else's read and write slows down. Does it slow down when they read & write to the same database where the data is currently being imported or from different databases on the same server?
If it is the same database, you could always use the "with (nolock)" hint to do the reads even when the table is locked for writes/inserts. However, please be aware that the reads can be dirty reads. I am not sure how you can do faster quick writes when the table is locked because a write is already in progress. You can keep the transaction small to make the writes faster and release the locks. The other option is to have a separate database for bulk inserts and another database for reading.
